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Sleep, Relax & Recharge

61.7k+ subscribers | 
1.66M+ plays
Cassandra Carlopio
Cassandra Carlopio
Sleep Expert, Psychologist & Meditation
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Favorite Place / Sleep
Favorite Place / Sleep
This meditation uses guided imagery to invite the listener to explore and rest into their favorite place. From here, it invites the listener to drift into a deep, restful sleep.
5 min
480+ Favorites
I Am Enough
I Am Enough
The most important words we will ever hear are the words we say to ourselves. This meditation is designed to shift the internal conversation to be uplifting and increase self confidence.
4 min
5.4k+ Favorites
Melt the Day Away
Melt the Day Away
This guided meditation invites the listener to let go of the day and prepare the body and mind for a deep sleep.
5 min
700+ Favorites
Float Off to Sleep
Float Off to Sleep
This guided meditation prepares the listener for sleep by calming the nervous system and using the imagery of a cloud to float off to sleep.
8 min
280+ Favorites
Settle Thoughts
Settle Thoughts
It is easy to get caught up in our thoughts, which can lead to stress and distraction from what is important. This guided meditation invites you to let your thoughts settle - like snow in a snow globe - and return to your innate state of clarity and calm.
10 min
500+ Favorites
Preparing for Bedtime
Preparing for Bedtime
This guided meditation is designed to help the listener prepare for bedtime by reviewing the day and leaving it to the side. The body is invited to let go and relax, preparing for deep sleep.
6 min
320+ Favorites
Pre-Sleep Meditation
Pre-Sleep Meditation
This meditation prepares the body and mind to drift into a restful, rejuvenating sleep.
3 min
2.3k+ Favorites
Ease into Deep Sleep
Ease into Deep Sleep
This Yoga Nidra guided meditation will help you ease into sleep. There is a light background ocean sound with binaural beats, to further assist you in accessing a deep and restful sleep.
60 min
2k+ Favorites
Bed Time Prep
Bed Time Prep
An important part of sleeping well at night is winding down before we get into bed. This meditation helps prepare you for sleep: slow down, activate the relaxation response, review your day, and practice gratitude. Leaving you ready to get into bed and transition to deep, restful sleep.
4 min
2.5k+ Favorites
Float Into Sleep
Float Into Sleep
This guided meditation is designed to help the listener float into a deep restful sleep.
4 min
700+ Favorites
Working with Pain
Working with Pain
This guided meditation uses somatic techniques to work with physical pain. These techniques help shift the perception of pain and release any secondary tension.
4 min
220+ Favorites
Ocean Sound for Sleep
Ocean Sound for Sleep
This guided meditation helps the listener drift into a peaceful sleep using ocean sounds. Also included are binaural beats, that help the brain relax into a delta (slow wave) sleep.
7 min
140+ Favorites
Cleanse Off the Day
Cleanse Off the Day
We can accumulate a lot over a day - thoughts, feelings, other people's energy. This meditation helps cleanse off the day and prepare to drift into a restful sleep.
3 min | 
7 min
740+ Favorites
Handle Stress
Handle Stress
This guided meditation is designed to help the listener activate the relaxation response and handle stress effectively.
12 min
500+ Favorites
Comfort the Nervous System
Comfort the Nervous System
This guided meditation is like a hug for your nervous system.
6 min
990+ Favorites
Meditation to Work with Anger
Meditation to Work with Anger
This guided meditation invites the listener to work with the emotion of anger. However, if you don't feel anger, you can use any uncomfortable emotion. This is a practice of being with the emotion as a sensation and observing it, without getting involved or trying to change it. That way, the emotion can share with us what it has to communicate and then move on.
7 min
70 Favorites
Sense Yourself Floating
Sense Yourself Floating
One of the most direct ways to quiet the mind and relax the body is to sense yourself floating. This meditation uses awareness-based guidance to shift yourself into a quiet and relaxed state.
3 min | 
7 min
440+ Favorites
Body Scan Head Down
Body Scan Head Down
This guided body scan, invites the listener to focus in on bodily sensations, as a way of calming the nervous system and mind, and focusing on whats happening in the present.
11 min
100+ Favorites
Melt Away Stress
Melt Away Stress
During these strange times, this guided meditation is designed to help melt away any unnecessary stress.
8 min
12 Favorites
Body Sink into Sleep
Body Sink into Sleep
This meditation helps the body prepare for sleep by sinking into the bed.
