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Improving Your Mind

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Karuna Priya
Karuna Priya
Meditation Teacher & Former Monk
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Breathing and Grounding
Breathing and Grounding
We often become very hard on ourselves when we face major life events. Feelings of negativity and depression can fill our mind and heart. This meditation invites you to be more kind to yourself by validating how you are feelings rather than judging yourself. Training in mindfulness shows that the wires in the brain begin to shift to more healthy and resilient areas when we no longer hold on to the events of the past or treat ourselves with more kindness and compassion.
4 min | 
12 min
290+ Favorites
Grounding Visualisation-Tree Meditation
Grounding Visualisation-Tree Meditation
Unwind with this gentle guided visualization of tree meditation for grounding and relaxation.
4 min | 
13 min
160+ Favorites
Allow Emotions to Arise Safely
Allow Emotions to Arise Safely
This meditation invites you to allow all emotions to arise safely, give space and dissipate by themselves while being calm and grounded.
4 min
44 Favorites
Mental Vacation for Sleep
Mental Vacation for Sleep
This meditation invites you to take a mental vacation for sleep by relaxing your body and leasing tensions.
15 min
100+ Favorites
Choosing Confidence & Face Fear
Choosing Confidence & Face Fear
Fear is an emotion. When you befriend and let it dissolve, you can choose confidence. You can choose to feel safe within yourself no matter how uncertain the future may feel. Remember fear can be replaced by a sense of confidence in you, in the present moment, and things that have worked out - feeling grateful.
4 min | 
9 min
170+ Favorites
Releasing Worry and Sleep Relaxation
Releasing Worry and Sleep Relaxation
This meditation invites you to release worry and prepare for sleep relaxation.
22 min
480+ Favorites
Manage Overwhelm
Manage Overwhelm
This meditation invites you to learn skills to deal with feelings of overwhelm and release any tensions from the body and mind.
4 min | 
11 min
870+ Favorites
Deeply Relaxing Your Mind and Body
Deeply Relaxing Your Mind and Body
Use the power of your thoughts and feelings to deeply relax your body and mind. Imagine as you listen to this track that your body is really relaxing, your mind is letting go of thoughts - feeling safe to be in your body and it's okay to relax your mind too - no matter what is happening. Give yourself permission to deeply relax. Leave your comments below if you enjoyed this short meditation.
3 min
170+ Favorites
Being Nice to Yourself
Being Nice to Yourself
Are you hard on yourself? Do you beat yourself up when things go as planned or expected? Self-compassion meditation can help reduce the pain and suffering we inflict on ourselves and become less judgmental and loving and caring instead. Kindness starts with oneself.
4 min | 
7 min
250+ Favorites
Sharpen your focus to have more clarity, to make right decision and to become more resilient.
4 min | 
9 min
42 Favorites
Unwind and recover
Unwind and recover
Yoga Nidra helps you to unwind, fall asleep and recover. If you want the full benefit, try the longer version.
3 min | 
6 min
180+ Favorites
Being Gentle to Yourself
Being Gentle to Yourself
This meditation invites you to be gentle to yourself. Imagine listening to a friend who may be going through some difficulty, you will naturally be gentle and kind to him or her. In the same way, this meditation can help you to be more gentle to yourself.
4 min
73 Favorites
Sleep Preparation Meditation
Sleep Preparation Meditation
This meditation invites you to prepare for sleep and allow the body and mind to drift into sleep.
20 min
170+ Favorites
Sabbe Sattha Sukhino Bhavantu - Chanting Practice
Sabbe Sattha Sukhino Bhavantu - Chanting Practice
The meaning of the chanting is: "May all beings be happy"
4 min | 
8 min
27 Favorites
Meditation for Self-Care
Meditation for Self-Care
We often become quite hard on ourselves when things don't go as planned. This meditation invites you to remember events and times when you either given or received care and kindness, so you can reignite those positive emotions for healing.
