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Soul Keys

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Dr. Toni
Dr. Toni
Physical Therapist, Energy Practitioner
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Grounding Meditation
Grounding Meditation
This short grounding meditation is one that I use at the beginning of my Shamanic Journeys to help calm the body and anchor you to this realm while you shift your awareness into other realities. This can also be used as a way to relax the mind at the beginning or end of the day.
5 min
76 Favorites
Sleep Meditation for Chronic Pain
Sleep Meditation for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain has a way of weighing on the person’s mind just as much as it does on the body. This meditation was created as a way to help bypass the constant attention given to pain by bringing awareness to feelings of love, joy, peace, and relaxation, eventually ushering in sleep.
8 min
130+ Favorites
Meeting Your Spirit Animal
Meeting Your Spirit Animal
*Shamanic Journey* In many cultures and spiritual practices, animal spirits serve an important role in delivering messages, giving protection to the subtle energy bodies, and lending their wisdom and power when needed. In today's guided journey, I will lead you to your sacred space to make contact with your animal guides.
10 min
150+ Favorites
Breathing in Body Positivity
Breathing in Body Positivity
Affirmations are used to reprogram deleterious thought forms with positive thoughts. The Breath is our "essential worker"; a necessity for our physical life and a power source for our energetic body. Learning how to control your breath is a great way to induce deep relaxation. In this meditation, you will combine the power of body positive affirmations with the calming effect of counting breaths to reduce stress in the body while restoring the mind with affirmations.
17 min
110+ Favorites
I Am The Embodiment Of Greatness
I Am The Embodiment Of Greatness
“I AM the embodiment of greatness. Today I choose to be the fulfillment of my spirit’s potential." Doubt is quite insidious. It has a way of creeping in and becoming a shadow that dims your self-confidence, making you limit yourself and ultimately dimming your Light. This Minute Mantra was crafted to help you remember that you are worthy, that you are able to reach any goal you set for yourself, and most importantly that you are Great.
3 min | 
6 min
88 Favorites
Exploring the Root Chakra
Exploring the Root Chakra
*Guided Shamanic Journey* The Root Chakra is an energy center that is greatly tied to your foundation. When it's healthy, you are well balanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You are secure in who you are and unwavering. In contrast, an unhealthy root chakra can often lead to addiction, fear, obesity, and an overall imbalance in your life. In today's journey, you will explore the condition of your root chakra. Be sure to keep a journal close to record any details.
13 min
85 Favorites
Shamanic Journey: Healing the Inner Child
Shamanic Journey: Healing the Inner Child
The inner child is a reflection of who we were in full innocence and joy. It is the aspect of you that does not judge, but embraces the truth of who you really are. Unfortunately this aspect of you sometimes gets wounded--physically, mentally, and/or emotionally due to abuse, trauma, unhealthy relationships etc. Use this guided shamanic journey as a way to connect with your inner child and release the hold that any traumatic event may have on you, the adult. Guided Shamanic Journeys are tools for healing, cleansing, and empowerment. This practice can be used once or many times as a way to bring healing to the wounded inner child.
12 min
110+ Favorites
Shamanic Journey: Removing Your Heart Wall
Shamanic Journey: Removing Your Heart Wall
Great as a follow up to "Shamanic Journey: Healing the Heart" A heart wall is a metaphorical blockade created from trapped emotions that are used to stop you from getting your heart broken. It is usually put in place over time due to emotional trauma. While it is good to guard your heart, a heart wall stops others from getting too close, keeps you “hidden” in your relationships, and generally creates a dam to toxic emotions and thoughts. All of these things can stop you from properly processing your hurt feelings and can get in the way of you having meaningful, healthy relationships. This guided journey is designed to remove your heart wall piece by piece while helping you process through any trapped emotions and thought patterns. Guided Shamanic Journeys are tools for healing, cleansing, and empowerment. This practice can be used once or many times as a way to bring healing to the heart.
13 min
60 Favorites
Shamanic Journey: Healing the Heart
Shamanic Journey: Healing the Heart
In this Journey, you will be traveling to the heart center. In this space, you will discover any barriers that stop you from expressing love and receive a gift from Spirit to bring healing. Journeying is a form of trancework that takes you from the ordinary 3D realm into the non-ordinary realms and beyond. In the beginning, journeying will feel very much like meditation. Your imagination will be the source of every image that you see. With practice, you will begin to transition your meditations into trancework. You will begin to notice how landscapes begin to change around you, animals that you would have never thought to dream up appear to bring you messages. You will begin to feel more like you are exploring a new world versus creating it with your thoughts. This is when the real magic begins. This is when you have learned how to open your awareness beyond your physical body to explore the world of Spirit. This is the true Journey.
