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Heart Space Meditation

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Cindy Wolk-Weiss, BSW
Cindy Wolk-Weiss, BSW
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher & Healer
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Beach Imagery - Sleep with Ocean Sounds
Beach Imagery - Sleep with Ocean Sounds
Take a quieting beach walk with me, listen to the ocean waves and settle into a restorative sleep.
5 min
490+ Favorites
Healing the Body Meditation
Healing the Body Meditation
If you are struggling with chronic pain, cancer or other medical conditions you may find using a healing meditation improves body and spirit and a reduction in stress. I invite you to bring stillness and kindness to yourself through this meditation.
18 min
160+ Favorites
Compassionate Self
Compassionate Self
Offering compassion to oneself is a powerful tool on your healing path.
10 min
18 Favorites
A Judgmental Mind Meditation
A Judgmental Mind Meditation
We tend to judge ourselves and others very harshly. I invite you to join me for this short meditation to quiet the judgements.
5 min
110+ Favorites
Awareness of Body
Awareness of Body
Our bodies are our vehicle for living this life yet we are often so disconnected from it. Join me for a body awareness meditation to reconnect and heal. Would you like to learn more - visit me at
9 min
61 Favorites
Taking time to BE is the wisest gift you can offer yourself. A meditation that invites you home. When you take time to BE you connect fully with your wisdom to make clear choices in life. Practice this one several times during your day!
3 min | 
8 min
110+ Favorites
Preparing For Sleep
Preparing For Sleep
Time for sleep, sleep is a time of letting go, Letting go may be challenging for many, a giving up of control. For many, we bring to bed our concerns, worries, and fears that ruminate and swirly through our minds. Join me as you prepare for a night of restorative sleep.
5 min
390+ Favorites
Good Night, Sweet Dreams
Good Night, Sweet Dreams
A sweet dreams meditation. When you are busy going all day long it is often challenging to fall asleep. See my Coaching Channel Embrace Your Authentic Self for the session that goes with this.
5 min
120+ Favorites
Inviting in Gratitude
Inviting in Gratitude
A gratitude practice to retrain our mind to welcome in the joy and blessings of life. Our human minds tend to grasp onto negative experiences, we remember them more than the joyful moments. This practice has been shown to reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being. Please join me to discover more at
3 min
270+ Favorites
Treasure Yourself ~ gratitude meditation
Treasure Yourself ~ gratitude meditation
Enjoy life with a grateful heart. A mindfulness practice to learn how to embody kindness and gratitude in everyday life. May you treasure yourself always.
5 min
310+ Favorites
Beach Imagery For Sleep
Beach Imagery For Sleep
Here is an imagery meditation focused on the relaxing sand & waves to settle you into a relaxed sleep. Join me as we settle into sleep.
5 min
350+ Favorites
Being the Mountain ~ Especially Created for These Times
Being the Mountain ~ Especially Created for These Times
The metaphor of a mountain can be very useful during a pandemic event and anytime we are experiencing life challenges. The image of a mountain - stable, deeply rooted - just being can teach us many things.
18 min
26 Favorites
Being Present
Being Present
The present moment is all you truly have! So I invite you to practice with me how healing and wonderful it is to truly be here now.
14 min
130+ Favorites
Peaceful Heart
Peaceful Heart
A healing the heart meditation. To be fully present in life we need to have an open heart. This is a wonderful daily practice.
9 min
200+ Favorites
The Powerful Breath
The Powerful Breath
The breath is our anchor to the present moment. It grounds us into this moment while improving our concentration and focus. You don’t need to breath in any special way for this. Join me in exploring the power of the breath.
3 min | 
7 min
200+ Favorites
A Mindful Cup of Coffee
A Mindful Cup of Coffee
When was the last time you truly enjoyed a cup of Coffee? It doesn't count if you are running around getting ready for work and you take a sip here and there, or driving in the car stuck in traffic, or downing one just because you need this immediate boost of energy! I am speaking of when was the last time you actually took a seat and fully focused your attention on savoring the taste of the coffee?
3 min
160+ Favorites
Waterfall Cleansing Meditation
Waterfall Cleansing Meditation
Cleanse and let go of all that is no longer useful and return home to your authentic nature. This imagery meditation is a beautiful practice to use often.
