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Happiness Insight Coaching

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Dr Alicia Franklin & Dr Kassandra Gratwick-Sarll
Dr Alicia Franklin & Dr Kassandra Gratwick-Sarll
Clinical Psychologists Wellbeing Experts
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Stop Worrying and Take Action
Stop Worrying and Take Action
We are all very good at worrying, but it tends to be a futile process because we often go round and round in circles and never come to a helpful conclusion. In this session, you'll learn how to step out of worry, how to move into problem-solving, and how to take action so that you can let go of worry.
6 min
210+ Favorites
Dealing with Anxiety - the Tip Skills
Dealing with Anxiety - the Tip Skills
When we are really anxious, our flight or fight response becomes active. This is what leads us to feel all the physical symptoms associated with anxiety. Learn how to switch off your fight and flight response through these three simple techniques called the TIP skills. In this session we will be exploring P for Paced Breathing.
4 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Accepting Difficult Things
Accepting Difficult Things
There are many things in life we find hard to accept, and it's usually for a good reason. But not accepting things means that we can just become stuck. Learn how to accept the difficult things in our own lives so that you can free yourself from suffering.
7 min
1k+ Favorites
Making a Big Decision
Making a Big Decision
We have to make decisions all day long and yet when it comes to making big life decisions, we can find it really hard to know whether we're making the "right" decision, and as a result often find ourselves feeling paralysed. Learn the 3 things that can help you to make these big decisions.
4 min
730+ Favorites
Self-Compassion Series: Self-Criticism
Self-Compassion Series: Self-Criticism
How do you treat yourself when you make a mistake, stumble or trip up? If you're like most of us, you are probably very critical of yourself. In this self-compassion series, we will look at self-compassion and in this session, we'll be exploring the problem with self-criticism.
8 min
120+ Favorites
Help, I Feel Stuck
Help, I Feel Stuck
Many of us grow up with ideas about how we want life to look. But then somehow things don't turn out quite like you imagined. Many of us feel like there are dreams or hopes that we haven't been able to live. This session helps you to get unstuck and live a life more true to yourself.
4 min
1.7k+ Favorites
Dealing With Procrastination Part 1
Dealing With Procrastination Part 1
Procrastination. We're all guilty of it. And yet how do we overcome it? In this session, learn about why we procrastinate and helpful skill for coping with it.
4 min
950+ Favorites
Break Free of Old Patterns and People
Break Free of Old Patterns and People
Do you feel stuck? Or that the same unwanted people or patterns keep showing up in your life again and again? Break free of these patterns by letting go of the outdated beliefs that you keep you stuck. Free yourself from your past and open yourself to the as yet unseen potential of tomorrow. May it be of benefit.
5 min
250+ Favorites
Dealing with Anxiety - the Tip Skills
Dealing with Anxiety - the Tip Skills
When we are really anxious, our flight or fight response becomes active. This is what leads us to feel all the physical symptoms associated with anxiety. Learn how to switch off your fight and flight response through these three simple techniques called the TIP skills. In this session we will be exploring T for Temperature.
5 min
390+ Favorites
Dealing with Anxiety
Dealing with Anxiety
Anxiety is an overwhelming and unpleasant emotional state. Learn more about how the anxiety response works and strategies for how to manage it.
4 min
520+ Favorites
Why Am I So Self-Critical?
Why Am I So Self-Critical?
Learn about how and why we tend to treat other people so kindly whilst we tend to treat ourselves with harsh self-judgment and criticism. Listen to this session and others in the series to learn how to treat yourself with greater acceptance and kindness.
8 min
290+ Favorites
Will You Look Back with Regret?
Will You Look Back with Regret?
We can get caught up with all the things we should do, "I should buy a house, I should have this kind of job, etc". Many of us don't stop to reflect on what's truly important to us and how we want to spend our one wild precious life. In this session, we explore the most common regrets that people have and encourage you to think about how you want to live your life.
4 min
1.5k+ Favorites
Moving Beyond Fear
Moving Beyond Fear
Each time a challenge arises in our life, it's only normal for fear to come up. The problem with this, is that we can then avoid taking healthy risks in our lives. Learn how to move beyond this fear.
11 min
730+ Favorites
What Is Self-Compassion?
What Is Self-Compassion?
Curious to know what self-compassion is? Learn the ins and outs of what self-compassion is and don't forget to check out the other sessions in this self-compassion series.
4 min
260+ Favorites
Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done
We all suffer from overflowing to-do lists and sometimes we feel like we're not doing anything at all. So how do we break this pattern? Learn how we can actually get them done through simple and helpful strategies.
5 min
260+ Favorites
Dealing with Procrastination Part 3
Dealing with Procrastination Part 3
In an attempt to avoid uncomfortable emotions, we often find ourselves procrastinating. But in reality, when we procrastinate, we usually end up feeling worse. In this session, learn how to deal with difficult or unpleasant feelings and overcome procrastination.
6 min
160+ Favorites
Dealing with Procrastination Part 2
Dealing with Procrastination Part 2
What beliefs keep you stuck in your procrastination? Learn the beliefs or assumptions that are enabling your procrastination and how to deal with these.
6 min
220+ Favorites
Choosing Vulnerability
Choosing Vulnerability
We usually associate vulnerability with fear, discomfort or rejection. But when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we can experience the joys of life.
3 min
250+ Favorites
Self-Compassion: Practice
Self-Compassion: Practice
How do we actually practice self-compassion? This session takes you through the tools that we need to develop so we can become more self-compassionate.
