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Meditation Majik with Bradley T. Morris

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Bradley T. Morris
Bradley T. Morris
Meditation Guide, Author, Creator, Coach
All Tracks
Chanting Heaven
Chanting Heaven
Journey inside the centre of each chakra (energy centre). Listen for their subtle messages and use sacred sound to bring your chakras back into a state of alignment and balance. This is a powerful meditation.
41 min
350+ Favorites
The Happy New Now
The Happy New Now
Every moment is a new moment and a new opportunity to press the reset button. So stop whatever you're doing and enjoy this 2-minute reset on your day. Happy new now!
2 min
850+ Favorites
Sleep Deep Tonight (YOUTH & ADULT)
Sleep Deep Tonight (YOUTH & ADULT)
Have trouble falling asleep? This track will help. AND on top of this track, write down all your unspoken thoughts or leftover to-do's in a journal before laying down (to help clear your mind), drink some water, forward fold for two minutes so your head rests between your legs and ensure that you've exercised enough today. All those things help you sleep... AND this meditation track will help too.
60 min
850+ Favorites
Acceptance Meditation
Acceptance Meditation
Resistance is futile (and painful). This meditation supports you to soften, centre and become the calm in the middle of whatever storm you’re passing through in your life. The sooner you open up and accept what is, the sooner you can stand up on your board and ride the wave!
8 min
630+ Favorites
Tapping into Unlimited Abundance
Tapping into Unlimited Abundance
With every breath you breathe, all of life is breathing with you. Take this peace pause to sit quietly and connect with your breath. Let yourself receive the opulence that life has to offer. Take it into your lungs and let it cleanse away small thinking. With every inhale, let yourself receive. With every exhale, give thanks that the entire Universe has got your back in this moment.
19 min
140+ Favorites
The Energizer
The Energizer
This breathing practice is meant to charge your cells, activate your QI through your body and energize you so you can power through your day. You will love it!
10 min
840+ Favorites
Self-Esteem Boost
Self-Esteem Boost
Confidence is not something that we’re born with - it is something we learn through practice. This meditation was created to help you feel stronger, more powerful and confident in your own mind, skin and spirit! You are so much more powerful and wonderful than you're giving yourself credit for. So take a few minutes to remember just how very special, needed and perfect you are, as you are in this and all moments. You are enough. Happy new now!
7 min
340+ Favorites
Gentle Emotional Cleanse Meditation
Gentle Emotional Cleanse Meditation
Emotions are like water. If they don't move, they get stagnant. Unfortunately, this day and age we tend to stay so busy that we rarely get a moemnt to acknowledge and be present with the heavier stuff. Days, months or years can go by without ever really processing some of the "bad stuff" that's happened in our lives. The truth is though, there are so many wonderful things to be sad about. Grief is normal. Grief is praising all that is meaningful to us. So instead of shying away from your emotions, perhaps take a few minutes to honour them, listen to them and let them have a voice. Your heart will thank you for giving it this release.
8 min
390+ Favorites
Deep Sleep Now
Deep Sleep Now
Be like a cat and sleep deep. This meditation will help guide you back into your body and let go of your day, so that you can fall fast asleep... fast being the key word here!
15 min
550+ Favorites
Rejuvenate Sleep Meditation
Rejuvenate Sleep Meditation
Sleep is so healing for our bodies and minds. This meditation is going to help you sink into a deep, rejuvenating slumber so that you wake up feeling replenished and excited for the new day.
60 min
680+ Favorites
Energy Enhancer
Energy Enhancer
Breath is life. This breath technique practiced in this meditation is going to help you increase your energy levels and feel activated for the day moving forward.
6 min
1.7k+ Favorites
Chakra Cleanse Chanting Meditation
Chakra Cleanse Chanting Meditation
If you love toning and tuning your body like the instrument it is, then you are going to love this meditation so much. This chakra cleanse meditation will leave your inner world feeling clean as a whistle. Have fun!
24 min
2.1k+ Favorites
Focus Meditation
Focus Meditation
We live in the age of ADHD, however it doesn’t have to be this way. With a daily presence practice, we can train ourselves to become the focused, powerful humans we aspire to be. It all starts with being present, embodied and connected to your breath. Press play and refocus.
