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Mindful Moments

128k+ subscribers | 
2.17M+ plays
Lauren Ziegler
Lauren Ziegler
Sleep Coach and Yoga Therapist
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Calm and Rest
Calm and Rest
This session is about becoming a little calmer by using breath and affirmation's like: I allow my body to relax. My breath is calm and steady. There is plenty of time for me to rest - I can rest right now. This session is like a lingering breath of fresh air as you bring in all the calm that you need right at this moment, day or night.
3 min
20.1k+ Favorites
Mindful Breathing
Mindful Breathing
A simple exercise on mindful breathing to calm and ground ourselves.
4 min
290+ Favorites
Yoga Nidra for the Deepest Sleep
Yoga Nidra for the Deepest Sleep
Progressive relaxation soothes the nervous system while body sensing prepares body and mind for deep sleep. As your mind dissolves and you watch yourself drift off, this session provides a unique opportunity to rest in the deepest state of healing and renewal, technically non-REM deep sleep stage 3, or Slow Wave Sleep (SWS).
16 min
360+ Favorites
Sleep in Peace
Sleep in Peace
Designed specifically to help you fall asleep, this slow, soothing process will help you dissolve into deep sleep. Photo by jonathan emili from Pexels
24 min
410+ Favorites
Drift into Sleep
Drift into Sleep
This particular sleep session is about helping you to drift off to sleep with ease. It's a way of inducing sleep organically, following the natural workings of your own mind. This is your friendly tool for anytime you need real rest, relaxation and satisfying sleep. It will help.
4 min | 
8 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Get Focused
Get Focused
This is a practice in concentration. We know that every 6-7 seconds, the mind will be distracted - and here's a technology for bringing it back. With practice, you'll build focus and actually change your brain capacity to concentrate. Do what you will with that power! Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash
4 min
5k+ Favorites
Deep Relaxation and Better Focus
Deep Relaxation and Better Focus
In this guided lying down practice, you'll be guided to deep relaxation and rest with awareness. Photo by Bella White from Pexels
28 min
260+ Favorites
The Breath
The Breath
This breath meditation will help you relax and unwind
4 min
1.1k+ Favorites
Morning Yoga Nidra for Clear Energy
Morning Yoga Nidra for Clear Energy
A systematic process for deep relaxation of body and mind, you'll be guided toward the state of yoga Nidra (non-rem deep sleep) with awareness and ease. Photo by Kasuma from Pexels
23 min
610+ Favorites
Feel Safe And Peaceful
Feel Safe And Peaceful
This session will give you a priceless resource - the ability to feel and imagine your own safe, secure, peaceful place that you can go to - whenever the world becomes too much. This is a golden light visualization to warm body, mind and fill you with a feeling of radiance and safety. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
4 min
9.8k+ Favorites
Yoga Nidra to Fall Asleep Easily
Yoga Nidra to Fall Asleep Easily
You can fall asleep virtually without trying due to the step by step guidance in this session. A specific breathing pattern dissolves your mind as you watch yourself drift off. It's possible that a 30 minute practice could offer the same benefits of 1-2 hours of normal sleep. Photo by Mariano Avagnina from Pexels
26 min
800+ Favorites
Moving Breath, Still Mind
Moving Breath, Still Mind
This session is focused on breathing as a way to still the mind. We open to the subtle movements of the breath - with plenty of guidance as well as quiet moments to feel the moving breath and the mind becoming more still. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at Photo by from Pexels
3 min
500+ Favorites
This is a visualization session. We imagine a golden spark that grows and grows, which is the energy that helps you see your self-worth, and your higher self shining and being manifested. We also use an affirmation, "I am worthy on this journey to becoming my best self." Envision yourself becoming the most loving and full version of yourself.