4 min | 
14 min
200+ Favorites
Choose Happiness Rather Than Sadness
Choose Happiness Rather Than Sadness
This meditation invites you to choose happiness rather than sadness. You may often focus on the negatives, but you forgot the positives, things that are right and working out. It is a matter of changing your perspectives.
4 min | 
8 min
150+ Favorites
How Not to Beat Yourself Up
How Not to Beat Yourself Up
This is a talk on how to reduce self-critical thinking or negativity towards oneself and others. If you want to meditate on this, please go to my channel and find the earlier meditation on "Emotional to Calm". Thank you.
4 min
240+ Favorites
Hope Rather Than Hopelessness
Hope Rather Than Hopelessness
This meditation invites you to choose hope rather than hopelessness. During times of uncertainty, you may feel overwhelmed. Like a storm, the emotions will pass eventually. Regardless of how you are feeling, remember to ground yourself in the present moment, be patient and be hopeful.
4 min | 
7 min
60 Favorites
Meditation for Calm
Meditation for Calm
Calm is something you can allow in yourself. In this meditation we will be practising a visualisation meditation centred around an oak tree, in order to tap into and learn how to access your innate inner calm.
3 min | 
11 min
150+ Favorites
Breathe to Find Grounding
Breathe to Find Grounding
This meditation invites you to find your ground first before you go about your daily life. Just like when you climb a hill, you find ground on each level. In the same way, while going on about your day, your intentional breathing can be your grounding for more joy and happiness.
3 min
100+ Favorites
Winding Down to Sleep
Winding Down to Sleep
This meditation invites you to relax your busy mind, so you can unwind down to sleep.
14 min
120+ Favorites
Mindful Thinking
Mindful Thinking
Take it slow, make it gentle and short. It's not about controlling thought but rather becoming aware. Letting them come and go just like the clouds in the sky. Just 3 minutes a day can make a difference.
3 min
61 Favorites
Grounding Oneself
Grounding Oneself
This is a breathing meditation to help you pause, compose and ground yourself at a time of worry and overwhelm. The present moment is the only moment we are truly alive. A wandering mind is an unhappy mind. To be happy, the mind must be grounded in the present moment.
3 min | 
7 min
100+ Favorites
Lovingkindness Chant Pali - feel the vibration
Lovingkindness Chant Pali - feel the vibration
Chanting in the original language such as Pali and Sanskrit can be powerful. Feel the vibration as you chant and aspire for all beings to be happy including yourself. Open our capacity to forgive, to let go, to heal ourselves and others.
4 min
260+ Favorites
How to Manage Change
How to Manage Change
Change is not easy, especially if you hoped it lasted or expected to be in a certain way but it turned out to be not true. Change is inevitable. Rather than resisting change, we can learn to see change as our teacher. What is change teaching you about yourself and others?
3 min
63 Favorites
How to ground yourself
How to ground yourself
To find the ground, all it takes is a gentle awareness to let ourselves know that it is okay things are not working out, but I am here now.
4 min
100+ Favorites
Healing the Inner Child
Healing the Inner Child
We forget that everything is connected and interdependent on each others. That is why the true meaning of compassion is understanding and empathizing with other's pain.
4 min | 
14 min
62 Favorites
Let Go of Expectations
Let Go of Expectations
We often expect a lot from ourselves that can come in the way of living and progressing. This talk can help you understand expectations, letting go and becoming free of them.
7 min
32 Favorites
Happiness - Long Meditation + Affirmation
Happiness - Long Meditation + Affirmation
This is a long meditation inviting you to increase feelings of happiness instead of sadness. Practice some of the happiness affirmations throughout the day.
12 min
100+ Favorites
Quick Breathing Space
Quick Breathing Space
If you don't have much time and busy, here is a quick breathing space. You can repeat this simple exercise to ground yourself and feel calmer going forward.
1 min
13 Favorites
Respond, Not React
Respond, Not React
We often react to events and situations that we later end up feeling sorry for. You can learn to respond to situations with clarity, empathy, and patience. This helps avoid unnecessary pain and disappointment and leads to a much calmer and happier life for us and others.
