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Life Coaching WISDOM

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778k+ plays
Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
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Love Your Body: A Real Life Client Story
Love Your Body: A Real Life Client Story
This client story highlights the ongoing struggle of our human condition to accept and approve of ourselves as we are. This client’s story (shared with her permission) may echo that of other women have also been left to deal with the psychological implications of their experience of breast augmentation surgery, in silence and alone. For the Body Love Meditation, please find it here on AURA in my Meditation Channel 'Being Love'. For The Ultimate Self-Love toolkit, please click here: Sending you great love... Namaste! d o r o t h y
3 min | 
8 min
29 Favorites
Love Notes To Myself (Inspired Wisdom)
Love Notes To Myself (Inspired Wisdom)
This prose of inspired wisdom is to help you feel confident in living your truth and to follow a path that allows you to live life to the fullest. A perfect mantra to begin each day with! "Your life continues to be more and more amazing." Namaste! Love Dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
430+ Favorites
No One Can Hurt You Unless You Allow It
No One Can Hurt You Unless You Allow It
When we hurt it is because we have allowed someone to affect us negatively; to cause us harm, to feel doubt, fear, insecurity, or discouragement, when really each time that we experience someone's negativity, they are simply showing us their reaction, and their feelings and thoughts in that particular moment. How often do we allow others to hurt us? Your decision must be to step back, to step away from taking on whatever hurts may be directly or indirectly pointed at you. You wouldn't choose to be hurt. You would choose to be love and to feel loved. So begin with this. Become great at this. This is the ability to love yourself and to trust wholeheartedly in your goodness, your infinite power, your truth. with love Namaste!
5 min | 
10 min
3.4k+ Favorites
3 Life Practices To Guarantee Happiness
3 Life Practices To Guarantee Happiness
I secretly come back to each of these best 'life' practices often, throughout the day. They help to ground me in what is truly important and to live as my highest self. I hope that you will treasure them also. Authentic happiness (and the experience of contentment) is what you feel when you live out of the present moment. Join me in this episode as I share the practical wisdom to embody each of these three life practices as a conscious choice. Namaste! Love Dorothy
9 min
850+ Favorites
The 3 Secrets of Self-Discipline
The 3 Secrets of Self-Discipline
You thrive in self-discipline. Self-discipline is personal power. It is a discernible and distinctly present force that helps you to accomplish what is desired, to make the best and right choices, and to live exuding confidence and self-respect. If you wish to have the habit of self-discipline ever-present in your life in a way that you have never felt before, then I invite you to listen on; and to contemplate the 3 Secrets that make Self-Discipline possible as a consistent optimal life habit that affirms your ideal self. Let these 3 Secrets reveal the true purpose of Self-Discipline and its ever-relevant place in your life... and in your heart.
3 min | 
8 min
110+ Favorites
Your Life and How You Live Begins Now
Your Life and How You Live Begins Now
In the recent weeks and months we have witnessed much political up-cries as our leaders are being asked - demanded - that they consider how policies and political influence needs to stand for what matters; that they need to think far into the future. It is not only the economy that needs an uplift but perhaps more so, it is how we think. We must open our minds to what needs to change is at the forefront of everything. Gravely the violence, the prejudice, the racism, the fear and the lack of knowledge that we have witnessed is but a microcosm of what needs to change; of what is changing. Our lives stand for something; they matter. They inspire and drive conviction; to be a never-ending voice that teaches our children; that retrains our way of thinking and the beliefs that we hold so that we may all live in light; no longer in the darkness that has shrouded our minds for so long. This is our global awakening; this is our new world. This is your opportunity, your time, your free will that will choose what will be. When you feel uncertain; and there is much that is still unknown, remember to decide what is in your power to choose; to reclaim, to live awake, because in this time everything that you have ever wanted and desired now is before you. It is of your choosing. Only you can choose this. You are not alone, everyone has their own path to walk forward in. The life that you once lived is forever changed. You embrace the present. You may witness all of the moments of your life as you look forward and feel grateful of these many joys that are possible because you choose this. Everything becomes significant. Everything becomes a possibility and something worth asking for. Your life and what you live begins now. Choose your life. Live in peace. Begin this now. I hope that you will have the experience of listening to the full episode; there is much here to inspire and uplift and to help you set your course into the future. Namaste! xo
27 min
290+ Favorites
Manifesto: Manifest All That Is Desired
Manifesto: Manifest All That Is Desired
Use this Manifesto as a daily practice to inspire you to co-creating with the Universe. Live your greatness, own your authentic power, and live this in all moments as you open your heart to receive all of the abundance, love, and happiness that you desire. Use this manifesto each day to help you align with your highest self, and as you co-create your desired path. May this be a wonderful year in your life!! Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
890+ Favorites
From Fear to Love - Three Best Practices to Alleviate Fear and Live as Love
From Fear to Love - Three Best Practices to Alleviate Fear and Live as Love
Here, I share with you the research-based knowledge of how to alleviate fear and how you may choose to live as love in far more moments of your life. Namaste! xo In this health pandemic, there is a lot of information that can heighten your fear; the overloading of information some of it inaccurate, some of it truthful; can still cause you to feel fearful when you have not previously. Sometimes, as you seek to have all of the right knowledge and information; focusing on the finding and having of facts can cause hypervigilence - acute focus on this problem even if your facts can now offer ideas for what you need to do. It is only when you are fixated on a problem that worries surface: your mind directed towards what is unwanted and what causes you to suffer. Let this help you! love dorothy
25 min
230+ Favorites
Why Taking a Deep Breath Feels Good. (full episode) The Self Healing Benefits of Deep Breathing That You Need to Know
Why Taking a Deep Breath Feels Good. (full episode) The Self Healing Benefits of Deep Breathing That You Need to Know
There are several reasons why taking a single deep breath - or several - are helpful and have proven benefits. Here are the top five reasons why it serves you well to take several conscious deep breaths - whenever you can - and as often as you can. Perhaps this will be added inspiration for you to take conscious deep breaths more often! Namaste! xo
13 min
310+ Favorites
Two Best Practices to Change Unwanted Behaviours
Two Best Practices to Change Unwanted Behaviours
In this segment of Life Coaching WISDOM, discover two helpful Cognitive Behavioural Strategies for changing unwanted behaviours. First, its important to know that your behaviours are determined by your current mood state. To change how you feel, you need to change what you tell yourself. Use these two best practices; for developing mindfulness and for being in control of how you feel and what you tell yourself. Namaste!! xo
3 min | 
6 min
1.8k+ Favorites
The Three Secrets of Manifesting
The Three Secrets of Manifesting
How do you take an idea, a thought, something that you desire deeply, and turn it into a reality in the physical world?" What I want to help you become better at is how to bring into your life what is most wanted, desired, and needed; what is most important to you, what you dream about, and what you have always wanted. This is what makes manifesting powerful and deliberate, and it allows you to play much more in your life because of what you are consciously seeking and in your ability to materialize your deepest desires. Join me for this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM and that will make it even easier for you to do this!! Namaste!
5 min | 
7 min
760+ Favorites
This Is Who I Am
This Is Who I Am
How Is Self-Knowledge Empowerment? To Know Yourself Well Will Ensure You Make the Right and Best Choices For Your Life. Knowing yourself is about knowing the intangible, deeper aspects of your personality, and your larger than life ~ goals and ideals. Are you aware of your most personal and intimate thoughts and feelings? Are you willing to admit to yourself what is in need of change so that you can let go of anything that holds you back from easily being even better; happier, and in love with yourself and life. Join me in this life coaching WISDOM for the inspired questions to help you discover even more about who you are...and who you are becoming. Namaste!
5 min
890+ Favorites
8 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner
8 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner
If you and your partner have a desire to re-calibrate ~ to experience the feelings of love that were once so powerful and to know a newfound level of intimacy and closeness, then each (and all) of these best practices will help immensely for experiencing new love in your existing love relationship. Please reach out to me if I can be of further help to you toward this goal of rebuilding and nurturing new love, intimacy, and compassion. For more please find The WISDOM blog here: Namaste!
26 min
440+ Favorites
From Fear to Love: Three Best Practices
From Fear to Love: Three Best Practices
Here, I share with you the research-based knowledge of how to alleviate fear and how you may choose to live as love in far more moments of your life. In this health pandemic, there is a lot of information that can heighten your fear; the overloading of information some of it inaccurate, some of it truthful. Focusing on the finding and having of facts can cause hypervigilance - acute focus on this problem even if your facts can now offer ideas for what you need to do. It is only when you are fixated on a problem that worries surface: your mind is directed towards what is unwanted and what causes you to suffer. Let this help you! Love Dorothy Namaste!
5 min | 
9 min
160+ Favorites
When Love Has Been Abusive: How to Reclaim True Love
When Love Has Been Abusive: How to Reclaim True Love
For you to find great love in this life is your destiny. Your heart has been yearning for this... A spoken 'inspired' message to remind you of how the love you had (or may still have) is not real love if it comes with abusive words or actions. And how to reclaim the real love that you are so deserving of. Believe in this. When you ask for what you truly want and then as you are willing to receive it (even with caution) - you are reminded of the great power of receiving everything that you most desire - and with this - new love.
