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The Wild Within

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Marisa Moon, NBC-HWC
Marisa Moon, NBC-HWC
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
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One Minute to Sanity: Productivity Hack
One Minute to Sanity: Productivity Hack
Do you ever feel like every which way you turn you see a reminder of something you need to get done? Today we’re talking about those pesky little tasks that require our attention each and every day but because they’re so small, we push them off until later… and they build up and cause chaos. What if I told you you’re just 1-minute away from sanity if you start to apply what we learn in today’s session? These 3 minutes could change your life. Marisa Moon, NBC-HWC,
4 min
1.7k+ Favorites
Prioritizing a Home-Cooked Meal
Prioritizing a Home-Cooked Meal
The kitchen used to be the part of the house where everyone gathered...where families spent time together...where memories were made. Yet, Americans today spend less time cooking compared to people in any other nation. How do we start to bring cooking back into our lives? Note: This session pairs perfectly with the previous session called "Find Meaning Through Food"
3 min
31 Favorites
Sharing Gratitude
Sharing Gratitude
A daily gratitude practice can be immensely beneficial to your well-being but maybe—if you’re like me—it never really clicked when you tried it. Even though you were journaling about your gratitude, you didn’t feel a strong enough impact in your life to continue the practice for the long term. Recently, I accidentally discovered a key element of gratitude that I wasn’t doing. This small change made a huge impact on my life, and I want to share that with you in this session.
4 min
870+ Favorites
Driven by a Deeper Meaning
Driven by a Deeper Meaning
Is there something that you have truly intended to do, or to attempt, but for some reason you always put it on the back burner? Usually, it’s something big, something that seems daunting or intimidating. This is a thought-provoking exercise that requires a pen & paper or a note-taking device. The goal here is to uncover some deep desire, a connection you didn’t know was there. This will help you see more clearly what can drive you to take action. Learn more about Marisa's health coaching at
4 min | 
7 min
1.4k+ Favorites
Define Your Tribe
Define Your Tribe
Life takes us in many directions, often pulling us a great distance from the roots of our past or the people we love most. Learn to identify your core group of people, your tribe, which will add years to your life. This is an indisputable element of our basic needs for a healthy, happy life. Anyone can define their tribe, and in 3 minutes I will show you how.
3 min
500+ Favorites
Take Time to Dream
Take Time to Dream
Do you ever take time to dream? Just, Daydream I mean. Daydreaming is an essential practice needed too unleash your creativity and explore the wonders of your own mind, without judgement. Follow along as I teach you some of the reasons it's so beneficial, and give you a few pointers how to get started.
4 min
410+ Favorites
Forget Remembering: Write It Down
Forget Remembering: Write It Down
Why do we always think we’ll remember the little details and ideas...or furthermore why do we EXPECT ourselves to remember those little details and ideas? Today’s lesson is to write it down. No matter what your profession, your thinking style, your age, or your interests, this concept is key for effective follow through, and ease of mind.
4 min
120+ Favorites
Reframing Shoulds
Reframing Shoulds
Daily, if not hourly, we tell ourselves we should DO something or should BE something...we constantly use "shoulds" when we talk to ourselves in our daily thoughts. Shoulds usually represent guilt or fear about not living up to someone’s expectations. Even guilt or fear about not living up to our own expectations. Follow along as Primal Health Coach Marisa Moon shares a strategy for reframing these thoughts. Learn more about Marisa's philosophy on her podcast called The Foundation of Wellness at (also on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play)
5 min
920+ Favorites
Choose 3: Where To Focus Your Energy
Choose 3: Where To Focus Your Energy
This quick session teaches you a framework to help calm your focus whenever you feel like there’s way too much to do. If you narrow your focus down to 3 of 6 categories in your life, you'll be able to put your attention where it's truly needed at this very moment in time. You can also listen to Marisa explain more about this exact topic in Episode #69 on The Foundation of Wellness Podcast: Visit to learn more from your health coach.
4 min
500+ Favorites
Crazy Busy Balance
Crazy Busy Balance
Is your head sometimes spinning from the demands of your daily schedule? Time slips away from all of us, causing the days to drag on and the years to fly by. This session explains how forward thinking—with your “future self” in mind—can save you wasted time and boost your overall satisfaction in life. The benefits are apparent when we compare modern life to the ways of our ancestors. Simple acts of socializing, home cooking, and correspondence deserve schedule time too. Once you realize these missing pieces in your life, you can find balance as often as you need it.
3 min
490+ Favorites
Watching Over You (Sleep Visualization)
Watching Over You (Sleep Visualization)
Too many nights you spend lying in bed wondering "why can’t I just fall asleep?" Before and after that every thought, you are bombarded with never-ending thoughts about, well...everything. Here’s a visualization you can do as a bedtime meditation, whenever your thoughts prevent you from falling asleep. The 7-minute version is a guided visualization. Head over to to learn more about Marisa's philosophy. You may also enjoy her podcast called "The Foundation of Wellness" which is available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and Stitcher.
4 min | 
7 min
130+ Favorites
Conquering Tasks: a To-Do List Strategy
Conquering Tasks: a To-Do List Strategy
This to-do list strategy can truly simplify your life. Let’s get down to a survival mindset when we tackle our list and notice how much easier everything becomes. This technique works for anyone with a busy list of daily tasks, parents, entrepreneurs, students, and dreamers. It all boils down to just 3 things. Check out the strategy in this 3-minute session. -Marisa Moon, NBC-HWC
4 min
860+ Favorites
Distraction Subsides
Distraction Subsides
We’re being pulled in every direction except the direction of our goals. What is it about this tech-heavy world that urges us to multitask, and guides us away from the very tasks we intend to complete? Let’s think about why we’re wired for distraction, and then take this simple and effective step to stay focused.
4 min
570+ Favorites
Sleep Wake Rhythm
Sleep Wake Rhythm
Sleep is one of the most critical elements of good health today. Small shifts in the way we honor our sleep schedule, along with the rise and fall of the sun, can make a great impact on our quality of life. If mornings are a drag for you, here are a couple of ideas to kick in your body’s natural wake rhythm.
4 min
170+ Favorites
Find Meaning Through Food
Find Meaning Through Food
Sometimes the main thing missing from our modern diet and lifestyle is “meaning”. When you find meaning behind the foods you eat and the way you prepare them, you naturally turn that way of eating into a lifestyle because it means something to you; it’s a core value. You don’t follow rules, or worry about what’s good or instinctively know you’re doing what’s right for you. Learn more about Marisa's health coaching philosophy at, and book your free consultation (from anywhere in the U.S.)
3 min
71 Favorites
Detox from Negative News
Detox from Negative News
We’re all extra stressed these days. Life can be overwhelming at times, and sometimes it gets the best of us. When we think of cutting out some of the stress in our lives, we usually think of ideas that seem impossible like quitting our jobs or winning the lottery. But what if a nagging stressor was something you COULD eliminate, or reduce in your life. The example I will use today is detoxing from the News. Learn more about Marisa's health coaching philosophy at, and book your free consultation (from anywhere in the U.S.)
3 min
78 Favorites
Block Light, Sleep Tight
Block Light, Sleep Tight
Our body and brain were designed to sleep and wake according to natural light and darkness. With the regular use of electronics and TV at night, we’re left feeling wired and under slept. This session teaches you when and how to cut back on artificial light exposure before bed so you can sleep more routinely and deeply. Learn more about Marisa's coaching philosophy at, and book your free consultation (from anywhere in the U.S.) Try Marisa's real food recipes at
4 min
190+ Favorites