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Dreamy Sleep Stories

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Christina & Darrin
Christina & Darrin
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The Happy Prince & the Sleepy Swallow
The Happy Prince & the Sleepy Swallow
In this bedtime story, a sleepy swallow comes to rest on the golden statue of a happy prince. The little bird's only wish is to sleep before his long journey to Egypt. But the prince has other plans - ones that will forever change the lives of the poor people in the city. This wandering tale moves at a lazy pace that will lull you right to sleep, all while you enjoy a sweet story about the true meaning of giving. (Based on "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde. Adapted by Christina McMahon)
23 min
190+ Favorites
Ophelia's Moon Song
Ophelia's Moon Song
This bedtime story gives the ‘birth order blues’ a girl-power twist. Young Ophelia feels invisible to her parents. Not the baby and never in charge, she seeks solace and a solution from the mysterious Woman in the Moon. Amidst a solo journey to an enchanted meadow, Ophelia unlocks the power of her individuality to light up her whole world. The moon magic and nighttime ambiance are sure to make your dreams extra sweet, after the story lulls you right to sleep. (An original children's story by Christina McMahon)
10 min
110+ Favorites
Neptune & Athena Hold A Naming Contest
Neptune & Athena Hold A Naming Contest
In this bedtime tale, you’ll hear about the day the Greek gods Neptune and Athena appear in a brand-new hilltop town and challenge each other to a contest. The winner gets to bestow their godly name on the town and become its devoted protector. Each offers a glorious gift if they are chosen, but the choice lies with the people on the hilltop. Be inspired by this sweet tale of new beginnings, even while the story's calming tone sends you right off to dreamland. (Based on "The Horse and the Olive" by James Baldwin. Adapted by Christina McMahon)
20 min
200+ Favorites
Arachne the Weaver
Arachne the Weaver
In this bedtime tale, you'll hear about Arachne, who weaves spell-binding patterns on her loom. While the world is stunned by her artistry, the goddess Athena wonders if the young weaver is missing a step. This Greek myth may be familiar to you, but you've never heard it told this way - as a sleep story as sweet as it is soothing. Dreamland, here you come! (Based on "The Wonderful Weaver" by James Baldwin. Adapted by Christina McMahon)
15 min
98 Favorites