4 min
630+ Favorites
Settle Racing Thoughts
Settle Racing Thoughts
This extended guided meditation helps the listener deal with racing thoughts, by redirecting attention and focusing on the breath and body.
10 min
460+ Favorites
Melt into Sleep
Melt into Sleep
This guided meditation invites the listener to focus on the breath and let tension melt away as a way of calming the body, preparing for sleep and drifting off to a restful sleep.
5 min
750+ Favorites
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
This brief mindfulness exercise uses the sense to come back to the present moment. This is great to do anytime, anywhere, eyes opened, and can help calm anxiety and stress.
2 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Morning Wake Up Breath
Morning Wake Up Breath
Sometimes we wake up feeling sluggish and tired, and often what is needed is some energizing deep breaths. This meditation guides you through some gentle breathing to wake up your body, increase your energy and get you in the right state for the day.
4 min
11.2k+ Favorites
Zoom Out
Zoom Out
This guided meditation invites the listener to gradually zoom out to take in a global perspective.
5 min
97 Favorites
Balls of Light Meditation
Balls of Light Meditation
This guided meditation uses visualization to help access sensation in the hands. Using body sensing and visualization helps calm an overactive mind and reconnect to the body and the present moment.
5 min
400+ Favorites
Activate Relaxation
Activate Relaxation
This guided meditation uses autogenics training to help activate the relaxation response. Through sensing the body, we are able to activate relaxation and calm.
3 min | 
7 min
180+ Favorites
You Are Not Your Thoughts
You Are Not Your Thoughts
It is easy to get lost in our thoughts and become identified with our thoughts, leading to suffering. This guided meditation invites the listener to observe thoughts, without become identified with them, and experience self as that which can observe thoughts.
5 min
320+ Favorites
Breathe into Sleep
Breathe into Sleep
This guided meditation invites the listener to focus on the breath as a way of calming the body, preparing for sleep, and then drifting off to sleep.
6 min
430+ Favorites
Settle into Sleep
Settle into Sleep
This guided meditation is to help the listener settle into sleep - quiet the mind and relax the body.
15 min
230+ Favorites
Sink into Sleep
Sink into Sleep
Using breath sensing and breath counting, this guided mindfulness meditation helps the listener sink into sleep.
3 min
540+ Favorites
Drop Your Weight
Drop Your Weight
This guided meditation is an invitation to let your body weight drop down into the ground... one of the most relaxing things for the body and nervous system.
11 min
96 Favorites
What Might This Need?
What Might This Need?
This guided meditation invites the listener to tune into their bodily sensations and welcome any sensations that are present. This way, we can learn to accept sensations and start to discover what this sensation may need from us.
5 min
12 Favorites
Recharge Nap
Recharge Nap
We often get caught up in the stress of daily life and our ever-growing to-do lists. This guided meditation helps ease you into a restful nap - to unplug and reboot your mind and body - so you can return to your day refreshed.
17 min
750+ Favorites
Breathe in Calm
Breathe in Calm
This guided meditation uses visualization to help the listener breathe in calm.
5 min
490+ Favorites
Defusing Negative Thoughts
Defusing Negative Thoughts
This guided meditation teaches a specific technique to defuse negative, judgmental or self-critical thoughts.
4 min
1k+ Favorites
Rest into Sleep
Rest into Sleep
When we have difficulty falling asleep, we can create extra stress by trying to get to sleep. This meditation invites the listener to shift the focus from getting to sleep, to just simply resting. This takes off a layer of pressure and allows you to rest into sleep.
3 min | 
7 min
510+ Favorites
Activate Calm
Activate Calm
This meditation takes you through easy techniques to activate your relaxation response, leaving you feeling calm. You can use this technique throughout the day to maintain a sense of equanimity.
4 min
430+ Favorites
Space Between Thoughts
Space Between Thoughts
This meditation invites the listener to acknowledge thoughts, then explore the space in between thoughts.
4 min
390+ Favorites
All Is Well Right Now
All Is Well Right Now
This guided meditation invites the listener to use the mantra "All is Well" as a way of communicating to the body and the nervous system that its okay to settle and be calm.
5 min
780+ Favorites
Inhale Calm & Wellbeing
Inhale Calm & Wellbeing
By focusing on the inhale breath, we can focus attention and set an intention, to welcome in calm and wellbeing, and whatever else is needed.
