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The Art of Awareness

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Hilary Jackendoff
Hilary Jackendoff
Yoga Nidra, Meditation, & Sleep Expert
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Sleep Deeply with Yoga Nidra
Sleep Deeply with Yoga Nidra
Sleep deeply with this relaxing, soothing Yoga Nidra meditation designed specifically to help you get a good night's sleep. Follow along with the guidance and let yourself drift into a peaceful sleep.
34 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude Meditation
It's so easy to wish that our lives were different - that we had a different job, lived in a different place or had a different partner. This is so often our pattern - break free of that pattern by acknowledging it when it arises and consciously cultivating gratitude.
4 min | 
7 min
1.1k+ Favorites
Slipping into Sleep
Slipping into Sleep
So often, we try to go to sleep at night in a state of tension, in a state of holding on... as a result, we toss and turn and sleep restlessly, if at all. This meditation is designed to help you let go of your day, drop all your tensions & worries, and slip into a restful sleep.
16 min
580+ Favorites
Smoothing Out the Breath
Smoothing Out the Breath
This breath-focused meditation involves conscious breathing and equalizing the length of the inhale, exhale and space between. This practice is extremely calming for the nervous system, as well as the mind and emotions.
4 min | 
7 min
330+ Favorites
The Staircase Breath
The Staircase Breath
This meditation is a simple, soothing, focused breathing practice that will help you learn a new way to quickly shift your state of mind. To begin, we will become aware of our natural breath, and then we will begin to breathe consciously - expanding the breath to create a 3 part inhalation - abdomen, chest and upper chest, followed by a long, smooth exhalation. *With this practice, it is important to go at your own pace, so there is no straining around the breath*
10 min
68 Favorites
Be in Your Body
Be in Your Body
This grounding and settling meditation are meant to help bring about a deep sense of relaxation, presence, and connectedness to the body. When you feel ungrounded, scattered, or overwhelmed, the easiest way to get out of your head is to get into your body.
16 min
540+ Favorites
Grounded in Your Body
Grounded in Your Body
This meditation is for those times when you get so lost in your mind that you lose connection to your body. Get grounded and centered to gain fresh perspective.
3 min
390+ Favorites
See Yourself Clearly
See Yourself Clearly
This meditation is a self-inquiry practice, designed to increase self-awareness. See yourself clearly and deepen awareness of your patterns, habits and beliefs, so you can begin to accept yourself just as you are. From a place of deep self-acceptance and self-compassion, we can create real change in our lives.
9 min
380+ Favorites
Awareness of Thoughts
Awareness of Thoughts
This meditation is designed to help you build awareness of your thought patterns and develop the understanding that your thoughts are not necessarily true. By learning how to watch your thoughts without judgment or analysis, you will develop a deep sense of mental clarity and wisdom.
4 min | 
7 min
120+ Favorites
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
In this meditation, you will be guided through a simple practice designed to remind you that where your attention goes, your energy flows. We will create what is known as an 'energy ball,' so that you can deeply connect to this, on an experiential level. In time, this knowing will inspire you to mindfully direct your attention, choosing thoughts and actions carefully, so that you are aligned with whatever you are seeking to energetically manifest in your life.
8 min
130+ Favorites
Where Does Your Breath Live?
Where Does Your Breath Live?
This simple witnessing meditation will help sensitize you to where your breath flows in your body. Developing an awareness of the natural breath is a key component in learning how to settle yourself for meditation.
4 min
250+ Favorites
Awareness of Sounds
Awareness of Sounds
When we are beginning a meditation practice, we tend to have the idea that sounds are a distraction, and we desire a perfectly tranquil, or soundproofed setting for our spiritual endeavors. Well...get over it! Learning how to be with the present moment, exactly as it is IS meditation. If sounds are part of that present moment, use them as an object of focus to help turn your attention inward.
4 min | 
7 min
650+ Favorites