7 Strategies To Stop Overthinking and Live more Peacefully7 Strategies To Stop Overthinking and Live more Peacefully
Key Takeaways
  • Meditation and mindfulness can cause some negative side effects in some who practice.
  • In a new study, 6% of participants who practiced mindfulness reported negative side effects that lasted for more than a month.
  • These effects can disrupt social relationships, sense of self, and physical health.

Ever find yourself endlessly replaying conversations, second-guessing decisions, obsessing over mistakes, or going down the rabbit hole of worst-case scenarios? Overthinking is a common problem that leaves us stressed and exhausted. You’re probably here because you want to stop overthinking and live more peacefully. So let’s look at why overthinking happens, how it affects your life and some questions you might have about overthinking.

Importantly, this post explores 7 strategies to help free your mind from constant overthinking and negative thought patterns on repeat.

What is Overthinking And Is It Normal?

It’s completely normal to find yourself overthinking, especially in our fast-paced society full of stressful situations. However, the cycle of overthinking can quickly compound and take over your life if you are not proactive in managing your thoughts and finding ways to calm your mind. If you find that you're overthinking, it might be a sign that your mind is struggling to process and manage stress effectively. Persistent overthinking can stem from anxiety, perfectionism, or a need for control, and of course, it can snowball into even more anxiety, stress, exhaustion, and even depression. Recognizing this pattern is the first step towards finding strategies to manage your thoughts more effectively and cultivate a calmer, more balanced mind.

Main Causes Of Overthinking And Negative Thoughts

There’s an infinite variety of thoughts out there and we are all wired a little differently. However, much overthinking comes from leaving the present moment and ruminating about the past or excessively worrying about the future. Overthinking also can leave you paralyzed in anxiety, so that even in a present state of being, you feel stuck and unable to take action. 

Many overthinkers can relate to the following situations:

Overthinking The Past And Ruminating Over Mistakes

Overthinkers relive the past by dwelling over mistakes, agonizing over errors or considering how things could have been done differently. This type of rumination also can lead to social anxiety from overanalyzing every detail of conversations, and worrying about what was said and how it was perceived. These thought patterns can create a cycle of stress and self-doubt, making it hard to move on and enjoy the present.

Overthinking The Future And Catastrophizing

Overthinkers often negatively predict the future, which leads to catastrophizing, predicting the worst possible outcomes for upcoming events. This pattern of thinking leads to imagining a series of negative scenarios, even if the outcomes are unlikely to occur. Instead of focusing on potential opportunities, overthinkers are overwhelmed by fears and uncertainties about what could go wrong. This tendency to overly anticipate disaster can heighten anxiety and make it difficult to enjoy the present.

Negative Thoughts Making It Difficult To Take Action

Overthinkers are often stuck in a cycle of worry and inaction. The overthinking creates a struggle to make even simple decisions because they’re constantly weighing every possible outcome. Similarly, perfectionism can keep overthinkers stuck obsessing over making everything flawless, spending excessive time on tasks and never feeling satisfied with the result. This combination of indecision and an inability to move forward can prevent overthinkers from taking meaningful action and making progress in various areas of life.

How To Stop Overthinking

“You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world.” - Louise Hay, Author, You Can Heal Your Life

If overthinking has you stressed and anxious, there’s great news for you! There are many strategies you can start today to stop overthinking and improve well-being.

7 Ways To Stop Overthinking And Improve Negative Thought Patterns

1. Thought Stopping And Reframing

Pay attention to your thought processes. When you notice a thought that is not helpful, you can question whether it needs to be a part of your current experience and if so, how you can reframe it. Thought stopping involves consciouslyinterrupting negative or unproductive thoughts and replacing them with positive, more helpful ones.

For example, you may think, “My co-worker is going to get the promotion over me.”  You can reframe this thought, “I have done the best I can to get this promotion. I am happy with my efforts.”