4 min | 
8 min
680+ Favorites
Escaping Abuse: Why We Stay, How to Leave, 4 Strategies to End the Cycle
Escaping Abuse: Why We Stay, How to Leave, 4 Strategies to End the Cycle
In this episode I want to remind you of the power that you hold to choose for yourself the right and best relationship, and how you can stay clear of relationships that are damaging and abusive. I also wish to illustrate how living with abuse, perpetuates a cycle of dependency and the eradicating of one's self-worth and sense of self; and I will share the story of my client 'Beth', and the four strategies to prevent you from finding yourself in an abusive relationship and enable you to leave. TRUTH SERUM: There are many forms of abuse. Abuse is, by definition, the mistreatment of another; whether intentional or as a facet of one's consistent actions that one may not be self-aware of. A-HA MOMENTS: Abuse in the traditional variant forms that we categorize as physical, emotional, and psychological all originate with one's thoughts and beliefs; that is what one tells one's self and justifies in being discriminating, hurtful, and disrespectful towards another, and how one's misguided intentions can lead into a situation and a relationship that is both damaging and abusive. PRACTICAL WISDOM: We know that relationships that are unhealthy and abusive are also complex and complicated. We stay in these relationships for different reasons; whether because we have convinced ourselves that there is something of benefit to us in staying; or we anticipate the enormous effort it will take to execute our decision to leave. We stay because we tell our self that the "relationship is really not that bad"; that maybe "we deserve how we are being mistreated"; and in some cases, we may tell ourselves "we don't care." If you are listening to this episode because something deep within you is yearning for help, guidance, and perhaps validation of what you know but have been afraid to believe, I hope that in listening, you will allow your inner voice to become louder, to rely on it for what you know is true and to be willing to care for yourself first with the knowledge that you are not alone, that you will get through this; that you will feel better, happier, and stronger; and that if and when you choose it, you can and will find the right partner and the love that you truly want. If you need my help, please reach out to me: Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
250+ Favorites
This Is a Self-Love Movement
This Is a Self-Love Movement
In this episode, I've been inspired to share what I am naming "The Self-Love Movement" because we all need to experience the nourishment of self-love. We need to understand what self-love really means, and we need to live it as one impactful solution for growing our confidence and self-worth and for being willing to live self-sustainably and of our ‘truth’ ~ and for enjoying far more present moments lived because this is how we experience innate happiness. If you would like my personal guidance and help on your journey of self-love, please reach out to me! Book our time together here:
25 min
170+ Favorites
This Is Forgiveness
This Is Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a deliberate power that you wield - releasing yourself from suffering - relinquishing the need to make others responsible for how you feel - acknowledging that others are not in control of your life - of the worth that you feel - of the freedom that you hold. Forgiveness is upholding your power; living your truth; acknowledging the freedom to love unconditionally - In forgiveness - you remind yourself that if others hurt you - it is because being hurtful or unkind is also how they are with themselves - at least at this moment - and it is not a reflection of you. May this help you in completing forgiveness in your life. Namaste! With much love, Dorothy
4 min | 
6 min
1.3k+ Favorites
Help for Resolving Conflict - What You Need to Do
Help for Resolving Conflict - What You Need to Do
The four best practices for helping you move from conflict into resolution - effectively - whilst maintaining your relationship and achieving greater understanding. Namaste!! xo If you would like my personal help or guidance in any situation that you may continue to be struggling with - and that remains unresolved and causing hurt or pain, please consider booking a free 15-minute discovery session with me. You may also wish to 'gift it' to another who is struggling with a situation of conflict that needs resolution.
5 min | 
8 min
620+ Favorites
How to Have the Best Year of Your Life
How to Have the Best Year of Your Life
Will you harness the powerful nature of desire accelerated by distinct and purposeful action steps to claim what you desire most? Will you use your positive mindset to approach your life with inspiration, gratitude, and belief based in knowing yourself best? Are you committed to continually improving yourself based on having clear intentions, and a 'visioned' ideal, together with the resilience to move forward along a path that honours your deepest desires? In this episode of life coaching WISDOM, I ask the three questions that will curate the organic ideas that will help guide you towards what you are seeking. PLUS: Discover what one question will help you follow a path that will always be right and best for who you are.
9 min
590+ Favorites
Do You Let Love In? Are You Ready To?
Do You Let Love In? Are You Ready To?
It is possible to shower others with love and kindness; to think of others' needs and to often place these before your own - and yet feel unloved or undeserving of love. How is it that giving love is easier than receiving it? What makes it so difficult to feel loved? In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, discover the secret of letting love in; of feeling it completely - love from others and unto yourself - and to enjoy this easily. Namaste!! xo
19 min
130+ Favorites
Three Practices of 'Self-Love'
Three Practices of 'Self-Love'
The three best self-love practices curate love from within, and the simple ways to practice these as a daily habit. Use these practices daily to feel confident, to feel deep appreciation and love of yourself; and to be autonomous and self-empowered because of what thoughts and feelings you choose to hold. I love you!! Dorothy
4 min | 
9 min
330+ Favorites
Reclaim Life:the Path to Living Awakened
Reclaim Life:the Path to Living Awakened
We call this, 'awakening' - moments of lucidity and clarity where, as Mackenzie describes, she is able to "see everything as it is" and instantly is aware that the opposite - the absence of clarity - is akin to "being in a coma." This gateway into the truth of what you are living is completely yours to decide upon. You may not approve of everything that you see with eyes wide open. It is not necessary that you do. The point of "awakening" is not to regret the past but to give yourself the opportunity and privilege of reclaiming your life; of living honest and truthful here and now. If you would like my help, please reach out to me. You can best find me here: Namaste and much love!
4 min | 
12 min
350+ Favorites
'I AM' Manifesting All That You Desire
'I AM' Manifesting All That You Desire
Use this Manifesto as a daily practice to inspire you to co-creating with the Universe - all things. Live your greatness, own your authentic power, and live this in all moments as you open your heart to receive all of the abundance, love, and happiness that you desire. Use this manifesto daily to help you align with your highest self, and as you co-create your desired path. Namaste! xo
23 min
330+ Favorites
Becoming a More Confident 'You'
Becoming a More Confident 'You'
If you want to feel the confidence of knowing that your decisions are the right and best ones for you; and to have greater confidence in all that you do, then the 3 most effective practices that I am about to share, are going to make it easy for you build greater confidence and to live empowered because of what you think and believe about yourself. In this episode we dive into what makes a person confident, and how you can grow your confidence to extreme levels by choice; because confidence grows with your affirmative words of yourself. Please never stop challenging yourself to grow and in using positive and encouraging words to support and uplift you as you become more self-confident! Namaste!!
4 min | 
7 min
230+ Favorites
Building a More Confident You
Building a More Confident You
Do you sometimes struggle to feel confident about yourself? We can practice speaking words of encouragement and kindness to our self - and holding belief in who we are as being more than good enough, capable, intelligent, and any other adjective that describes what is true rather than what we might currently tell our self. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, I offer the strategies for building a more confident version of yourself, and for how to practice loving kindness directed inward. If you would like my help, please reach out to me - let me help. Namaste! MUSIC: Justin Woodward & John Murphy, 'sunshine adagio'
4 min | 
15 min
580+ Favorites
The Future Is Now
The Future Is Now
Even as this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM is released months into this global pandemic of 2020, the messages that I share are omnipresent and incredibly important for when you listen; because now is the future. A-HA MOMENTS: For however you have been living your life up until this moment, you must realize that you have been choosing your future. PRACTICAL WISDOM: What I want to emphasize and inspire at this time and in this brave new world that we are all being “rebirthed” into; is the absolute need for greater conscious choice; to wield the freedom that you hold, to choose what you deeply desire; and to live fearless of this; because you now understand that you are able to have everything that you have always wanted. TRUTH SERUM: What you have been wanting and waiting for is before you now. Now is the time to take new action. This time is unprecedented in our lives; and with it is the possibility for change; and new beginnings of consciousness and loving-kindness for all living beings. Now is the time to set in motion what you have been wanting for so long. Now is your time. It is the time for all of us to mobilize into action what is most wanted, and to step forth into this brave new world that we are living. The Future is Here. It is Now. Namaste love dorothy
32 min
120+ Favorites
'Yes' Is Your New Mantra for the Upcoming Year!
'Yes' Is Your New Mantra for the Upcoming Year!
In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, we boldly step into the New Year with a Mantra 🎇and a plan of action, in which you embrace all that is possible; and all that is already on its way to you. Find a comfortable place as you settle in; as you hold gratitude and as you embrace a NEW MANTRA; a new perspective; and a new vision for the upcoming year in your life. I wish you all of the very best in this new year (and for whenever you are listening to this episode!) Namaste! 💜 💜love dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
97 Favorites
3 Life Practices To Guarantee Happiness
3 Life Practices To Guarantee Happiness
I secretly come back to each of these best 'life' practices often, throughout the day. They help to ground me in what is truly important and to live as my highest self. I hope that you will treasure them also. Authentic happiness is your natural state. It is what you feel whenever you are present in each moment. Join me here for a glimpse inside this list and find the full episode here: where we dive into the practical wisdom to embody each of these three life practices as a conscious and deliberate choice. Simple practices for living authentic happiness. Namaste! Love Dorothy
3 min
940+ Favorites
Let Your Emotions Be a Source of Wisdom
Let Your Emotions Be a Source of Wisdom
Most of the time we are not aware of what thoughts we hold, but we are more aware of our feelings. When we interpret situations as negative or stressful we will feel emotions that create sadness, anxiety, agitation, or another form of suffering. Without fully understanding why we feel the way we do, we can remain lodged in our emotions for a time – often hopeless to know how we might change these so that we can feel better. If you begin to pay closer attention to how you feel – and to identify your emotions including the reasons for why you feel as you do; then you will make great strides in understanding yourself better.
8 min
420+ Favorites
Reclaim Your Power: a Real Client Story
Reclaim Your Power: a Real Client Story
This client's story reminds us of how difficult and even traumatic life events, can propel us forward; and that all situations and experiences may teach us much about our personal strength and resilience; so that we can heal and overcome what has happened. You can witness peace. You can rise above, to contemplate and understand; and to feel empowered - now. If you have a question that you would like loving guidance and help with, please reach out to me. Namaste! 💜
4 min | 
7 min
52 Favorites
What You Have Been Taught to Believe
What You Have Been Taught to Believe
“Who you are is not what you have been taught to believe. Who you are is the most incredible being of love.” For whatever behaviour (or belief) is unwanted and yet appears to be so deeply ingrained, ask yourself, “Where did I learn this?” I ask clients to trace their problematic behaviour, belief system, or unhealthy habit - back to an earlier time – a time in which they first remembered observing this behaviour in another person, or - if applicable - of their self. To find its originating point means that it was learned and therefore may be changed or unlearned and replaced with something of your choosing. We learn so much about our self by reflecting on what we have been taught to believe. Namaste!
3 min | 
15 min
350+ Favorites
Time to Change My Life for the Better?
Time to Change My Life for the Better?