11 min
320+ Favorites
A transformative practice that enhances each moment! We tend to live in a very busy world without recognizing our capacity to allow ourselves to slow down, settle, and become tranquil. This is one of the most important reasons mindfulness meditation is vital to our well-being. Join me to discover how. If you enjoy this I offer Mindful meditation sessions created just for you at
7 min
81 Favorites
Mindfulness for Daily Life
Mindfulness for Daily Life
An introduction to mindfulness meditation for beginners. The breath is used as an anchor to the present moment.
8 min
100+ Favorites
Loosening The Web of Anger
Loosening The Web of Anger
How can mindfulness add you to working with anger? Let this meditation guide you in recognizing anger and how to work with it in a beneficial and healing way.
10 min
96 Favorites
Healing Attention
Healing Attention
Body.Mind.Spirit longs for your kind attention. This kindness is what helps us heal. I invite you to take some time today to rest in a spacious awareness with kindness. Blessings of healing
9 min
90 Favorites
Just Being with What Is
Just Being with What Is
Meditation is about being with what arises in our life and in our meditation practice. Most of our stress comes from the struggle of wanting things to be a certain way. When we learn to be with what life has offered us, we can relax a bit and become fully present and heal. Join me today for a gentle breath meditation.
15 min
330+ Favorites
Mountain Meditation for these times
Mountain Meditation for these times
The metaphor of a mountain can be very useful during this pandemic event and anytime we are experiencing life challenges. The image of a mountain- stable, deeply rooted – just being can teach us many things.
12 min
34 Favorites
Body Kindness
Body Kindness
Nurture yourself today. We are often disconnected from our bodies. Our body holds great wisdom and needs our kind attention.
14 min
60 Favorites
Inviting Presence
Inviting Presence
We often struggle with life as it is, we have preferences and desires based on our history. This can cause much suffering. Join me in practicing just being with what is in our life at this very moment.
11 min
12 Favorites
Healing Breath
Healing Breath
The breath is a powerful ally. Join me in this simple meditation that may change your life today.
3 min
120+ Favorites
Mindful Awareness for Calming Anxiety
Mindful Awareness for Calming Anxiety
At times we worry and obsess over thoughts that loop over and over again within our minds. It becomes difficult to sleep to feel calm and centered. A way to work with this is mindful breathing. When you practice mindful breathing your mind can pause and take a mini vacation. When we slow down the thoughts we increase the quality of our being. It’s not about stopping thoughts but bringing awareness to thoughts and choose to obsess or be in the present moment.
9 min
310+ Favorites
Inner Smile - A Kindness Meditation
Inner Smile - A Kindness Meditation
We are often very hard on ourselves, so today I offer a kindness meditation, one I like to call the Inner Smile. Meditating with the spirit of a smile awakens our natural capacity for unconditional friendliness. It helps to activate the energy of loving kindness and gratitude for ourselves and others.
11 min
230+ Favorites
Heart Space ~ healing breath meditation
Heart Space ~ healing breath meditation
Soften your heart to receive the fullness of life. This is a meditation to cultivate courage and endurance. We appreciate and enjoy life more when our hearts are open. When our hearts are open and soft it also gives us the strength to deal with life's challenges. Please let me know if this is helpful to you.
5 min
170+ Favorites
Kindness of Heart
Kindness of Heart
This is an invitation to bring healing and awakening to your heart. This practice allows you to increase kindness towards yourself and share your unique gifts with the world.
10 min
80 Favorites
Mindful at Work
Mindful at Work
Being mindful at work increases your ability to focus, concentrate and improves your creativity. A way to begin is to listen to this meditation as you begin your day and several times throughout the day. Allow yourself to enjoy these moments. Whenever you feel overwhelmed check in with this meditation and regroup. It will act as a mini-vacation. May this day be filled with ease.
7 min
190+ Favorites
Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude Meditation
Studies show that starting a gratitude meditation practice yields near-immediate benefits that lead to increased levels of well-being, decreased stress and depression, as well as increased sense of happiness. Begin your Gratitude practice today!
