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Calm & Relax

22k+ subscribers | 
699k+ plays
Nitima Priya
Nitima Priya
Holistic Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist
All Tracks
Mindful Positive Affirmations
Mindful Positive Affirmations
Thoughts are very powerful. What we think we become. Here is Mindful affirmations for you to begin to change your thoughts so you can can be more positive in life
3 min
620+ Favorites
Letting Go of Blame
Letting Go of Blame
Free yourself or others from blaming. This emotion can keeps you stuck into the stories that no longer serves you. You deserve to move forward in life with positive vibe. Let go and be happy :)
3 min | 
14 min
81 Favorites
Sleeping Practice
Sleeping Practice
Consciously allowing your mind and body to relax and rest. Preparing you to have good rested sleep over the night.
5 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Sleep Like a Baby
Sleep Like a Baby
Relax your mind and body using hypnosis and allow yourself to fall asleep like a baby.
3 min
570+ Favorites
Peace Comes from Within
Peace Comes from Within
Allow yourself to be at peace. It's there and it's waiting for you.
11 min
270+ Favorites
Breathe & Just Relax
Breathe & Just Relax
Getting oxygen in your body so you can relax and heal. Let go, breath and relax
4 min
790+ Favorites
Sleep Like a Baby
Sleep Like a Baby
Sleep is crucial for our well being. Getting deep sleeps helps our body to relax, heal and get energy. Use this hypnosis meditation to help you to fall deep into your sleep because you deserve it.
12 min
500+ Favorites
Releasing Pain
Releasing Pain
When you're experiencing pain, pain itself is bad don't make it worst with adding another layer. This meditation will help you to relax your mind and body so you can be at ease.
4 min | 
14 min
200+ Favorites
Affirmations On Love & Relationships
Affirmations On Love & Relationships
Planting seed to have positive relationships with oneself and others. It starts with our thoughts. As you begin to let go of unhealthy thoughts and adapt to positive thoughts notice how you will also change. Practice these mindful affirmations and practice throughout the day. Much love!
3 min | 
10 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Be Kind to yourself
Be Kind to yourself
The quality of kindness is necessary now more than ever. Give yourself some space to practice this beautiful meditation to be kind to yourself and others around you. Don't think, just sit.
10 min
55 Favorites
Emotions in Your Body
Emotions in Your Body
Emotions are not only mental factor but we feel emotions very much in our physical body. Our body is always communicating with us. Learn to listen and be with it.
3 min | 
13 min
540+ Favorites
Pain Management
Pain Management
You will learn to change your relationship with your pain. Stories around the pain are normally much bigger than the pain itself. This meditation is about recognizing these unhelpful patterns letting them go so you can sit back, relax and feel at ease with your physical sensations.
3 min | 
7 min
300+ Favorites
Creating Safe Space for Healing
Creating Safe Space for Healing
Creating safe space for you to rest, heal and rejuvenate. Sit back, relax and enjoy your moment with yourself.
3 min | 
7 min
260+ Favorites
Dissolving Stress & Worries
Dissolving Stress & Worries
In challenging times we forget that worrying really doesn't help us or our state of being. It makes things worst. Take a moment to dissolve all your stress and worries and gather yourself together in this moment so you can be resilient and bounce back. Take care dear meditators
3 min | 
10 min
460+ Favorites
Shake Off Your Day
Shake Off Your Day
Get ready to do something different today. Let's get your body moving a bit to shake shake shake off the stress from the day. Enjoy :)
3 min | 
7 min
53 Favorites
Confident & Calm
Confident & Calm
Tuning in the resources within you and find confidence. You have it just gotta tune in with the right resonance.
11 min
91 Favorites
Letting Go of Resentment
Letting Go of Resentment
Resenting someone or yourself only keeps you stuck. Release this feeling and let yourself move forward with life.
3 min | 
13 min
250+ Favorites
How to Calm Your Worrying Nerves Down
How to Calm Your Worrying Nerves Down
Calming your nerves down by relaxing our vagus nerves. We heal better when we are relaxed.
4 min
600+ Favorites
Take time to feel calm and collective. Ground yourself and start from here.
11 min
78 Favorites
Appreciate Yourself
Appreciate Yourself
What is appreciation? How do we appreciate ourselves? This meditation will guide you through how you can learn to appreciate yourself with simple things in life. Let’s start the journey :) to better your life.