4 min | 
7 min
52 Favorites
Heartfelt Listening
Heartfelt Listening
We all listen but do we really pay attention to what we are hearing? Mindful listening means to listen non-judgmentally without the need to reply or say something in return but to fully give one's attention with care and empathy. If you find yourself dwelling a lot on thinking and feel obliged to reply, this meditation will help you to pay close attention to various sense faculties. This practice will help improve our ability to feel empathy, build new connections, and develop better relaxations with the surroundings and people.
3 min | 
7 min
56 Favorites
Spark Joy, Not Boredom
Spark Joy, Not Boredom
What sparks joy in your mind. Visualize it. Here is a simple meditation to declutter your negative thoughts such as boredom, lack of motivation to joy, gratitude and excitement. Please do the 7 mins option to get the maximum benefit.
4 min | 
8 min
180+ Favorites
Intentional Pauses - Starting Small
Intentional Pauses - Starting Small
Quick pauses for people with busy mind. Start small and be consistent
3 min
17 Favorites
Forgive Yourself
Forgive Yourself
We often judge ourselves harshly comparing with others and putting high expectations. It is important to forgive yourself for being hard on yourself and acknowledge what is right rather than what is wrong.
6 min
25 Favorites
Vulnerability and Resilience
Vulnerability and Resilience
This meditation invites you to allow your vulnerable self to be more resilient and kind in order to face the vicissitudes of life.
4 min | 
13 min
160+ Favorites
This meditation can help you be free of negativity and have an open mind about you, people and life in general. There is a saying "in the expert's mind, there are only few possibilities, but in the beginner's mind there are many". Often our prejudgements and past conditioning can come in the way of experiencing life as truly it is. We can become so caught up in our head about how we should be, how others should be and how life should be - we can miss living life completely. This meditation is about seeing things with fresh eyes and mindset, even the ones we consider to be bad. We see with open mind and new possibilities. "A rose is a rose is a rose" - Gertrude Stein
3 min | 
6 min
67 Favorites
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude
We often forgot to appreciate ourselves, people and things that had helped us. Rather than focusing on what is working well, we focus on what's wrong. Gratitude meditation is one of the ways to let go of negativity and embrace positive emotions, so you be free and happy.
4 min | 
11 min
130+ Favorites
Feel Intellect with Power
Feel Intellect with Power
This meditation invites you to exercise the power of your intellect, make yourself clear headed and perceptive as well as developing firm resolved.
4 min
62 Favorites
Talk about Wise Investigation
Talk about Wise Investigation
This meditation talk invites you to investigate your experiences and see things as they are rather than speculating. If you have recently been affected by events, this meditation can help you open up to possibilities, let go of what happened and instead focus on opportunities in the present moment.
4 min
35 Favorites
Hope - Long Meditation + Affirmation
Hope - Long Meditation + Affirmation
This is a long meditation inviting you to practice being hopeful instead of feeling hopeless. At times of challenge, it is important to remember all things must change and you must be patient to let things pass.
10 min
29 Favorites
Forgiving and Healing Your Wounds
Forgiving and Healing Your Wounds
This meditation invites you to forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of any feelings of hurt and resentment.
3 min | 
7 min
170+ Favorites
Appreciating What We Already Have
Appreciating What We Already Have
Powerful meditation to appreciate what we have. Allow healing to happen as you go through step by step on appreciating our mind and body. You have the resources you need. Just tune in with them.
3 min | 
11 min
87 Favorites
Emotional to Calm
Emotional to Calm
Do you find yourself judging a lot? Judging yourself or someone else harshly? Learn to deal with emotions with better by letting go of the stories and seeing them just the way they are.
4 min | 
7 min
75 Favorites
Fresh Touch of Breath to Release Worry
Fresh Touch of Breath to Release Worry
Try the long version for more guidance. Remember as long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than what's wrong with you, no matter what's wrong with you. You can always come back to breathing and start fresh.
