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Now with Dea

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Dea Rivera
Dea Rivera
Mindfulness Teacher
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This practice is designed to allow you to settle into the breath as you become still- It's simple, but not easy.
4 min | 
7 min
1.1k+ Favorites
Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness
Sending loving kindness to yourself and others can be a nurturing practice that brings ease into your day. Give it a try.
7 min
160+ Favorites
The wise mind is suspended between reasonable mind and emotional mind- learn to find a sense of calm and awareness and chose to rest here in this place of inner wisdom- of wise mind.
4 min | 
7 min
320+ Favorites
Self Compassion Break
Self Compassion Break
Learn to take a self-compassion break throughout your day-you deserve it!
3 min
800+ Favorites
Being Vs Doing as We Age
Being Vs Doing as We Age
So you associate what you do with who you are? Maybe it's time to make a different association.
8 min
220+ Favorites
Beginning Again
Beginning Again
Settle in with this relaxing practice to find balance between your breath, body and mind- checking in, beginning again, again.
7 min
350+ Favorites
Cultivating JOY is an essential skill that we all posses, but tend to forget about. Use this practice to get in touch with the felt sense of joy in your body through the sensations of well-being.
4 min | 
8 min
410+ Favorites
3 Step Breathing Space
3 Step Breathing Space
Imagine your initial broad awareness followed by a reducing of focus, then expanding once again -in the shape of an hourglass. This practice can be incorporated into the busyness of your day to provide a feeling of being balanced and centered.
3 min
160+ Favorites
Slowing Down
Slowing Down
Slowing down your routine activities can be sweet. Start with this practice & begin to slow down and savor all aspects of your experience.
4 min
290+ Favorites
By sensing the vitality in the body one can notice that the breath has a strength all its own. Using imagery, becoming aware of this strength & energy in the body can be extremely beneficial.
3 min | 
7 min
100+ Favorites
A helpful practice in coping during difficult experiences & situations: RAIN: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Non-identification.
3 min
230+ Favorites
Thoughts on a Leaf
Thoughts on a Leaf
Quiet your mind with this practice as you visualize a lovely stream alongside you. It may be helpful when your mind feels busy or emotions feel strong.
3 min | 
7 min
820+ Favorites
Settling into Presence
Settling into Presence
Settling into the present moment, softening the body and slowing the breath is a skill that deserves practice. I invite you to notice the subtle shift after completing this settling of breath.
4 min | 
8 min
310+ Favorites
Try this nurturing practice when you are overwhelmed with emotion and longing for ease. You may be pleasantly surprised by the effect on your mind and body. Photo by Maria Eduarda Loura Magalhães from Pexels
4 min
780+ Favorites
Energy Cleanse
Energy Cleanse
This guided visualization is designed to help you release the build up of energy and stress in your body. This could be the most effortless cleanse you have ever had and it could prepare you to receive just what you need.
11 min
300+ Favorites
The practice of gratitude is a powerful way to bring more happiness, well-being and resilience into our lives. It’s done by using thinking to generate a positive mind state, then dwelling in the effects of that positive mind state. Give it a try!
3 min | 
7 min
1k+ Favorites
Circle of Love
Circle of Love
Allow compassion to surround & support you in this practice as you imagine being encircled by the most loving beings you have ever met or can imagine.
4 min
700+ Favorites
The Breath
The Breath
We greet the breath with awareness and interest- the way we might see a friend in a crowd. We don’t have to shove aside everybody else. Our energy, our enthusiasm, and our sense of connection are going towards that friend. In just that way, we pay attention to the breath.
3 min
200+ Favorites
Cloudy Mind
Cloudy Mind
This session is designed to help you become aware of the clouds in your mind- through the subtle movements of the breath- Notice them, with curiosity and let them float on by without judgment.
3 min
800+ Favorites
Breath Awareness
Breath Awareness
Engage in mindful breath awareness meditation, one of the most widely used basic form of meditation.
3 min
500+ Favorites
Stepping Through the Mirror
Stepping Through the Mirror
Inspired by Jack Kornfield, this visualization will bring you through your bathroom mirror to recognize your playful spirit and unlimited potential and talents within. Shift into compassion to find love for yourself, trust for yourself and truly know yourself.
7 min
180+ Favorites
When there is a willingness to open the heart to what we have been closed to - it is courageous. Begin to forge a new relationship from the heart with yourself and with others.
3 min | 
7 min
46 Favorites
This practice is about feeling and letting in compassion and love while embracing your suffering or discomfort.
3 min | 
7 min
150+ Favorites
Leaving Connected-Mindful 3 Breaths
Leaving Connected-Mindful 3 Breaths
Parents can be so rushed getting everyone out the door in the morning that they can miss an opportunity to connect with their children. Try creating a new habit: embracing, aligning your nervous systems & taking 3 slow-deep breaths together, before anyone heads out the door. Photo by Min An from Pexels
4 min
55 Favorites
Mindful Mobile Use
Mindful Mobile Use
Become more aware of sensations and feelings that arise with your cell phone use. A level of awareness provides you with a choice amidst your habitual use.
