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Dealing with Road Rage

3 Min
37 Favorites

Nitima Priya
Holistic Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist
Please do not listen to this meditation while driving. This meditation will help you to be calm and settled whilst driving. Coming away from reactivity to responding mode and creating a safer environment. Road rage can lead to accidents effecting both parties, so it's not really worth the trouble. For example, you're driving, listening to music, taking it easy and just then a car roars past you, sways and cuts you off. If you are not mindful, you can become completely mindless and reactive - feeling hot, sweaty or even going after the car and ruining rest of our day. This is reactive mode. It's not a good state to be specially if you're heading for a meeting, interview or presentation. Or perhaps you are the one to cut off other people, because you were running late for something important. Both can lead to unnecessary tensions and even accidents. Being mindful on the road can help you stay safe and healthy.