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Self-Forgiveness: Healing and Self-Love

24 Min
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Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
Your journey into self-forgiveness begins here: Listen to this prose meditation when you can be alone and able to reflect on your life; on what you need to forgive and on the feelings of peace that rise up, that fill your heart; that allows you to feel relief, to have comfort, to remember that you are an incredible being. "Your forgiveness becomes permission to choose the actions that will illuminate your inherent goodness." - dorothy ratusny Self-forgiveness often occurs as layers lifting from our being. You may need to forgive yourself for something now, and then recognize that there is more that you want to forgive. Please use this meditation again as a part of your journey into self-care, self-healing, and self-love. Namaste! xo