4 min
2.4k+ Favorites
Letting Go Waterfall
Letting Go Waterfall
This sessions uses a breathing practice to create the effect of a longer exhale. This has a soothing effect on the nervous system, calming the body and mind. It's a specific yogic technique to connect you with yourself in a safe way. It's especially helpful if you want to BRING IT DOWN A FEW NOTCHES ... to go to sleep ... let go more.
4 min | 
7 min
1.1k+ Favorites
Relaxation is an art and a science. By relaxation we mean a release of tension in both the mind and the body for a period of time to allow complete rest and revitalization. Like sleep, only these days we tend to go to bed with so much tension that we wake up feeling exhausted. It's a life changing thing to get to relax. It means more enjoyment of life and smoother relationships.
3 min
1.1k+ Favorites
Meditation During Isolation
Meditation During Isolation
It can feel like you're all alone, especially during this period of quarantine with no clear end in sight. If you're experiencing an increased level of stress or anxiety right now, you're not alone in that and it's a good time to practice meditation. Sitting with ourselves, the self-criticism, loneliness, and uncertainty are tough, and this session will help you work with any unhelpful thoughts so that you can feel more at ease and connected.
23 min
23 Favorites
Heart Visualization
Heart Visualization
Heart Visualization meditation is to get really present with the intelligence and awareness of your heart. Photo by Cason Asher on Unsplash
3 min | 
7 min
470+ Favorites
Cooling Breath
Cooling Breath
Are you frustrated? Then this will help.
4 min
570+ Favorites
4-Part Breathing & Thoughts Come & Go
4-Part Breathing & Thoughts Come & Go
Photo by Baskin Creative Studios from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
5.7k+ Favorites
Building Resilience
Building Resilience
Sometimes it can feel like we're going through life pushing a boulder uphill that's three times the size of us! There are so many things all at once and we're so overwhelmed. This session isn't about fixing it all, because we'll never really stop pushing the boulder. But it will teach you how to become so much more resilient and stronger so that the uphill game of life is less burdensome. We use a breathing technique to create stamina and calm strength. Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels
4 min
1.2k+ Favorites
This mediation helps with calmness and composure, especially in difficult situations.
7 min | 
7 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Soften and Let Go Again
Soften and Let Go Again
This session begins with deep breathing to make it easier to soften and loosen the grip physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Feel an actual releasing of the grip over whatever it is you're holding on to. In truth, this life is short.
5 min
1.7k+ Favorites
Everyday Mindfulness
Everyday Mindfulness
A natural byproduct of mindfulness is that it gets us to becoming aware of what is in the moment, and what's possible. It's not to change us, but to help us hold presence. This ancient technique of gazing is a potent mindfulness practice in order to grow consciousness and to cultivate fierce focus. Photo by David Bartus from Pexels
4 min
520+ Favorites
A short, relaxation exercise using water imagery.
4 min | 
7 min
160+ Favorites
Sleeping at Last
Sleeping at Last
Because of the systematic process for deep relaxation, it's an excellent tool to prepare for sleep. Use this to fall into a deep sleep and enjoy! Photo by Veerendra from Pexels
14 min
270+ Favorites
This session is about coming into something that's available right now. More patient, more compassionate - whatever it is - climb into the moment with a little more attention and a little more care. An internal body scan technique is used to release resistance and soften into what you are and what you're becoming.
4 min
910+ Favorites
Attention to Happiness
Attention to Happiness
In this session, we feel a sense of an inner smile that radiates throughout the entire body, mind and more. We imagine pulsating cells brimming with joy and bliss. We use breath and watch thoughts and sensations as they change, bring a deep sense of enlivenment.
3 min
750+ Favorites
Freakout Formula
Freakout Formula
This session will offer you a simple and profound freakout formula. See-through your reactivity and ease your suffering. These are steps to cycle through to use mindfulness to get out in front of the freaking out.
3 min | 
7 min
2.2k+ Favorites
This meditation takes us through the feeling of gratitude for the things and people around us.