10 min
140+ Favorites
Freedom from Anxiety
Freedom from Anxiety
Understanding anxiety and releasing it. Anxiety is experienced when you are thinking about future. This short practice will enable you to be in the moment with your body and breath. Don't think about it, just dive into experiencing it.
3 min | 
7 min
130+ Favorites
Self Appreciation
Self Appreciation
You deserve your own love as much as anybody in this world and that can start with appreciating yourself. Change your focus, change you life. Appreciate yourself.
3 min | 
12 min
59 Favorites
Let go of Fear
Let go of Fear
Fear can really debilitate an individual and hold you back from doing things that you want to do. Let go of this guilt and live that life you deserve.
3 min
100+ Favorites
Stop Comparing Yourself with Others
Stop Comparing Yourself with Others
Comparing yourself with others can keep you stuck. Change the perception and change your life. This meditation will help you to move forward and take proactive actions.
21 min
99 Favorites
Morning Practice - Wake Up Feeling Refreshed
Morning Practice - Wake Up Feeling Refreshed
Let’s get grounded with morning meditation as you wake up. This meditation will allow you to come out of autopilot mode to awareness mode. Feeling warm, bringing your brain to be alive and energized to start your day feeling refreshed.
4 min
2.8k+ Favorites
Inner Sanctuary
Inner Sanctuary
Finding yourself a safe space to explore and rest.
3 min | 
7 min
430+ Favorites
Releasing Anger
Releasing Anger
Holding on to anger can be destructive for yourself and others around you. Be open to letting go of anger from your mind, body, and spirit. Free yourself.
13 min
480+ Favorites
Be in the resonance and in harmony with yourself.
11 min
340+ Favorites
Just Relax
Just Relax
Listen to this meditation and allow yourself to relax. Although meditation is under 10 minutes would encourage you to give yourself 20 minutes to continue even after the guidance finishes. Take care
3 min | 
9 min
150+ Favorites
Releasing the past as I move on to the New Year
Releasing the past as I move on to the New Year
Questions to reflect and release. Become aware of what's holding you back and what you need to release to live the best way you can. You may like to have pen and paper before starting this recording.
4 min
160+ Favorites
Thoughts are Like the waves
Thoughts are Like the waves
Our minds are like ocean, busy on the surface with waves but if we train and tame our mind can be like bottle of the ocean still and spacious.
4 min | 
10 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Health & Healing - Mindful Affirmation
Health & Healing - Mindful Affirmation
Powerful positive mindful affirmations meditation to improve your health & healing. Mind can get in the way of healing so let go of negative thoughts. Improve your heath by opening up to having conscious positive thoughts and believe in yourself.
3 min | 
11 min
390+ Favorites
Becoming Your Own Good Friend
Becoming Your Own Good Friend
How are you towards yourself? Do you like to spend time with yourself? If not then don't you think it's time coz you've got to live with you for rest of your life. Let’s start to be your own good friend.
10 min
160+ Favorites
Great technique to worry less
Great technique to worry less
Tuning into things we are grateful for can help us to be in a positive vibe and therefore help us to release the worries. How can we be more in the attitude of gratitude.
3 min
150+ Favorites
Releasing Jealousy
Releasing Jealousy
We tend to deny when we feel negative emotions and the more we feel them. you can't let go of things that you don't acknowledge. Allow them to come to the surface so you can let it go because you deserve to feel better.
3 min
62 Favorites
Changing relationship with yourself for Better
Changing relationship with yourself for Better
Are you hard on yourself? Self criticism is common when we ask ourselves what kind of relationship I have with myself? If we have negative relationship with ourselves it will reflect on everything we do. We may feel the world is against us and therefore we can be very reactive. This meditation will help you to develop healthy relationship with yourself. Gentle guidance just how you can begin to relax and soften your heart feeling safe and comfortable with yourself. You deserve to self care.
12 min
74 Favorites
Managing your thoughts
Managing your thoughts
There are countless thoughts in our mind, we find ourselves believing in the stories that we tell ourselves effecting our decisions and choices. With this meditation you will learn to manage your thoughts, they are like clouds in the sky coming and going. Let the sun shine through.