7 min
170+ Favorites
Inner Refuge: Sphere
Inner Refuge: Sphere
It's so easy to get caught up in thoughts, anxiety and stress. These Inner Refuge guided meditations invite the listener to imagine or sense a sphere or bubble, so help connect to an inner refuge.
7 min
270+ Favorites
Rest in Your Happy Place
Rest in Your Happy Place
It is so easy to get caught up in stressful thoughts and circumstances. This meditation uses guided visualization to help you rest in your happy place, to reset, and recharge.
4 min
540+ Favorites
I Am at Ease
I Am at Ease
This guided meditation helps the listener access a sense of ease.
3 min
770+ Favorites
Brain Break 2
Brain Break 2
This guided meditation invites the listener to take a "brain break" by focusing attention on the breath and the space behind the belly button. Trying to struggle with thoughts is counter-productive, so focusing attention on the breath is a great way to take a vacation from the brain.
5 min
27 Favorites
Breath as a Wave
Breath as a Wave
This guided meditation uses the image of a wave to help focus the attention on the breath. Breath sensing is a powerful mindfulness technique to calm and center the mind and body.
4 min
640+ Favorites
Morning Intentions
Morning Intentions
This meditation invites the listener to set their intentions for the day.
4 min
980+ Favorites
Tree Meditation
Tree Meditation
This guided meditation uses the image of tree to invite the qualities of feeling grounded and feeling expansive into the body.
5 min
710+ Favorites
Improve Mood
Improve Mood
This guided meditation helps the listener move through challenging feelings and mood.
7 min
220+ Favorites
Get Focused
Get Focused
This guided meditation uses simple focused attention exercises to invite the listener to cultivate and develop focus.
4 min
100+ Favorites
This guided meditation invites the listener to focus on the breath, specifically the exhale, to settle the mind and body.
4 min
350+ Favorites
Focus on Feet
Focus on Feet
Often we try to push stressful thoughts away, or try to change them into something more pleasant. However this often perpetuates the problem. By redirecting attention away from thoughts, to the feet, we get a chance to take a "break" from our thoughts, because our attention is at the opposite end of the body.
4 min
48 Favorites
Inner Sanctuary
Inner Sanctuary
This meditation uses guided imagery to invite the listener into their own inner sanctuary of ease and well-being, that one can visit anytime.
5 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Breathe for More Energy
Breathe for More Energy
This guided breathing practice invites the listener to tune into the breath, and then very slightly start to increase the inhale breath, to increase the level of energy and focus present in the body. This simple but highly effective breath can be used anytime you need a little "pick me up" throughout the day.
5 min
75 Favorites
Affirmation: Healthy & Healed
Affirmation: Healthy & Healed
This guided meditation invites the listener to repeat the affirmation: I am Healthy & Healed. Designed for people who either struggle with their health or want to improve their health, repeating the affirmation will help plant this into the subconscious.
4 min
940+ Favorites
Rest into Sleep
Rest into Sleep
This guided meditation for sleep helps invite the listener to ease into a relaxed state, from which one can drift off to sleep.
13 min
180+ Favorites
Gentle Attention
Gentle Attention
This guided meditation emphases being gentle with redirecting attention.
4 min
130+ Favorites
Morning Visualization
Morning Visualization
This guided meditation helps the listener set their intention for the day through visualization.
6 min
810+ Favorites
Mindfulness: Leaves on a Stream
Mindfulness: Leaves on a Stream
This guided meditation invites the listener to use the image of leaves on a stream to observe thoughts without engaging with them.
4 min
1.3k+ Favorites
Morning Priming For Gratitude
Morning Priming For Gratitude
This meditation helps prime the listener for gratitude throughout the day. Priming helps the mind notice and appreciate gratitude throughout the day.
4 min
2.4k+ Favorites
Inner Retreat
Inner Retreat
This guided meditation invites the listener to access an inner retreat, a place of rest and sanctuary, that can be visited anytime, any place. This allows us to handle inner and outer stress, as we know we can always return to our true home, our inner retreat.
6 min
98 Favorites
Drift Off to Sleep
Drift Off to Sleep
This guided meditation invites the listener to drift off to sleep using simple techniques to quiet the mind and relax the body.
7 min
340+ Favorites
Circular Breathing Part 1
Circular Breathing Part 1
This is a guided breath practice, based on the ancient Tao teachings, that helps develop focus and circulate energy.
5 min
280+ Favorites
Breath Sensing
Breath Sensing
This five minute guided meditation will help quiet your mind and settle your nervous system by paying attention to your breath. Breath sensing is an effective way to calm down and refocus, and can be used anytime, anywhere, to return to your center.
