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Holistic Healing

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Nitima Priya
Nitima Priya
Holistic Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist
All Tracks
Hypnosis - Sleep Soundly
Hypnosis - Sleep Soundly
Give yourself the gift of sleeping soundly throughout the night with this guided hypnosis. Good night and sleep well.
25 min
1k+ Favorites
Powerful hypnosis - Healing Your Body
Powerful hypnosis - Healing Your Body
Power meditation to heal you body. Be open to practicing this new visualization meditation and allow your body to heal using the power of your mind.
20 min
700+ Favorites
How Is Stress Effecting Your Life?
How Is Stress Effecting Your Life?
A brief reflection on how stress and anxiety is effecting your life and changing your perception.
3 min
46 Favorites
Let Go Of Anxiety
Let Go Of Anxiety
When anxiety is experienced our first reaction is to get rid of it and the more we find it to be there. It's like a cry baby the more you tell the baby to be quite the louder it will cry. Paying attention and understanding the baby helps us to calm the baby down.
9 min
62 Favorites
Reflection of Your Inner World
Reflection of Your Inner World
It is time to reflect and review yourself. What kind of person are you? Have you ever noticed that you attract and manifest the kind of things that goes around in your inner world. Ensure you have a pen and a paper, when you are doing this reflection.
10 min
59 Favorites
Reflection - Take Back Control
Reflection - Take Back Control
This reflection is about how you can take back control. We often allow other people judgement gets in our way and bring ourselves down. Let go of being that way and start drawing boundaries with other people regardless who they are.
6 min
66 Favorites
Morning Pages for Release
Morning Pages for Release
A lot of us carry stress, tension, judgement so use this to dump things that's taking space in your mind. You will find helpful guidance on doing morning pages. It's not journal writing. Wishing you the very best with the practice. Namaste.
3 min | 
7 min
250+ Favorites
Releasing Anxiety
Releasing Anxiety
When anxiety is experienced our first reaction is to get rid of it and the more we find it to be there. It's like a cry baby the more you tell the baby to be quiet the louder it will cry. Paying attention and understanding the baby helps us to calm the baby down.
21 min
80 Favorites
Installing New Positive Beliefs
Installing New Positive Beliefs
You always have choice and you can choose to change now. Use this audio guidance to help you to install new, powerful and positive beliefs to empower you so you can live with confidence. Ensure that you listen to this recording as many times as you need at least for 21 days to completely integrate it into your daily life and living. Good luck.
10 min
200+ Favorites
Which Areas of Your Life Needs Your Attention?
Which Areas of Your Life Needs Your Attention?
We tend to think that getting stress and anxious helps us to get things done but it’s not true! Its time you stop and reflect to have an understanding how stress maybe affecting you in so many ways. This guided talk gives you time and space to pause and change your perspective and how you can take a different approach. Ensure that you have a pen and journal whilst listening to this and feel free to pause and jot down the notes whilst listening. It’s your life after all, sure it matters. Once you acknowledge what areas of your life needs your attention you can then do something to change it. Good luck.
7 min
72 Favorites
Soothing Body Relaxation to Feel Safe
Soothing Body Relaxation to Feel Safe
Our body heals the most when it is relaxed, and we often get in our own way of healing by overthinking. Allow this meditation to help you feel relaxed so your body can heal
8 min
62 Favorites
Eliminate Stress
Eliminate Stress
Let me guide you and help you to relax and release stress from your mind and body. Positive hypnotic suggestions can be powerful way to help you relax because your unconscious mind will be doing the job.
25 min
42 Favorites
What's Driving Your Behaviour?
What's Driving Your Behaviour?
Humans are driven by emotional reactions yet, we are hardly aware of what is driving our behavior. This short talk helps you to gain insight to become aware of old habitual patterns that may no longer serve you. Ensure you have a pen and your notebook to write your reflection. You may like to follow through by listening to what is acceptance after this.
6 min
67 Favorites
Short Talk About Belief
Short Talk About Belief
Beliefs are controlling you and shaping your life. This short talk will help you to have a better understanding about the unconscious beliefs. Recognizing them is the first step to changing them.
9 min
39 Favorites
Where Do I Stand?
Where Do I Stand?
To review your life time to time is a good idea, so that you can see what aspects needs more working on and where you are doing well.
6 min
29 Favorites
5 Sense to ground ourselves
5 Sense to ground ourselves
It's difficult to function when anxiety is being experienced. I use this to help my client calm their nerves and come back home to this present moment. This has helped my clients to have clarity so to move on with the day.
10 min
23 Favorites
Mindful Affirmation Healthy Food Choices
Mindful Affirmation Healthy Food Choices
We have to make food choices every day, a couple of times a day. It's important that we make choices that is nourishing food. Allow this recording to guide you to make healthy choices with your food every day. Namaste
6 min
65 Favorites
Become Your Own Good Friend
Become Your Own Good Friend
Pause and reflect how you can be a good friend to yourself. The most important relationship you have is with yourself. It may be helpful to have a note pad and pen, or a journal, so you can jot down actions that you will take on this journey of becoming your own good friend.
5 min
150+ Favorites
Releasing Negative And Limiting Beliefs
Releasing Negative And Limiting Beliefs
Use my guidance to help you acknowledge the beliefs that are limiting you and releasing them once and for all. Ensure you listen and do this practice as many times as necessary. The beliefs that you installed and lived with for years can take some time to let go. Once you feel that you have released please ensure you listen to the follow up recording to install new positive beliefs. Enjoy
21 min
100+ Favorites
Anxiety and It's Drama - Talk
Anxiety and It's Drama - Talk
If we can have a better understanding of how anxiety plays out in our lives, we can make space to observe and let go. Allow this short and brief talk for you to educate yourself about anxiety so you can change your approach towards the anxious experience.
6 min
92 Favorites
I Should - Reflection on a Limited Belief
I Should - Reflection on a Limited Belief
Do you have a lot of thoughts about what you should and shouldn't be doing? Do you beat yourself when things are not done according to your expectations? Do you want to improve relationship you have with yourself? You can use Aura's gratitude journal, or a pen and note pad, or your journal to write these reflection.
6 min
23 Favorites
Love Life
Love Life
This guided practice is for you to learn to love yourself and allow life to love you. What you will need for this practice is a mirror ensure you polish it before starting because you're about meet the most important person in your life :) Enjoy
14 min
61 Favorites
What Is Limiting Beliefs and How It Limits You
What Is Limiting Beliefs and How It Limits You
We live our life according to our beliefs, yet most of us are not even aware of it. This talk will help you to have better understanding about your beliefs and how it maybe limiting you. However if you have positive beliefs it will for sure empower you.
8 min
39 Favorites
Reflective Questions
Reflective Questions
Become aware of what's keeping you stuck? What's holding you back? What are the things you need to let go? So that you can move on with your life. Ensure you have your journal with you when listening to these questions so you can make note and take actions. Enjoy
6 min
43 Favorites
What Is Acceptance?
What Is Acceptance?
In any healing journey it takes a while to get to this phase called “acceptance” Once acceptance arises the journey to healing begins. I find a lot of my clients asking me what exactly is acceptance and how can we come around it. It takes time to accepts things specially things that didn’t go the way we plan. I hope this short talk helps you to have better understanding about what acceptance is and allow you to practice acceptance.
6 min
33 Favorites
CBT - Compassionate Response
CBT - Compassionate Response
CBT helps us to break down our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This practice will enable you to reflect on how we are controlled by automatic thoughts. Once you become aware you can change your thoughts to change your emotion and behavior.
5 min
320+ Favorites