13 min
44 Favorites
I Am Not Lonely, I Am Alone
I Am Not Lonely, I Am Alone
“I AM alone to be exactly who I am…” When we are going through tough times, we like to be around others...Sometimes as a helping hand and sometimes just to drown out our inner “noise”. But there are times in our life that require us to be alone to sort out the baggage that is weighing us down-- to get rid of those emotions and thoughts that are no longer serving us so that we have room for growth. This message is designed to give you solace in those “lonely” moments and to remind you who you really are.
4 min | 
7 min
84 Favorites
Breathing in Confidence
Breathing in Confidence
Affirmations are used to reprogram deleterious thought forms with positive thoughts. The Breath is our "essential worker". It is necessary for our physical life and a power source for our energetic body. Learning how to control your breath is a great way to induce deep relaxation. In this meditation, you will combine the power of Confidence-building affirmations with the calming effect of counting breaths to reduce stress in the body while restoring the mind.
15 min
43 Favorites
New Year Affirmations
New Year Affirmations
The new year is a wonderful time to release all of the negative thoughts and emotions that have been crowding your mind and body while inviting the thoughts and emotions that will build you up, bring healing, and create a foundation for growth in the upcoming year. Happy New Year, Beloveds.
6 min
88 Favorites
I Am Beautiful, Inside and Out
I Am Beautiful, Inside and Out
Beauty is a frequency that dwells within and shines through our being from the spark of the divine that dwells inside of you. It is an extension of your light and is an expression of love--for yourself and others. This mantra taps into that divine beauty frequency and also gives honor via Bija sounds to the embodiment of abundance and beauty, MahaLakshmi.
4 min | 
7 min
23 Favorites
Shamanic Journey: Connecting to Sacred Space
Shamanic Journey: Connecting to Sacred Space
In this beginner journey, you will explore 4 aspects of yourself: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual in your Non-ordinary space. Through this exploration, you will not only get a deeper perspective on who you are but also connect each aspect of yourself within the sacred space of the solar plexus, your place of personal power and will. Becoming comfortable stepping into your sacred space is the entryway to successful journeying and a foundational step before going deeper into trancework. Because this is not just a deep meditation but an introduction to journeywork, I will be asking guide questions throughout, to get you comfortable with tapping into multiple senses while in trance. The more you perform this journey, the deeper and more profound your experiences will become. Enjoy!
19 min
63 Favorites
New Year Energy Clearing
New Year Energy Clearing
Hucha (pronounced Hooch-a) is dense energy that is neither good nor bad but is a by-product of living out of harmony with our true selves. Unfortunately, the accumulation of hucha in our energy bodies can begin to weigh us down and muddy our Light. Today’s session is all about clearing this hucha from your energy fields. This cleansing can be done at any time but I especially like to do this clearing at the end of the year to remove all of the old energy from the past year in preparation for the new year to come.
7 min
19 Favorites
Breathing in Joy
Breathing in Joy
The Breath is our "essential worker" is necessary for our physical life and a power source for our energetic body. Learning how to control your breath is a great way to induce deep relaxation. In this meditation, you will slow down your breathing to calm the body and mind while using Affirmations of joy to revitalize your soul.
14 min
20 Favorites
I Am Enough with Om So Hum Mantra
I Am Enough with Om So Hum Mantra
“I am here, I am Now, I am enough.” How many times have you told yourself that you don’t have what it takes to reach your goals whether they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual? How many times have you doubted yourself and convinced yourself that you don’t have what you need to be happy, to be at peace, to have freedom of mind and body? This mantra was created to replace those thoughts of lack with an abundance mindset. Om So Hum roughly translates to You are the same as I Am. The affirmation of I am enough combined with Om So Hum creates a powerful message to remind you that you, Dear one, are enough, and now is the time to remember who you really are.
4 min
48 Favorites
Shamanic Journey: Connecting to Abundance
Shamanic Journey: Connecting to Abundance
Abundance is a state in which your most basic human needs in every area of your life--relationships, career, physical, emotional and mental health are not just being met, but are thriving. This guided journey is designed to help you find emotional blockages in your stream of abundance and remove them.
8 min
36 Favorites