6 min
130+ Favorites
Sense Your Aliveness
Sense Your Aliveness
This guided meditation invites the listener to sense the feeling of aliveness and the pulse of life as it moves through the body.
4 min
500+ Favorites
I Am Here Now
I Am Here Now
This guided meditation uses the mantra "I am Here Now" timed with the breath to assist the listener in getting present.
4 min
230+ Favorites
Rest in Golden Light
Rest in Golden Light
This meditation invites the listener to image a golden light covering the body, to induce deep feelings of ease, peace and wellbeing.
4 min
290+ Favorites
Resourcing Calm
Resourcing Calm
When we get stressed or anxious, the technique of resourcing is valuable. Resourcing teaches us to find a part of the body that feels calm, that feels okay, and to use that to shift the overall mood of the body.
4 min
450+ Favorites
Unwind Tension
Unwind Tension
We have habitual tension patterns that we hold throughout our body and this meditation helps unwind these patterns.
3 min
100+ Favorites
Sense of Hearing Sounds
Sense of Hearing Sounds
This mindfulness exercise uses the sense of hearing to open to the present moment.
4 min
51 Favorites
Reconnect with Self
Reconnect with Self
This guided meditation invites the listener to reconnect with their body and their innate essence.
4 min
430+ Favorites
Let Go with the Exhale
Let Go with the Exhale
The meditation uses the exhale to help the listener, let go of anything that is no longer serving them.
4 min
260+ Favorites
The Practice Of Not Doing
The Practice Of Not Doing
This meditation invites the listener to practice the art of not doing.
4 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Stress Release
Stress Release
This meditation helps you release stress and tension from your facial muscles, which in turn, helps relax your whole nervous system and mind.
4 min
870+ Favorites
Breath Sensing Inhale & Exhale
Breath Sensing Inhale & Exhale
This meditation uses the simple mantra of "inhale" and "exhale" to keep attention focused on the breath. A great technique to get present and reconnect with self throughout the day.
4 min
150+ Favorites
Mountain Meditation
Mountain Meditation
This guided meditation uses the image of a mountain to invoke a sense of groundedness and stillness.
7 min
14 Favorites
Get Present & Be Here Now
Get Present & Be Here Now
This simple 5 minute guided meditation guides the listener to arrive in the present moment and use the mantra I Am Here Now to help cultivate focus and presence.
6 min
190+ Favorites
Self Forgiveness Meditation
Self Forgiveness Meditation
This meditation provides an opportunity to practice self-forgiveness and increase self-acceptance.
10 min
160+ Favorites
Brain Break 3
Brain Break 3
This guided meditation invites the listener to take a "brain break" by focusing attention on the breath and hands. Trying to struggle with thoughts is counter-productive and focusing attention on the breath and hands is a great way to take a vacation from the brain.
5 min
28 Favorites
Healing Meditation
Healing Meditation
This guided meditation invites the listener to direct healing to wherever it is needed most.
4 min
390+ Favorites
This guided meditation invites the listener to soften areas of tension throughout the body as a way to invoke a sense of calm and ease. By focusing on the body, we also get a chance to shift focus away from thoughts that may be contributing to tension.
7 min
68 Favorites
All Is Well
All Is Well
This guided meditation uses the mantra "all is well" to help cultivate a feeling of wellbeing and ease.
4 min
590+ Favorites
Breath Sensing
Breath Sensing
This simple guided meditation invites the listener to sense the breath and allow the body to breathe in its own rhythm as a way of calming down, getting present, and letting go of stress.
6 min
55 Favorites
Mindful Eating: Before Meal Activate the Senses
Mindful Eating: Before Meal Activate the Senses
This Mindful Eating guided meditation invites the listener to take a pause and activate the senses, so you can be present and fully enjoy the sensory experience of your next meal.
5 min
48 Favorites
Sky & the Weather
Sky & the Weather
Its so easy to get caught up in our thoughts and feelings. This meditation invites the listener to observe thoughts and feelings as weather and access an innate sense of the sky - vast open spaciousness - that is unaffected by the weather below.
4 min
400+ Favorites
Pause at Top of Inhale
Pause at Top of Inhale
This guided breath practice invites the listener to gently extend the natural pause at the top of the inhale breath. By following this guidance, the listener increases breath capacity in a soothing way, inviting more alertness and energy into the system, while also inviting the body in a calm state.