3 min | 
7 min
510+ Favorites
Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude Meditation
In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps you to feel positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships. Let’s get in the the zone of gratitude :)
4 min | 
7 min
450+ Favorites
This Is the Only Moment
This Is the Only Moment
Life only happens in this moment, yet we find ourselves caught up in the past and future. Follow the guidance of this meditation to let yourself live in the only moment you will ever have. You don't have to be hard on yourself. Be open to loving and being kind towards yourself.
16 min
100+ Favorites
Dissolving unhelpful Thoughts - Covid-19
Dissolving unhelpful Thoughts - Covid-19
"We become what we think". In this challenging times it's crucial to take care of our thoughts and let go of any negative, threatening thoughts. Dissolve away any thoughts are are unhelpful and get yourself to be grounded and resilient. Take care dear mediators
4 min | 
7 min
350+ Favorites
Taste of Kindness
Taste of Kindness
Everybody has capacity to be kind. Let’s get in touch with our kind nature and begin from there.
3 min
180+ Favorites
Self Care
Self Care
You can only care for others if you care for yourself. Always start with you and know the rest will fall in place. This meditation will allow you to just be and be present for yourself without any expectations or judgment, which can be a nourishing form of self-care. Sit back, be in touch with yourself, and feel alive.
10 min
360+ Favorites
Wake up practice-Setting right intention
Wake up practice-Setting right intention
After reading comments from the audience I've created the new longer wake up practice. Hope this will help you to set right intention and to have a great start to your day, everyday.
7 min
1.8k+ Favorites
Releasing Sorrow
Releasing Sorrow
Stop causing yourself to suffer and be open to releasing and letting go. Creating space for something new.
3 min | 
14 min
170+ Favorites
Attitude of Gratitude Meditation
Attitude of Gratitude Meditation
We have many things to be grateful for but we forget. Let’s start with your body today. You do not need to wait till you get sick to appreciate your body. Take time out to show your body that you appreciate what it's doing for you.
12 min
61 Favorites
Loneliness - Offer Presence to Yourself
Loneliness - Offer Presence to Yourself
The only person who can really be there for you is yourself. Allow this meditation to guide you to being there for yourself. Change the way you feel and start changing your relationship with you.
22 min
74 Favorites
Give Yourself a Good Facial Massage
Give Yourself a Good Facial Massage
We carry a lot of stress in our faces and all it takes is some time to release them. Sit back, relax, and give yourself a good mindful facial massage
6 min
120+ Favorites
Natural Breath for Calmness
Natural Breath for Calmness
Mindfulness of breath can help you to remain calm. Keep you mind on your breath and just follow your breath through. The power is within you.
3 min
180+ Favorites
Breathing Heart
Breathing Heart
Gentle meditation to feel your heart and relax your body
3 min | 
11 min
190+ Favorites
Hold yourself with Loving Kindness
Hold yourself with Loving Kindness
Give yourself time and space to be gentle with yourself. When you can really wish yourself well, you embody gentleness in your way of being.
17 min
93 Favorites
Releasing Tension From Your Body
Releasing Tension From Your Body
Stress has direct impact on our physical body. Throughout the day we are running in autopilot mode accumulating all the stress and negative thoughts that are constantly weighing heavy on our physical body causing back pain and headaches. In this meditation you will learn to tune in with your body and release stress and physical tension from different parts of your body so you can relax and be at ease.
3 min | 
7 min
450+ Favorites
We forget that we have these qualities within us. Settle in and tune in with your energy of feeling brave.
11 min
48 Favorites
Discovering stillness that is already here. You don't need to go anywhere and do anything. Drawing into the resources within using mindfulness and positive affirmations.
11 min
840+ Favorites
Mindfulness Meditation for Complete Beginner
Mindfulness Meditation for Complete Beginner
If you are a complete beginner to meditation, it can be confusing to understand what is meditation and where to start. This may be a good start for you to get hang of spending some time with yourself, sitting and doing nothing. This is how it starts, but sometime we have to do nothing so we can do something when things need to be done. Often we tend to be doing, doing and doing even when doing is not required. So take a timeout because you deserve it.
