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Happiness Insight Meditations

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Happiness Insight
Happiness Insight
Clinical Psychologists Wellbeing Experts
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Sink Into A Deep Sleep
Sink Into A Deep Sleep
Allow yourself to sink into a deep sleep.
5 min
720+ Favorites
Falling Back to Sleep
Falling Back to Sleep
Falling back to sleep when we wake in the night can be difficult. Allow this meditation to help you let go of your thoughts and easily drift back to sleep.
5 min | 
7 min
870+ Favorites
Affectionate Breathing
Affectionate Breathing
Our breath is always with us, ever-present, our constant companion. This meditation practice helps us to use our breath to soothe and comfort us, and to help us to develop self-compassion.
5 min | 
8 min
440+ Favorites
Cleansing Rain Meditation
Cleansing Rain Meditation
This meditation uses the soft cleansing imagery of a rain shower to help you calm and centre yourself, allowing thoughts, feelings or difficulties to wash away.
4 min
2.1k+ Favorites
Serene Forest
Serene Forest
Escape to a calm and relaxing forest, where you can feel relaxed and at ease.
4 min
1.7k+ Favorites
At times, we just need a few moments to turn inwards so that we can recharge and recenter. At the end of this meditation, you will feel rejuvenated and energised.
5 min
540+ Favorites
Dealing with Thoughts
Dealing with Thoughts
4 min | 
7 min
640+ Favorites
Seasons of Life
Seasons of Life
Allow yourself to embody the qualities of nature to help you feel grounded and open to the changing seasons of life.
13 min
26 Favorites
Grateful Morning
Grateful Morning
Let the stillness of a new day fill your heart with gratitude and openness.
10 min
150+ Favorites
Good Morning
Good Morning
Start your day well and set yourself up for the rest of the day with this meditation, which allows you to take in the stillness of the morning, that magical time when we feel deeply comfortable, relaxed and at ease.
3 min | 
7 min
940+ Favorites
Falling into a Deep and Restorative Sleep
Falling into a Deep and Restorative Sleep
This sleep meditation will help lull you into a deep and restorative sleep. Letting go of all the busyness and worries of the day. Allowing yourself to gently fall into a long and restful sleep so that your body can refuel for the day ahead. Sleep well, sleep deeply x
10 min
250+ Favorites
Beating Yourself Up?
Beating Yourself Up?
When we make a mistake, we often beat ourselves up or berate ourselves. Yet we know this is not an effective thing to do, as it often leaves us feeling worse and more stuck. This meditation helps you to cultivate compassion towards yourself and ease difficult emotions that come up with self-criticism.
5 min | 
7 min
2k+ Favorites
Letting Positivity Soak In
Letting Positivity Soak In
When something positive happens in our day, we often just brush it off. But learning how to tune into and soak up these positive experiences really helps to increase our resilience to negative experiences.
4 min | 
7 min
830+ Favorites
Cultivating Loving Kindness
Cultivating Loving Kindness
When we practice loving kindness meditations, we start to cultivate a more loving and accepting relationship with ourselves. This meditation practice helps you to develop self-compassion.
3 min | 
6 min
790+ Favorites
Letting Go of Resistance
Letting Go of Resistance
When we fight our reality or struggle against change, we can inadvertently create more suffering for ourselves. By allowing ourselves to let go and accept things as they are, we suffer less. This meditation is designed to help you let go of the things that you can't control through the use of your body and mind.
4 min | 
7 min
940+ Favorites
Covid-19 Series: Love, Hope & Safety
Covid-19 Series: Love, Hope & Safety
Through these uncertain times some of us may be feeling anxious, fearful or lonely. This loving-kindness meditation helps us to feel connected, safe and hopeful (even from a distance).
20 min
99 Favorites
Letting Go of Anger
Letting Go of Anger
While anger is a very normal emotion to experience, carrying feelings of anger with us throughout our day can lead us to feel tense and irritated. This meditation helps you to let go of anger through the use of your body.
7 min
760+ Favorites
Waves of Sleep
Waves of Sleep
This meditation will help you to let go of a busy mind, and help you to drift peacefully off to sleep.
4 min | 
7 min
1.9k+ Favorites
Stillness Amidst the Busyness of Life
Stillness Amidst the Busyness of Life
In our daily lives, we are often rushing from one moment to the next. There is very little time when we don't feel like there is something pressing to do. This meditation is an invitation to pause, slow down for a few moments, and to reconnect with some stillness and peace amidst the busyness of your life.
6 min
110+ Favorites
Dealing with Difficult Emotions
Dealing with Difficult Emotions
This exercise is called Soften, Soothe, Allow. Lets's begin...
3 min | 
7 min
770+ Favorites
Letting Go of Anxiety
Letting Go of Anxiety
In our daily lives, if we stop and tune in, we can often sense a background hum of anxiety or stress. This meditation has been designed to help you let go of this constant feeling of stress and anxiety, and to inside find equanimity and peace.
