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Inner World Work

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Cassandra Carlopio
Cassandra Carlopio
Sleep Expert, Psychologist & Meditation
All Tracks
Core Beliefs: How We Perceive Our World
Core Beliefs: How We Perceive Our World
Core beliefs influence how we interpret our world around us. Einstein once said "the most important decision we make is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe" and this perfectly illustrates the role that core beliefs have on our daily life.
9 min
1.2k+ Favorites
ABCDE Model Introduction
ABCDE Model Introduction
The ABCDE model in CBT is a way to understand the role our thoughts play in our feelings and behaviors, and how to find balanced and helpful thoughts.
4 min
490+ Favorites
General Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
General Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a great framework for understanding the role our thoughts and beliefs have on how we feel, how we behave and how we interact with life around us. This track is an introduction to this framework with examples.
6 min
1.1k+ Favorites
Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATS) Introduction
Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATS) Introduction
This is an introduction to the CBT concept of Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATs). Starting to understand and identify NATs is key to self awareness, and the starting point for making meaningful changes in our lives. As these NATs are occurring regularly and are so familiar to us, we often don't notice them for what they are.
4 min
1k+ Favorites
Shifting Core Beliefs
Shifting Core Beliefs
This somatic meditation practice helps us to shift our identification with limiting core beliefs. Core beliefs influence how we perceive the world, so shifting the limiting core beliefs has a big ripple effect on our daily life.
9 min
620+ Favorites
Notice the Effect of Thoughts
Notice the Effect of Thoughts
This guided meditation exercise invites the listener to notice the different effect different thoughts can have on our body. By focusing on different thoughts, and noticing how the body responds to these thoughts, we can become aware of how our thinking affects how we feel.
7 min
470+ Favorites
Negativity Bias
Negativity Bias
In this track we explore the negativity bias and how it plays out in our daily life. By becoming aware of it, understanding its function and role, we can identify it and not be run by it.
6 min
360+ Favorites
Confirmation Bias
Confirmation Bias
We so often subconsciously look to confirm our beliefs about ourselves and the world, thereby strengthening beliefs that might be inhibiting us, and not seeing the world or others around us.
6 min
330+ Favorites
Behind Thoughts, Everyone Has a Story
Behind Thoughts, Everyone Has a Story
It is so easy to get caught in our initial automatic thoughts (aka negative automatic thoughts or NATs) that we miss the real story or the real experience happening in front of us.
7 min
230+ Favorites
ABCDE Model Exercise
ABCDE Model Exercise
This exercise can be done written or cognitively and helps walk us through the ABCDE model to help us find a way of thinking about an activating event that is helpful and balanced.
7 min
500+ Favorites