4 min | 
11 min
61 Favorites
Walk as if you are kissing the earth
Walk as if you are kissing the earth
Walking can be a wonderful mindfulness practice. You can do this meditation in a room, garden or park. Using already what we do on daily basis. Mindful walk can help you be present with yourself, observe the surroundings more and great way to reconnect to nature while walking or running in the park.
3 min | 
7 min
54 Favorites
Letting Be Meditation
Letting Be Meditation
Do you find it difficult to let go of past events or future worries, especially if they are difficult? I invite you to try letting be first and then letting go. That means to allow things to be as they are or allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling without putting huge expectations on yourself. Find peace by letting be, letting go.
12 min
140+ Favorites
Forgiving Yourself
Forgiving Yourself
Do not hold onto your past mistakes and difficult memories. Acknowledge the present moment and forgive yourself for being hard on yourself. You deserve love and kindness as much as anyone in the entire universe.
15 min
47 Favorites
Complete Yoga Nidra
Complete Yoga Nidra
Complete Yoga Nidra can help you unwind, release tensions from the body, sleep and recover from stress and exhaustion. This meditation is specifically made to improve your sleep and help you go to bed without the stresses from the day.
24 min
180+ Favorites
Bring Mind Home
Bring Mind Home
This meditation invites you to bring your mind back home to your body and breathing. You can only breathe in the present moment. You cannot breathe in the past. You cannot breathe in the future. Thoughts may come and go, but conscious breathing is your anchor.
11 min
19 Favorites
Dealing Uncertainty with Openness
Dealing Uncertainty with Openness
You are stronger than you think you are. Be in touch with your inner resources and your potentials. Many people resist change yet things are constantly changing. Learn to befriend your fear and be resilient to change.
20 min
96 Favorites
Counting Your Breath to Calm Your Mind
Counting Your Breath to Calm Your Mind
Highly effect meditation to stay focused and calm. Gentle and soft breathing can really help you to calm your mind and lessen the anxiety. It is said if you have healthy breathing you will have healthy mind. Let’s start with breath.
9 min
50 Favorites
Dealing with Emotions
Dealing with Emotions
Attend and befriend. As they say: "You cannot stop the waves, but you can learn to surf", that's exactly what you do with your emotions: anxiety, sadness, guilt, and loneliness. In the same way, replace them with confidence, happiness, and joy. Do not judge them, but treat them equally.
15 min
38 Favorites
Managing Anxiety and Sadness
Managing Anxiety and Sadness
As they say: "You cannot the stop the waves, but you can learn to surf", that's exactly what you do with your anxiety, sadness, guilt and loneliness. In the same way, replace them with confidence and joy. Do the longer version to get the maximum impact of this meditation.
4 min | 
7 min
170+ Favorites
We often do things to ourselves that we would never dream of doing to someone we care about. This meditation helps you to direct the same care and respect you have for your loved ones towards yourself.
2 min | 
12 min
27 Favorites
Trust Rather Than Fear
Trust Rather Than Fear
This meditation invites you to choose trust in yourself and the universe rather than fear. All feelings change, so is fear. No matter what you are going through, you can choose trust in the process and what the universe presents to you each moment.
4 min | 
8 min
180+ Favorites
Loving-Kindness Meditation for Calm and Peace
Loving-Kindness Meditation for Calm and Peace
If you are hard on yourself and filled with self-critical thoughts, then try Loving Kindness Meditation. It is one of the best techniques to be kinder to yourself and be less judgmental. It is the first step towards greater acceptance.
4 min
190+ Favorites
Talk: Understanding Insomnia
Talk: Understanding Insomnia
A talk to help you understand insomnia, worry and relaxation. Please go to my channel to play the sleep meditations.
4 min
60 Favorites
Feel Abundant
Feel Abundant
This session will help you to feel abundance rather than envy or lack. You can choose to be nicer and kinder to yourself. This is a visualization meditation where you can let your imagination play and be as creative as you would like to be.
4 min | 
8 min
110+ Favorites
Change your thoughts, change your life!
Change your thoughts, change your life!