3 min | 
7 min
76 Favorites
Healthy Eating Affirmations for New Year
Healthy Eating Affirmations for New Year
This meditation will help you to make healthy eating choices. You can always choose to change, to be healthy, and nourish yourself. Release negative thinking patterns and choose to think a positive thought
3 min | 
11 min
250+ Favorites
Mindful Affirmations for Job & Career
Mindful Affirmations for Job & Career
With mindful affirmations for job & career allows you to be in positive mind frame when looking for new jobs and setting new career. Let go of fears and negative thinking patterns and believe in yourself and the universe that things will fall in place. Begin to vibrate in positive thoughts in mindful way
4 min | 
10 min
250+ Favorites
Still Lake Meditation
Still Lake Meditation
Allow your mind to be like a still lake from where you can see things with clarity.
3 min | 
12 min
440+ Favorites
Bring Mind Home
Bring Mind Home
Our mind is often all over the place, in the past, future, wondering. This short meditation will help you to bring your mind home so you can be present in the 'here & now'. When you are in the present moment you have more clarity and have ability to be resilient.
3 min
220+ Favorites
Short Mindfulness Practice
Short Mindfulness Practice
A short guided meditation to bring your awareness to this moment. Relax sit back and let yourself be in this moment
3 min
43 Favorites
You Are More Than Your Feelings
You Are More Than Your Feelings
You are not your feelings rather they are an experience and it's changing. Give space for all feelings so you can notice the changing nature of them. You are much more than your feelings so be open to experience them and let them go.
3 min | 
7 min
940+ Favorites
Freedom through Forgiveness
Freedom through Forgiveness
Forgiveness is for you more than anyone. Holding on to past grudges, you are the one who is hurt. With this meditation, you will learn to let go and forgive yourself. We waste a lot of time thinking about what happened but the truth is we cannot go back and change our past. We do not have control over others and their behavior. Bringing awareness that you deserve to let go and be free from the past so you can have a better future. I deserve to forgive myself for holding on to the past, to let go of past hurt, I deserve to be at ease. Give yourself this gift and be in control of your life.
9 min
100+ Favorites
Expanding Heart & Feeling Gratitude
Expanding Heart & Feeling Gratitude
Gratitude is an emotion. It can be experienced and felt in our body. Experiencing gratitude enhances positive thoughts and feeling in our life and see things in positive perspective.
4 min
250+ Favorites
Cool and Comfortable Eyes
Cool and Comfortable Eyes
Give your eyes the rest it deserves! Let it cool down and let it be at ease
3 min | 
7 min
280+ Favorites
Feel Joyful in this Meditation
Feel Joyful in this Meditation
Give yourself an opportunity to 'Just Relax' relaxing every part of your body, releasing the tension, and letting go. Remember the sky is always blue above the clouds so allow all of your thoughts and emotions to pass just like the clouds and get comfortable to feel joyfully relaxed. Yes, you do deserve to feel good!
7 min
23 Favorites
Calming and Soothing
Calming and Soothing
Allow yourself space and time to feel calm and relax and get in touch with the feeling of being happy and at ease with yourself.
14 min
45 Favorites
Eat Mindfully
Eat Mindfully
Mindful eating is a wonderful way to be in the present moment. Normally when we eat, our mind is all over the place. In this meditation, we bring our full attention to the color, texture, taste, and various sensory experiences involved. We wake up to our senses. We also learn to be grateful to mother nature for nourishing us.
3 min | 
7 min
260+ Favorites
Letting Go of Judgements
Letting Go of Judgements
There is freedom when we can let go of judgment. We see things as they are, not as we want.
11 min
85 Favorites
Covid-19 - Finding Peace
Covid-19 - Finding Peace
It can be challenging to be in touch with peace when there is havoc in the external world. However peace comes from within so take a moment to be in touch with the peace that is within you.
3 min | 
7 min
90 Favorites
Releasing Blame
Releasing Blame
Blaming self or others will only keep you stuck. Let go of what happened in the past and move forward in life to live. Get unstuck.
3 min | 
14 min
150+ Favorites
Practicing Kindness
Practicing Kindness
Offer yourself to rest in smooth kindness. You deserve it.
11 min
62 Favorites
Stress and anxiety are experienced when you are not grounded. Allow this short guided meditation to release tension from your body, learn to relax, and ground. This will help you to be present and aware.
