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Wisdom & Compassion

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Bill Scheinman
Bill Scheinman
Mindfulness Teacher & Coach
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The 5 Hindrances - Spoken Word
The 5 Hindrances - Spoken Word
There are five basic challenges in meditation - and knowing how to deal with them is essential if our practice is to become effective and sustainable. Photo by Bekah Allmark from Pexels
11 min
54 Favorites
Letting Go of Your Story - Spoken Word
Letting Go of Your Story - Spoken Word
Exploring how mindfulness helps us let go of self-limiting narratives and habitual thoughts. Photo by luizclas from Pexels
9 min
190+ Favorites
Body Scan - 35 Mins
Body Scan - 35 Mins
This full (35 min) body scan in the tradition of mindfulness-based stress reduction is a powerful tool for decreasing stress, cultivating awareness, and supporting resilience and clarity.
36 min
160+ Favorites
Mindfulness of Sensations
Mindfulness of Sensations
Because the mind and body are intimately connected, paying attention to physical sensations helps bring mind and body together while promoting greater relaxation and decreased stress.
4 min | 
7 min
94 Favorites
Being Vs. Doing - Spoken Word
Being Vs. Doing - Spoken Word
Why it's important to get in touch with the "being" in human being - and why that intentional act of coming home to ourselves makes our lives richer and more peaceful.
7 min
88 Favorites
Lovingkindness for Self, Friend
Lovingkindness for Self, Friend
Connecting to your own natural desire for happiness, then extending that to a good friend.
4 min | 
8 min
180+ Favorites
Sounds Meditation
Sounds Meditation
The meditation on sounds is an effortless practice of resting in awareness. There is nothing you need to do in this practice - the hearing is already happening naturally. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
65 Favorites
The Mountain Meditation
The Mountain Meditation
This visualization is a wonderful grounding practice that helps us connect to the innate qualities of our resiliency: stability, presence, openness, and receptivity.
3 min | 
7 min
310+ Favorites
Lovingkindness for Self
Lovingkindness for Self
It is said you can search the entire universe looking for someone more worthy of receiving your love than you - and that person is not to be found. This simple lovingkindness practice helps you connect to your own desire for happiness and well-being.
3 min | 
8 min
220+ Favorites
Self Compassion Check-In
Self Compassion Check-In
In this meditation in the style of Kristen Neff, cultivate greater understanding and ease by exploring the power of self-compassion to hold suffering with healing awareness.
4 min | 
8 min
63 Favorites
S T O P Meditation
S T O P Meditation
The STOP meditation is a simple way to reconnect to yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. You can do this practice throughout your day whenever you feel disconnected from yourself. Photo by Simon Berger from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
400+ Favorites
Body Scan
Body Scan
This short body scan is an opportunity to cultivate awareness by attending to your body, just as it is, with kindness, care, and a gentle curiosity.
4 min | 
8 min
63 Favorites
Awareness of Breathing
Awareness of Breathing
As long as we are alive the breath is available to help us center ourselves, reflect, gain insight, and heal. Awareness of breathing also activates the parasympathetic nervous system to ease stress.
3 min | 
7 min
44 Favorites