This time is presenting for each one of us; a challenge to live in our truth; to no longer do what we have always done, to continue in what has not served our highest self. For some this means a radical change in how you will think about and live life; and for others, it will be more of a fine-tuning; of what we have already begun, to ensure that we do not stop, that we follow through; that we fight for – that is we decide and never give up on – what is truly wanted. In this episode of Life Coaching Wisdom, we dive deep; we do some serious questioning to reveal what is most important for you right now. Because once you have decided what is most important; then you can say it; you can make it happen. Much love to you all! Dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
340+ Favorites
10 Best Practices for Curing 'That Sunday Feeling'
10 Best Practices for Curing 'That Sunday Feeling'
The statistics are clear - that 'Sunday feeling' is most often triggered by anxiety of the impending workweek. If you've ever felt a looming dread on Sunday that falls upon you much like clockwork; as your mind anticipates Monday morning, the week ahead, and what you may wish you could avoid; then you likely know all too well what feels like... Finding the path you are meant to be on is the most effective method to cure yourself of that Sunday feeling - permanently. Learning more about how each type functions can help you create a map to manifesting a fulfilling and happy life. Episode Resources: The WISDOM podcast: debut episode in which we dive deep into all things about self-love The WISDOM blog; a post which gives you the science for why taking deep breaths are so important) How much sleep is enough? The WISDOM Blog and a post on how you can change thoughts that are not positive How to work with me:
4 min | 
8 min
150+ Favorites
How to Love and Value Yourself
How to Love and Value Yourself
Each one of us has had to overcome experiences that impacted our confidence and self esteem. In this episode of Life Coaching Wisdom, I share one client's journey of overcoming harsh criticism and their need to seek of approval - and what happens when we learn how to love and value our self - first (and from within). Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
75 Favorites
This Is... You
This Is... You
This is YOU. YOU - unstoppable, witnessing the beauty and love that is in all things; looking forward, looking back - you give yourself permission to be accountable to now - to enjoy the magic of this moment - each moment - precious, perfect - offering you the realm of choice - free will choice that you use so deliberately - to contemplate and plan - and to live your choices - happily, freely. This is YOU. Your desires and wishes are genuine - real - perfect. As you follow these desires they lead you to even greater happiness, success, and the freedom of knowing that everything is possible - you simply need to choose it and then be willing to make it happen. MUSIC: Hammock - 'Dissonance' Namaste! Dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
320+ Favorites
Defining Healthy Self-Regulation
Defining Healthy Self-Regulation
Healthy self-regulation is the ability to be attentive to what you need at any given moment. It includes identifying what you want-how you want to feel-and your decision for optimizing this within the context of what is the best possible choice. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, discover the importance of self-regulation, what constitutes 'healthy' vs 'unhealthy' self-regulation, and take inventory of whether your 'habits' are bringing you balance - or moving you further 'out of' balance. Join me for the 'spoken word' guided meditation at the end for deeper self-reflection and the experience of self-regulation for relieving anxiety and experiencing calm and inner peace. Namaste!! xo dorothy
19 min
260+ Favorites
This Is a Self-Love Movement
This Is a Self-Love Movement
In this episode, I've been inspired to share what I am naming "The Self-Love Movement" because we all need to experience the nourishment of self-love; we need to understand what self-love really means, and we need to live it - as one impactful solution for growing our confidence and self-worth, and for being willing to live self-sustainably and of our ‘truth’; and for enjoying far more present moments lived because this is how we experience innate happiness. If you would like my personal guidance and help on your journey of self-love, please reach out to me!
4 min | 
8 min
410+ Favorites
How Life Mirrors Your Inner Existence
How Life Mirrors Your Inner Existence
Life can become a series of moments that we live in search of what will 'make' us feel good (aka 'happy', 'joyful', 'alive') rather than living life as a series of moments that we easily enjoy (and relish) because we are living connected to our inner happiness - which is always present - always accessible - always a part of us. 'Happiness is Your Inherent State' The next time that you find yourself 'in search of' something because of how you want to feel, consider that life mirrors existence. That "something" that you have convinced yourself you need - becomes an even better experience because of your current state of being. Life that is lived with appreciation and 'thanks'; with gratitude - fuels abundance and joy. Let this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM inspire you to live your life full on; playful with the knowledge that what you think about and imagine become the outer reality you live. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
7 min
910+ Favorites
Ask Dorothy: How Do I Manifest?
Ask Dorothy: How Do I Manifest?
In this episode, I share several secrets of manifesting (listen carefully throughout this recording as there are more than the 3+Bonus secrets). Be ready to dive in as I guide you through visualization for how to manifest something important - now. Discover the two most powerful words you could ever use for manifesting; and the importance of your feelings for guiding the course of what you will bring into your life - in perfect ways. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
170+ Favorites
Message : My Younger Self-How to Love Me
Message : My Younger Self-How to Love Me
This divinely inspired message is my love note to you and your younger self. I hope it helps you immensely and that you listen often! love Dorothy These are the words - the messages of love that are meant for you; that are important to say and to believe in. These are the words that can help you to feel better even when you do not think that feeling better is possible; even when you have been hurt so much; and most important - even when others may show or tell you otherwise - be in charge of how you feel. Believe in yourself. You are the one person that needs to do this most - regardless of what anyone else says or does - it matters most what you tell yourself. MUSIC: Clemleek, 'Bless Those Tired Eyes'
3 min | 
6 min
1.2k+ Favorites
How Life Mirrors Your Inner Existence (Full Episode - 15 Min)
How Life Mirrors Your Inner Existence (Full Episode - 15 Min)
Life can become a series of moments that we live in search of what will 'make' us feel good (aka 'happy', 'joyful', 'alive') rather than living life as a series of moments that we easily enjoy (and relish) because we are living connected to our inner happiness - which is always present - always accessible - always a part of us. 'Happiness is Your Inherent State' The next time that you find yourself 'in search of' something because of how you want to feel, consider that life mirrors existence. That "something" that you have convinced yourself you need - becomes an even better experience because of your current state of being. Life that is lived with appreciation and 'thanks'; with gratitude - fuels abundance and joy. Let this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM inspire you to live your life full on; playful with the knowledge that what you think about and imagine become the outer reality you live. Namaste! xo
15 min
1k+ Favorites
Two Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sleep
Two Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sleep
Sometimes our path to sleep can best be aided by a reflection of the day lived. In this sleep journey; I guide you into restful sleep as you are first asked to ponder two questions. I've included this recording for you here in Life Coaching WISDOM; as these two questions are best reflected upon at the end of each day; and "Yes", they will definitely help you ease into sleep. Namaste!
24 min
130+ Favorites
How to Reclaim Your Life
How to Reclaim Your Life
What changes have you been seeking? As the world is slowly restarting to a different hum; and a different message of hope and liberation, there is a definite need for us all to be more conscientious of each other, to be more self-aware of our choices and our actions, and how we might take greater responsibility for what change is needed - for ourselves and for the world. Here are the questions that you need to ask yourself... Video link resource: How you may reclaim your life. Namaste! xo Dorothy
4 min
130+ Favorites
You Are Not What You Have Been Taught to Believe
You Are Not What You Have Been Taught to Believe
“Who you are is not what you have been taught to believe. Who you are is the most incredible being of love.” For whatever behaviour (or belief) is unwanted and yet appears to be so deeply ingrained, ask yourself, “Where did I learn this?” I ask clients to trace their problematic behaviour, belief system, or unhealthy habit - back to an earlier time – a time in which they first remembered observing this behaviour in another person, or - if applicable - of their self. I call this "a point of origin.” The purpose of looking for the origin of a behaviour or core belief is to establish a starting place from which you may begin to understand that this behaviour (attitude, belief, or thought pattern) is not entirely of your making. To find its originating point means that it was learned and therefore may be changed or unlearned and replaced with something of your choosing. We learn so much about our self by reflecting on what we have been taught to believe.
3 min | 
8 min
580+ Favorites
How to Curate Unleashed Joy
How to Curate Unleashed Joy
Moments of joy are curated based on our ability - our willingness to appreciate, to have gratitude; to be present to our experience and to see the beauty in all of life, to receive the gifts of unconditional kindness and love that we give and are given. Joy is the heartfelt witnessing of what is deeply meaningful and important. All of these involve the allowing of our heart to be open - to witness - to experience what moves us so deliberately into joy. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, I share the path to experiencing unrelenting joy. Please join me! MUSIC: The Echelon Effect, 'Tracking Aeroplanes'
4 min | 
7 min
150+ Favorites
Be Honest with Yourself - 'Ask Dorothy'
Be Honest with Yourself - 'Ask Dorothy'
The anxiety of my 17-yr old client was over the top. She is a high performer in every aspect of her life; and excels in all of her courses as well as the game of basketball and soccer to which she plays at an elite level. Her anxiety was a lot bigger than she ever admitted to. The stress of always needing to do her best; and to compete with her peers in school and in sport, took its toll on her body. She was diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer. Join me in the episode of 'Life Coaching WISDOM' and the certain truth that frees you from anxiety whenever you are willing to be self-honest. 😉👌 Have a Question for Me? Send me a note here on AURA or an email to 💜😎 I would love to answer your questions here!
18 min
29 Favorites
What Is Spiritual Abundance?
What Is Spiritual Abundance?
Here we dive into one of the spiritual teachings of life, that is of abundance. Spiritual abundance is how you hold the basis of co-creation. Discover how you harness abundance using the path of your heart ~ as you awaken to this as a daily practice and as the basis for how you witness everything. A wonderful heart-opening practice. Enjoy beautiful ones! Namaste! xo
11 min
57 Favorites
Reclaim Your Life: the Path to Living Awakened
Reclaim Your Life: the Path to Living Awakened
My client Mackenzie described it as a flash of light - and the feeling of being wide awake; able to witness herself in the true aspect of who she is. This is called 'awakening' - moments of lucidity and clarity - where, as Mackenzie describes - she is able to see everything as it is and instantly is aware that the opposite - the absence of clarity - is akin to "being in a coma". Sometimes referred to as 'sleep walking through life'; at first glance it would appear that we are functioning in a reasonably effective way, but when we look deeper, we see that there is much that we are doing on automatic pilot; without contemplating, without being attentive to how we feel and without asking our self if the choices that we continue to make are indeed the right ones for who we are. When you are not fully present and awake, you actually forgo your free will choice and you are not able to live your awakened ideals. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM we take a closer look at how to live awake and how you can reclaim your life. Please join me. I love this story of Mackenzie and her 'awakening'. Namaste! xo
12 min
240+ Favorites
A Time of Revolution
A Time of Revolution
This revolution is one of kindness; of certainty to our sacred calling as what we choose to do in our lives; to share our talents, to be unwavering in our cause; to be determined in our choices, to live in freedom, and to make the best choices that will honour our human spirit and will set in motion what we are grateful of. This life and what we are being shown is wonderful. When we can get past what feels uncomfortable, we can remind our self of the inherent beauty in what we may appreciate, and in what we choose.