18 min
350+ Favorites
Conscious Connected Breath Practice
Conscious Connected Breath Practice
Watching your breath is one of the most ancient and powerful forms of meditation. Treat this practice like a game as you stay connected to each inhale and each exhale. This is a true presence practice.
19 min
74 Favorites
Full Body Relaxation (YOUTH & ADULT)
Full Body Relaxation (YOUTH & ADULT)
Feeling tension throughout your body and finding it hard to relax? This practice will guide you from head to toe, stopping at specific areas of your body where you will be invited to tighten that muscle group for five seconds and then relax for 10-seconds. This will cause a full body relaxation through all of your cells. You're going to love it.
8 min
140+ Favorites
Grateful Heart Meditation
Grateful Heart Meditation
Gratitude and breathing are two of the most important things to stay focused on to stay alive and thriving on this planet. In this meditation, you are going to put your full presence, power, and focus on both of them! So if you're feeling depressed, down on your luck, stressed out, uninspired or you're just looking for gratitude, breath infusion, then this meditation is the perfect medicine for this here new moment.
8 min
370+ Favorites
Good Morning Meditation
Good Morning Meditation
Never use “I woke up on the wrong side of the bed” again. Connect to your body, be present with your breath and start your day with a more positive attitude and outlook on life. You have the power to create the world around you that you wish to see and it all starts with your Good Morning Meditation. Happy new day. Make it an awesome, adventurous, super fantastic one!
5 min
4.4k+ Favorites
I Love Myself Meditation (YOUTH)
I Love Myself Meditation (YOUTH)
Sometimes we forget that we are loved and loveable. If you're having a hard time being your own BFF, this track is dedicated to you. Listen, breathe, enjoy and remember to be kind & loving to yourself.
7 min
190+ Favorites
The Prosperity Practice
The Prosperity Practice
I used to think prosperity was "cash in a bank account," but in truth, prosperity is a feeling. When you embody this feeling, you open yourself up to the richness of being fully alive and connected to the present moment. Take some time to practice embodying the energy and essence of prosperity.
8 min
240+ Favorites
Cellular Energizer Meditation (YOUTH)
Cellular Energizer Meditation (YOUTH)
Learn the power of breath to clear your mind, energize your body and awaken your cells. This is a short, but powerful breath practice that can be used anytime of day that you're feeling a dip in your energy levels. It's best to practice sitting down when first learning this one. If you feel light headed or dizzy during it, just ease off on the breath and then continue when you feel ready. Always listen to your own body. Have fun!
6 min
520+ Favorites
Grounding Roots Meditation
Grounding Roots Meditation
Have you ever wondered how a tree can grow so tall and still not be blown over by the winds? It's all about the roots baby! If you feel like you're a feather in the wind, being blown to and fro, then this meditation is for you. Have a seat, grow your roots deep and reconnect to the heartbeat of Momma Gaia. That always makes me feel better!
19 min
340+ Favorites
Life Visioning Meditation
Life Visioning Meditation
This powerful meditation will support you to gain some valuable perspective on which direction to take in your life. It will also help you create a clear vision for who you want to be and how you want to show up in this world through all you think, say, and do. If clarity is what you seek, then bon appetit! Here are your next steps.
33 min
500+ Favorites
Anxiety Relief
Anxiety Relief
So many people suffer from anxiety unnecessarily. This meditation will allow you to go about your day feeling more connected, courageous and happy to be in a body.
8 min
400+ Favorites
108 Aham-Prema: Chanting Practice
108 Aham-Prema: Chanting Practice
Aham-Prema means “I am divine love” in Sanskrit. This practice will bring you into a deep space of self-love and acceptance. Be aware though, sometimes this powerful mantra brings up all that is not divine love and self-acceptance, so if "stuff comes up" while chanting it, soften your body, open your heart and surround it all with love.
22 min
750+ Favorites
Motivation Meditation (YOUTH)
Motivation Meditation (YOUTH)
Feeling down, uninspired or low energy? In need of a motivational reboot? Listen to the Motivation Meditation to get your heart and mind back in the right place.
5 min
200+ Favorites
Peace Pause (Youth Tracks)
Peace Pause (Youth Tracks)
Only have a few minutes, but need to shift your mindset, emotional state or attitude? This is the meditation for you. Feel better in just three simple minutes!