6 min
89 Favorites
Sensing the Hands
Sensing the Hands
This meditation invites the listener to focus attention on the hands and the world of sensation that lives in our hands. This is a way of quieting the mind, activating the relaxation response and connecting back to the body.
4 min
91 Favorites
Inner Refuge: Warmth
Inner Refuge: Warmth
It's so easy to get caught up in thoughts, anxiety and stress. These Inner Refuge guided meditations invite the listener to locate the sensation of warmth and connect to an inner refuge.
6 min
70 Favorites
Shifting Perception About Mood
Shifting Perception About Mood
This guided meditation invites the listener to allow feelings and mood to pass and access a sense of space and awareness.
9 min
110+ Favorites
Awareness of Air / Sense of Touch
Awareness of Air / Sense of Touch
This guided meditation uses the sense of touch, specifically the touch of the air on the skin, to invite the listener to get present.
4 min
36 Favorites
Gratitude for Breath
Gratitude for Breath
This meditation invites the listener to bring a sense of gratitude and appreciation to the breath.
4 min
240+ Favorites
Mindful Eating: Check in with the Body
Mindful Eating: Check in with the Body
This Mindful Eating meditation invites the listener to slow down and check in with the body prior to a meal. Often we eat on the go, distracted by screens or work, and miss the body's signals for being hungry and being full. Slowing down and checking in with the body prior to eating is a great habit to develop and cultivate.
3 min
22 Favorites
Get Present
Get Present
It is so easy to get lost in the future or the past. This guided meditation invites the listener to open into the present moment.
5 min
250+ Favorites
Earth and Sky
Earth and Sky
This guided meditation uses the breath to harness the energy of the earth and the sky, to create a sense of strength and balance.
4 min
240+ Favorites
Body Scan
Body Scan
This guided body scan invites the listener to focus on bodily sensations, as a way of calming the nervous system and mind and focusing on what's happening in the present.
11 min
66 Favorites
Wise Self Visualization
Wise Self Visualization
This guided meditation and visualization guides the listener through an experience of meeting and conversing with their 'wise self'. The intention is to create a space where people can connect with their own inner wisdom and get insights or questions answered internally.
13 min
83 Favorites
Curiosity of Breath
Curiosity of Breath
The breath is something that is always present with us, whether we are paying attention to it or not. Many meditations start and center around the breath, and this particular invitation invites the listener to bring a sense of curiosity and "freshness" to perceiving the breath.
4 min
12 Favorites
Creativity Meditation
Creativity Meditation
This guided meditation explores creativity and problem solving from a different perspective "I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me." Albert Einstein
5 min
190+ Favorites
Relax Your Eyes, Relax Your Body
Relax Your Eyes, Relax Your Body
One of the most effective ways to relax your body and your nervous system, is to work with relaxing your eyes. Most of us hold significant tension around our eyes without even being aware of this. So learn to work with your eyes, and activate a state of relaxation any time, anywhere.
3 min
210+ Favorites
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This is a breathing exercise - alternate nostril breathing - that helps improve focus, calm down, and increase alertness. By alternating nostrils, we engage both hemispheres of the brain and increase cognitive function.
4 min
180+ Favorites
Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness
This loving kindness (metta) meditation will help you foster a sense of goodwill and loving kindness, and direct it towards yourself and others.
10 min
260+ Favorites
Return to Natural State of Rest
Return to Natural State of Rest
This guided meditation invites the listener to practice 'not doing' and allowing the body to return to its natural state of rest. We often associate relaxation as something that we need to do, and this meditation invites the listener to consider that the tension is actually the doing, and by practicing not doing and allowing, the body returns to its natural state of rest.
7 min
100+ Favorites
Extra Sip of Air Breath
Extra Sip of Air Breath
This guided breath practice invites the listener to take an extra sip of air at the top of the inhale as a way of boosting energy and increasing focus.
5 min
45 Favorites
Welcome What Is
Welcome What Is
We can get caught up in trying to change our internal (and external) environment, by pushing away certain feelings or sensations, or getting frustrated with sounds. But the most direct way to access a sense of peace and equanimity is to welcome our internal experiences, just as they are. This meditation invites the listener to welcome their experience, just as it is.
5 min
380+ Favorites
Sleep Deeply Tonight
Sleep Deeply Tonight
This guided meditation invites the listener to shift focus from trying to sleep to sleeping by inviting the body to melt into a deep state of rest.