3 min | 
7 min
12 Favorites
Depression in COVID Times + 12 Solutions
Depression in COVID Times + 12 Solutions
An interactive journey to accurately self-assess for depression plus how to best help yourself with the 12 best natural solutions to heal sadness and depression. Depression and sadness need a home that is not within you. It is time. Here is a link to the 'Depression Free Checklist' with all of the resources I mention in this episode as a downloadable PDF and self-care resource. Namaste!
46 min
41 Favorites
Becoming a More Confident 'You'
Becoming a More Confident 'You'
If you ever wanted to feel more self-confident and deserving of your successes and to own what I call your 'greatness', then this episode is going to be the strategy that you need. If you want to feel the confidence of knowing that your decisions are the right and best ones for you; and to have greater confidence in all that you do, then the 3 most effective practices that I am about to share, are going to make it easy for you build greater confidence and to live empowered because of what you think and believe about yourself. In this episode we dive into what makes a person confident, and how you can grow your confidence to extreme levels by choice; because confidence grows with your affirmative words of yourself. Namaste!! xo
26 min
170+ Favorites
Radical Self Honesty
Radical Self Honesty
If you can begin one change about how you live your life - begin with your decision to be radically self honest. Catch yourself when you are telling an untruth - no matter how innocent or minor it may seem. Make a point to stop yourself - even if you are mid-sentence in conversation with another and correct what you are saying. When you are telling yourself something that you want so desperately to be true; pay attention to whether you are being wholly honest or if you are avoiding what 'is' true in face of what you wish for. "Radical self honesty frees you to live your truth" Join me in the full length episode (7min version) where I share the one question that reminds you how to define what 'is' true. Thank you for listening! Namaste! In kindness and gratitude, dorothy xo
3 min | 
8 min
470+ Favorites
It Matters What You Say
It Matters What You Say
Communication is everything. How can you become better at speaking your truth so that you can reveal the true essence of what you need to say - what you must say - without hurting another, without causing damage to a relationship - while still giving yourself a voice - a stand - an opinion? In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, I share three strategies to help you become more effective in your communication. Sending you much love, xo dorothy Namaste!
4 min | 
12 min
1.1k+ Favorites
How to Experience Infinite Beauty Through Presence
How to Experience Infinite Beauty Through Presence
Here I share the most simple, yet powerful means of instantly changing your perspective; your mindset and any mood or feeling that is unwanted. It is this: to hold presence and to witness the beauty in all of life circling you.
3 min | 
8 min
46 Favorites
Help for Resolving Conflict - What You Need to Do (Full Version)
Help for Resolving Conflict - What You Need to Do (Full Version)
The four best practices for helping you move from conflict into resolution - effectively - whilst maintaining your relationship and achieving greater understanding. Namaste!! xo If you would like my personal help or guidance in any situation that you may continue to be struggling with - and that remains unresolved and causing hurt or pain, please consider booking a free 15-minute discovery session with me. You may also wish to 'gift it' to another who is struggling with a situation of conflict that needs resolution.
18 min
540+ Favorites
Knowing Your (Right) Path - Your Purpose
Knowing Your (Right) Path - Your Purpose
How do you know with certainty what your right path is? How do you know when you are making a ‘right’ decision? Does a 'right' decision feel different? What does it feel like in your body? Do you feel certain confidence about the decision that reassures you it will be the right thing? Let this checklist be a guiding tool to help you in making all of your decisions - and for trusting in your inner knowing to offer you the ‘right’ guidance and wisdom. Join me in the full episode (7+min) for a list of checklist questions to help you make all of the best and right decisions for your life. Let this list help you in all areas of your life. Namaste! xo dorothy
3 min | 
17 min
710+ Favorites
The 3 Secrets of Self-Discipline
The 3 Secrets of Self-Discipline
You thrive in self-discipline. Self-discipline is personal power. It is a discernible and distinctly present force that helps you to accomplish what is desired, to make the best and right choices, and to live exuding confidence and self-respect. If you wish to have the habit of self-discipline ever-present in your life in a way that you have never felt it before, then I invite you to listen on; and to contemplate the 3 Secrets that make Self-Discipline possible as a consistent optimal life habit that affirms your ideal self. I wish you much success in all that you pursue using these secrets, and in bringing greater self-discipline into your life. Namaste! xo dorothy
32 min
240+ Favorites
I Love You! Now Please Fix Me!
I Love You! Now Please Fix Me!
Do you look to or rely on the love of your partner to help you feel complete, whole, loved, or appreciated? Do disagreements and conflicts become the illumination of your unspoken desires? Do you look to or expect your partner to - by means of loving you - "make you" feel whole, complete, and happy? Join me in this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM for a closer look at what is still an unclaimed secret to feeling wholeness - loved - secure - happy - and how to feel this - NOW - for yourself.
9 min
460+ Favorites
Kindness As Love + George Floyd Tribute
Kindness As Love + George Floyd Tribute
There is something else that we must look at now. Now as we continue to navigate life; as we return to some of what has been absent; finding our way to a new and better way of life even as some aspects of this may take time to become what we are used to. There is something more than we are being called to examine; to change if these beliefs conflict with what we know to be the right choice. This brave new world that we are being thrust forward into is a world that must be founded on the protection of love and kindness. Kindness is Love. -enjoy this and with it, the remembering of kindness as love... xo Dorothy
4 min | 
9 min
27 Favorites
Three Practices of Self-Love
Three Practices of Self-Love
The three best self-love practices curate love from within, and the simple ways to practice these as a daily habit. Use these practices daily to feel confident, to feel deep appreciation and love of yourself; and to be autonomous and self-empowered because of what thoughts and feelings you choose to hold. I love you!! Dorothy
11 min
500+ Favorites
Why the World Needs More Compassion
Why the World Needs More Compassion
Compassion is how you express sentiment for another living being who is less fortunate or suffering. Compassion is how we form and uphold emotional connection; it is how we feel care and love from another, and from our self when we direct compassion inward. When you feel compassion, you open yourself to witness 'light'; light that emerges after sadness and suffering; light that mends and heals and grows your capacity to feel and be of more light, more freedom, and ease. Here, I explain why we all need to become better at expressing compassion to others, and to ourselves; and how you can begin to do so now. Namaste!! xo
4 min | 
9 min
73 Favorites
The Future Is Now
The Future Is Now
Even as this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM is released months into this global pandemic of 2020, the messages that I share are omnipresent and incredibly important for when you listen; because now is the future. A-HA MOMENTS: For however you have been living your life up until this moment, you must realize that you have been choosing your future. PRACTICAL WISDOM: What I want to emphasize and inspire at this time and in this brave new world that we are all being “rebirthed” into; is the absolute need for greater conscious choice; to wield the freedom that you hold, to choose what you deeply desire; and to live fearless of this; because you now understand that you are able to have everything that you have always wanted. TRUTH SERUM: What you have been wanting and waiting for is before you now. Now is the time to take new action. This time is unprecedented in our lives; and with it is the possibility for change; and new beginnings of consciousness and loving-kindness for all living beings. Now is the time to set in motion what you have been wanting for so long. Now is your time. It is the time for all of us to mobilize into action what is most wanted, and to step forth into this brave new world that we are living. The Future is Here. It is Now. Namaste love dorothy
3 min | 
9 min
170+ Favorites
Use the Wisdom of Your Heart for Good
Use the Wisdom of Your Heart for Good
Use your innate goodness to wield more; to rediscover your personal power; your dignity, your honor to yourself, to uphold the values that will allow you to live of your inherent goodness; and to teach others as you lead by example, and as you walk the planet knowing that you are far more incredible and amazing then you have ever known. This time, this year, your life begins with the wisdom of your heart - for all good. In this week’s episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, I share a message of empowerment; of how you may use all of what you already are, for good. May this be a most incredible year of your life. Please make it so.
15 min
27 Favorites
The Psychology of Alleviating Fear - the Covid-19 Crisis
The Psychology of Alleviating Fear - the Covid-19 Crisis
The Three Best Practices for Alleviating Fear Specific to the Coronavirus What Does it Mean to ‘Flatten the Curve’ and How Can You Best Do This? Why NOW is The Best Time to Re-Examine Your Health Care Practices What You Can Do To Improve Your Immune System A Cognitive Therapy Best Practice for Alleviating Fear How to Best Protect Yourself From COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Self-Awareness Tools for Alleviating Fear What Three Tendencies Predispose You to Fear? Please find the additional resources mentioned in this episode, on my website: Please take gentle care of yourself!! Namaste!!
23 min
60 Favorites
The Two Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sleep
The Two Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sleep
Sometimes our path to sleep can best be aided by a reflection of the day lived. In this sleep journey; I guide you into restful sleep as you are first asked to ponder two questions. I've included this recording for you here in Life Coaching WISDOM; as these two questions are best reflected upon at the end of each day; and "Yes", they will definitely help you ease into sleep. Namaste!
4 min | 
8 min
130+ Favorites
When Love is Abusive: Reclaim True Love
When Love is Abusive: Reclaim True Love
For you to find great love in this life is your destiny. Your heart has been yearning for this... A spoken 'inspired' message to remind you of how the love you had (or may still have) is not real love if it comes with abusive words or actions. And how to reclaim the real love that you are so deserving of. Believe in this. When you ask for what you truly want and then as you are willing to receive it (even with caution) - you are reminded of the great power of receiving everything that you most desire - and with this - new love.
