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Being LOVE

14.7k+ subscribers | 
916k+ plays
Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
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Restful Sleep: A Guided Meditation
Restful Sleep: A Guided Meditation
A beautiful sleep meditation using hypnotic suggestions. Be guided into comfort, relaxation, and a deep and restful state of slumber. Sleep well beautiful one... Namaste!
45 min
800+ Favorites
Sleep Becomes Me (Meditation for Sleep)
Sleep Becomes Me (Meditation for Sleep)
"Here in the comfort of rest, my body eases into a deep sleep." Join me in this practice to manifest sleep; to witness how the body comes to peaceful rest as you release thoughts; as you let go of expectation, and as you bring into your presence the allowing of each part of your body to relax.
45 min
640+ Favorites
Sleep Becomes Me (sample meditation)
Sleep Becomes Me (sample meditation)
"Here in the comfort of rest, my body eases into a deep sleep." Join me in this practice to manifest sleep; to witness how the body comes to peaceful rest as you release thoughts; as you let go of expectation, and as you bring into your presence the allowing of each part of your body to relax...
4 min | 
7 min
260+ Favorites
Calmness In Mind And Body
Calmness In Mind And Body
This is a wonderful meditation for quietening our mind when our mind is racing - when our thoughts are scattered - for refocusing our attention, and when we want to have clarity of mind, and calmness in mind and body. One of the simplest things we can do to create calmness is to focus our attention inward. As you bring your awareness inward onto your breath you begin to cultivate stillness, focus, attention onto a single thing. Our mind begins to slow, we begin to feel calmer; we realize we can gentle change how we feel by paying attention to how we breathe.
5 min | 
7 min
2.8k+ Favorites
Journey into Sleep: a Hypnosis Meditation for Deep Sleep
Journey into Sleep: a Hypnosis Meditation for Deep Sleep
In this sleep hypnosis meditation, you are guided into a state of relaxation; using positive imagery, concentration and focus, to experience a heightened state of awareness; whilst feeling calm and relaxed in your body. The use of gentle suggestions engage your imagination and allow for soothing impressions that ease you into restful sleep. Enjoy this each night to help you journey into sleep. Namaste! xo In a study that has now been published in the scientific journal "Sleep," sleep researchers from the Universities of Zurich and Fribourg have demonstrated that hypnosis has a positive impact on the quality of sleep, to a surprising extent.
4 min | 
8 min
440+ Favorites
Relaxing Into Sleep
Relaxing Into Sleep
"As your body relaxes, it will naturally ease into sleep; into deep slumber." - dorothy ratusny Let this be your new 'go to' Meditation for relaxing into sleep. Namaste! Dorothy Music Credit: Eternell 'Dawn' and 'Planes'
4 min | 
7 min
700+ Favorites
Deep Restful Sleep
Deep Restful Sleep
Helpful guidance for peaceful sleep - now. All you need is to find a comfortable posture and to close your eyes. Be guided into deep restful sleep with me. Namaste! xo Music: Hollan Holmes - 'The inevitability of Change'
4 min | 
8 min
520+ Favorites
Relaxing into Sleep
Relaxing into Sleep
This Meditation is meant to help remind you of how to relax into sleep naturally. Let it be your "go to" for the experience of relaxation and deep sleep. Namaste! Background Music: Eternell 'Dawn' and 'Planes'
28 min
480+ Favorites
Return To Restful Sleep
Return To Restful Sleep
A gentle soothing meditation designed to help you return to sleep should you awaken during your sleep cycle. Namaste!!
4 min | 
7 min
450+ Favorites
Deep Restful Sleep (Full Version)
Deep Restful Sleep (Full Version)
Helpful guidance for peaceful sleep - now. All you need is to find a comfortable posture and to close your eyes. Be guided into a deep restful sleep with me. Namaste! xo Music: Hollan Holmes - 'The inevitability of Change'
31 min
390+ Favorites
Sleep Well - Deep And Healing Sleep
Sleep Well - Deep And Healing Sleep
This is one of my favorite sleep meditations. The meditation eases you into calm and relaxation. Your body takes over as you drift into a deep, healing sleep. Ease into deep and restorative sleep. Heal the body and mind. Sleep Well. Sleep Now. Namaste! Love, Dorothy
15 min
590+ Favorites
The Practice of Samadhi (Mindfulness): Calm and Tranquility
The Practice of Samadhi (Mindfulness): Calm and Tranquility
SAMADHI: to collect or bring together, concentration, unification of the mind; 'one-pointedness of mind' (in Buddhism). It is how we lay the groundwork of our meditation practice; of observing without judging - simply being aware. In this traditional meditation we use breath as our point of focus. We learn to deepen our practice of observing without judging - simply being aware.