If the thought comes back up repeatedly, each time you might say to yourself, “I’ve already considered this thought, I let it go for now.”

This technique can help you regain awareness and control over your thinking patterns and reduce the potential of your thoughts spiraling out of control.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is all about learning to live in the present moment without judgment. Spending even a small amount of time each day meditating in the present moment can give your mind a much-needed break from constant overthinking. Eventually, your mind will strengthen and respond to this calmness, helping to reset negative thought patterns.

You can practice mindful meditation by listening to guided meditations on Aura. These meditations will help you focus awareness on your breath, sensations in the body or a mantra to still the mind. If your mind starts to wander, you will be guided to gently bring your focus back to the present. The perfect anecdote for overthinking, mindfulness meditation reduces stress, increases self-awareness and promotes mental clarity.

3. Journaling To Release Excessive Thoughts

Journaling offers a more controlled and focused method for processing your thoughts that helps to bring awareness to them and reduce their intensity. Journaling also can help you gain clarity and perspective, making it easier to identify negative thought patterns and triggers that contribute to your overthinking. Dedicating a preset amount of time to journaling for analyzing your thoughts can help improve your self-awareness and emotional regulation, ultimately helping you break free from the cycle of overthinking.

4. Exercise For Mental Health

Exercise helps shift your focus from mental to physical, making it an effective way to release stress and anxiety from overthinking. Walking and exercise can clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve mental and emotional wellbeing. Consider taking a daily walk as it’s an easy habit to work into your routine that helps you focus on your body. Walking and exercise also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers that can combat stress and anxiety, both of which are the cause and effect of overthinking.

5. A Night Time Wind Down Routine

Overthinkers often have a difficult time sleeping, which causes stress and exhaustion. Rumination is especially troublesome at night time because the mind won’t stop racing to settle down for sleep. Creating a night time wind-down routine can help signal to your brain that it's time to relax and prepare for sleep. Start by setting a consistent bedtime and avoiding screens at least an hour before bed to reduce stimulation. Consider calming activities such as reading a book, practicing gentle yoga, journaling or meditating. Practicing these mindfulness activities before bed can make it easier to relax and drift into a restful, rejuvenating sleep.

6. Visualize Best-Case Scenarios

To stop catastrophizing, you can shift your thoughts to visualize best-case scenarios. Ask yourself, “What if it all works out?” By focusing on positive outcomes and imagining successful resolutions, you can counteract negative thinking patterns and maintain a more optimistic mindset. This practice helps to reduce anxiety and allows you to approach challenges with greater confidence and more balance.

7. Subconscious Repatterning Techniques

To address deep-seated overthinking and negative thought patterns, consider subconscious repatterning techniques such as Reiki, yoga nidra, hypnosis, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Reiki balances your energy, clears blockages, and releases stress. Yoga Nidra promotes deep relaxation that regulates the nervous system, helping to enter a healing state where you can address subconscious thought patterns. Hypnosis guides you into a deep state of relaxation where you can reframe limiting beliefs. NLP helps to reprogram negative thought patterns through language and behavioral techniques. These natural therapies can help shift your mindset and promote lasting mental and emotional wellbeing.

Practicing any combination of these strategies to stop overthinking can help you regain control over your mind, easing stress and improving all aspects of your well-being. If you find them useful, work these techniques into your daily routine to help break the repetitive cycle of overthinking and anxiety, so you can enjoy more peace of mind.

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Chel Rogerson

Intuitive Wellbeing Coach, eRYT-500

Chel is a certified health & life coach, yoga & meditation facilitator and Reiki Master. Once a stressed-out marketing executive, she turned to yoga, mindfulness and compassion to improve her wellbeing and follow her dreams of traveling around the world and helping others find joy within. She offers retreats and yoga teacher trainings, you can learn more at ChelRogerson.com. View her Aura coach profile at: https://www.aurahealth.io/coaches/chel-rogerson

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