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Divine Connection

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Arielle Margalit Hecht
Arielle Margalit Hecht
Spiritual Teacher
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The Real Safety - Your Divine Connection
The Real Safety - Your Divine Connection
In an uncertain world, our hearts long for safety, security and peace. Yet, how can we find it in an ever changing physical world? When we reconnect ourselves with the divine, we find the real safety. The safety and peace, that is forever. I wish you every blessing of peace as you listen to this meditation. May you remember your eternal sense of safety and security.
14 min
45 Favorites
Clearing and Healing the Heart
Clearing and Healing the Heart
This guided meditation is a journey into healing your heart. As you release the burdens, pressures and stresses of your life, you soften into a state of inner awareness. From this place, you’re able to experience your connection to the Divine, and allow in a healing shower of spiritual energy, power and light.
21 min
52 Favorites
Visualization & Manifestation Meditation
Visualization & Manifestation Meditation
This meditation is to support you in visualizing and manifesting the true desires that you wish to bring into your life. By being in alignment with the divine and the highest good for all, this is a very powerful meditation to bring into your life that which is true and good. Recommended to use in the evening before bedtime, yet any time of day is good.
15 min
170+ Favorites
Divine Connection in Turbulent Times
Divine Connection in Turbulent Times
This guided practice is a sanctuary of peace in turbulent times. It is a place to come home to, to remember your inner light, and your unbreakable connection to the divine. By experiencing your canopy of divine protection, you will remember that you are safe, you are blessed, you are the light of this world. Listen now and anytime you need to remember your powerful spiritual connection.
24 min
65 Favorites
Sacred Peace
Sacred Peace
Sacred peace is your nature. This loving, short meditation will bring you back to your center of peace. This can be used anytime and was created to overcome deep fear or challenge. In just 5 minutes, you will find yourself more deeply rooted in peace, in love, in Divine Light.
6 min
120+ Favorites
Healing a Broken Heart
Healing a Broken Heart
This is a spiritually-based meditation to help you the heal your heart. It happens to all of us in life - betrayal, disappointment, loss, and more. Yet, deep down, we know we need to heal our heart, and that it's possible. This is a special meditation to help you come into that profound and real healing. Wishing you the highest blessings.
20 min
110+ Favorites
Relaxing Within - Your Higher Self
Relaxing Within - Your Higher Self
As you uncover your Higher Self, the deepest peace is naturally yours. This longer meditation is designed to support you in going deep - deep into your truest self and your connection with the Divine.
26 min
50 Favorites
Sacred Release of Pain and Stress
Sacred Release of Pain and Stress
This guided meditation is a refuge; a place to safely and deeply release pain, stress, and tension. Soothing and calming, listen as you soften into greater peace, freedom, and lightness.
16 min
71 Favorites
Clearing Your Mind
Clearing Your Mind
Take a few moments to clear your mind and center yourself. Release tension, melt into peace and connect spiritually with this gentle, loving meditation.
4 min
72 Favorites
A New Path of Light
A New Path of Light
This guided meditation is a pathway of light. It is an open door into a new way, a new path, a field of peace. If you find yourself at a crossroads or feeling stuck, this meditation will support you in seeing the new path of light before you and open you to the awareness of your highest good. In times of turbulence and uncertainty, this practice is a comforting and grounding support.
19 min
33 Favorites
Blissful Feelings on Tap
Blissful Feelings on Tap
This guided meditation was recorded live, and is an experience of bliss on tap. You are gently guided in remembering the inner light of yourself and your Divine Connection. Naturally, you begin to feel the stream of bliss and peace that flows, as you remember your spiritual truth. As you bathe in this remembrance, bliss flows unending, as though “on tap.” Oceans of love and bliss to you.
13 min
20 Favorites
Blessed and Full of Light
Blessed and Full of Light
As we connect with the Divine, we fill ourselves with peace, with light. The more we link our hearts and minds with the One, the more we're able to transform and heal. This meditation is an opportunity to connect spiritually and to feel full of light. Naturally, you become a blessing of light for all of life.
16 min
120+ Favorites