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Expand your Spiritual Connection
8 days
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
8 days
Expand your Spiritual Connection
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
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Expanding your Spiritual Connection is like increasing the amount of wind in your sails. Develop your ability to draw upon your Spiritual Power & feel connected to a larger part of you throughout your day. Increase your intuition by using these easy, fun and practical meditations that will help you have experiences that will profoundly shift your awareness and perception so you can feel more free, calm and in your power.
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Find your Spirit Animal
A Guided Journey for Self-Healing that has the intent of allowing you to personally experience the presence, compassion and wisdom of animal spirit guides. This Journey takes us down deep into the Earth, where an animal will present itself to you with the wisdom that you require to aid you in being your brightest self. You'll look directly into it's eyes, and experience first hand the ancient and grounded wisdom that the animal spirits can show us.
19 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 1
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You Are The Sun
Perhaps you have been trying to “work out” your “problems” for a long time. Perhaps playing investigator when it comes to your own repeating patterns & behaviors has left you feeling uninspired and worn out. Perhaps trying to WORK it out is the problem in the first place. You are radiant - and the noise and fuzz blurring your brilliance can be burned away like clouds being kissed by the sun. It’s like this - at the core, you are pure GOLD, and rather than try and find problems within us - this meditation helps you find your magnificence again and shine it deeply with a smile like a warm sun within your chest for your whole body to feel.
22 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 2
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Crystal Clear Pineal Gland Reset
This song aids deep transformational healing by clearing any ancestral trauma/karma patterns you may be carrying. Sometimes clarity can be found within that no words could ever describe. This song was received to help sharpen a sense of spirit and wonder within the body of the listener. Sound heals in a way that is natural, comforting, and perfectly understood by our bodies and as such, it is best to just listen, let go and absorb.
4 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 3
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Heal with your Spiritual Ancestors
Relax and release your pre-conceptions about connecting with your ancestors with this meditation. The love that surrounds you is enormous and by resting down into a more trance-like state, the ripples of love that you feel will have the chance to resonate up & down your ancestral line. The Love that surrounds you is beyond words - you are a living hope for the healing that is.
Alternative Healing
36 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 4
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Spirit Guides For Beginners
This meditation allows you to calm the body and mind to receive messages and guidance from your spirit guides in a grounded, safe and healthy way. If you are new to the idea of "Spirit Guides" this meditation will allow you to feel present in your body and receive the insight that you need to help you in your life right now. The intent is that you feel and learn from your own direct experience, in this way you will know and believe for yourself, that love is real and surrounds you always.
Alternative Healing
26 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 5
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Heal with Sexual Energy
Sexual energy is the basis of all creativity and free expression. This meditation may not be what you think and will steadily increase your body awareness and your connection to your breath. You are invited to build the skill of being able to warm yourself from your own inner fire. This meditation can be done each day over a 30 day or more period for a really deep and profound transformation on the most subtle of levels. Enjoy life. Enjoy sex. Enjoy you.
Intimacy & Relationships
14 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 6
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Infinite Soul
This practice contains beautiful background music, and allows you to connect to your higher self and experience the infinite wisdom, love and support that your true soul essence offers in each and every moment. By focusing and learning to experience the sensations in our physical bodies, the guidance and connection we feel can last for much longer than this session. This meditation will leave you feeling calm, soothed and nourished. It also offers the opportunity to receive guidance on a topic or issue of your choice.
Alternative Healing
42 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 7
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Complete Soul Reset
Stop repeating negative cycles and find freedom again. This track helps reconnect you to your higher self. Make the most of it by focussing on your "out" breath and really "blowing" any stagnant energy out from the Body & Aura. Like a full re-wiring, you will awake with clarity and a sense of calm from a knowing that everything is going to be OK.
61 min

aura coach
Oliver James Jenkin
Anxiety Expert & Intuitive Healer
Day 8
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