4 min | 
19 min
220+ Favorites
Yoga Nidra - Meditation For Sleeping
Yoga Nidra - Meditation For Sleeping
Ancient practice, which I will guide you moment by moment to relax your mind & body so you can fall asleep.
17 min
310+ Favorites
Allow the Light into Your Life
Allow the Light into Your Life
Dissolving the negative thoughts as the sun dissolves the clouds in the sky. Allow the light into your life and share that with all others around you.
10 min
270+ Favorites
Positive Affirmations for the New Year
Positive Affirmations for the New Year
Start the year with powerful mindful affirmations. This can help you to stay positive throughout the year. Affirmations are like planting a seed. Plant positive seed so you receive positive results
14 min
81 Favorites
Visualization meditation - Friends
Visualization meditation - Friends
This meditation will help you to connect to quality of kindness towards yourself and gradually move on to others around us.
19 min
92 Favorites
Sleeping Meditation - Body Scan
Sleeping Meditation - Body Scan
If you are struggling to sleep, this meditation will help you to relax tension from your mind and body. Releasing stress, letting go so you can have restful sleep. Lie down and sleep well. Night night!
16 min
390+ Favorites
Healing with breath
Healing with breath
Healing happens when you relax. Listen to this meditation and allow yourself to heal gently.
15 min
61 Favorites
Feeling Safe
Feeling Safe
Feeling safe is an ability to find the safe space inside yourself that was pushed away when you were a child. The safe is naturally there when we are born, but we learn to lose our path. Be guided gently to feel safe again
3 min | 
8 min
340+ Favorites
Feeling Safe
Feeling Safe
This meditation will help you to ground yourself and feel safe so you can recover from stress and anxiety.
3 min | 
11 min
220+ Favorites
Be Inspired
Be Inspired
Be open to be inspired and feeling inspired.
11 min
83 Favorites
Get Unstuck
Get Unstuck
Feeling stuck can paralyze us. Always feeling and know something must change but unsure of what or even where to start. Make a start here to get unstuck.
9 min
230+ Favorites
Loneliness - Offer Presence to Yourself
Loneliness - Offer Presence to Yourself
The only person who can always be there for you is yourself. Allow this meditation to help you and guide you to be there for yourself. Change the way you feel and start changing your relationship with yourself.
4 min
210+ Favorites
Keeping Connected During Uncertainty
Keeping Connected During Uncertainty
Connecting with our loved ones during COVID-19 few suggestions
2 min
5 Favorites
Clarity already exist within you. Find the resources from within and get tuned in.
11 min
220+ Favorites
Mindfulness of Breath
Mindfulness of Breath
Mindfulness of breath is the core of Mindfulness practice regardless of what lever of practitioner you are. Getting back to basic is the way to go forward.
3 min | 
10 min
53 Favorites
Loving through golden light
Loving through golden light
Gentle meditation to love yourself using beautiful golden light and using the power of affirmations. With this meditation you will find yourself to be relaxed with open mind and heart.
11 min
59 Favorites
Releasing Resistance
Releasing Resistance
Resistance shows up in so many ways, keeping us stuck and holding us back. Be free from resistance and move forward in your life.
3 min | 
7 min
71 Favorites
Relationship with myself
Relationship with myself
This meditation will help you get in touch with yourself, be less critical and be gentle to exploring about the relationship you have with yourself. To get the full benefit, listen to the 7 minute meditation.
4 min | 
8 min
850+ Favorites
Unshaken Mountain
Unshaken Mountain
Give yourself time and space to feel like a majestic, unshaken mountain.
12 min
77 Favorites
Releasing Guilt
Releasing Guilt
Holding on to guilt is useless. You can't be your best self so let go and be the best you can be.
3 min
61 Favorites
Releasing Worries Through Compassion
Releasing Worries Through Compassion
Offering yourself self-compassion to let go and be good to yourself.
3 min
77 Favorites
This is meditation about understanding Kindness. Building foundation so that you can learn to practice kindness towards self and others. Experience it for yourself and share the wisdom :)
9 min
18 Favorites
Teddy Bear Meditation
Teddy Bear Meditation
Ensure you have a soft toy or light pillow before starting this practice. The short session can be practiced with children to increase focus.