4 min | 
8 min
55 Favorites
Time for a Break
Time for a Break
This guided self-compassion break may be just what you need when suffering arises.
6 min
24 Favorites
School Is Closing?
School Is Closing?
Coping with the anxiety and uneasiness of school closures is important. Here are some guidelines to encourage self-care during this time.
7 min
65 Favorites
Using the breath to become aware of habitual reactions of mind and body when faced with a stressful situation. Our body is constantly sending us messages- information in the form of sensations, thoughts or feelings. Accept what is there with kindness.
8 min
42 Favorites
Trust the Breath
Trust the Breath
Notice how you can be aware, conscious & attentive to the feeling of your breath. You don’t have to control the actual breath, but awareness will go where you direct it. Use this practice to learn to trust your breath.
3 min | 
7 min
70 Favorites
Reset your nervous system, with a smile. This practice invites the body to awaken with a smile in your heart-filling it with lightness, creating ease as you become aware of your breath.
3 min | 
8 min
440+ Favorites
Tuning into Sitting
Tuning into Sitting
This 3 minute-mindfulness practice invites you to tune into your body just as it is in this very moment. Awakening to all your senses and noticing your environment.
4 min
300+ Favorites
Awareness of Sight
Awareness of Sight
This practice is about pointing our attention towards the sense of sight; exploring and strengthening our capacity to become aware of our environment through our eyes.
4 min | 
8 min
240+ Favorites
Brushing Mindfully
Brushing Mindfully
We can be mindful and present during the mundane morning rituals of our day. Try this "brushing practice" to become a touch more aware of yourself and your thoughts while you are cleaning your pearly-whites.
4 min
79 Favorites
Note & Count Your Breath
Note & Count Your Breath
Because it is so common to get distracted when we start a mindfulness practice, it can be beneficial to use a way to note & count the breath as a stabilizing support. See if this practice invites more ease to your body and mind.
3 min | 
7 min
260+ Favorites
Loving-Compassion for You
Loving-Compassion for You
With compassion and love, embrace your suffering, discomfort, or tension and open yourself up to your connection to the world around you. Photo by Todd Trapani from Pexels
3 min | 
7 min
74 Favorites
Experiencing the Breath
Experiencing the Breath
This brief guided practice will assist you in feeling your breath as you begin to notice the tendencies of the mind- returning to the breath over and over again.
3 min
340+ Favorites
Body Breathing
Body Breathing
Mindfulness of breathing happens when we tune in to whatever we find when we sit and allow our body to breathe just as it is. Exploring sensations calling out and pulling our attention as we find breath in our bodies and following it just like waves on a beach- gently rolling in and out.
8 min
140+ Favorites
Sound Body
Sound Body
This practice is designed to help you investigate your body though sounds and sensations as your awareness deepens.
3 min | 
6 min
59 Favorites
10 Mindful Breaths
10 Mindful Breaths
Challenge yourself with this practice of breathing and counting, focusing solely on the breath. It's a simple practice, but not easy.
3 min | 
7 min
910+ Favorites
Truly listening is the greatest gift we can give others. With this practice, you may be surprised at how beneficial listening can be to you as well.
10 min
81 Favorites
Morning Walk
Morning Walk
Wake up to the moment and connect your senses with this mindful walking practice. It may be just what you need to start your day off with awareness.
4 min | 
8 min
180+ Favorites
Standing Mindfully
Standing Mindfully
This practice invites you to notice body sensations as you sit, settle in and explore all the decisions you make as you move into a standing position.
4 min
56 Favorites
A useful practice to help notice when you are running on autopilot. Learn to make a conscious choice to be in the present moment. Photo by Philip Deus on Unsplash
4 min | 
8 min
350+ Favorites
Releasing Tension
Releasing Tension
When we exaggerate tensions in the body and then slowly release them, we suddenly become aware of the sensation of ease and relaxation. Try this tense & release practice to build awareness of where you hold tension so that you can release it throughout your day.
4 min
63 Favorites
Baseball Mind
Baseball Mind
At times our mind can resemble a baseball game- Which sportscaster are you listening to?
3 min | 
7 min
200+ Favorites
Enjoy this practice of being aware of how interconnect we all are. As alone and cut off as we sometimes feel, the truth of our existence is that we are all interconnected. None of us really lives apart and independent.
3 min | 
7 min
55 Favorites
Forgiveness Practice
Forgiveness Practice
A guided mindfulness practice on Forgiveness Releasing and letting go- A true act of self-care. Photo by Couleur from Pexels
3 min
77 Favorites
Natural Disaster Needs Loving Kindness
Natural Disaster Needs Loving Kindness
If you have been overwhelmed by emotion when hearing about all those suffering from the latest natural disaster, you may benefit from this practice of loving kindness.
4 min
20 Favorites
Seated Body Scan
Seated Body Scan
Relax and bring more awareness to your body with this seated body scan.
11 min
40 Favorites
Use this practice as a way to work with difficult emotions and body sensations. It can be a gentle reminder that everything is ever-changing.
8 min
94 Favorites