3 min
1.5k+ Favorites
Systematic Body Relaxation
Systematic Body Relaxation
A stressed mind automatically implies a stressed body, as you know. In this session we work to relax the mind and body, helping to relieve stress and to give you that much needed break. Cycling your attention through your body systematically and noticing more, you'll gain a technique for feeling and releasing the tension that you don't need to be carrying.
3 min
1.7k+ Favorites
Meditation for Caregivers
Meditation for Caregivers
Caring for others is an amazing thing and it can be draining. Especially during the time of coronavirus when uncertainty is high and it's stressful, even scary. If you're a caregiver for a family member, nurse, doctor or social worker ... or even if you're empathetic and emotionally care for people in your life - this session is for you. Fill yourself up so you can keep on caring without harming yourself. Photo by eat kubba from Pexels
27 min
20 Favorites
Speaking Up
Speaking Up
This session is about expanding awareness of energy. We open to the subtle aspects of breathing and we bring attention into the base of the spine and the throat. We listen to our inner space and feel the vibration of the vocal cords while breathing. We soften to relax any tightness that gets in the way of being in our flow and speaking up when we need to. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at
5 min
220+ Favorites
Peaceful, Safe, Kind and Accepting
Peaceful, Safe, Kind and Accepting
This session will help you discover how you are feeling and give you a safe strategy for being with those feelings. It will give you space to be, just be, as you are. You will get beneath the thinking and storylines to be in your body and process emotions.
15 min
210+ Favorites
Grounded Morning
Grounded Morning
Good Morning, let's get grounded. This session uses a quick and effective yogic technology called polarity. It will have you feeling yourself inside of your body and brain. It will calm the mind really efficiently to give you a solid start to the day.
8 min
1k+ Favorites
Breathe and Settle
Breathe and Settle
This is a session using the breath - an approach that has been proven to make positive changes in our brains. Get some technical guidance here on how to do this, along with visualization to make it an interesting experience. You can dive as deep into relaxation as you choose as you release and settle tension in your body. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at
8 min
270+ Favorites
Forgiveness :: Compassion in Action
Forgiveness :: Compassion in Action
In order to forgive, we need to have tolerance of where that person is at on their journey. This is a sweet Metta (loving-kindness) practice to generate more compassion towards that person in your life. Having compassion is the antidote to so much mental anguish and having compassionate thoughts has been scientifically linked up with better physical health! This is for you if you want to let someone else (and yourself) off the hook if you want to enjoy the FEEL of compassion, warmth, and tenderness. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at
4 min | 
7 min
290+ Favorites
Let Go Again
Let Go Again
This meditation will show you some areas you're still holding tightness or gripping - and will give you a strategy to help dissolve some of that. It will give you a big "ahh" feeling as you rest back and get that break that you so desire! More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at
4 min | 
7 min
400+ Favorites
Joy Inside
Joy Inside
Real happiness can be a powerful force for change, but we have to look inside ourselves to find it.
3 min
890+ Favorites
Time Alone in Nature
Time Alone in Nature
This is a visualization session. We bring to mind a special place in nature and access the feelings this place provides. This is about cultivating an "inner resource" by recalling the feeling of time alone in nature - and this is available to us anytime time when we need it!
5 min
1k+ Favorites
Where to Park Your Mind
Where to Park Your Mind
Sometimes life gives us a difficult blow, and we ask, "Why is this happening to me?" It's so tempting to wallow in the 'why', but maybe it's the wrong question. If asking why is this happening hasn't given you hope, then try asking the what question. This session is about thought management and mature perspective and will give you the gift of looking at your situation in a new way so that you can park your mind there and move forward with hope and strength.