14 min
560+ Favorites
This Is You... Being Love
This Is You... Being Love
"Being love" can best be described as being kind, compassionate, truthful, caring, accepting, inclusive, honorable, and any other adjective that accurately describes what we characterize as traits and behaviors that reflect our innate goodness. Join me for a reflective and inspirational look at what it means to be love. One of my favourite conversations.... Sending you great love....... 'dorothy' Namaste! In this audio you learn how to return to a state of ~divine spiritual love~ that originates from within so that you can be this in your life - and in ways that will foster loving relationships with others. Dive deeper still... "the sacred teachings of being love"
4 min | 
13 min
480+ Favorites
3 Signs-Time to End Your Relationship
3 Signs-Time to End Your Relationship
If you have ever questioned your happiness within an existing love relationship; the best source of guidance to rely on is your inner wisdom. It's something that you can hone easily simply by going within to ask and then answer wholly honestly, "Is this the best person for me - to be in a relationship with?" "Is this the best possible partner that I could choose for my life?" and "Will this person always seek to add to the quality of my life?" These guidelines will help you feel more confident in your decision-making, and also help you trust what your inner voice is telling you. Let these three 'signs' help you determine if it's time to end your love relationship.
10 min
290+ Favorites
Who You Are Is Not What You Have Been Taught to Believe
Who You Are Is Not What You Have Been Taught to Believe
“Who you are is not what you have been taught to believe. Who you are is the most incredible being of love.” For whatever behaviour (or belief) is unwanted and yet appears to be so deeply ingrained, ask yourself, “Where did I learn this?” I ask clients to trace their problematic behaviour, belief system, or unhealthy habit - back to an earlier time – a time in which they first remembered observing this behaviour in another person, or - if applicable - of their self. I call this "a point of origin.” The purpose of looking for the origin of a behaviour or core belief is to establish a starting place from which you may begin to understand that this behaviour (attitude, belief, or thought pattern) is not entirely of your making. To find its originating point means that it was learned and therefore may be changed or unlearned and replaced with something of your choosing. We learn so much about our self by reflecting on what we have been taught to believe.
15 min
760+ Favorites
Becoming 'More'
Becoming 'More'
How do you become more? What does this mean in a tangible way? Do you think about ‘being more’ as applicable to your life? Is there a ‘more’ that you wish to be? I believe we’ve all had this experience; of seeking to become better in some aspect of our life, or as who we are. What guides this desire and what perpetuates the motivation and discipline to see yourself through? And of course, what drives your need to be 'more'? Join me as we dive deep into how you become the best version of yourself; and to live this.
21 min
47 Favorites
There Will Always Be Something
There Will Always Be Something
The greatest moments are those in which you can be present as you are doing whatever you love; as you are in the presence of this - and attentive to how it feels to be so privileged, so blessed - that you are nowhere but right here - in this moment; in the enjoyment of this moment - in the experience of what you love most - of what is so blissful. It is these moments that you are fully present in - that serve you; that excite you; that inspire you with beautiful wisdom and glory that you hold as moments of greatness; of pleasure, of joy - moments that remind you of your ability to be present with all that is - as it is. MUSIC: Relax Daily 'light ambient music'
4 min | 
11 min
320+ Favorites
Why You Must Be Self-Reliant
Why You Must Be Self-Reliant
TRUTH SERUM: There will continue to be uncertainty. You must become certain about what you want and how you wish to live your life. A-HA MOMENTS: This time is a time of freedom – freedom from what has held you hostage from yourself. What you will choose to be a new set of practices and beliefs that you will hold; will allow you to rebirth yourself into something more, something better. PRACTICAL WISDOM: You need this time to awaken; to set in motion this new stage of your life. You already have everything that you need for this. In this episode, I share real life client stories as we discuss reliance and self-responsibility; to no longer give away our power to those who are truly not responsible for it and to make new choices that will honour our integrity and authenticity over greed, ego, and a fragile and fear-based model that has up to now dictated to us what we should do. I hope this episode inspires you to be self-reliant; and to choose with greater autonomy what will allow you to feel, innate happiness. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
22 min
330+ Favorites
What Is Spiritual Abundance?
What Is Spiritual Abundance?
Here we dive into one of the spiritual teachings of life, that is of abundance. Spiritual abundance is how you hold the basis of co-creation. Discover how you harness abundance using the path of your heart as you awaken to this as a daily practice ~ and as the basis for how you witness everything. A wonderful heart-opening practice. Enjoy beautiful ones! Namaste!
4 min | 
11 min
45 Favorites
The 6 Secrets to 'Manifest Your Miracles
The 6 Secrets to 'Manifest Your Miracles
This week’s episode is all about the making of miracles; for whatever you want most deeply; and for whatever is in your heart. Let me show you how to bring your miracles into the light of day. After listening here, I invite you to check out my video on the 'Mastery of Manifesting'; in which I share my experience with manifesting something that literally took years to show up in the physical world. Be sure to download the PDF with a list of your six manifesting secrets + more tips on manifesting!
3 min | 
8 min
140+ Favorites
Do You Let Love In? Are You Ready To?
Do You Let Love In? Are You Ready To?
It is possible to shower others with love and kindness; to think of others' needs and to often place these before your own - and yet feel unloved or undeserving of love. How is it that giving love is easier than receiving it? What makes it so difficult to feel loved? In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, discover the secret of letting love in; of feeling it completely - love from others and unto yourself - and to enjoy this easily. Namaste!! xo
4 min | 
8 min
87 Favorites
Why You Need to Unplug from Technology for a Day. The Science of How a Digital Detox Can Improve Your Life
Why You Need to Unplug from Technology for a Day. The Science of How a Digital Detox Can Improve Your Life
What is the experience of a day in your life - best enjoyed - without the comfort and luxury of the internet, phone calls, emails, texts, and anything else that keeps you tightly enmeshed in the matrix? How will you live off the grid for an entire 24 hours? Why would you want to? One of the greatest contributors to our global levels of worry, stress, and sadness is the result of not having time alone with your self; whether in a solitude activity or for several moments of regular inner contemplation and reflection. You may experience a degree of discomfort that you find released - soothed from choosing to use your unplugged time to be with you - and to establish a nourishing and positive relationship with your inner self. Join me in this Life WISDOM episode for the science of why you need to unplug. Let me know how doing so has helped you to feel more 'connected with yourself'. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
230+ Favorites
A Time of Acceptance
A Time of Acceptance
“Perhaps it is more fitting than ever to allow acceptance into your heart; to let it guide you towards even greater things.” - Dorothy Ratusny We do not always have the kind of relationships that we would like. Sometimes it is through our perseverance and dedication that the relationship becomes what we make it; and at times it is because the other person is not able to meet our needs; our needs of honesty, of trustworthiness, of kindness, and of integrity, that the relationship is limited. Acceptance must also be the understanding of this; the ability to allow for others on their own path and journey through life; and to release our attachments, to what we can accept is not possible; not as the result of our unwillingness, rather the acknowledgement and acceptance that another is unwilling or unable – or both.
13 min
100+ Favorites
True Beauty Begins on the Inside
True Beauty Begins on the Inside
There will always be the desire and pursuit of beauty as seeking some ideal or perfection; based on what constitutes for someone, what is beautiful. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, be inspired by the idea of what 'true beauty' actually is; from where it 'originates', and how we "are beautiful" whenever we are kind in action, loving and generous in spirit, willing to offer service without conditions, and compassionate in nature. Appreciate that your true beauty - lies within. Namaste Dorothy
3 min | 
7 min
530+ Favorites
The True Measure of Success Is Your Character
The True Measure of Success Is Your Character
“Is it time to re-calibrate how you measure success?” Is your definition of success missing the most important and valuable element? The true measure of your success 😎 is your character; it is who you are in all moments. It is these upstanding qualities, traits, and behaviours that impact how you feel about yourself. The beauty of this definition is that you have autonomy and the ability to recognize the moments in which you are not living this, and then to adjust accordingly; to return to this auspicious definition of true success. 💜😁 Join me as I share an evolved definition of success and the questions that you need to ask yourself before you set new goals, and as you “level up” to what matters most to you; and of what makes you a great success by the right measures. This episode is one that you may wish to make some notes of as we go along; and as you formulate what will be your new definition and the model of success that you are excited to live. Download the PDF here 📃 with the questions that I ask in this episode💜 :
30 min
52 Favorites
A Time of Acceptance
A Time of Acceptance
“Perhaps it is more fitting than ever to allow acceptance into your heart; to let it guide you towards even greater things.” ~ Dorothy Zennuriye Juno ~ Sometimes it is through our perseverance and dedication that the relationship becomes what we make it. At other times, we are not able to have the kind of relationship that we would like. If the other person is unable or unwilling to meet our needs of honesty, trustworthiness, kindness and integrity, then the relationship will be limited. Acceptance is the understanding of this. Acceptance of 'what is' guides us into something better. Please reach out to me if you would like my help in the practice and the art of acceptance. Namaste.
3 min | 
8 min
84 Favorites
True Beauty Begins on the Inside
True Beauty Begins on the Inside
There will always be the desire and pursuit of beauty as seeking some ideal or perfection; based on what constitutes for someone, what is beautiful. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, be inspired by the idea of what 'true beauty' actually is; from where it 'originates', and how we "are beautiful" whenever we are kind in action, loving and generous in spirit, willing to offer service without conditions, and compassionate in nature. Appreciate that your true beauty - lies within. Namaste "Love who you are" love dorothy
10 min
80 Favorites
How to Live as Love
How to Live as Love
Real love is the unconditional and continuous flow of unquestionable care; (care meaning that you care about the other person’s well being and that you hold empathy and compassion towards them for situations that may cause them to suffer); that you are kind, considerate, non-judgmental; that you are respective, forgiving (that is... not allowing someone to continue to hurt you and cause harm, but forgiving as you retain healthy boundaries and choices that honor your needs and safety); and acceptance; of validating the worth of another through your appreciation and encouragement of them because within them exists the same possibility and potential that exists within you.