5 min | 
7 min
1.3k+ Favorites
Surfing Urges
Surfing Urges
We can find it hard to not engage in certain behaviours when we have strong urges. This meditation helps you to surf strong urges, so that you can choose how you want to respond, rather than react.
5 min | 
7 min
490+ Favorites
Relaxed and Renewed
Relaxed and Renewed
Let go of anything you don't need right now, to help you sink into a deeply relaxed state and let go of any anxiety.
4 min
47 Favorites
Strong Back, Soft Front
Strong Back, Soft Front
This meditation explores the relationship between compassion and equanimity. By learning how to cultivate a strong back and a soft front, we can weather the storms of life, and be there for ourselves through it all. It allows us to be grounded and strong, while also remaining flexible and open to change.
15 min
22 Favorites
Experiencing Emotions Without Judgment
Experiencing Emotions Without Judgment
We can find it difficult to experience our emotions, particularly when we get caught up in judging our emotions as bad or unwanted. This meditation allows you to experience your emotions in a way that feels tolerable and manageable.
5 min | 
7 min
240+ Favorites
Slowing Down in a Busy Day
Slowing Down in a Busy Day
Our lives are busy. We tend to spend a lot of our day rushing from one thing to the next. This meditation allows you to slow down, find peace and serenity, and is particularly helpful if you have been feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
4 min | 
8 min
920+ Favorites
Coming Home to Yourself
Coming Home to Yourself
During the busyness of the day, we forget to come home to ourselves. This meditation is designed to help you let go of the things that are stressing or bothering you and helps you to come home to yourself again, allowing you to feel connected and grounded.
4 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Cultivating Gratitude
Cultivating Gratitude
Practicing gratitude allows us to build our resilience to negative or upsetting events that happen in our lives, and allows us to better navigate daily frustrations. This simple practice helps you to cultivate gratitude in your own life.
5 min
330+ Favorites
Soothing Breath
Soothing Breath
In times of struggle, connecting to our breath can allow us to feel calmer and more at ease. This meditation teaches you how to use your own breath to soothe you when you need it most.
3 min | 
7 min
320+ Favorites
I Am Safe
I Am Safe
When we are anxious or stressed, our brains go into flight or fight mode, and we find it hard to calm ourselves. This meditation helps you to reduce your anxiety by targeting the fear system of your brain and providing you relief from anxiety or stress.
5 min
620+ Favorites
Body Scan
Body Scan
A mindful body scan gives us the rare opportunity to experience our body just as it is, in this moment. It allows us to feel connected with ourselves, grounded and relaxed. Many of us carry so much tension in our body and it's not until when we tune into it, that we can start to let go of everything that is weighing us down.
4 min | 
7 min
180+ Favorites
No Reply Anxiety
No Reply Anxiety
This meditation is designed to help you let go of the anxiety associated with not receiving a reply from someone. It will help you to let go of the anxiety and come to peace with the situation at hand.
4 min | 
7 min
380+ Favorites
Breath for Sleep
Breath for Sleep
Using your breath to nourish you and carry you off to sleep, letting go of what you don't need.
5 min
200+ Favorites
Help, I'm Panicking!
Help, I'm Panicking!
In a moment of panic, this meditation helps you to calm and centre yourself by using your greatest asset - your breath.
4 min | 
7 min
1k+ Favorites
Calm and Grounded
Calm and Grounded
This meditation is designed to help you feel calm and grounded as you move throughout your day.
4 min | 
7 min
340+ Favorites
Happiness from the Inside Out
Happiness from the Inside Out
Often we seek happiness from external things, yet happiness resides within us. This meditation helps you to connect with your own sense of happiness, joy and inner contentment.
7 min
220+ Favorites
I Need to Take a Breath
I Need to Take a Breath
There are certain times in the day when we just need to take a breath and reconnect with ourselves. This meditation helps you to step out of the busyness of your day and gain back some clarity.
3 min | 
7 min
910+ Favorites
Drifting Off to Sleep
Drifting Off to Sleep
At times, sleep can feel so out of reach. This meditation is designed to help you drift peacefully off into a deep and restful sleep. May you enjoy the drift.
7 min
350+ Favorites
Ocean Renewal
Ocean Renewal
The ocean is a symbol of renewal and cleansing. Allow the waves of the ocean to wash away any troubles, and come away with a renewed sense of clarity and energy.
12 min
28 Favorites
Sunset of the Mind
Sunset of the Mind
Calm your busy mind with this imagery mediation.
12 min
63 Favorites
Sleeping on a Cloud
Sleeping on a Cloud
Imagine yourself on a cloud, as it carries you off to sleep.
5 min
100+ Favorites
Accepting Change
Accepting Change
There are times in our life when things change and we weren't expecting them to. When unwanted change happens, we find it extremely difficult to accept and embrace it in our lives. This meditation helps you to open yourself up to accepting change, and allows you to let go of the suffering that comes along with unwanted change.