5 min
130+ Favorites
Weathering Emotional Storms
Weathering Emotional Storms
When our emotions are really high, it can feel we're stuck in a storm. Learn how to deal with strong emotions and become kinder towards yourself.
7 min
280+ Favorites
Dealing with Anxiety - the Tip Skills
Dealing with Anxiety - the Tip Skills
When we are really anxious, our flight or fight response becomes active. This is what leads us to feel all the physical symptoms associated with anxiety. Learn how to switch off your fight and flight response through these three simple techniques called the TIP skills. In this session, we will be exploring I for Intense Exercise.
4 min
120+ Favorites
Sick of Playing It Small?
Sick of Playing It Small?
Where in your life are you playing small? How many times have you had a big idea or a great opportunity, and before you know it, fear pops up. Learn how to move beyond this fear and doubt.
4 min
610+ Favorites
Unlocking Our Fear Based Beliefs
Unlocking Our Fear Based Beliefs
In order to move beyond fear and self-doubt, we need to unlock the beliefs that keep us stuck within our comfort zones. Learn how to move into the possibility of your life.
5 min
940+ Favorites
Facing Challenges with Confidence
Facing Challenges with Confidence
This coaching session will help you to build the confidence and inner-strength to face any challenge or situation that brings up fear, anxiety or avoidance e.g. Difficult conversations, giving a presentation, asking for something you deserve.
9 min
230+ Favorites
Myths of Self-Compassion
Myths of Self-Compassion
Feeling somewhat skeptical of self-compassion? Don't worry, you're not alone. There are common beliefs or misconceptions people hold about self-compassion. In this session, we will explore this myths of self-compassion, and you'll learn that self-compassion isn't a pit party or a sign of weakness.
4 min
83 Favorites
Letting Go of Worry
Letting Go of Worry
When something feels important to us, we often get stuck worrying about it. This can leave us feeling stressed, anxious and exhausted. Learn how to let go of worry, so that you can live with greater ease.
6 min
500+ Favorites
Are You Feeling Stressed?
Are You Feeling Stressed?
We live in a busy world and many of us experience significant amounts of stress every day. This is an invitation to slow down, to stop leaning into the next moment, and to be present in the here and now.
5 min
75 Favorites
Covid-19 Series: Making the Most of Our Time in Confinement
Covid-19 Series: Making the Most of Our Time in Confinement
Simple questions to inspire us to make the most of our time in confinement: - What ways could I refresh and reset? - What projects or ideas can I create? - What would I most like to learn? - How can I clear the things that drain me? - How can I connect with people close to me? - What can I do for others?
10 min
110+ Favorites
Help! I Still Love My Ex
Help! I Still Love My Ex
Have you had your heart broken? When we go through a breakup, we often get stuck on repeat, replaying the past and longing for it. But do you really still love them? You need to listen to this if you are feeling stuck pining for your ex.
4 min
900+ Favorites
Rebuilding After a Breakup
Rebuilding After a Breakup
When you breakup with someone, it can feel like you've got a hole in your heart or that you're lost a part of yourself. Learn how to rebuild after a breakup and start to feel whole again.
5 min
200+ Favorites
Science of Self-Compassion
Science of Self-Compassion
Want to understand how or why self-compassion actually works? In this session we look at the science of self-compassion and how self-compassion affects our brain. Learn all about the power of oxytocin and how to actually make yourself feel better.
3 min
100+ Favorites
Feeling Down? Nurture Yourself
Feeling Down? Nurture Yourself
Many of us go through periods where we feel down. Often we try to push ourselves out of this feeling by giving ourselves a hrad time or judging ourselves for not being "happier". In this session you will learn to meet yourself with kindness and support yourself through the inevitable highs and lows of life, rather than beating yourself up.
9 min
180+ Favorites
How to Act with Courage and Be Bold
How to Act with Courage and Be Bold
We don't need to be courageous all day, every day. But in times when it really counts, we need to learn how to act with courage. The good news is that it's a lot more simple than you might think!
6 min
220+ Favorites
Dealing with Losing an Identity or Role
Dealing with Losing an Identity or Role
There are times in our lives when we have to, willingly or not, experience a change in our identity. Transitioning from one identity to another can be so difficult and yet it's also an opportunity for growth. This session helps you to move through losing your old identity and will give you helpful strategies so that you can transition with ease into your new one.
6 min
200+ Favorites
Letting Go of Judgment
Letting Go of Judgment
Do you find yourself getting stuck in judgment? Yet what's the cost of this for you? Learn how to free yourself from the burden that is judgment.
13 min
170+ Favorites
Up Late Worrying?
Up Late Worrying?
Are you up late worrying? Often when our head hits the pillow, we can start worrying about all the things from our day or we start anticipating things to come. In this session, learn how to engage in constructive problem solving and let go of unhelpful worrying.
3 min
130+ Favorites
Reconnect with You As a New Parent
Reconnect with You As a New Parent
As parents (new and old) we give a lot of ourselves over to our children and the many tasks and roles of parenthood. This can leave us feeling tired, overstretched and sometimes a little lost. This session is an invitation to reconnect with and prioritise yourself again.
15 min
23 Favorites
Sleep Hygiene 101
Sleep Hygiene 101
Learn everything you need to know about getting a good night's sleep through basic sleep hygiene principles. Learn about sleep, how to get a good night's rest and what not to do. Your body and mind will thank you for it!
5 min
73 Favorites