19 min
49 Favorites
The Secret of Intentional Forgiveness
The Secret of Intentional Forgiveness
The intentional act of forgiveness will require your heart to open; to feel a 'letting go' of what you have held and harbored for so long. In being willing to forgive all of what has caused you to suffer, you begin the important healing of your body, your mind, your soul - and you realign with your highest self - the perfection of what you are as energy. Let this be a powerful new way to look at and curate forgiveness in your life. Namaste xo dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
510+ Favorites
Rebuild Your Confidence After a Breakup
Rebuild Your Confidence After a Breakup
If you feel unhappy, unworthy, undesirable, or confused; if you are uncertain about the future as you are grieving the end of a relationship, this episode is for you. REAL CLIENT STORIES: Love after loss, the 7 year itch, an Australian adventure and re-writing the narrative of those nagging core beliefs. Courtney was restless, He wasn’t going to change his mind. Jacob was widowed and had two young children. Adele was excited, but cautious. This is a story about choosing happiness and defying the stereotypes, about love, loss, uncertainty and travelling across the world to find self-love. I invite you to follow the path back to feeling greater confidence and self-esteem together with me. - dorothy xo
4 min | 
8 min
87 Favorites
The Sacred Rite Of Listening
The Sacred Rite Of Listening
Inspiration to experience what listening truly means. When listening truly occurs, you are present - your heart opens to feeling the experience - to being attentive to what is being conveyed beyond the words that are spoken. Listening requires ultimate presence. Let listening be one of your sacred graces - the spiritual gift that you bestow to others and yourself - with full intention. Revel in the beauty of what you discover. Namaste!! Find more of my WISDOM teachings and WISDOM Notes right here... Work with Me:
12 min
110+ Favorites
Why You Need to Unplug from Technology for a Day. The Science of How a Digital Detox Can Improve Your Life
Why You Need to Unplug from Technology for a Day. The Science of How a Digital Detox Can Improve Your Life
What is the experience of a day in your life - best enjoyed - without the comfort and luxury of the internet, phone calls, emails, texts, and anything else that keeps you tightly enmeshed in the matrix? How will you live off the grid for an entire 24 hours? Why would you want to? One of the greatest contributors to our global levels of worry, stress, and sadness is the result of not having time alone with your self; whether in a solitude activity or for several moments of regular inner contemplation and reflection. You may experience a degree of discomfort that you find released - soothed from choosing to use your unplugged time to be with you - and to establish a nourishing and positive relationship with your inner self. Join me in this Life WISDOM episode for the science of why you need to unplug. Let me know how doing so has helped you to feel more 'connected with yourself'. Namaste! xo
18 min
59 Favorites
Finding Your Path
Finding Your Path
Finding your path is a celebration of finding your story. Unwavering in your desire for all of the most beautiful and incredible experiences to easily fill your heart; to allow you to feel ultimate freedom - and to know that it is with this greatness - this love - this attention to detail - to right action - to goodness - that it all carries so much love, certainty, joy, integrity, hope - and bountiful understanding that comes with looking inward; venturing towards the comfort of this inner knowing; this sacred space. The infinite journey of expression and truth that is of this harmony - this adventure - this life. MUSIC: Helios, 'Carry With Us' I hope you enjoy this very special life coaching episode! with love, Dorothy
3 min
370+ Favorites
How to Live as Love
How to Live as Love
Real love is the unconditional and continuous flow of unquestionable care; that you are kind, considerate, non-judgmental; that you are respective, forgiving (that is... not allowing someone to continue to hurt you and cause harm, but forgiving as you retain healthy boundaries and choices that honor your needs and safety); and acceptance; of validating the worth of another through your appreciation and encouragement of them because within them exists the same possibility and potential that exists within you. “We all have the ability to live as love; as love in action. It begins with a choice. You must decide it.” - Dorothy Ratusny
3 min | 
8 min
33 Favorites
Helpful Calm & Guidance During Covid-19
Helpful Calm & Guidance During Covid-19
Guiding wisdom for how best to live your life at this very difficult time; an opportunity to raise your level of consciousness; and to be compassionate and loving towards yourself, and others. Watch the video here: May you all feel comfort and hope. Namaste! xo
5 min
130+ Favorites
Rebuild Your Confidence After a Breakup
Rebuild Your Confidence After a Breakup
If you feel unhappy, unworthy, undesirable or confused; if you are uncertain about the future as you are grieving the end of a relationship, this episode is for you. REAL CLIENT STORIES: Love after loss, the 7 year itch, an Australian adventure and re-writing the narrative of those nagging core beliefs. Courtney was restless, He wasn’t going to change his mind. Jacob was widowed and had two young children. Adele was excited, but cautious. This is a story about choosing happiness and defying the stereotypes, about love, loss, uncertainty and travelling across the world to find self-love. I invite you to follow the path back to feeling greater confidence and self-esteem together with me. - dorothy xo
24 min
180+ Favorites
The Miracle Qualities of a Relationship
The Miracle Qualities of a Relationship
The Miracle Qualities of a Love Relationship (formerly 'Love, Lust and Miracles') Let this episode inspire you to curate miracles in your love relationship! The miracle in love is that your partner knows you intimately and respectfully and that you both continue to learn about one another for as long as you are together. You are both able to mirror back what you see and witness in each other that helps each of you examine yourself from a deeply honest and vulnerable place; and in a way that honors who you both are.
3 min | 
6 min
310+ Favorites
The Two Reasons Why You Must Always Be Honest & Truthful
The Two Reasons Why You Must Always Be Honest & Truthful
In this episode of Life Coaching Wisdom, I share the two most important reasons why you need to always tell the truth - and especially when it is not easy to do so. I also offer strategies and 'scripts' that you can use to make your job of being wholly honest and truthful - much easier! Honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing. Being honest means that you do not tell lies. Being truthful means actively making known all of the full truth of a matter. When you are truthful, you are honestly expressing how you perceive or feel about something. Being both honest and truthful allows you to have meaningful and authentic relationships - with yourself, and others. I hope that this recording will inspire you to practice honesty and truthfulness in all ways in your life. Namaste!! xo
4 min | 
8 min
660+ Favorites
The Power of Honesty in Your Love Relationship (Full Version)
The Power of Honesty in Your Love Relationship (Full Version)
Honesty serves as a foundation for mutual trust with the person that you've chosen to be in relationship with - and to nourish the experience of being able to feel heard and understood as your partner honours your truth. Honesty does not preclude having disagreements but it does set the tone for a respectful exchange of truthful ideas and thoughts that serve to deepen one's knowledge about the other. Here I share one couple's journey into their greatest challenge of self honesty and truth - and how it led them back into their authentic self - and to be happy again.
15 min
230+ Favorites
The 6 Secrets to Manifest Your Miracles
The 6 Secrets to Manifest Your Miracles
Let me show you how to bring your miracles into the light of day; to do this with all of your big-ticket items, dreams, and life goals; as well as to manifest what I call “daily miracles” and the six secrets (and steps) for how to do this. After listening here, I invite you to check out my video on the 'Mastery of Manifesting'; in which I share my experience with manifesting something that literally took years to show up in the physical world. Be sure to download the PDF with a list of your six manifesting secrets + more tips on manifesting!
30 min
180+ Favorites
Let The Mysteries Of Life Pursue You
Let The Mysteries Of Life Pursue You
The mysteries of life surround you. Think of your life as a magical playground of so many choices – of abundance and love – of the ability to do anything and everything you want... and of not overthinking but rather allowing for amazing, infinite ideas to flow into your mind. Let the wisdom of life be bountiful. Let this be the inspiration for you. Namaste!
7 min
610+ Favorites
Escaping Abuse: Why We Stay, How to Leave, 4 Strategies to End the Cycle
Escaping Abuse: Why We Stay, How to Leave, 4 Strategies to End the Cycle
In this episode I want to remind you of the power that you hold to choose for yourself the right and best relationship, and how you can stay clear of relationships that are damaging and abusive. I also wish to illustrate how living with abuse, perpetuates a cycle of dependency and the eradicating of one's self-worth and sense of self; and I will share the story of my client 'Beth', and the four strategies to prevent you from finding yourself in an abusive relationship and enable you to leave. TRUTH SERUM: There are many forms of abuse. Abuse is, by definition, the mistreatment of another; whether intentional or as a facet of one's consistent actions that one may not be self-aware of. A-HA MOMENTS: Abuse in the traditional variant forms that we categorize as physical, emotional, and psychological all originate with one's thoughts and beliefs; that is what one tells one's self and justifies in being discriminating, hurtful, and disrespectful towards another, and how one's misguided intentions can lead into a situation and a relationship that is both damaging and abusive. PRACTICAL WISDOM: We know that relationships that are unhealthy and abusive are also complex and complicated. We stay in these relationships for different reasons; whether because we have convinced ourselves that there is something of benefit to us in staying; or we anticipate the enormous effort it will take to execute our decision to leave. We stay because we tell our self that the "relationship is really not that bad"; that maybe "we deserve how we are being mistreated"; and in some cases, we may tell ourselves "we don't care." If you are listening to this episode because something deep within you is yearning for help, guidance, and perhaps validation of what you know but have been afraid to believe, I hope that in listening, you will allow your inner voice to become louder, to rely on it for what you know is true and to be willing to care for yourself first with the knowledge that you are not alone, that you will get through this; that you will feel better, happier, and stronger; and that if and when you choose it, you can and will find the right partner and the love that you truly want. If you need my help, please reach out to me: Namaste! xo
50 min
190+ Favorites
The Love of My Life
The Love of My Life
Pure and authentic love of another is the most sacred gift. Love of yourself is how you thrive in a state of invincibility and courage and light. Let me share with you what messages will best inspire how you think and feel about love and the wonder of its potential to heal and nourish you. Here I share the three questions that you need to ask yourself, to have a loving relationship and the beginnings of a great love affair! Namaste!
21 min
86 Favorites
8 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner
8 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner
Suppose you and your partner desire to re-calibrate ~ to experience the feelings of love that were once so powerful and to know a newfound level of intimacy and closeness. In that case, each (and all) of these best practices will help immensely in experiencing new love in your existing love relationship. Please reach out to me if I can further help you towards this goal of rebuilding and nurturing new love, intimacy, and compassion. Namaste! Please also be sure to listen to the full version of this track for the complete list.
