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Inspirational & Motivational Stories

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Nitima Shrestha Priya
Nitima Shrestha Priya
Holistic Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist
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A Man Chased by a Tiger
A Man Chased by a Tiger
Life can present you with some difficult challenges. How do you deal with them? Here's an exciting story that may just show you some light.
5 min
180+ Favorites
Enjoy Every Moment
Enjoy Every Moment
Your life only happens in this moment, in the here and now. Don't wait for rest of your life. Enjoy now.
2 min
100+ Favorites
The Four Candles
The Four Candles
We try to prove ourselves right to others. Why is that so important to do so. Can we sit with ourselves and be content? When we are content with ourselves there is no need to prove anything to anybody.
2 min
90 Favorites
Obstacle in Our Path
Obstacle in Our Path
We find it easier to nag and complain about things. How can we let go of this habit? What will happen then?
2 min
120+ Favorites
How Heavy Is a Glass of Water?
How Heavy Is a Glass of Water?
Beautiful story about stress management that I heard from my teacher Ajhan Brahm.
3 min
310+ Favorites
Reaction Matters
Reaction Matters
This story demonstrates that we can't do anything about the situation but we can change the way we see it.
4 min
610+ Favorites
Biscuits of Life
Biscuits of Life
Edward Espe Brown shares his beautiful experience and insight he gained whilst making biscuits over his life. We find ourselves comparing to others but this story illustrates how can we see the beauty in what we have. Please enjoy
5 min
74 Favorites
The Other Side
The Other Side
As there's a saying the grass is always green in the other side. It's time to acknowledge your side, take time to explore.
1 min
43 Favorites
Farmer's Donkey - Story
Farmer's Donkey - Story
Donkey's situation teaches us lessons about life, and what to do with the challenges we face.
3 min
400+ Favorites
You Are Valued No Matter What!
You Are Valued No Matter What!
Don't let your value decrease because you're going through though time. You are special and you are valuable, no matter what.
2 min
300+ Favorites
Wise Old Man
Wise Old Man
We find ourselves complaining about our problems so many times. Hear what the wise old man has to say about that.
1 min
300+ Favorites
Puppies for Sale
Puppies for Sale
Everybody is worth it all regardless of where they're at and what their state is. You are worth it!
3 min
98 Favorites
Doors of My Heart Are Open to You and Me
Doors of My Heart Are Open to You and Me
Story about loving Kindness and Compassion. It can not only transform you but also others around you.
6 min
180+ Favorites
Blind Girl
Blind Girl
When our circumstances change please still be humble and keep to your words.
2 min
100+ Favorites
Every Person Has a Story
Every Person Has a Story
It's a beautiful story about stepping back from our reactive judgements.
1 min
200+ Favorites
Becoming your own best friend
Becoming your own best friend
How would you like to go for a coffee with a friend? When we want to catch up with our friends we want the environment to be fun and laughter not controlling. This story demonstrates a metaphor about how we try to control our mind no wonder it wants to be away from us. Be friend your mind dear ones then you can begin to enjoy being with yourself.
4 min
580+ Favorites
Anger Management
Anger Management
Anger can do things that we cannot undo. The story demonstrates how damaging anger can be but we can learn to be patient.
2 min
270+ Favorites
Making a Difference in the World
Making a Difference in the World
You may not be able to make a difference in the world but you can make a difference in someone's world.
3 min
130+ Favorites
Caterpillar Turn into a Butterfly
Caterpillar Turn into a Butterfly
A short story about the process of caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It is a struggle but a necessary one for the transformation to take place. Using every challenges and struggle as an opportunity to make us stronger and wiser.
4 min
100+ Favorites
Be Kind Even When You Are Impatient
Be Kind Even When You Are Impatient
Most precious things in life do not have a price. Be kind, be open :)
2 min
170+ Favorites
Monkey Mind - Short Story
Monkey Mind - Short Story
We always find excuse to do something before we can meditate. This short funny story demonstrates just how are minds are constantly trying to get distracted every time we sit to meditate. Enjoy!
7 min
82 Favorites
Enlightenment in Action
Enlightenment in Action
We think to be enlightenment is to be out of this world but many masters makes it simple. It really means to be in this world. Take care
1 min
73 Favorites
Silly Snake in Search for Wisdom
Silly Snake in Search for Wisdom
How to be kind and use your resources so others don't take advantage of you
5 min
64 Favorites
Finding Beauty in Everyone
Finding Beauty in Everyone
Based on true story heard in a monastery. You can find beauty in everyone including yourself. Try this task
3 min
300+ Favorites
The Moving Mind
The Moving Mind
A story about our mind and different ways of experiencing it.
1 min
30 Favorites
Does Mind Control Work? Not really!
Does Mind Control Work? Not really!
We try to control our mind, how well does it work for you. Here's a short story to illustrate it. Make sure you enjoy going out for a coffee with your friend next time.
4 min
130+ Favorites
Granma's Cooking Secret
Granma's Cooking Secret
Be open to change by being open and curious.
2 min
57 Favorites
An Elephant and a Rope
An Elephant and a Rope
A story about how our old beliefs can limit us from freedom. Be open to upgrading our beliefs. What once served us may no longer be useful.
