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Embrace your Authentic Self

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Cindy Wolk-Weiss, BSW
Cindy Wolk-Weiss, BSW
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher & Healer
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Quieting Anxiety And Panic
Quieting Anxiety And Panic
Explore feelings of anxiety and how to work with it in daily life.
3 min
2.1k+ Favorites
Letting Go of Stress
Letting Go of Stress
Stress is the perception of a threat to ourselves. Therefore when we feel threatened in some way our stress response kicks in. This can result in illness in the body and the mind. Here are a few tips to help you.
2 min
140+ Favorites
Be the Light ~Resiliency in a Pandemic
Be the Light ~Resiliency in a Pandemic
Here we all are with the world experiencing a pandemic. There is an opportunity for transformation if we choose it to be. We have a choice. Our choice is How will we respond? I share some thoughts about why I think it's important.
7 min
54 Favorites
Flooded by Emotions
Flooded by Emotions
Learn what emotions truly are and how to work with them without them overwhelming and controlling you.
3 min
520+ Favorites
Stress Resilience
Stress Resilience
Stress is a reaction to a perceived threat to our safety and well-being. Experiencing the image of a mountain is a useful tool for dealing with daily stress and stresses that may loom large. Join me on my Meditation Channel, Heart Space for a full Mountain Meditation
3 min
1.5k+ Favorites
Practice Kindfulness
Practice Kindfulness
Practicing kindness is a transformative mindfulness tool. When we bring an attitude of kindness into our lives our quality of life will be enhanced. Explore this with me today!
4 min
630+ Favorites
Riding the Waves of Life's Challenges
Riding the Waves of Life's Challenges
We can use the attitude of awareness to deal with the challenges and conflicts in our lives. When faced with these mind states, we often close down, contract, put up protective walls, feel deep sadness, or experience anger. It often leaves us feeling lousy. So what do we do? We begin by cultivating 3 states.
5 min
320+ Favorites
Life Falling Apart
Life Falling Apart
Life during these times are certainly challenging. At some point in our life, we will come up against suffering, when life seems to be falling apart. Perhaps you are experiencing a divorce, the loss of a loved one, a loss of a job, or a change in life circumstances. Explore a practice that may settle you and offer clarity on how to move forward. Visit Coaching Channel - Embrace Your Authentic Self for the coaching session that goes along with this meditation.
4 min
450+ Favorites
Connect to Life
Connect to Life
When you live a busy lifestyle, with much to do, you may tend to disconnect from yourself and from others. We move about on autopilot and begin to feel alone and isolated. Learn how to reconnect with your life today!
3 min
170+ Favorites
Waking Up Mindfully
Waking Up Mindfully
Waking up mindfully sets the tone for the day. I find when I do this practice the day typically is calmer and I am more present. I invite you to try this for 21 days and let me know about your experience.
2 min
220+ Favorites
Vibrant Day
Vibrant Day
A morning practice to set the tone for your day. Begin the day inspired and with ease.
10 min
200+ Favorites
Being with Anger-Transformation, Healing
Being with Anger-Transformation, Healing
How can mindfulness help with anger responses? We experience anger most often when we feel threatened in some way, it can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. We all experience angry moments throughout our lives, it is a common human emotion. Lately in our world anger seems to be very visible. When there is so much anger in the news and in our lives it is challenging to not get caught by it. Let's discover together... ***See my meditation channel Heart Space for the accompanying meditation
6 min
210+ Favorites
Are You Feeling Anxious?
Are You Feeling Anxious?
Anxiety is so prevalent that at times you may not even know you are feeling anxious! We are experiencing much anxiety in our world. Join me as I show you how to work with feelings of anxiety.
3 min
500+ Favorites
Empowering Your Life
Empowering Your Life
You can empower your life each day. Join me to discover how.
3 min
82 Favorites
Nourishing Presence
Nourishing Presence
Fully experience living your life! We all need to take time to nourish ourselves so join me for some easy to use tips of how to be mindful in daily life.