4 min
250+ Favorites
An Important Message to All Families During Covid-19: Use This Time to Reconnect and Love
An Important Message to All Families During Covid-19: Use This Time to Reconnect and Love
This time is an opportunity for all of you as a family - to find each other; to learn about and know one another in ways that you have not; or in ways that are new and different. Here, I share with you three questions to use as points of conversation with your family; to build a deeper connection, grow your knowledge and understanding of one another, and emerge from this time, stronger and more in tune with each other’s needs and desires. I wish for you and your family, much safety, health, and love, at this difficult time in the world, and always. Namaste! xo love dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
23 Favorites
Reclaim Your Life: the Path to Living Awakened
Reclaim Your Life: the Path to Living Awakened
My client Mackenzie described it as a flash of light - and the feeling of being wide awake; able to witness herself in the true aspect of who she is. This is called 'awakening' - moments of lucidity and clarity - where, as Mackenzie describes - she is able to see everything as it is and instantly is aware that the opposite - the absence of clarity - is akin to "being in a coma". Sometimes referred to as 'sleep walking through life'; at first glance it would appear that we are functioning in a reasonably effective way, but when we look deeper, we see that there is much that we are doing on automatic pilot; without contemplating, without being attentive to how we feel and without asking our self if the choices that we continue to make are indeed the right ones for who we are. When you are not fully present and awake, you actually forgo your free will choice and you are not able to live your awakened ideals. In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM we take a closer look at how to live awake and how you can reclaim your life. Please join me. I love this story of Mackenzie and her 'awakening'. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
430+ Favorites
'Yes' Is Your New Mantra for the Upcoming Year
'Yes' Is Your New Mantra for the Upcoming Year
In this episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, we boldly step into the New Year with a Mantra 🎇and a plan of action, in which you embrace all that is possible; and all that is already on its way to you. Find a comfortable place as you settle in; as you hold gratitude and as you embrace a NEW MANTRA; a new perspective; and a new vision for the upcoming year in your life. I wish you all of the very best in this new year (and for whenever you are listening to this episode!) Namaste! 💜 💜love dorothy
24 min
81 Favorites
The Path of My Heart: a Spoken Word 'Message of Inspiration'
The Path of My Heart: a Spoken Word 'Message of Inspiration'
'The Path of My Heart' is guided wisdom, intended to help you open you heart; to find your 'right' path and your truth - and to live this. Namaste! xo
3 min | 
6 min
200+ Favorites
Do You Believe in Miracles?
Do You Believe in Miracles?
If you've ever wondered how you could live in a state of pure joy? Begin with... ~ the simplicity of miracles that abound everywhere. This is what we all have the potential to experience when we shift our focus from fear, lack and uncertainty ~ to love. In this episode of 'ask dorothy', I share a client's state of pure joy. Joy as authenticity and honesty, joy that is of elation and a natural altered state of pure consciousness. Join me... the effects are contagious :)) Namaste !
24 min
32 Favorites
How to Experience Infinite Beauty Through Presence
How to Experience Infinite Beauty Through Presence
Here I share the most simple, yet powerful means of instantly changing your perspective; your mindset and any mood or feeling that is unwanted. It is this: to hold presence and to witness the beauty in all of life circling you.
18 min
48 Favorites
How to Love and Value Yourself (Full Version)
How to Love and Value Yourself (Full Version)
Each one of us has had to overcome experiences that impacted our confidence and self esteem. In this episode of Life Coaching Wisdom, I share one client's journey of overcoming harsh criticism and their need to seek of approval - and what happens when we learn how to love and value our self - first (and from within). Namaste! xo
13 min
280+ Favorites
How Will I Use This Time to Change My Life for the Better?
How Will I Use This Time to Change My Life for the Better?
For some this means a radical change in how you will think about and live life; and for others it will be more of a fine tuning; of what we have already begun, to ensure that we do not stop, that we follow through; that we fight for – that is we decide and never give up on – what is truly wanted. In this episode of Life Coaching Wisdom, we dive deep; we do some serious questioning to reveal what is most important for you right now. Because once you have decided what is most important; what you truly want for your life; and for how you want to be in your life; then you can slay it; you can make it happen. Much love to you all! xo dorothy
41 min
280+ Favorites
Kindness As Love+Tribute to George Floyd
Kindness As Love+Tribute to George Floyd
Right now in a world torn by differing beliefs; beliefs that have been taught to us by those who also did not have all of the right information; those who may have been living in fear, unknowing of what it truly means to live with your heart open and to be of kindness first and foremost unto yourself. Because when we learn how to treat ourselves kindly, that instill within us the examples of love and compassion; of teaching ourselves and our children how to live as our inherent goodness and to always do the right thing. Then we become a home, a community, a nation, and a planet in which amongst our differences we share the commodity of loving grace; of treating each other with dignity, respect, kindness.
29 min
12 Favorites
The Two Reasons Why You Must Always Be Truthful and Honest
The Two Reasons Why You Must Always Be Truthful and Honest
In this episode of Life Coaching Wisdom, I share the two most important reasons why you need to always tell the truth - and especially when it is not easy to do so. I also offer strategies and 'scripts' that you can use to make your job of being wholly honest and truthful - much easier! Honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing. Being honest means that you do not tell lies. Being truthful means actively making known all of the full truth of a matter. When you are truthful, you are honestly expressing how you perceive or feel about something. Being both honest and truthful allows you to have meaningful and authentic relationships - with yourself, and others. I hope that this recording will inspire you to practice honesty and truthfulness in all ways in your life. Namaste!! xo
19 min
170+ Favorites
The Love of My Life
The Love of My Life
Pure and authentic love of another is the most sacred gift. Love of yourself is how you thrive in a state of invincibility and courage and light. Let me share with you what messages will best inspire how you think and feel about love and the wonder of its potential to heal and nourish you. Here I share the three questions that you need to ask yourself, to have a loving relationship and the beginnings of a great love affair. Namaste!
3 min | 
8 min
21 Favorites
Celebrate Your Life
Celebrate Your Life
If you can begin to see your life as a celebration - as joy - as unlimited possibilities - as pleasure - as meaningful encounters, opportunities for loving-kindness, connection, care - you would live it this way. To celebrate your life you must be willing to look for and enjoy the beauty that exists everywhere - in every moment - you must be willing to find the good in others and yourself. Feel inspired. Best listened with your eyes closed, allowing the words to wash over you. Namaste Dorothy
4 min
1.3k+ Favorites
What A Father Needs To Be
What A Father Needs To Be
The 8 Sacred Habits of Fatherhood. What is most important for any father to know is that your ability to parent is reflective of who you are first as a human being. Fatherhood will teach you so much about yourself. It will illuminate your strengths and your character and it will also highlight your insecurities and your weaknesses. More still it will ~ if you choose it ~ change forever the person you were into living your greatness. Send me a note if you wish to have my help in becoming the father you know you can be. Namaste and much love.
19 min
140+ Favorites
Ask Dorothy: How do I Manifest?
Ask Dorothy: How do I Manifest?
In this episode, I share several secrets of manifesting (listen carefully throughout this recording as there are more than the 3+Bonus secrets). Be ready to dive in as I guide you through visualization for how to manifest something important - now. Discover the two most powerful words you could ever use for manifesting; and the importance of your feelings for guiding the course of what you will bring into your life - in perfect ways. Namaste! xo
20 min
370+ Favorites
Do You Believe in Miracles? Client Story #009 'Ask Dorothy'
Do You Believe in Miracles? Client Story #009 'Ask Dorothy'
In a recent session, I witnessed a client’s state of pure joy; joy as authenticity and honesty; joy that is of elation and a natural altered state of pure consciousness. It was what I would describe as witnessing abundance; abundance of happiness, of gratitude; of the ability that we all have (and that she so beautifully demonstrated); to see everything in one’s life as significant and of precise purpose; and of the inherent ability to choose based on the deepest desires of our heart. Our session was also a testament to the simplicity of miracles that abound - everywhere. “A shift in feeling; from fear, lack and uncertainty to love is the miracle that we all seek.” - Dorothy Ratusny Namaste Related to this Client Story, you may also wish to read this from 'The WISDOM BLOG', on how to banish loneliness:
4 min | 
8 min
29 Favorites
The Holiday Episode: Practical Wisdom for Living the Magic, Wonder, and True Meaning of the Holidays
The Holiday Episode: Practical Wisdom for Living the Magic, Wonder, and True Meaning of the Holidays
Are you like so many others who do their best to recreate the magical moments of holidays past? Do you imagine yourself at a particular moment in time during childhood where everything was enchanting; surreal, and as if you were living in a fantasy? We tend to go to moments of our childhood as they evoke imagination and powerful imagery that immediately places us back in that time of innocence, of wonder, and of belief in the magic of the holidays. Do you think back to memories that evoke pure joy, laughter, and fun, so that you can feel those precise feelings now? As a child, did you anticipate what gifts were waiting for you under the tree on Christmas morning or what you might receive on every night of Hanukkah? As an adult, I am going to encourage you to decide how you will curate magic and wonder by design so that you can experience joy, anticipation, excitement, and of course love because you've opened your heart to it; and because of the actions that you've taken to feel magic through the acts of giving, of being grateful, of loving kindness and of nurturing your relationships with your loved ones. It matters that you find and feel joy in the real meaning of the holidays and not simply because you found your way to crossing everyone off of your shopping list and its still two weeks before Christmas. In this episode we dive into the best strategy for curating the magic of the holidays; and for experiencing joy in the anticipation of new experiences and shared laughter and fun. I might even suggest that you will want to continue using these 3 best practices as "the" strategy for how you live life! I wish you all much love, peace, and joy now... and always! Namaste! xo
3 min | 
8 min
26 Favorites
The Holiday Episode: Practical Wisdom for Living the Magic, Wonder, and True Meaning of the Holidays
The Holiday Episode: Practical Wisdom for Living the Magic, Wonder, and True Meaning of the Holidays
Are you like so many others who do their best to recreate the magical moments of holidays past? Do you imagine yourself at a particular moment in time during childhood where everything was enchanting; surreal, and as if you were living in a fantasy? We tend to go to moments of our childhood as they evoke imagination and powerful imagery that immediately places us back in that time of innocence, of wonder, and of belief in the magic of the holidays. Do you think back to memories that evoke pure joy, laughter, and fun, so that you can feel those precise feelings now? As a child, did you anticipate what gifts were waiting for you under the tree on Christmas morning or what you might receive on every night of Hanukkah? As an adult, I am going to encourage you to decide how you will curate magic and wonder by design so that you can experience joy, anticipation, excitement, and of course love because you've opened your heart to it; and because of the actions that you've taken to feel magic through the acts of giving, of being grateful, of loving kindness and of nurturing your relationships with your loved ones. It matters that you find and feel joy in the real meaning of the holidays and not simply because you found your way to crossing everyone off of your shopping list and its still two weeks before Christmas. In this episode we dive into the best strategy for curating the magic of the holidays; and for experiencing joy in the anticipation of new experiences and shared laughter and fun. I might even suggest that you will want to continue using these 3 best practices as "the" strategy for how you live life! I wish you all much love, peace, and joy now... and always! Namaste! xo
25 min
38 Favorites
A New Perspective on Change: A Manifesto
A New Perspective on Change: A Manifesto
A manifesto to empower change in our life ... 'Change is how I grow, nourish, challenge and define myself and my limitless capacity for more - for goodness, for greatness whenever I choose to live as my highest self - whenever I realize my capacity for greatness lives in my ability to open to it - to become it through desire and the natural unfolding of change that takes me from where I am to where I choose to go.' Music Credit: 'Inside' by 36
4 min | 
7 min
440+ Favorites
A Time of Rebirth and Awakening; of Love of Humanity and the Earth
A Time of Rebirth and Awakening; of Love of Humanity and the Earth
As we are in a time in which the world is continuing to pause; to take a step or two back to hold our breath as we anticipate the future, this is a perfect time to consider that we are living in a time of spiritual awakening. For this we must look within for our 'right' knowing; to remember how our individual actions affect each another and the planet; and to honour and respect all living beings as we live in peace. This episode of Life Coaching WISDOM offers a guided journey; one that invites you to open your mind and heart; to witness your inner wisdom and to ask the questions of yourself; of how you may 'rebirth' into this new life we are being called to live. As you listen, you may wish to record some notes as you answer the questions, and as you witness the presence of your highest self in communication with you. Namaste! xo
24 min
130+ Favorites
10 Best Practices to Cure 'That Sunday Feeling'
10 Best Practices to Cure 'That Sunday Feeling'
The statistics are clear - that 'Sunday feeling' is most often triggered by anxiety of the impending workweek. If you've ever felt a looming dread on Sunday that falls upon you much like clockwork; as your mind anticipates Monday morning, the week ahead, and what you may wish you could avoid; then you likely know all too well what feels like... Finding the path you are meant to be on is the most effective method to cure yourself of that Sunday feeling - permanently. Learning more about how each type functions can help you create a map to manifesting a fulfilling and happy life. Take the Dharma Path Type quiz to discover your archetype and unlock your soul’s purpose - the key to living your best life. How to work with me:
39 min
87 Favorites
Unleash Yourself
Unleash Yourself
It is each one of us that chooses whether we will live from our heart and with this to embrace all of our perfect nature; to rise up; to meet our self in this perfect state as pureness of thought, without the conditions that we have once placed onto our self and with using our free will to always choose from our heart, of what is right and true - to live a bountiful and beautiful heaven on earth, here and now.
