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WITHIN Meditation

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WITHIN Meditation
WITHIN Meditation
Meditation Teacher
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Find Your Stillness
Find Your Stillness
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) This will help you come down from stress and anxiety...take a few minutes to discover a tiny moment of perfect stillness, in the middle of the chaos of your life's constant movement.
3 min | 
7 min
310+ Favorites
You Are the Knower
You Are the Knower
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) The most powerful few minutes you can spend, becoming aware that you are beyond any and all experience and circumstance!
3 min | 
7 min
1.2k+ Favorites
Take a Break from Doing
Take a Break from Doing
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) Take some time to notice it is not your doing and control that keeps you alive! Recognize the effortlessness of existing to take some of the pressure and expectation off of yourself.
3 min | 
7 min
710+ Favorites
Meditation on Space
Meditation on Space
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) As soon as you close your eyes, you've arrived. Use this practice to discover how the space of stillness and peace is always present.
3 min | 
7 min
210+ Favorites
Being Without Becoming
Being Without Becoming
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) Discover your original Self...and relax into the awareness that you are already complete and perfect without having to do anything at all.
3 min | 
7 min
930+ Favorites
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) Your power to stay positive doesn't lie in stopping negative thoughts, just recognizing you have the choice not to entertain them when they come knocking.
3 min | 
7 min
1k+ Favorites
Freedom from Thought
Freedom from Thought
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) You can't stop thoughts from appearing, but using this practice you can become free from the impact they have.
3 min | 
7 min
410+ Favorites
Set Intentions for the Day Ahead
Set Intentions for the Day Ahead
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) Begin your day with serenity and focus by setting intentions. All day long, our minds are constantly filtering our experience. We do this automatically, but we can learn to do it consciously. Choose your filters for the day ahead, by setting intentions with this meditation. You'll learn a simple framework you can easily make a part of your morning routine.
3 min | 
7 min
690+ Favorites
Mantra for Mind Relief
Mantra for Mind Relief
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) On a day you feel meditation is impossible, give the monkey mind a banana in the form of mantra repetition so that you can still enjoy a break from the mind's usual activity.
3 min | 
7 min
530+ Favorites
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) Discover a strength that is not dependent on the state of the body or mind.
3 min | 
7 min
290+ Favorites
Cultivating Focus
Cultivating Focus
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Nathan Maton) Cultivating focus is a wonderful gift to yourself. This 3 minute meditation practices with your breath, helping you focus and sharing how focus can make you experience more pleasure in your life.
3 min
550+ Favorites
Let Go of Tension
Let Go of Tension
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) Release tension by bringing your awareness to key places in your body. When you're overwhelmed, you become wrapped up in your thoughts and disconnect from your body. You can ease that sense of overwhelm, just by reconnecting with what's going on for you, physically. Sit down, close your eyes, and breathe. After a few deep breaths, notice where you're feeling tension in your body. For most of us, that's in our shoulders and our faces. Just allow yourself to notice the tension, without judging it or trying to make it go away. In the longer version of this meditation, we go beyond just those two areas, guiding you into your body, noticing where you are holding tension. Watch your body relax and release without having to do anything at all but pay attention.
3 min | 
7 min
150+ Favorites
Easy Existing
Easy Existing
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) In just a few minutes, tune into the you that is always fully present, easy, and unaffected, and notice how it affects your day!
3 min | 
7 min
390+ Favorites
Be Present with Sound
Be Present with Sound
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) Bring yourself back to the present moment, using sounds around you as your anchor. Whenever your thoughts wander in meditation, it can be really helpful to have an anchor to bring you back to the present moment. A great anchor you can use anywhere you meditate is the sounds happening around you. This meditation helps you notice sounds and use them as your anchor. In the longer version of this meditation, we use breath as well as sound to bring you back to the present moment and have additional time in silence.
3 min | 
7 min
360+ Favorites
Expand Your Heart
Expand Your Heart
What if you had all the love you needed in your life, so much that it filled you up, overflowed, and touched all the people you met? That's the kind of world that loving-kindness meditation envisions, and helps you create for yourself. I've personally found loving-kindness meditation tremendously powerful, and many students in our studio have told me it was a game-changer for them. Try it yourself, and notice how it affects not only how you relate to other people in your life, but also how you relate to yourself. Hannah Knapp
3 min | 
10 min
170+ Favorites
Love in Action
Love in Action
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) Take a few minutes to connect to breath and love, allowing that energy to relax and sweeten your day :)
3 min | 
7 min
45 Favorites
(Guided by WITHIN teacher Devon Pipars) If you’ve noticed you can’t keep your attention from wandering, here’s a very easy meditation practice to keep attention anchored!
3 min | 
7 min
89 Favorites
Practice Gratitude
Practice Gratitude
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) Practicing being grateful for the little things is one of the most powerful ways to shift your mindset about your life. There are many ways to practice gratitude; here's one that's particularly useful when you're winding down from the day. I'll guide you through bringing awareness to your body, and appreciating all that it does for you. In the longer version of this meditation, I'll move more slowly through your body, giving you more time and guidance to appreciate different parts of yourself.
3 min | 
7 min
97 Favorites
Find Your Focus
Find Your Focus
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) No matter how crazy things get, taking just a few minutes to breathe can help you find focus. Try this simple practice to develop your meditation muscle and cultivate focus.
3 min | 
7 min
88 Favorites
Untangling Your Thoughts
Untangling Your Thoughts
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) Labeling your thoughts is a powerful way to release yourself from overwhelm and anxiety. Try this simple practice to develop your meditation muscle.
3 min | 
7 min
73 Favorites
Be Present with Your Breath
Be Present with Your Breath
(Guided by WITHIN Cofounder Hannah Knapp) Bring yourself back to the present moment, using your breath as your anchor. Whenever your thoughts wander in meditation, it can be really helpful to have an anchor to bring you back to the present moment. A great anchor you can use anywhere you meditate is your breath. This meditation helps you notice your breath and use it as your anchor. In the longer version of this meditation, we help you use sound as a second anchor to bring you back to the present moment, and additional time to practice in silence.
3 min | 
7 min
110+ Favorites