5 min
110+ Favorites
Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine
So many of us wake up feeling exhausted, with a long list of things to do. This meditation is an invitation to pause, to sit in the sunshine and feel truly centred before the day begins. Rise and Shine.
4 min | 
7 min
500+ Favorites
How to Sit
How to Sit
This meditation was designed with the beginner in mind. This meditaiton guides you through the basics of how to sit in meditation and helps you to start developing your practice.
3 min | 
7 min
550+ Favorites
Connecting with Nature
Connecting with Nature
Connecting with nature has shown to increase our levels of happiness and helps us to feel calm and grounded. This meditation allows you to connect with the outdoors through your senses.
4 min
310+ Favorites
Meeting Your Needs with Kindness
Meeting Your Needs with Kindness
We often turn away from our own struggles. This meditation is an invitation to listen in to what you truly feel and to respond with kindness. This practice gives us a new way to respond to whatever it is that we are feeling in this moment - sadness, loneliness, anxiety, or shame.
4 min | 
7 min
330+ Favorites
Mindfulness of Food
Mindfulness of Food
At the end of a long day, it can be all too easy to just eat mindlessly. This meditation helps you to practice eating mindfully, so you can start to slow down and really enjoy your meals.
4 min | 
7 min
81 Favorites
Band of Light
Band of Light
This mindful body scan helps us to feel calm and grounded in our bodies.
4 min | 
6 min
450+ Favorites
Return to Nature
Return to Nature
Allow yourself to be immersed in the soothing sounds of nature, to help you feel calm, relaxed, and at ease.
12 min
18 Favorites
Feeling Stressed?
Feeling Stressed?
Often when we are stressed or tense, we spend out time thinking about what we have to do next. Yet this means that we can lose touch with what is already here. This is a simple practice to help you come home to presence and fill your heart with gratitude.
5 min
120+ Favorites
Sacred Pauses
Sacred Pauses
Our breath is an ever present anchor that allows us to tune into the here and now. This meditation practice helps you to tune in and focus on your breath, and helps you to ground and center yourself.
3 min
280+ Favorites
Taking a Breath
Taking a Breath
Connect with the soothing rhythm of your breath and feel nourished and restored. This meditation will help you bring kind attention to yourself and use your breath to soothe yourself.
8 min
18 Favorites
Quiet Your Mind
Quiet Your Mind
When we're in a period of busyness, it can be difficult to quiet our mind enough to fall off to sleep. This meditation will help you to settle your busy mind and send you off to sleep.
6 min
160+ Favorites
Safe and Soothing Place
Safe and Soothing Place
When we want to calm or soothe ourselves, it can help to take ourselves in our mind's eye to a safe place in our mind. This meditation exercise allows you to create a safe and soothing place, so that you can feel calm and relaxed.
7 min
100+ Favorites
Feeling Grounded
Feeling Grounded
Often we get caught up in our minds or swept away by our emotions. We can feel unsteady, disconnected or overwhelmed. This is a simple practice for reconnecting and grounding ourselves in the present moment, so that we can move through our day with a sense of ease and internal balance.
5 min | 
7 min
370+ Favorites
Inner Smile
Inner Smile
Whatever happens outside of ourselves, there is a joyful place that is all our own, a place of inner refuge. Discover a newfound resilience that is your inner smile.
9 min
27 Favorites
Letting Go of Tension
Letting Go of Tension
A progressive muscle relaxation to help you let go of tension and drift off to sleep.
5 min
69 Favorites
Three Minute Breathing Space
Three Minute Breathing Space
Taking a three minute breathing space allows us to refocus and recenter. This meditations helps train your attention, to be both narrow and wide. It teaches you how to choose what you are tuning in to, and calms and focuses you.
3 min
270+ Favorites
Listening to the Here and Now
Listening to the Here and Now
By tuning into our senses, we can connect more deeply with the present moment, and cultivate the skill of mindfulness. This meditation uses the sense of sound to connect with the here and now, and allows you to improve you focus, reduce anxiety, and alleviate stress.
4 min | 
7 min
310+ Favorites
Rewriting a Nightmare
Rewriting a Nightmare
When we wake from a nightmare, we can find it hard to settle back to sleep. This meditation helps you to rewrite your nightmare and gently drift back to sleep.
5 min
100+ Favorites
Letting Go of the Work Day
Letting Go of the Work Day
When we transition from our work day to home, we can sometimes take home the frustrations and stress from our day, and let it impact our home life. This meditation helps you to enter the "third space", a transitionary space that allows us to let of work and our busy day, and enter into a new and replenished headspace.
4 min | 
7 min
560+ Favorites
Loving Kindness for Self and Others
Loving Kindness for Self and Others
A short mindfulness practice of wishing loving-kindness for one's self and others.
3 min | 
7 min
480+ Favorites