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Meditation for Women

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Katie Krimitsos
Katie Krimitsos
Creator, Women's Meditation Network
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Release, Surrender & Glow Meditation
Release, Surrender & Glow Meditation
The intention of today’s meditation is to help you release all of those things that you so desperately want to control right now. To surrender into what is. And ultimately, to help you reconnect with your true glow.
15 min
870+ Favorites
Shower Yourself with Love
Shower Yourself with Love
Let the love wash over you, beautiful. You are an amazing woman of light. Just the way you are right now. You do not need to be anything more or do anything more to be worthy of your love. You simply must receive the love you deserve. So the intention of today’s meditation is to shower yourself with love. Without conditions. Without limits. And with an immense amount of grace and tenderness.
10 min
530+ Favorites
Everything Is Going to Be Okay
Everything Is Going to Be Okay
'Today’s everything is going to be okay', meditation will help you calm down and know that everything is going to be okay.
10 min
94 Favorites
Rise & Shine Morning Meditation
Rise & Shine Morning Meditation
The intention of today’s meditation is to create a feeling of excitement, peace and appreciation for the day ahead, so you can shine from the inside out.
10 min
590+ Favorites
Quick Present Moment Meditation
Quick Present Moment Meditation
Today I'll be guiding you through a quick present moment meditation that you can use anytime you need to draw yourself back into the present moment during your day.
9 min
19 Favorites
Reconnect to the Child Within You
Reconnect to the Child Within You
Today’s child within you meditation will help you deeply connect to the child within you.
11 min
15 Favorites
You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are
You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are
There are brief moments, or even long seasons when you doubt yourself. When you wonder if you’re doing the right thing, on the right path or being your best. If only I were more, you think. More wise. More wealthy. More healthy. More worthy. But no matter where you are on this beautiful journey, you are perfect just the way you are, right now. And you’re worthy of love, respect and grace. Especially from yourself. So the intention of today’s meditation is to allow you to shed any self-doubt or self-criticism or guilt you might be feeling for not being “perfect,” and surrender to the truth that you are already perfect just the way you are in this moment.
14 min
130+ Favorites
Let Go of the Ego
Let Go of the Ego
How tricky our ego can be. She feeds off of fear and scarcity, And leaves pain and suffering in her wake. Her desire is to keep us safe, But in doing so, she keeps us small and imprisoned. And the only way to true freedom, Is to recognize the ego when she appears, understand why she’s there, and let her go. So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you a practice to identify and let go of your ego, so you can continue the never-ending practice of transcending beyond her into a space of connectedness and love with your true self.
4 min | 
15 min
250+ Favorites
Dreaming into the Future Meditation
Dreaming into the Future Meditation
The power of the present moment is undeniable. Which is why we use meditation as a practice to come into the now. So we can access everything that is here for us. Our deep connection to our true selves. The joy of appreciation for who we are and all we have around us. The peace as we let go of fears, anxieties and attachments to the past and the future. And...meditation can also be helpful in giving us the space to dream. To free our minds from the boundaries of the lives we are in now, and expand our visions to what could possibly be. So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you the freedom to dream into the future. To play with all the possibilities. And to dance with the creativity within you.
15 min
78 Favorites
Miracles in the Mundane
Miracles in the Mundane
Today’s meditation will be especially helpful for you if you feel like you’re just going through the motions right now, or maybe feeling a little ho-hum about life, or even feeling like you’re barely keeping your head above water. We can often feel these things because we get lost or overwhelmed with the details of our lives and maybe even a little obsessed with always striving for more, and in the process we can forget that there are miracles all around us...miracles in the mundane. When we take the time to pause, to breathe, to get present, how we see things can completely change, transforming everyday, mundane moments into genuine miracles. So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you the opportunity to really feel how miraculous the mundane miraculous every moment of your life actually is. How miraculous YOU ARE.
15 min
85 Favorites
Choose More Love Meditation
Choose More Love Meditation
The intention of today’s meditation is to give you the opportunity to consciously shift your energy from fear, anger, disappointment or hurt to love. So you can choose more love in your thoughts, words and actions. And so you can give more love to the world around you.
4 min | 
11 min
27 Favorites
Pregnancy Meditation
Pregnancy Meditation
The intention of today’s meditation is to give you the space to be one with your pregnancy. To connect with your growing baby inside of you, to let go of any anxiety you may be feeling about labor, to breathe through any physical discomfort you may be having and ultimately, to honor the incredible miracle that you are experiencing.
19 min
82 Favorites
Keep Calm & Shine On
Keep Calm & Shine On
The intention of today’s meditation is to help you stay calm and centered, no matter what you’re experiencing right now, so you can truly shine.
11 min
210+ Favorites
5 Minutes of Breathing Meditation
5 Minutes of Breathing Meditation
Our breath is so powerful. Healing. Invigorating. Relaxing. We can use it as a tool to gain clarity, calm anxiety and connect to the wisdom of the Universe. So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you an easy way to focus on your breathing so you can unlock the magic within. You can use this meditation to start your day, or as many times as you need throughout the day to center yourself.
9 min
25 Favorites
Choose Healthy Habits Meditation
Choose Healthy Habits Meditation
We all find different ways to cope. To cope with stress, anxiety, fear, even excitement. And perhaps there is a way you’re coping right now that is proving to be destructive in small or big ways. Or perhaps you’re simply noticing that there are habits you’d like to cultivate that can bring more health, peace and joy to your life. So the intention of today’s meditation is to help you get your mind and body into a place of readiness to let go of the pull of destructive habits and invite in the courage to choose more empowering ones.
17 min
110+ Favorites
A Meditation for New Resolutions
A Meditation for New Resolutions
A resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. And when we make resolutions, we typically are doing them with a deep desire to live in alignment with our best selves. So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you a powerful practice to connect with your best self, and see your new resolutions thriving in your life.
17 min
19 Favorites
Meditation Music for Journaling
Meditation Music for Journaling
The intention of today’s meditation is to enhance your journaling practice with soothing meditation music in the background.
18 min
42 Favorites
Reimagining the Year Ahead Meditation
Reimagining the Year Ahead Meditation
Your past does not need to dictate your future. No matter what the past year brought to your doorstep, You can be the creator of the year ahead. So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you a sacred space to reimagine the year ahead. To let go of the challenges, pain or experiences that have occurred in the past so you can create anew in this present moment.
17 min
67 Favorites
Mommy Needs a Time Out Meditation
Mommy Needs a Time Out Meditation
It’s time to chill, mama. To pause. To take a deep breath and recenter yourself. Because you’re mommying hard and right now... It’s too much. Maybe you found yourself yelling at those around you Perhaps you’ve said unkind words to yourself or others Maybe you just feel completely undone after taking on yet another parenting responsibility. Whatever it is, you need a time out. So the intention of this meditation is to give you a sanctuary...a special space where you can let go of all the responsibilities, frustrations, high charged emotions… And just BE. So you can get back to center and live the rest of your day in a peaceful, joyful flow.
13 min
100+ Favorites