3 min | 
7 min
18 Favorites
Christmas Calmness 3 Mins
Christmas Calmness 3 Mins
This short meditation will help you to ground yourself in the midst of Christmas chaos. Breath, relax, and be present for yourself so you can be present for others around you. Have a lovely Christmas :)
3 min
43 Favorites
Soothing Body Relaxation
Soothing Body Relaxation
Allow your body to feel relax and safe with this meditation
5 min
62 Favorites
Releasing Tension
Releasing Tension
We hold on to tension physically in our body. The moment you become aware of them you can begin to release and let go.
4 min | 
14 min
190+ Favorites
5-7 Circular Breathing
5-7 Circular Breathing
To help you focus specially to those who finds it hard to bring mind to the present moment. Let this counting breathing help you to focus especially those who experience anxiety.
7 min
83 Favorites
Anxiety Relief
Anxiety Relief
This meditation will help you to let go of unhelpful, negative thoughts and gently allow the mind to come home to your body and be aware of the sensations, allowing the body to settle in with the breath. Anxiety is experienced when the mind is not present in the body. Mind and body need to be connected to be in harmony. It not just about getting rid of the anxiety of the mind but giving permission to your body to relax with care and gentleness.
11 min
110+ Favorites
Compassionate Breath
Compassionate Breath
One breath at a time to be in touch with the peace of the present moment.
4 min
340+ Favorites
Forgiveness is not for others, it's so you could be free. Give yourself permission to forgive, and move on with your life.
12 min
72 Favorites
Cultivating good thoughts and feelings towards yourself and others. Getting in the mode of feeling cheerful
11 min
15 Favorites
Loneliness - Offer Presence to Yourself
Loneliness - Offer Presence to Yourself
The only person who can really be there for you is yourself. Allow this meditation to help you and guide you to be there for yourself. Change the way you feel and start changing your relationship with yourself.
10 min
48 Favorites
The Lock-Down by Brother Richard Hendrick
The Lock-Down by Brother Richard Hendrick
What can we do during this global pandemic "Lock Down". It's difficult time we are going through but let us take a moment to acknowledge things that are working so you begin to see hope.
12 min
12 Favorites
Awake in the Body
Awake in the Body
What is it like to feel and be alive? Are you aware you're alive? It's time you know and experience it
3 min | 
9 min
67 Favorites
Sharing & Caring
Sharing & Caring
Sharing and caring are the qualities that makes people happy. Be open to installing this attitude in your life and live with ease
11 min
15 Favorites
Loneliness Meditation
Loneliness Meditation
The only person who can always be there for you is yourself. Allow this meditation to guide you to be there for yourself. Change the way you feel and start changing your relationship with yourself.
22 min
51 Favorites
Allow your mind to be open just like a clear blue sky.
11 min
44 Favorites
Healthy Life Style During Covid-19
Healthy Life Style During Covid-19
When we are taken by anxiety and worries we forget to come back to basic. Here are gentle reminders of what you can do to have a healthy body and mind during this difficult time.
2 min
12 Favorites
To achieve anything in life we need to be diligent. Tune in with the resources within you to do what it takes to achieve what you want.
11 min
39 Favorites
Grounding Yourself Like Roots of a Tree
Grounding Yourself Like Roots of a Tree
We react to people, events, and situations and regret later for our behavior. This happens when we are not grounded. This visualization meditation in combination with mindfulness will help you to find ground so that you can be in control of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
3 min | 
7 min
390+ Favorites
Unconditional Presence
Unconditional Presence
This meditation will help you to be present with yourself and your surrounding regardless of what you are going through, where you are or who you are with. Being present opens door ways for you to accept yourself allowing healing to take place. So sit back and enjoy.
4 min
190+ Favorites
Pause and Feel Compassion
Pause and Feel Compassion
Take time to pause and offer yourself compassion.
10 min
18 Favorites
Soft Belly Breathing
Soft Belly Breathing
Releasing stress, anxiety & Trauma from COVID-19. Many people have been affected in so many ways. If we can sit with ourselves and practice gentle breathing we can release the stress, anxiety, and trauma so we can be resilient to get on with our day.
3 min | 
8 min
260+ Favorites
How can Mindfulness help in times of uncertainty?
How can Mindfulness help in times of uncertainty?