3 min
350+ Favorites
Resolving Resistance Meditation
Resolving Resistance Meditation
Journey deep into the center of your cells and release trauma, resistance, fear, anxiety, negative belief systems, and the voice of doubt. Keep your journal close for when this meditation practice is over. You may be inspired to write about your experience.
28 min
340+ Favorites
Manifesting Money Meditation
Manifesting Money Meditation
I'm not one to put a priority on "focusing on the money," but sometimes we are actually in need of a money miracle and there is no better place to put our intentions. This meditation is for you if you want to attract more money into your life TODAY. Doing this meditation will open you up to new ideas, possibilities, and money-making opportunities to take action as soon as you're done the meditation. Good Luck and share your stories.
8 min
300+ Favorites
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Wanna have the best day ever? Well, this meditation practice has magical superpowers that will help you to align with your highest potential through each waking moment today. So press play, breathe deep, and embody your awesomeness fully.
5 min
450+ Favorites
Motivation and Inspiration
Motivation and Inspiration
Needing a pep talk to get your mind and heart realigned with your Soul's calling? This audio will help! You are infinitely blessed and more wonderful than you could ever imagine!
5 min
2k+ Favorites
Sitting with Your Emotions
Sitting with Your Emotions
Emotions are neither good nor bad. They are simply emotions. However, when we neglect what we're feeling under the surface, our emotions can become toxic in our bodies and mind. This short meditation will give you an opportunity to cleanse your mind and emotions so that you can move through your day with more peace and clarity. Your welcome!
7 min
220+ Favorites
Facing Your Fears with Courage & Delight
Facing Your Fears with Courage & Delight
This meditation will guide you to look your fears straight in the face and overcome them. Experience this meditation and watch your fears fall away. You are far more courageous and powerful than you give yourself credit for.
27 min
170+ Favorites
Good-Bye Pain Meditation
Good-Bye Pain Meditation
It's hard to be happy when in pain. This meditation is going to support you to connect to your breath, visualize healing, release pain or blocked emotions and to feel better than you are right now. Do this practice as often as needed. This too shall pass!
12 min
400+ Favorites
Maxxing and Relaxing Meditation
Maxxing and Relaxing Meditation
Life got you wound up? Do you need a time out? Don't worry, this meditation's got you covered. Just press play and chill out for a few minutes.
8 min
240+ Favorites
Start Your Day Inspired & Happy (YOUTH)
Start Your Day Inspired & Happy (YOUTH)
Not a morning person? Use this meditation track as your wake-up alarm and your mornings will never be the same.
5 min
160+ Favorites
Present Moment Awareness
Present Moment Awareness
Be here now. What does it mean? Press play and find out. Pull your energy back to you and get present with what is in front of you. Enjoy this short practice.
6 min
330+ Favorites
Breath of Life Practice
Breath of Life Practice
This 30 minute practice has been called “a workout for the mind and Soul” by many practitioners. It is one of the most powerful breath practice in my Meditation Mastery collection. It is a journey like no other. Enjoy!
32 min
190+ Favorites
Meet Your Future Self (YOUTH)
Meet Your Future Self (YOUTH)
If the past, present and future are all happening simultaneously in this moment, then this meditation connect you with your Future Self to receive any needed advice for your life. Get ready, this is powerful!
8 min
53 Favorites
Body & Mind Meditation Reboot (YOUTH)
Body & Mind Meditation Reboot (YOUTH)
This quick couple-minute practice will simply help you realign your body, energy, and mind. Feeling better can take as little as 2 minutes, so why not give it a try!? And if you want to sit longer, then you can always do that too.
2 min
140+ Favorites
Your Power Is in Your Presence
Your Power Is in Your Presence
Your power is in your presence. Enough said. Just do the meditation and feel the difference.
19 min
490+ Favorites
The Sacred Journey
The Sacred Journey
This is a 40-minute transformational breath practice and toning meditation. If you are looking to radically elevate your consciousness, mood and state of being, then this practice is for you. Have fun!
