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From Fear to Love - Three Best Practices to Alleviate Fear and Live as Love

25 Min
Life Coaching
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Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
Here, I share with you the research-based knowledge of how to alleviate fear and how you may choose to live as love in far more moments of your life. Namaste! xo In this health pandemic, there is a lot of information that can heighten your fear; the overloading of information some of it inaccurate, some of it truthful; can still cause you to feel fearful when you have not previously. Sometimes, as you seek to have all of the right knowledge and information; focusing on the finding and having of facts can cause hypervigilence - acute focus on this problem even if your facts can now offer ideas for what you need to do. It is only when you are fixated on a problem that worries surface: your mind directed towards what is unwanted and what causes you to suffer. Let this help you! love dorothy