9 min
120+ Favorites
Lips Smiling
Lips Smiling
This brief smile meditation invites the listener to explore what effect raising the corners of the lips has on the moment.
3 min
7 Favorites
Beginner Belly Breath Sensing
Beginner Belly Breath Sensing
This beginner meditation invites the listener to practice focused attention by feeling the breath in the belly. While created for beginners, this is a great practice for anyone on the meditation path, as there is nothing easy about staying present with the breath.
4 min
9 Favorites
Settle Breath
Settle Breath
This guided meditation invites the listener to settle in to the present moment using the breath as the guide.
5 min
18 Favorites
Breathing Out Tension
Breathing Out Tension
We often carry habitual patterns of tension in our body throughout the day, which can inadvertently create more stress and anxiety. This meditation helps you use your breath to release tension and stress, and unwind tension patterns from your body.
3 min
380+ Favorites
Rib Cage Breath Sensing
Rib Cage Breath Sensing
Learning to focus on the breath is one of the most valuable ways of getting present and allowing thoughts, feelings and circumstances to evolve as they do. Focusing on the breath in the rib cage is great way of getting present, accessing a quiet internal state and calming the mind,
3 min
70 Favorites
Intentions for the Day
Intentions for the Day
This guided meditation helps the listener set their intention for the day.
7 min
270+ Favorites
Thoughts as Traffic
Thoughts as Traffic
This meditation uses a mindfulness technique of observing thoughts as traffic, to help the listener observe thoughts without interference.
4 min
330+ Favorites
Radiance Sutras
Radiance Sutras
This meditation uses Sutra 50 from the Radiance Sutras to invite the listener to open to the present moment.
4 min
160+ Favorites
Shifting Perceptions About Sleep
Shifting Perceptions About Sleep
This guided meditation helps the listener shift their self-perception about sleep.
11 min
170+ Favorites
Breathe into Back
Breathe into Back
This guided meditation invites the listener to focus on sensing the breath in the back, as a way of shifting ordinary ways of thinking.
5 min
300+ Favorites
Mindful Eating: Gratitude for Food
Mindful Eating: Gratitude for Food
This Mindful Eating meditation invites the listener to pause before a meal to appreciate and experience gratitude for the meal to come. Often we speed through a meal without considering where the food comes from and all the people involved in getting the food to our plate. Also, we rarely consider what happens to the food after we put it in our mouth. This meditation invites consideration and gratitude for our food.
7 min
22 Favorites
Healing Perfectionism
Healing Perfectionism
This guided meditation helps send messages to the subconscious and nervous system to overcome perfectionistic tendencies.
5 min
480+ Favorites
Body Scan - Feet Up
Body Scan - Feet Up
This guided body scan invites the listener to focus on bodily sensations, as a way of calming the nervous system and mind and focusing on what's happening in the present.
11 min
100+ Favorites
Sense the Eyes at Ease
Sense the Eyes at Ease
This advanced meditation practice invites the listener to explore sensing the eyes and allow the eyes to return to a state of ease, thereby inviting the whole body into a state of ease.
5 min
9 Favorites
Flashlight of Attention
Flashlight of Attention
Our attention is something that scans our inner and outer environment throughout the day. Learning to direct our attention helps us focus, shift attention, and activate the relaxation response. Furthermore, it helps us with shifting our attention and mood when we get fixated on thought or emotion patterns.
3 min
300+ Favorites
Three Part Breath
Three Part Breath
This guided breath practice uses the three-part breath to help increase prana (energy) throughout the body and clear the mind. Perfect to do in the morning or afternoon, when you are needing an energy boost.
5 min
180+ Favorites
Breath as It Is
Breath as It Is
Often we tend to control our experience and our circumstances, which can lead to stress and anxiety. Using the practice of focusing on the breath and welcoming the breath as it is, we undo control patterns, allow the body to breathe in it's own rhythm, and as a result, rest into a state of ease and acceptance.
5 min
43 Favorites
Begin Again
Begin Again
We can be so hard on ourselves, however meditation can help remind us to be kind and understanding. Each breath is an opportunity to begin again, start fresh. This meditation helps remind us of this.
4 min
23 Favorites
Counting Breaths
Counting Breaths
This guided meditation invites the listener to focus on counting each breath backward from 10 to 1 as a way of focusing the mind on the breath and shifting away from any distracting thoughts or emotions.