39 min
110+ Favorites
Grounding Practice
Grounding Practice
We are made from Earth particles and star dust. This meditation is going to help you feel deeply connected to yourself, the Earth and to all life in the Universe. Ground into your power, sit with deep roots. You are magical.
18 min
100+ Favorites
Sitting with Discomfort (YOUTH)
Sitting with Discomfort (YOUTH)
We all go through uncomfortable experiences. I felt awkward in my body into my 20's. So if you feel discomfort, turn on this meditation and learn to get comfortable. If you can be comfortable in your discomfort, then you can be a confident human who is capable of doing whatever you set your mind & heart to.
7 min
32 Favorites
Momentum Meditation
Momentum Meditation
Looking for momentum in your life, business, or with a project? This meditation will bring forth the energy, clarity, and momentum you need to move forward with confidence.
16 min
130+ Favorites
Financial Health Meditation
Financial Health Meditation
Do you feel like you and money are worst enemies and like you could use an intervention to heal your financial woes? Don't worry, I've been there plenty of times too. Sometimes you just need to take a stpe back, take some deep breaths and open yourself to fully healing your current relationship with money, so that you can feel better about where you are now and more optimistic about where you're heading. Happy new now! your life.
9 min
260+ Favorites
Getting in the Study Zone (YOUTH)
Getting in the Study Zone (YOUTH)
Have an important test coming up? It's proven that meditation improves our ability to remember details and retain information. This meditation is meant to get you in the zone before you study. Enjoy and good luck with whatever you're studying for!
6 min
63 Favorites
Softening into Source
Softening into Source
When stressed, we tend to tense up. We get rigid and lose our ability to be flexible and adaptive. This meditation is going to help you soften into source and trust more deeply that life has your back in this and all moments. Take a breath break and open yourself up to the bigger picture.
10 min
160+ Favorites
Inner Space Exploration
Inner Space Exploration
You are a miracle. True story! In this meditation, you’re going see for yourself as you explore your inner Universe and the 70 trillion cells which make up your body. Bon voyage!
21 min
130+ Favorites
Breathing with Life
Breathing with Life
Even as you sit here reading this, all of life is breathing into you. Perhaps you should stop reading, press play, sit back, relax and enjoy a few moments of deep presence with this special gift called life in a human body. Enjoy every moment.
19 min
240+ Favorites
Sitting with Your Emotions (YOUTH)
Sitting with Your Emotions (YOUTH)
As humans, we are meant to feel the entire rainbow spectrum of emotions. But sometimes, our emotions can be completely overwhelming, confusing and scary. This meditation track is meant to bring peace, no matter what you're feeling. Take five minutes, connect to your breath and be with what you're feeling... know that all is okay and this too shall pass. Blessings to you for whatever you're feeling.
6 min
41 Favorites
Game Day Meditation - For Athletes (YOUTH)
Game Day Meditation - For Athletes (YOUTH)
Inside of you is the talent, intuition and ability to play your best game today. This meditation is going to call upon your mental, emotional & physical capabilities back into you so you can show up and play your best game. Good luck and remember, have fun!
5 min
35 Favorites
Making a Big Decision (YOUTH)
Making a Big Decision (YOUTH)
Sometimes in life we come to a fork in the road, where we must make a decision that will impact the rest of our lives. If you're in a turning point like that, this meditation will help you tap into your intuition and make a decision from a space of confidence, clarity and peace. Good luck, I trust life's got your back no matter what you choose!
8 min
37 Favorites
Nature Connection Meditation (YOUTH)
Nature Connection Meditation (YOUTH)
We are nature. Nature is us. This meditation will call your senses back to nature, so that you feel connected, whole and present to the miracle of life. Give thanks for the blessing of being alive and feeling our 70 trillion cells twinkling like the stars in the night sky. ***This meditation is best listened to outdoors.
5 min
43 Favorites
Deep Presence Practice (YOUTH)
Deep Presence Practice (YOUTH)
So much of our life, we are caught up in distractions, to-do's and needs to improve. In this practice, you'll bring all of your energy, attention, and awareness back inside of yourself... and then you'll sit in that awareness and explore what comes up. Practice non-judgment. If you think, let the thoughts flow. If emotions come up, just pay attention to them. Rest in deep presence, knowing that it's all good.
6 min
40 Favorites