4 min | 
9 min
270+ Favorites
The Psychology of Alleviating Fear - the Covid-19 Crisis
The Psychology of Alleviating Fear - the Covid-19 Crisis
The Three Best Practices for Alleviating Fear Specific to the Coronavirus What Does it Mean to ‘Flatten the Curve’ and How Can You Best Do This? Why NOW is The Best Time to Re-Examine Your Health Care Practices What You Can Do To Improve Your Immune System A Cognitive Therapy Best Practice for Alleviating Fear How to Best Protect Yourself From COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Self-Awareness Tools for Alleviating Fear What Three Tendencies Predispose You to Fear? Please find the additional resources mentioned in this episode, on my website: Please take gentle care of yourself!! Namaste!!
4 min | 
9 min
41 Favorites
The Wisdom of Life + a Prose Meditation
The Wisdom of Life + a Prose Meditation
Let the wisdom of life guide you into the depths of your inner being; to awaken your presence, your light; to marvel at the path you are living by choice; to align yourself with your highest intentions in truth and of your desired goals first seen inside your mind; then witnessed in the gentle outpouring of life that manifests. This experiential episode of Life Coaching WISDOM features a meditative prose to induce creative thinking, inspiration, and self-awareness). Find the self-love wisdom toolkit on my website.
4 min | 
7 min
25 Favorites
An Important Message to All Families During Covid-19: Use This Time to Reconnect and Love
An Important Message to All Families During Covid-19: Use This Time to Reconnect and Love
This time is an opportunity for all of you as a family - to find each other; to learn about and know one another in ways that you have not; or in ways that are new and different. Here, I share with you three questions to use as points of conversation with your family; to build a deeper connection, grow your knowledge and understanding of one another, and emerge from this time, stronger and more in tune with each other’s needs and desires. I wish for you and your family, much safety, health, and love, at this difficult time in the world, and always. Namaste! xo love dorothy
11 min
37 Favorites
The True Measure of Success Is Your Character
The True Measure of Success Is Your Character
“Is it time to re-calibrate how you measure success?” Is your definition of success missing the most important and valuable element? The true measure of your success is your character; it is who you are in all moments. It is these upstanding qualities, traits, and behaviors that impact how you feel about yourself. The beauty of this definition is that you have autonomy and the ability to recognize the moments in which you are not living this, and then to adjust accordingly; to return to this auspicious definition of true success. Join me as I share an evolved definition of success and the questions that you need to ask yourself before you set new goals, and as you “level up” to what matters most to you; and of what makes you a great success by the right measures. This episode is one that you may wish to make some notes of as we go along; and as you formulate what will be your new definition and the model of success that you are excited to live. Download the PDF here with the questions that I ask in this episode :
4 min | 
7 min
45 Favorites
Becoming 'More'
Becoming 'More'
How do you become more? What does this mean in a tangible way? Do you think about ‘being more’ as applicable to your life? Is there a ‘more’ that you wish to be? I believe we’ve all had this experience; of seeking to become better in some aspect of our life, or as who we are. What guides this desire and what perpetuates the motivation and discipline to see yourself through? And of course, what drives your need to be 'more'? Join me as we dive deep into how you become the best version of yourself, and to live this.
4 min | 
8 min
43 Favorites
When Is It Okay to Tell a White Lie?
When Is It Okay to Tell a White Lie?
The best strategy for communicating effectively....can be accomplished effectively and with complete honesty. Here are the best practices for being honest and why it is so important to do so. Namaste! xo Music: Llewellyn - 'official breathing'
5 min | 
8 min
34 Favorites
The Power of Honesty in Your Love Relationship
The Power of Honesty in Your Love Relationship
Honesty serves as a foundation for mutual trust with the person that you've chosen to be in relationship with - and to nourish the experience of being able to feel heard and understood as your partner honours your truth. Honesty does not preclude having disagreements but it does set the tone for a respectful exchange of truthful ideas and thoughts that serve to deepen one's knowledge about the other. Here I share one couple's journey into their greatest challenge of self honesty and truth - and how it led them back into their authentic self - and to be happy again.
5 min | 
8 min
230+ Favorites
A Time of Rebirth and Awakening; of Love of Humanity and the Earth
A Time of Rebirth and Awakening; of Love of Humanity and the Earth
As we are in a time in which the world is continuing to pause; to take a step or two back to hold our breath as we anticipate the future, this is a perfect time to consider that we are living in a time of spiritual awakening. For this we must look within for our 'right' knowing; to remember how our individual actions affect each another and the planet; and to honour and respect all living beings as we live in peace. This episode of Life Coaching WISDOM offers a guided journey; one that invites you to open your mind and heart; to witness your inner wisdom and to ask the questions of yourself; of how you may 'rebirth' into this new life we are being called to live. As you listen, you may wish to record some notes as you answer the questions, and as you witness the presence of your highest self in communication with you. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
130+ Favorites
Your Life and How You Live Begins Now
Your Life and How You Live Begins Now
In the recent weeks and months we have witnessed much political up-cries as our leaders are being asked - demanded - that they consider how policies and political influence needs to stand for what matters; that they need to think far into the future. It is not only the economy that needs an uplift but perhaps more so, it is how we think. We must open our minds to what needs to change is at the forefront of everything. Gravely the violence, the prejudice, the racism, the fear and the lack of knowledge that we have witnessed is but a microcosm of what needs to change; of what is changing. Our lives stand for something; they matter. They inspire and drive conviction; to be a never-ending voice that teaches our children; that retrains our way of thinking and the beliefs that we hold so that we may all live in light; no longer in the darkness that has shrouded our minds for so long. This is our global awakening; this is our new world. This is your opportunity, your time, your free will that will choose what will be. When you feel uncertain; and there is much that is still unknown, remember to decide what is in your power to choose; to reclaim, to live awake, because in this time everything that you have ever wanted and desired now is before you. It is of your choosing. Only you can choose this. You are not alone, everyone has their own path to walk forward in. The life that you once lived is forever changed. You embrace the present. You may witness all of the moments of your life as you look forward and feel grateful of these many joys that are possible because you choose this. Everything becomes significant. Everything becomes a possibility and something worth asking for. Your life and what you live begins now. Choose your life. Live in peace. Begin this now. I hope that you will have the experience of listening to the full episode; there is much here to inspire and uplift and to help you set your course into the future. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
150+ Favorites
The Wisdom of Life + A Prose Meditation
The Wisdom of Life + A Prose Meditation
Let the wisdom of life guide you into the depths of your inner being to awaken your presence, your light, to marvel at the path you are living by choice, to align yourself with your highest intentions in truth, and of your desired goals first seen inside your mind. Then witness in the gentle outpouring of life that manifests. This experiential episode of Life Coaching WISDOM features a meditative prose to induce creative thinking, inspiration, and self-awareness). This prose is meant to illuminate guidance and to be a spiritual metaphor for this time in your life. Find the self-love wisdom toolkit on my website.
34 min
36 Favorites
Use the Wisdom of Your Heart for Good
Use the Wisdom of Your Heart for Good
Use your innate goodness to wield more; to rediscover your personal power; your dignity, your honor to yourself, to uphold the values that will allow you to live of your inherent goodness; and to teach others as you lead by example, and as you walk the planet knowing that you are far more incredible and amazing then you have ever known. This time, this year, your life begins with the wisdom of your heart - for all good. In this week’s episode of Life Coaching WISDOM, I share a message of empowerment; of how you may use all of what you already are, for good. May this be a most incredible year of your life. Please make it so.
4 min | 
9 min
27 Favorites
5 Reasons Why You Need to Breathe Deeply
5 Reasons Why You Need to Breathe Deeply
There are several reasons why taking a single deep breath - or several - is helpful and has proven benefits. Here are the top five reasons why it serves you well to take several conscious deep breaths - whenever you can - and as often as you can.
3 min | 
9 min
76 Favorites