We think everyday all day long. Our thoughts impacts our life so take in charge and think consciously to make wise decisions about your life. Change your thoughts change your life. This way you are more in control of your thoughts as a result your actions, behaviors and decisions you make in life. While thinking, just think. Then clarity will arise and you can make better choices.
3 min | 
7 min
120+ Favorites
1 Minute Awareness
1 Minute Awareness
Here is a simple awareness practice to boost your focus, attention and resilience. Meditation is easy, you just have to remember it.
1 min
33 Favorites
Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude Meditation
We often take things or people for granted. Even we take our own strengths and qualities for granted. By being more grateful intentionally can help us unleash the hidden potentials that we all have.
2 min | 
14 min
130+ Favorites
Releasing Tensions
Releasing Tensions
This is a body scan meditation. This will help you release tensions from your body parts. After a busy and tiring day, unwind, recharge, and improve sleep quality.
3 min | 
7 min
100+ Favorites
Being in the Present Moment
Being in the Present Moment
Do you find it difficult to stay in the present moment? Find it hard to manage your thoughts? Here's a simple guided meditation that will help you be in the present moment, catch thoughts earlier and let go by letting them be as they are and without dwelling in them.
3 min | 
7 min
200+ Favorites
Grounding Meditation
Grounding Meditation
Mindful breathing can help you stay grounded and reduce stress and anxiety.
24 min
36 Favorites
3 minutes breathing space
3 minutes breathing space
Taking time, creating space for your body. Your body will thank you for it and it only takes a couple of minutes
3 min
42 Favorites
Embracing Emotions
Embracing Emotions
An invitation to get in touch with your inner self, sensations, and feelings - non-judgmentally and with compassion.
3 min | 
7 min
55 Favorites
Meditation for Difficult People
Meditation for Difficult People
You wish you could be nice to everyone. The reality is you will face people who annoy you and irritate you. Even being around them can make you feel anxious and negative. It does not have to be this way always. You can train your brain to think differently, change the way you relate to them.
4 min
38 Favorites
Mindful Smelling
Mindful Smelling
Mindful smelling is one of the ways to activate our sense of smell to reconnect to the nature and body. If we do it correctly - without the need to judge or overthink - mindful smell of objects can be very powerful way to be alive. Please use one of the objects of smell you prefer most. Listen to the 7 mins if you need longer session. Best wishes.
3 min | 
7 min
31 Favorites
Breathing Space for Emotions
Breathing Space for Emotions
This meditation invites you to give space to your emotions through breathing. It encourages you to allow and let go of judgments, rejections, and impatience regardless of how you may be feeling.
3 min
28 Favorites
Kindness to Friends
Kindness to Friends
One of the best ways to feel love and appreciation in life is to think of your loved ones. They may be friends, mentors or family members. Think of their kindness or your natural love and care for them. Wish them to be well and happy.
4 min
33 Favorites
Letting Go of Expectations
Letting Go of Expectations
This meditation invites you to let go of expectations and helps you settle your busy mind down.
3 min
26 Favorites
How Not to React but Respond
How Not to React but Respond
We often react to events and situations that we later end up feeling sorry for. You can learn to respond to situations with clarity, empathy and patience. This helps avoid unnecessary pain and disappointment and leads to a much calmer and happier life for us and others.
4 min
100+ Favorites
Coming to Your Senses
Coming to Your Senses
Training your mind from negative to positive in habitations. Understand yourself and the mechanics of your mind. Deep reflective questions to explore ourselves. You are guided through the eastern philosophical teachings on training the mind followed by guided meditation.
14 min
93 Favorites
Breathing Meditation
Breathing Meditation
Breathing meditation can help you ground in the present moment, let go of stress, anxiety and worry. If you have a lot of thoughts and rumination, then this meditation is for you.
4 min | 
8 min
23 Favorites
Trust Instead of Fear
Trust Instead of Fear
This is a long meditation on building trust instead of fear. Fear is an emotion which you are experiencing. You are not your fear. You can choose trust instead with intention and compassion.
17 min
140+ Favorites
Meditation Advice
Meditation Advice
This meditation invites you to understand the process through which an intention becomes an action.