We forget to come back to our breath and that is just what we need when we are facing crisis. Easy and simple technique to be in the present moment and find the ground.
3 min
20 Favorites
Healthy Suggestion During Covid-19 for you
Healthy Suggestion During Covid-19 for you
We are faced with such a uncertainty but how can we be the best we can be during this time. How can we change our perception so we can be the best self and do what we can to get through this difficult time together.
18 min
16 Favorites
Give yourself permission to be happy. It's right there within you.
12 min
52 Favorites
Melt yourself into feeling a feeling of kindfulness. It's beautiful, it works and you deserve it.
11 min
21 Favorites
Breathe, Relax and Let Go
Breathe, Relax and Let Go
Breath, relax and let go of the burden that's been holding you back from moving forward.
15 min
79 Favorites
Summer Day Meditation
Summer Day Meditation
Enjoy the sunshine and meditate outdoors. If you are indoors you can use the power of your mind to imagine you're out doors and enjoying the sunshine, warmth and the cool breeze.
4 min | 
7 min
19 Favorites
Forgiveness to move forward
Forgiveness to move forward
We often judge ourselves for things that we did in the past. Take time to reflect and forgive yourself. The journey always starts with you.
3 min | 
7 min
47 Favorites
Giving & Receiving Kindness
Giving & Receiving Kindness
Beautiful quality that we all deserve to experience. We often miss to appreciate ourselves and acknowledge others. You will learn to receive and give kindness.
8 min
26 Favorites
Kindness Towards Difficult People
Kindness Towards Difficult People
It is difficult to be kind towards those who are hard on us. Being non-judgmental means having the courage to spread this quality to even those who are hard on us. The reason they are being difficult is because they are also having a tough time in their life. Let us be soft and facilitate this space for others.
14 min
93 Favorites
Calmness during Christmas
Calmness during Christmas
Give yourself the gift of being present and ground yourself in the moment so you can truly be there for your loved ones. How to be calm and present during the Christmas chaos. Wishing you a wonderful festive season 2022.
9 min
11 Favorites
Lovingkindness Meditation
Lovingkindness Meditation
Building healthy relationship with others, without any expectations. Dive into the meditation don't try to make sense of it. LovingKindness meditation is about experiencing it.
10 min
99 Favorites
Practicing kindness - foundation of being a human being
Practicing kindness - foundation of being a human being
We are all interconnected one way or the other, whether you know them or not. You will have better perspective about the interconnected, interdependent relationship we have.
12 min
12 Favorites
Touch of Kindness
Touch of Kindness
First we must learn to be kind to ourselves before being kind to others. This way we have strong foundation to give this quality to others regardless of who they are.
8 min
15 Favorites
Gentle Body Scan
Gentle Body Scan
Scanning, bringing mindfulness awareness and releasing stress from your body parts. Letting go releasing and relaxing. Make sure you lie down when doing this practice and just allow yourself to rest and fall asleep.
3 min | 
7 min
28 Favorites
Connect to Your Physical Feelings
Connect to Your Physical Feelings
Take short 3 minutes to connect to with your physical feelings so you can be more in tuned with yourself, others around you and the environment in which you live in.
4 min
210+ Favorites
Dealing with Road Rage
Dealing with Road Rage
Please do not listen to this meditation while driving. This meditation will help you to be calm and settled whilst driving. Coming away from reactivity to responding mode and creating a safer environment. Road rage can lead to accidents effecting both parties, so it's not really worth the trouble. For example, you're driving, listening to music, taking it easy and just then a car roars past you, sways and cuts you off. If you are not mindful, you can become completely mindless and reactive - feeling hot, sweaty or even going after the car and ruining rest of our day. This is reactive mode. It's not a good state to be specially if you're heading for a meeting, interview or presentation. Or perhaps you are the one to cut off other people, because you were running late for something important. Both can lead to unnecessary tensions and even accidents. Being mindful on the road can help you stay safe and healthy.
3 min | 
7 min
37 Favorites
Relationship with your body
Relationship with your body
This meditation is about changing your relationship with your body to a healthier one. Allowing you to feel lighter, more comfortable, at ease and confident being in your body. It's the only place you have to live so make it a good one. Let yourself be open to changing your relationship with your body and be confident and comfortable living there :)
3 min | 
7 min
69 Favorites