3 min
1.3k+ Favorites
Becoming Patience
Becoming Patience
Becoming Patience Photo by Daria Ivanenko from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
430+ Favorites
There's so much to do. So much stimulation everywhere we look! We need to restore. We need to rejuvenate. This is a calming practice to take you within, to non-doing. More from your guide and friend, Lauren at
7 min
390+ Favorites
I Am Enough
I Am Enough
This session uses slow, measured breaths to set it up so that you may do some self-inquiry. Look into the feeling of overwhelm and what other feelings come with it, then gently whisper the affirmation, "I am enough." Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels
4 min | 
7 min
740+ Favorites
Calm Inward Focus
Calm Inward Focus
Gather yourself inward and for a few precious moments, stop focusing on the external environment and what's going on out there. This session will give you intentional inward focus. Find the inward calm and strength, no matter what is going on right now. We use a classical and effective yogic breathing technique to hone our focus and calm the mind.
4 min | 
7 min
760+ Favorites
3D Breathing: More Than Mind Affirmation
3D Breathing: More Than Mind Affirmation
3D Breathing & “More Than Mind” Affirmation
3 min | 
7 min
800+ Favorites
Thank You
Thank You
We find an easy, natural breathing pattern and attach an affirmation of gratitude, "Thank You". It's a general thank you, and a full on inquiry into what it is you can be thankful for. Gratitude is the understanding that so many things have come together for us to just take one more breath, and that we're a part of something that is a privilege.
3 min
2k+ Favorites
Metta / Loving Kindness
Metta / Loving Kindness
A short exercise of wishing loving kindness for others and our self.
3 min | 
7 min
740+ Favorites
Guided Meditation & Visualization to Energize and Motivate the Body and Mind.
5 min | 
7 min
14.7k+ Favorites
Compassionate Self-talk
Compassionate Self-talk
We're so hard on ourselves. True healing takes place when we're able to show up to a given condition honestly and fully, the highs and the lows. It could be called a compassionate space. In this session, create a hospitable space that includes kindness towards yourself. Receive the words of support that you so need right now.
3 min
2.2k+ Favorites
Focus the Breath, Focus the Mind
Focus the Breath, Focus the Mind
Focus the Breath, Focus the Mind Photo by 김 대정 from Pexels
3 min
2.4k+ Favorites
A short meditation of tuning in to yourself to rejuvenate and bring focus to your brain.
4 min
470+ Favorites
Beginner's Mind
Beginner's Mind
There's a Chinese inscription that says, "Renew yourself, complete each day. Do it again, and forever again." In this session, we view our whole body as though it's brand new, with no previous stories attached. Discover a new, curious relationship with your body, your mind, and your life today. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at
3 min | 
7 min
1k+ Favorites
In this session, we close our eyes and go through the whole body piece by piece, filling it with light. We bring relaxed and vibrant attention into the body, and we settle the mind.
4 min | 
7 min
1k+ Favorites
This is a motivating session for working through the thing that's holding you back. We use the metaphor of a boulder in the center of your room that you keep ignoring. Your boulder may be perpetuating past thoughts, limiting beliefs, fears or doubts. It makes sense when it was created, but now it's just a boulder in the center of the room that obstructs the view and doesn't let light in. Choose what you're going to do to clear the way once and for all. Decide to change your life for the good. Photo by Ian Beckley from Pexels
4 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Peace Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels
4 min | 
7 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Gentleness & Forgiveness
Gentleness & Forgiveness
We often get lost in daily assignments and forget about the beauty of the world. This meditation helps you open up yourself again.
4 min | 
7 min
250+ Favorites
Awakening Factor of Joy
Awakening Factor of Joy
Mindfulness is a lifelong journey, and the path that we walk should have some lightness to it. Sometimes it can get serious and heavy, and our desire to transform can cause a lot of striving, or it's frustrating so we stop practicing. By returning to the practice time after time we can realize a peaceful and heart-fulfilling life. A permanent and deep joy naturally bubbles up and we feel that joy and spread it all over our bodies in this session.
3 min
940+ Favorites
As Is
As Is
A simple exercise of acceptance to the things and emotions, as is.
3 min
560+ Favorites
A short, guided meditation of being focused in the moment.