5 min
29 Favorites
Alternate Nostril Breathing for Energy
Alternate Nostril Breathing for Energy
This guided meditation takes the listener through a breath practice designed to help quiet the mind, calm anxiety but also boost energy and focus. A lot of breathing practices that calm us down can also make us feel low energy but this one actually increases energy and focus, while at the same time calming anxiety.
3 min
160+ Favorites
Curiosity of Breath
Curiosity of Breath
This guided meditation invites the listener to get curious about the breath, and approach sensing the breath as if it is a completely new experience.
3 min
61 Favorites
Color Breathing
Color Breathing
This guided meditation uses simple imagery to help the listener access their breath using a color.
5 min
220+ Favorites
Law of Awareness
Law of Awareness
This guided meditation invites the listener to explore the Law of Awareness: Whatever we are willing to be with, we move beyond.
6 min
160+ Favorites
Emotions Meditation
Emotions Meditation
This guided meditation uses a somatic-based technique to work with emotions as they arise.
6 min
87 Favorites
Mini Rest
Mini Rest
It is easy to get caught up in the momentum of the day and keep pushing through when we actually need to rest and reset. This brief guided meditation helps reboot and reset the body and mind.
3 min
380+ Favorites
Head Sensing
Head Sensing
This guided meditation uses focused attention on specific points throughout the head and face to improve concentration and quiet the mind.
8 min
39 Favorites
Unwinding Tension from Body
Unwinding Tension from Body
This guided meditation invites the listener to "unwind" and let go of tension throughout the body as a way to calm the mind.
7 min
110+ Favorites
Mindful Eating: Breathe to Slow Down First
Mindful Eating: Breathe to Slow Down First
This Mindful Eating meditation invites the listener to slow down before a meal by focusing on the breath. Slowing down before we eat is important - it allows us to be present and enjoy the meal, it allows the body to shift into a more relaxed state, so our digestions functions optimally. The breath is a powerful tool to slow down, calm down and get present before a meal.
5 min
120+ Favorites
Internal Spaciousness
Internal Spaciousness
Its easy to get caught up in feeling trapped by thoughts, feelings and circumstances. This meditation invites the listener to access an internal sense of spaciousness and peace.
5 min
51 Favorites
Temperature: Exploring Warmth & Coolness
Temperature: Exploring Warmth & Coolness
This guided meditation invites the listener to explore sensations of temperature, as a way of shifting away from thoughts, and getting in touch with the body.
6 min
33 Favorites
Body Breath Sensing
Body Breath Sensing
This guided meditation invites the listener to sense the breath throughout the body, to help improve mind-body connection, focus, calm down and connect to subtle sensation.
5 min
31 Favorites
Return to Health & Wholeness
Return to Health & Wholeness
When on a healing journey, whether that be physical healing or emotional healing, it's easy to get caught up in stress with trying to help the healing along. This guided meditation invites the listener to get in touch with our innate wellbeing and innate intelligence that knows exactly what we need to reach our next stage of wholeness.
7 min
47 Favorites
Snow Globe Meditation
Snow Globe Meditation
This advanced meditation invites the listener to use the image of the snow globe to explore observing the content of the moment (thoughts, feelings, sensations, sensory data etc.), while feeling the vast open space always present as the background.
5 min
12 Favorites
Meditation for a Peaceful Year
Meditation for a Peaceful Year
This guided meditation invites the listener to set the intention to have more peace in the present and in the upcoming year.
8 min
12 Favorites
Inner Refuge: Breath
Inner Refuge: Breath
It's so easy to get caught up in thoughts, anxiety and stress. These Inner Refuge guided meditations invite the listener to locate the sensation of the breath and connect to an inner refuge.
5 min
8 Favorites
Shavasana - Post Workout Meditation
Shavasana - Post Workout Meditation
This guided meditation, aka Shavasana, the final "pose" in a yoga class, invites the listener to lay down and integrate the workout that was just completed by resting deeply. This doesn't have to be done at the end of exercise or movement, it can be a stand-alone meditation.
10 min
83 Favorites
Sense of Touch
Sense of Touch
This mindfulness practices uses the sense of touch as an anchor for finding the present moment.
4 min
9 Favorites
Mindful Eating: Am I Hungry?
Mindful Eating: Am I Hungry?
This Mindful Eating guided meditation invites the listener to pause before a meal or a snack and check-in with the body. Often we eat out of habit, or as a way of covering over stress, boredom, or another uncomfortable emotion. This meditation invites the question: Am I hungry? Or am I covering something else?
