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Over 45,000 5-star reviews

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I am not over exaggerating when I say this app changed my life. It helped me become my most beautiful, true self.

- Ruben

Your app has literally changed my life. I feel light and happy, only within about 12 days. I have already suggested your app to so many others now and I will continue to do so

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I’m obsessed with Aura. This has been the most impactful thing that I have done for myself in years. I feel nothing but love and light

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This app was a literal gift to me. I’ve realized it’s a tremendous gift to my heart, mind, & spirit.

- Aspen

Customer Q&A

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Standard trial period is 7 days, unless subscribed to monthly - no trial period.

Is Aura publicly traded?

Standard trial period is 7 days, unless subscribed to monthly - no trial period.

Do we have Aura merchandise available?

Standard trial period is 7 days, unless subscribed to monthly - no trial period.

What are the features of having a Premium account?

Standard trial period is 7 days, unless subscribed to monthly - no trial period.