4 min
13 Favorites
Being Nice to Strangers
Being Nice to Strangers
Strangers could be your neighbors, bus drivers, or grocery store assistant. Their safety and well-being affect your and others' well-being too. If they are not in the right frame of mind, it is more likely to affect many people. Therefore, we think of them too.
4 min
25 Favorites
Desk Meditation 3 Minutes
Desk Meditation 3 Minutes
Take few minutes from the desk and realign your mind and body.
3 min
22 Favorites
1 Minute Awareness
1 Minute Awareness
This meditation for those who finds is hard to find time to meditate. Start small and make your way forward :) Minute is all it takes to get started.
1 min
10 Favorites
Deep Listening - Mindfulness of Sound
Deep Listening - Mindfulness of Sound
When you love someone, the best gift you can offer is your attention. How can you love, if you are not there? Rather than judging, you can approach with open attention and kindness.
16 min
20 Favorites
Effective Counting Meditation
Effective Counting Meditation
Mindfulness of breathing in and breathing out using counting. It's simple, easy to follow, and can be done anywhere.
3 min
18 Favorites
Breathing Meditation - Mindful Counting
Breathing Meditation - Mindful Counting
Bringing more focus through mindful counting meditation. It's a simple and powerful technique. Makes it easier when you have something to focus on.
7 min
14 Favorites
How to sit when practicing mindfulness?
How to sit when practicing mindfulness?
A proper way to sit when meditating. Detailed guidance of your body posture.
1 min
19 Favorites
Whole Body Breathing
Whole Body Breathing
Allow your body to breath and let your organs to be rested.
3 min | 
9 min
22 Favorites
In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind, there are only few. In this meditation, you will learn to take every moment as opportunity to wake up, learn and learn. Sit back and enjoy this simple guided meditation.
11 min
55 Favorites
Mindful Tasting
Mindful Tasting
Do you eat emotionally? Do you eat fast and hardly enjoy your meal? Mindful tasting will help you to feel fulfilled, notice more flavors, and lose weight. Make sure you have something to taste with you while following this meditation, such as nuts, raisins, chocolates, or strawberries.
3 min | 
7 min
33 Favorites
Mindful Witnessing
Mindful Witnessing
This guided meditation can help you see things and people as if seeing for the first time, be less judgmental and open up to new possibilities in relationships and interactions with the world.
4 min | 
7 min
170+ Favorites
Full Body Breathing
Full Body Breathing
This meditation is about breathing from your whole body. Normally we breathe from the chest, but it is more powerful when we can breathe from the full body. That means you are using your full body to open up to the air element, open up the channels or the nervous system to work together in harmoniously. If you do this regularly, you will have more energy in the body and feel refreshed.
4 min
240+ Favorites
Breathing Space Meditation
Breathing Space Meditation
This breathing space meditation is ideal for a quick reset and to increase focus on the present moment using the breath as an anchor. If this meditation is too short for you, I recommend you do one of my longer meditations.
4 min
23 Favorites
Relationship with Yourself
Relationship with Yourself
This meditation will help you be more in touch with yourself, be gentle with your critical self, and appreciate yourself for who you are. For a better experience, I would recommend you listen to the 7 minutes version of this meditation.
4 min | 
9 min
380+ Favorites
Responding Rather Than Reacting
Responding Rather Than Reacting
If you are feeling anxious or reactive, this meditation will help you to calm your nerves down, feel better and respond positively to yourself, others and situations well. Often when you react to situations, people and ourselves without considering, you can end up regretting. This meditation will teach you how to respond positively so you get the outcomes you want.
3 min | 
8 min
100+ Favorites
Accepting Feelings as They Are
Accepting Feelings as They Are
You cannot stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. Similarly, you cannot control your feelings, but you can learn to manage them. We only want pleasant feelings and don't want unpleasant ones. But both approaches are wrong. We can learn to accept feelings just the way they are. Feelings come and go, they are never permanent. Therefore, you can learn to let go eventually.
3 min | 
6 min
42 Favorites