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Peace, Self Love And Compassion
9 days
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
9 days
Peace, Self Love And Compassion
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
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Feeling down? Need help putting thoughts and feelings into perspective? This series of spoken word meditations take you to a place of peace, self love and understanding. Helping you to understand that what you feel is valid and you are not alone. Not every day is a good day, although you can see the good in every day. These tracks will help you see the good in your day.
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Forgiveness is something we all need from time to time. In this spoken word offering, we go through some meaningful affirmations to set the tone for a beautiful release. Remember forgiveness is all about you and nobody else. Forgiving yourself is essential in allowing you to move on with love and peace. Come back often to ease that heavy burden from your heart, and fully let go with love.
5 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 1
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I Can Make It
Wondering where to turn, seeking out some inspiration on how to keep going? This poem will give you some inspiration to help you cultivate that self-determination to go on, even when you’re not sure how to. Helping you to feel at peace with yourself. Come back often for that boost of confidence when you need it.
4 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 2
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Love Finds A Way
Are you struggling with everything? This spoken word meditation will help you to heal wounds, and help you to see there is another way. Comforting our messy souls and broken parts with self-love. You can do it, you can heal with love. Play often to feel the love and healing start.
13 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 3
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In this spoken word meditation, we cover the different stages of healing and moving on. Identifying them and finding out how to navigate through them to find peace and fulfillment. Listen often to gain confidence and peace.
3 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 4
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My Tender Parts
Looking into my tender parts, the parts of me that are sometimes raw and need some loving kindness. This spoken word meditation takes you on a journey to help you identify what hurts and helps to show you a way to heal. Listen to this track often, for loving-kindness and compassion.
9 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 5
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You Are Loved, You Are Home
This short and powerful poetic meditation gives you that few minutes of calm you may need to refocus on what means the most to you. At this very moment, we can all do with a reminder of how beautiful we are, and remembering that you are loved is a great way to grow and flow more love into our lives.
4 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 6
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I Am Loved
How has the last year treated you? I have been along the path less traveled and in this poem, I say thank you to all who have helped me along the way. It also serves as inspiration for those that have had a chance to reflect on the last year. This poem celebrates many years as a teacher, and all the blessings I have received. So to all of you, thank you.
3 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 7
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You Are Not Alone
Feeling alone is one of the worst things for some people. this poetic offering will help you to explore that and let you know that you are not ever alone. Looking at how you can get help and how YOU can help in a loving and kind way, every day.
5 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 8
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Releasing Your Troubles
Feeling like things are getting you down? Feeling stuck and can't stop the same old nagging things from going around and around in your head? Try this loving kindness and peaceful practice, to let go of all your worries, feel them gently melting away, and arrive at peace. Use daily for an incredible feeling of freedom.
9 min

aura coach
Self Love Expert, Mentor, Sound Healer
Day 9
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