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Day Nine Meditation

13 Min
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William James Davies, DCMT
Psychotherapist & Mindfulness Teacher
Exploring ‘Beginner’s Mind’ with a guided exercise. Over the next few days we’ll begin to consider the ‘attitudinal foundations of mindfulness’. Until now, they’ve been implicit in the guidance on the recordings, but now we’ll begin to reveal them in more detail. Beginner’s Mind involves that child-like quality of being able to see things as if for the first time; letting go of preconceptions and assumptions and seeing things afresh. This can be brought to any aspect of our experience, and is really at the heart of experiencing things ‘as they are’ without judgement, and in an even-handed way. We will also consider how to bring mindfulness into our daily life, and there’s an invitation to follow this exercise by guiding yourself in a short sitting meditation, such as Mindfulness of the Breath, or Mindfulness of Sound. (Note: If you use reading glasses, you might like to have them ready for this exercise).