5 min
330+ Favorites
Equanimity Meditation ~ for Dealing with Uncertainity
Equanimity Meditation ~ for Dealing with Uncertainity
Equanimity is the quality of awareness that fosters wisdom and creates inner balance. It teaches you to have a deep understanding of the nature of change and allows you to be with lifes change with insight and compassion. Equanimity arises from intentional observation and the ability to be aware of without being caught by what we see. When well-developed this gives rise to a great sense of peace. This practice may be profoundly helpful during this time of uncertainty.
12 min
210+ Favorites
How to Love and Accept Yourself
How to Love and Accept Yourself
Bring acceptance and kindness to oneself with this meditation. Why is it so challenging to love and accept ourselves? This is a common issue that people present to me during healing sessions. Most of us are continually striving, trying to prove we are OK causing us to not fully enjoy our lives. We can be our own worst critics which cause great suffering. We rarely feel we are good enough just as we are. This does not mean we stop growing and healing but it does mean accepting who we are in this moment with Kindness.
10 min
310+ Favorites
Restful Sleep Meditation
Restful Sleep Meditation
A bedtime calming practice is created to be done lying in bed. Does your racing mind keep you up at night? If so you may find meditation to be just what you need. With practice and regular use, you will be able to do this on your own. Sleep is the act of letting go, letting be just as it is in meditation. The practice of quieting mind/body creates a physiological response that invites sleep and relaxation.
10 min
130+ Favorites
Welcoming in Compassion
Welcoming in Compassion
Compassion begins with ourselves before we can extend it out to the world. Take a few moments now to welcome compassion into your life. Healing takes place when we allow our hearts to soften and open to ourselves.
3 min
130+ Favorites
Open Awareness Healing Meditation
Open Awareness Healing Meditation
When we bring mindful and kind attention to our vulnerabilities we open the possibilities of healing. Take some moments to explore what is here for you.
5 min
73 Favorites
Center Yourself Meditation
Center Yourself Meditation
Centering is a vital ability especially during times when we are challenged with a great deal. When we feel centered we feel like we have more resilience to deal with challenges. When a great oak tree is deeply rooted it has the ability to stay connected throughout high winds. This is our practice, to find ways to be deeply rooted in our own being.
11 min
180+ Favorites
Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude Meditation
Decrease depression and stress and enhance your well being with a gratitude practice. Studies are showing just short practices of gratitude enhances our level of happiness. Hope you will join me in the transformative practice.
5 min
140+ Favorites
Pond Reflection
Pond Reflection
This meditation offers you an opportunity in meditation as well as in life to be in touch with the changing intensity and content of thoughts and feelings within the vast reservoir of awareness itself that resides below the surface of thought. The pond offers us this lesson as it reminds us of the reflective pond within ourselves.
12 min
77 Favorites
Treasure Yourself ~ a Gratitude Meditation
Treasure Yourself ~ a Gratitude Meditation
A gratitude meditation - research has shown the benefits vast such as a greater sense of happiness and well-being. As you soften your heart and welcome yourself home to your true nature your life may be transformed. Science shows us that by presencing our blessings we can relieve depression, improve immune function, and lower blood pressure.
5 min
130+ Favorites
Compassionate Breath
Compassionate Breath
Connect with your breath to bring compassion to yourself. This is a powerful practice that can be used often throughout the day.
10 min
59 Favorites
Inviting Life In
Inviting Life In
Invite your already innate tranquility to be present in your daily life. This is a meditation that is relaxing and nourishing. Enjoy
10 min
81 Favorites
Awareness of Being
Awareness of Being
Mindfulness is present moment awareness without judgement and with great kindness towards ourselves and others. When we dwell in this moment we begin to note that it has no center, no boundaries and this allows us to relax.
7 min
64 Favorites
Soundscape Meditation for Change
Soundscape Meditation for Change
Simply acknowledge the moment-to-moment awareness of change as I guide you into the quality of open presence through the doorway of sounds.
14 min
40 Favorites
Challenges in Life ~ Overwhelming News
Challenges in Life ~ Overwhelming News
We often have a fantasy that we can control life, if only we do all the right things - eat healthy, exercise, meditate, and enjoy friendships. It doesn’t save us from life’s hardships. This does however helps to create resilience, a strong foundation to weather the storms we may be challenged with. So what do you do when faced with overwhelming news, a cancer diagnosis, or a chronic illness that causing many life changes?