3 min
460+ Favorites
Release Toxic Emotions with Gratitude
Release Toxic Emotions with Gratitude
Why practice gratitude? When we notice what we are grateful for, it offers us comfort and strength to continue through difficult times. We begin to focus on what is right in our lives vs just what is wrong in our lives.
5 min
120+ Favorites
Healing Anxiety
Healing Anxiety
The sensations of anxiety can be overwhelming and interfere with living our authentic life. Join me for exploration on how to work with these feelings.
3 min
310+ Favorites
What Is Your Why?
What Is Your Why?
You need to know your own personal WHY when committing to personal goals. Join me here to discover yours!
3 min
170+ Favorites
Allowing All of Life to Exist
Allowing All of Life to Exist
Learn to soften your heart welcoming Life As It Is to Exist. This coaching session will invite you to be with whatever arises in life in a more gentle and useful way. Rather than fighting to keep out things we don't like or agree with it offers us a gentler way to live.
6 min
200+ Favorites
Compassionate Listening
Compassionate Listening
Deep and present listening is rare in most of our lives. We all just want to be heard, here's how!
4 min
290+ Favorites
Why Worry, Stress and Anxiety?
Why Worry, Stress and Anxiety?
I explore the difference between stress, worry and anxiety and give you tips to work with each of these mind states. Take some time to know how to yourself.
6 min
830+ Favorites
Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety
Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety
Most people are experiencing an increased sense of anxiety in the world. Anxiety can increase physical and emotional illness. Take charge of your life today and join me as we experience ways to quiet the sensations of anxiety. Mindfulness Meditation has proven benefits to reduce anxiety. I invite you to join me on my meditation channel- Heart Space if you would like to practice meditations to reduce anxiety. I am also available for individual sessions at
3 min
720+ Favorites
Creating Your Authentic Self
Creating Your Authentic Self
Create your authentic self using collage and images to discover all that you are. Remember you bring a special quality to the world - please share it.
3 min
210+ Favorites
Heartfelt Appreciation
Heartfelt Appreciation
Discover how appreciation or gratitude can help you to heal. This is a powerful practice to invite joy into your life.
4 min | 
8 min
130+ Favorites
We tend to live in a very busy world without recognizing our capacity to allow ourselves to slow down, settle, and become tranquil. This is one of the most important reasons mindfulness meditation is vital to our well-being. I invite you to join with me to learn Mindfulness meditation on my channel Heart Space to help you connect with your inner wisdom and shift your life for the better.
3 min
120+ Favorites
Anxiety & Fear During Uncertain Times
Anxiety & Fear During Uncertain Times
Life is a continuous process of change and transformation. I share with you some ways I have navigated storms in my life. We explore anxiety and fear. Learn compassionate ways to deal with these states.
7 min
120+ Favorites
Good Night, Sweet Dreams
Good Night, Sweet Dreams
When you are busy all day, rushing around it may be challenging to fall asleep. Here are some tips to assist you in a good nights sleep. You can find a complimentary meditation on my channel Heart Space. Photo by Jacob Ufkes on Unsplash
3 min
82 Favorites
Create a Quiet Space
Create a Quiet Space
A quiet space is vital in this busy and noisy world. Discover how you can simply create one for yourself and how it can lead to increased peace and ease.
3 min
120+ Favorites
Mindful Relationships
Mindful Relationships
Healthy relationships need presence of our full selves. Join me as we explore how to deepen your relationship with others.
3 min
260+ Favorites
Begin the New Year with an Intention
Begin the New Year with an Intention
Resolutions can at times place too much striving upon ourselves. Discover the difference between resolutions and intentions.
10 min
7 Favorites
Tools to assist with Anxious feelings
Tools to assist with Anxious feelings
Experiencing anxiety? You are not alone. It's so common today that I invite you to join me for an exploration of anxiety and tips to calm it.
2 min
110+ Favorites
Embrace Differences in Life
Embrace Differences in Life
Bring kind hearted awareness to a critical and judgemental mind.
6 min
130+ Favorites