4 min
600+ Favorites
Taking Off the Shield
Taking Off the Shield
Imagine being in a place where you just let the stressful things kind of Imagine letting some of the rigidity lift up off you so your breathing flows in and out with no hindrance. In this session we take off the shield and focus on ease of breathing.
3 min
830+ Favorites
Welcoming the Messenger
Welcoming the Messenger
Short mindfulness practice in tuning in to one's thoughts and ideas and welcoming the message. Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
430+ Favorites
Healing Flows Where Intention Goes
Healing Flows Where Intention Goes
A short meditation of tuning in to one's body through mindful breathing for healing.
4 min
740+ Favorites
A short exercise to listen and feel your heart's desire. Photo by Rhand McCoy on Unsplash
3 min
380+ Favorites
Choosing Thoughts
Choosing Thoughts
Choosing the thoughts we will allow to live in our minds, and the emotions we will allow to grow in our hearts.
4 min | 
7 min
10.3k+ Favorites
Chest to Belly Breathing
Chest to Belly Breathing
A simple meditation of mindful breathing to feel calmness and relaxation.
3 min | 
7 min
640+ Favorites
Belly Breathing
Belly Breathing
This session is focused on physically expanding your breathing. Breathe this way into the low abdomen to calm emotions and the mind.
4 min | 
7 min
700+ Favorites
A mindful practice to our breathing and the sensations it brings.
4 min
36 Favorites
The objective of concentration meditation is to develop a single-minded attention directed at some object: an image, a breath, a candle flame, or a word or phrase. Continually returning one's attention to this object develops one's ability to remain calm, focused, and grounded.
3 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Renew & Fortify
Renew & Fortify
Renew & Fortify Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
6.9k+ Favorites
A short, mindful exercise of giving loving affirmation to ourselves.
3 min | 
7 min
610+ Favorites
Your Brilliant Heart
Your Brilliant Heart
A mindful exercise to better appreciate your heart.
5 min | 
7 min
2.4k+ Favorites
An exercise in dealing with aversion or resistance to growth.
3 min
590+ Favorites
Wisdom of Pain
Wisdom of Pain
A short mindfulness practice of accepting pain as it brings wisdom.
3 min
480+ Favorites
An exercise to understanding ourselves during different moments, the triggers, and effects.
3 min
550+ Favorites
Like Water Stirred by Wind
Like Water Stirred by Wind
A short exercise to guide us in being mindful and still to relax our minds and bodies. Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
4 min | 
7 min
650+ Favorites
The Power
The Power
The Power Photo by Trace Hudson from Pexels
4 min
800+ Favorites
Breath Out
Breath Out
This meditation focuses on the breath out, not because there is anything special about it, but because the physical sensation of breathing and breath out is always there and you can use it as an anchor to the present moment. Throughout the practice, you may find yourself caught up in thoughts, emotions, sounds and wherever your mind goes, simply come back again to the next breath. Photo by Alex Azabache from Pexels
4 min
660+ Favorites
In this session, we bring in all the reinforcements. Bring in your special memories, places, and people that give you a sense of peace and well-being. Evoke feelings of comfort and rest. As the felt sense of ease and security remains, discover that you have these inner resources with you all of the time. Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
920+ Favorites
This is the beginning of a process of fine-tuning that starts with the body, and grows ever more subtle through layers of our body.
3 min
170+ Favorites
The Pond
The Pond
This is a visualization session. Visualization meditation combines the technique of visualization with the practice of meditation.
3 min | 
7 min
46 Favorites
Spectrum of Breath
Spectrum of Breath
A short exercise to focus on breathing and to feel grounded.