16 min
68 Favorites
Mindful Cup of Tea
Mindful Cup of Tea
Add informal moments of mindfulness into the day through simple activities like brewing and enjoying a cup of tea. Mindfulness is paying attention to the senses, in the body—feeling, tasting, touching, seeing, and hearing. This practice helps you to tune into your body and the present moment. Enjoy!
5 min
70 Favorites
Washing Dishes ~ a Daily Practice of Mindful Awareness
Washing Dishes ~ a Daily Practice of Mindful Awareness
Washing dishes can be a pleasant practice in mindful awareness. Learn how with this meditation.
3 min
77 Favorites
Meditation for Dealing with Challenges
Meditation for Dealing with Challenges
How can mindfulness help with anger responses? We experience anger most often when we feel threatened in some way, it can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. We all experience angry moments throughout our lives, it is a common human emotion. Lately in our world anger seems to be very visible. When there is so much anger in the news and in our lives it is challenging to not get caught by it. Visit my Coaching Channel, Embrace Your Authentic Self, and learn more....
10 min
61 Favorites
Just Pause
Just Pause
I invite you to take time out of each day for a mindful break. These short meditations are like mini vacations to bring yourself back home to oneself and stop stress from building up throughout the day. I recommend using them several times a day. Discover the power of a pause.
3 min | 
7 min
340+ Favorites
Begin the Year with an Intention
Begin the Year with an Intention
Resolutions can a times place too much striving upon ourselves. Discover the difference between resolutions and intentions.
10 min
10 Favorites
Mountain Meditation for Uncertain Moment
Mountain Meditation for Uncertain Moment
A mountain meditation created especially for these uncertain times. There is so very much we are dealing with in the world and it's so useful to have tools. We tend to be uncomfortable with the unknown and I always find mountain meditations very grounding and centering. I hope this is helpful to you.
9 min
140+ Favorites
Finding Refuge in Uncertain Times
Finding Refuge in Uncertain Times
Create refuge to support and nourish you during this time of huge uncertainty. If we can move through this with open hearts we open to the possibility of change. This meditation is offered to strengthen your resiliency.
14 min
23 Favorites
Life Falling Apart
Life Falling Apart
At some point in our life, we will come up against suffering, when life seems to be falling apart. Perhaps you are experiencing a divorce, the loss of a loved one, a loss of a job, or a change in life circumstances. Explore a practice that may settle you and offer clarity on how to move forward. Visit Coaching Channel- Embrace Your Authentic Self for the coaching session that goes along with this meditation.
8 min
66 Favorites
Transforming Feelings
Transforming Feelings
Discover how to work with your feelings. It is natural to experience the full range of feelings. Studies show we have around 60,000 thoughts a day. Whether or not that is accurate we do know the mind never stops thinking. As you begin living with awareness you notice your self-talk. We become aware of how critical we are to ourselves and tend to not want to be with difficult emotions, but they are calling us to pay attention. We run into difficultly when we ignore these feelings, so in mindful awareness, we turn towards them.
6 min
21 Favorites
Simply Pause
Simply Pause
Take a powerful pause. When you take a brief pause throughout your day it is like taking a mini-vacation. The act of pausing interrupts emotional thought loops. When we experience uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety or fear we typically attempt to force it to disappear. This in turn often increases our agitation. A more useful approach is to stop and settle into our bodies and become one with the breath. So join me here and let me know your experience.
3 min | 
7 min
100+ Favorites
Being Present
Being Present
Taking time to pause each day, even perhaps several times a day is like taking a mini-vacation to come home to yourself. It breaks the cycle of stress and anxiety and resets our ease of being. Please note that this meditation contains longer pauses so is an advanced meditation.
3 min | 
7 min
350+ Favorites
Brushing Teeth Mindfully
Brushing Teeth Mindfully
A simple daily practice in mindful awareness. Learn how to bring awareness to everyday life.
3 min
31 Favorites
Peaceful Breathing
Peaceful Breathing
Take several moments to pause in your busy day to come home to your yourself. A simple way to return yourself to the present.
10 min
77 Favorites
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving-kindness Meditation is the practice of wishing oneself and others to be happy, content, and at ease. In loving-kindness, the invitation is to send well wishes to yourself and then to others. It is a soothing balm for difficult emotions.
12 min
110+ Favorites