5 min
46 Favorites
Smile Meditation
Smile Meditation
This guided meditation explores the effect of smiling on the body and mind, as a way of increasing resiliency to stress.
6 min
24 Favorites
Brain Break 1
Brain Break 1
This guided meditation invites the listener to take a "brain break" by focusing attention on the breath. Trying to struggle with thoughts is counter-productive, so focusing attention on the breath is a great way to take a vacation from the brain.
6 min
36 Favorites
Acceptance of Breath
Acceptance of Breath
This guided meditation invites the listener to practice acceptance of the breath and of the moment, as it is. While this is difficult to do, as we tend to try to control our experience, even a moment of pure acceptance is profoundly peaceful.
5 min
10 Favorites
Rhythm of the Breath
Rhythm of the Breath
This meditation invites the listener to focus attention on the breath, and get a sense of the natural rhythm of the breath. Often when we first start focusing on the breath, we try to control the breath, so this practice unwinds the control pattern and invites ease into the body.
6 min
11 Favorites
Exhale to Soften
Exhale to Soften
There is a natural softening that occurs with each exhale breath, whether we are aware of it or not. This guided meditation invites the listener to become aware of this softening and then consciously use it to invite stress to melt away throughout the body.
6 min
33 Favorites
Preparing for the Holidays
Preparing for the Holidays
For some of us, holidays can be a stressful time. This guided meditation is designed to prepare the listener for holidays with family by imaging the holidays going in a healthy and enjoyable way.
6 min
14 Favorites
Gratitude for the Senses
Gratitude for the Senses
It is so easy to get lost in our thoughts and the stress of our lives. This guided meditation brings our attention back to the senses and invites the listener to open to gratitude.
9 min
33 Favorites
Senses: Doorways to the Present Moment
Senses: Doorways to the Present Moment
Most people get lost in thoughts, in the future or the past, and this guided meditation invites the listener to use their senses to access the present moment.
5 min
76 Favorites
Circular Breathing Part 2
Circular Breathing Part 2
This is a guided breath practice, based on the ancient Tao teachings, that helps develop focus and circulate energy. This expands on the first part, including a visualization.
7 min
38 Favorites
Body Scan
Body Scan
This specific guided body scan helps improve focus, calm the mind & body, & access a deep sense of peace through focusing on the body.
8 min
54 Favorites
Sensing Space
Sensing Space
This advanced meditation invites the listener to sense space in different places in the body, as a way of shifting from our ordinary way of thinking and perceiving, to a more timeless, infinite perspective.
9 min
30 Favorites
Eyes Smiling
Eyes Smiling
This brief guided meditation uses the experiment of sensing the eyes smiling to invoke relaxation and wellbeing.
4 min
47 Favorites
Sense of Sight
Sense of Sight
This brief mindfulness exercise invites the listener to use the sense of sight as a way to enter into the present moment.
4 min
12 Favorites
Support of the Ground
Support of the Ground
This guided meditation invites the listener to focus on the support from the ground, that is always there, through sensing the exhale
7 min
23 Favorites
Extend Pauses Between Breaths
Extend Pauses Between Breaths
We often shorten the breath when we are anxious or stressed. This guided meditation invites the listener to practice gently extended the breath by focusing on the pauses between the breaths and gradually extended the pauses.
7 min
24 Favorites
Alternate Side Breathing
Alternate Side Breathing
This guided meditation teaches alternate side breathing, a way for focusing attention, getting present, and using both hemispheres of the brain for increased brain coherence.
7 min
21 Favorites
Inner World
Inner World
We usually spend most of our day with our attention focused on the world around us - work, family, the future, the past...this guided meditation invites the listener to spend time exploring their inner world.
8 min
24 Favorites
Navel Breathing
Navel Breathing
The mindfulness of breath meditation invites the listener to focus attention on the navel area.
4 min
19 Favorites
Awareness of Breath in Nostrils
Awareness of Breath in Nostrils
The meditation uses the simple technique of sensing the breath in the nostrils to improve focus and develop mastery of attention.
4 min
200+ Favorites
Third Eye Meditation
Third Eye Meditation
This meditation uses focusing attention to explore the third eye area. This is a way to access an innate sense of wisdom and ability to see things clearly, as they are.
3 min | 
7 min
93 Favorites
Get Grounded
Get Grounded
It is easy to get lost in our thoughts and feel disconnected. This meditation invites the listener to ground themselves down into the steady support of the earth.
4 min
140+ Favorites