4 min | 
7 min
300+ Favorites
Flowing Gratitute
Flowing Gratitute
An exercise in appreciating and being grateful for our body. Photo by Nicole Avagliano from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
280+ Favorites
Impermanence Photo by Andreea Ch from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
480+ Favorites
Body Scan
Body Scan
This body scan trains awareness and opens the capacity for feeling more subtly. It trains the ability to hone in and feel more concentrated areas and then widen to allow your awareness to include a broader span. It can have the side effect of relieving pain and anxiety.
3 min | 
7 min
520+ Favorites
Counting Breaths
Counting Breaths
This method can be used for the entire meditation session or just for the first part of the sitting, until the mind calms a bit.
3 min | 
7 min
4.4k+ Favorites
Breath Technique & Self-Acceptance
Breath Technique & Self-Acceptance
A short, breathing technique to bring awareness and self-acceptance.
3 min | 
7 min
680+ Favorites
Tree Visualization
Tree Visualization
The visualizations are/will all be written with love in hopes to help you find your own inner-calm each and every day… Let's Get Started!
4 min | 
7 min
720+ Favorites
Heartbeat / Pulse
Heartbeat / Pulse
A simple awareness exercise of our heartbeat and pulse to ground and relax ourselves.
3 min | 
7 min
590+ Favorites
Just As It Is
Just As It Is
Bit by bit, tune into your inner world for these moments and notice what it's like to be you right now in your life. Happy? Ok. Unhappy? Ok. No need to figure anything out or fix anything, just let it be as it is. In this session, we see what that's like. Using a body-based technique, we practice this with the body. You may get insight into what else can be, just as it is.
4 min
710+ Favorites
You'll know when you're not learning and not really listening, because you'll be punished with boredom. Personally, I find boredom to be ridiculous. When you're aware of beauty, you sense and feel the beauty — and it's far from boring. When you're aware of nothing, you sense and feel nothing. Develop sensitivity so that you won't be bored! And because the glory sweeping through the universe, is glimpsed in each moment of sensitive, aware, listening.
3 min
59 Favorites
Peace for All
Peace for All
A short, mindful breathing exercise to wish for peace. Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
4 min
310+ Favorites
Prepare for Restful Sleep
Prepare for Restful Sleep
This progressive breathing technique soothes the nervous system and is designed specifically for deep nighttime sleep. Ease yourself from breath awareness through progressive relaxation and into restful sleep.
19 min
330+ Favorites
Affirmation Photo by Mohan Reddy from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
690+ Favorites
Awareness of Breathing
Awareness of Breathing
Awareness of Breathing Photo by Simon Berger from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
8.4k+ Favorites
Acceptance in Relationship
Acceptance in Relationship
This session is for deeply looking at your relationship with someone in your life - as it is. For going beneath the idea of who they are and considering all the realness. This is about accepting this person for who they are at this moment in time - entirely - in order to set yourself free for a more meaningful connection! Photo by Valentin Antonucci from Pexels
3 min
380+ Favorites
Forgiving Them
Forgiving Them
When we get let down or upset with another, we often get stuck with that feeling. It's very tempting - and it's not great for anyone's health! If you're not sure how you can possibly forgive or free yourself from this - then this is your first step. We need to get below the surface and feel the "real" stuff. This meditation will give you space to let the truth rise to the surface so that you can consider forgiving. More from your guide and friend, Lauren, at
4 min | 
7 min
140+ Favorites
This is a yogic breathing practice called alternate nostril breathing. It's an intentional practice, using some effort ... but easeful effort. Done for the purpose of calming the mind and opening to flow of life force.
7 min
240+ Favorites
Journey of Compassion
Journey of Compassion
Do you judge yourself? Do you "should" all over yourself? You may say well, yes. But, are you aware of the extent that you do that? Let's face it, meditation feels good, bad, and ugly. You don't need to be an enemy to yourself. This is about compassion and acceptance of your nature as it is. It's a deep, supportive journey to integrate parts of yourself. Not here to fight them, not here to shame them. This will help you shine the light of compassion on yourself throughout your life. Photo by Anderson Martins from Pexels
23 min
210+ Favorites