3 min
120+ Favorites
Mummy, I'm Leaving Home
Mummy, I'm Leaving Home
Story of a little boy who had enough of life and wants to leave home. But what happens after he leaves? Enjoy listening to the story.
4 min
110+ Favorites
Finding Peace
Finding Peace
We tend to search for peace and happiness externally. We just have to realize that it's not about going somewhere to get it. It's right here within you.
2 min
150+ Favorites
Thinking Out of the Box
Thinking Out of the Box
Open up to any situation and thinking out of the box to get the best out of the situation. It doesn't have to be as bad as we think.
3 min
160+ Favorites
Friends for Ever - Earth Worm
Friends for Ever - Earth Worm
Story about how we are all stuck in comfort zone. We want to help our dear ones but if they also have to be ready to receive. Enjoy :)
5 min
90 Favorites
Group of Frogs
Group of Frogs
The words we say to people can really have an impact. What kind of things do you say to others and more importantly what kind of things do you say to yourself?
2 min
61 Favorites
Imperfect Perfect
Imperfect Perfect
Many people try so hard to be perfect. Be home with the way you and love yourself as you are.
4 min
160+ Favorites
Dogs Retreat
Dogs Retreat
Listen to how a dog finds itself a place to retreat. How often do you take time out for your own personal retreat?
3 min
140+ Favorites
Good, Bad, Who Knows?!
Good, Bad, Who Knows?!
We are attached to good times and have an aversion towards negative events. We do not know what the future holds; this story beautifully demonstrates how to have non judgmental attitude and how we can accept who we are and what is happening in our lives.
4 min
250+ Favorites
The Mouse Trap
The Mouse Trap
Story demonstrates that we are all interdependent on each other. When some one is threatened, we are all at risk. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an effort to help each other.
5 min
160+ Favorites
Heaven & Hell
Heaven & Hell
Zen teachers has profound skills to teach their students. This heart warming story demonstrates to the extent these teachers can go to bring their students out of their misery.
3 min
260+ Favorites
Rock, Pebbles, Sand & Water
Rock, Pebbles, Sand & Water
What's important in your life? What do you give time to? Maybe it's time to re-calibrate.
7 min
20 Favorites
Mask of the Red Death - Story
Mask of the Red Death - Story
Story about fear and how it can take complete control over things.
2 min
86 Favorites
A Pound of Butter
A Pound of Butter
Story about honesty. Don't do to others what you do not wish on yourself.
2 min
65 Favorites
Know your boundaries with friends
Know your boundaries with friends
Friendships are very precious, please take care of them.
1 min
60 Favorites
Funny Conversation with God
Funny Conversation with God
Short, funny conversation with God. Good time to reflect on how we can be humble.
1 min
140+ Favorites
2 Monks and a Lady
2 Monks and a Lady
Story that will make you reflect on your own behavior. What are you holding on to?
2 min
110+ Favorites
Shark, Bait Fish and You
Shark, Bait Fish and You
Story that allows us to reflect our own conditioning.
2 min
97 Favorites
Running After Enlightenment
Running After Enlightenment
Good teachings for those who are super hard on themselves and for those who are impatient. Enjoy!
1 min
110+ Favorites
Princesses and the Dragon - Story
Princesses and the Dragon - Story
Resourceful princess who marries a dragon to help her parents. What does she get in return?
5 min
67 Favorites
Zen & Chess
Zen & Chess
This story demonstrates how great Zen masters have used skillful ways to help people attain enlightenment. There is hope for everyone :)
4 min
72 Favorites
Box Full of Kisses
Box Full of Kisses
A story about our habitual pattern of judging mind. Step out of the trance and live for now.
2 min
100+ Favorites
Moon Cannot Be Stolen
Moon Cannot Be Stolen
A story about a Zen master who often has a compassionate mind to offer. However, thieves are only concerned with what they can take from others.
1 min
73 Favorites
Zen Story - a Cup of Tea
Zen Story - a Cup of Tea
What is your cup filled with and what will you do about it?
2 min
140+ Favorites
Hard Working Labor - Story
Hard Working Labor - Story
Hard work can pay off well. Learning to be patient.
3 min
61 Favorites
Rocks Pebbles Sand & Water
Rocks Pebbles Sand & Water
What are we filling our life with? What is it that's really important to you and necessary? Allow yourself to have a gentle reflection after listening to this story and consciously put an effort to prioritize.
6 min
77 Favorites
Water-bugs and Dragonflies
Water-bugs and Dragonflies
When transformation happens there is no going back. Rejoice other's success and work on your own on the way. Give space to those who are not yet ready.
5 min
160+ Favorites
Stop Chasing Happiness
Stop Chasing Happiness
We often miss to see that happiness is present, right here in this moment. This story demonstrates just that.
1 min
96 Favorites
Good Wolf & Bad Wolf
Good Wolf & Bad Wolf
Story about a conflict that takes place in every individual's life. How can we nurture our thoughts, emotions and ourselves holistically?
5 min
140+ Favorites
Working Hard - Impatient
Working Hard - Impatient
To achieve our goals, it's not always about work hard as we tend to think. Learn to be patient.
1 min
68 Favorites
A Worm and His Lovely Pile of Dung
A Worm and His Lovely Pile of Dung
Story demonstrates how we can be attached to our comfort zone even thou there is no space for growth. Be open to change.
5 min
44 Favorites