10 min
150+ Favorites
Sleep Softly: a Sleep Meditation
Sleep Softly: a Sleep Meditation
Let yourself be guided into sleep as you soften and quiet your mind, and as you breathe with awareness to your experience. I wish you deep relaxation and a guided path into sleep - softly and gently in this beautiful expression of love fostered unto you. Namaste! xo MUSIC: Kalimba Meditation - Eternell
4 min | 
8 min
490+ Favorites
Journey into Sleep: a Hypnosis Meditation for Deep Sleep [28 Min Full Recording]
Journey into Sleep: a Hypnosis Meditation for Deep Sleep [28 Min Full Recording]
In this sleep hypnosis meditation, you are guided into a state of relaxation; using positive imagery, concentration and focus, to experience a heightened state of awareness; whilst feeling calm and relaxed in your body. The use of gentle suggestions engage your imagination and allow for soothing impressions that ease you into restful sleep. Enjoy this each night to help you journey into sleep. Namaste! xo In a study that has now been published in the scientific journal "Sleep," sleep researchers from the Universities of Zurich and Fribourg have demonstrated that hypnosis has a positive impact on the quality of sleep, to a surprising extent.
28 min
600+ Favorites
The Most Beautiful Sleep Lullaby
The Most Beautiful Sleep Lullaby
Words and imagery to feel comfort, ease, and deep relaxation; and to gently lull you into beautiful sleep. Namaste! xo Music: Music for Scattered Light ll by Gapfield
5 min | 
7 min
320+ Favorites
Experience Inner Peace
Experience Inner Peace
This is a beautiful practice to help you cultivate your natural state of inner peace. Use this meditation often to experience this blissful state of inner peace. Sat Nam! Dorothy
5 min | 
7 min
360+ Favorites
Body Love: Meditation & Visualization
Body Love: Meditation & Visualization
Improve your body image as you hold gratitude and love ~ and as you awaken the power of manifesting and metamorphosis, and great healing. Even as you may continue to seek to improve upon aspects of your body (and your whole being) the secret is to appreciate and witness the perfection of your body as it is now. Sending you great love.... d o r o t h y Namaste!
4 min | 
7 min
46 Favorites
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Three: Words of Light and Love
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Three: Words of Light and Love
In Buddhism, Sati (from Pali: सति; from Sanskrit: स्मृति smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness. It is this spiritual or psychological faculty of indriya meaning: physical strength or ability of the senses, that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. Sati is the path and the destination of awareness and of 'remembering'; as in to remember presence and attention. In this final Part Three of 'Sati' - Mindfulness meditation, we begin with softening into our breath; to notice, and to hold observation. Mindfulness is a practice of pure observation in the absence of judgment. From here, consider what words of light and love you may say to yourself with every in-breath and out-breath. Continue to be watchful of all that you notice; to bring mindful attention to the words spoken inside your mind or perhaps aloud and to hold presence of this experience. This is your state of pure awareness. This is your path now to this moment and the next. So well done! 💜 Much love! Namaste!
5 min | 
7 min
11 Favorites
Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Healing
Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Healing
This practice of Yoga Nidra guides you into a state of deep relaxation, allowing the body and mind to heal and repair. Practice this whilst doing your best to remain awake and attentive; following my guidance as you bring presence into each moment; as you hold awareness as we move through the parts of the body and as you choose a sankalpa or intention, inspired by your deepest wisdom. Yoga Nidra is a little-known ancient meditation technique explained as transformational sleep. It evokes within you brainwave states similar to those in sleep, where the biology of your body is able to disengage from thoughts.
4 min | 
8 min
250+ Favorites
Forgiveness to Heal Relationships
Forgiveness to Heal Relationships
Relationships may be healed as you offer forgiveness to another, and as you offer forgiveness unto yourself. Your relationships may heal over a period of time, they may heal as you make peace with the situation, or the person even if you do not wish to continue in the relationship. Important to know is that you make the decision to heal a relationship and from this, you choose a different path, one of infinite pace - of sacred inspired kindness and love, and one in which you release the past; release what you have been carrying about that has happened that no longer serves you. Please enjoy the ideas and inspiration offered in this meditation to help heal your relationships! Namaste! xo /// Music: Hammock 'mute angels'
4 min | 
26 min
160+ Favorites
Retrain Your Mind to Believe in Yourself
Retrain Your Mind to Believe in Yourself
We train our mind by what we tell it. What we say to ourselves becomes what we believe. We retrain our mind to believe in our self by holding the feeling first of something that we believe to be true - a positive aspect of our self - so that we can identify what this feeling "feels like". This is the first part of our retraining. We then work with envisioning and feeling successful of whatever we doubt. In this way, we focus on the positive outcome of what we desire instead of the fear or doubt. Please use this meditation often to anchor your new feelings of confidence and to retrain how you think. Namaste!! with love, Dorothy Music Credit: Kevin Kendle - 'Oceans'
3 min | 
19 min
710+ Favorites
Revealing Your Dharmata: What You Are
Revealing Your Dharmata: What You Are
In this meditation, experience your ability to awaken through your awareness of what is 'true'. Dharmata is: the intrinsic nature of things as they are. Discover your true nature - your Dharmata. This is such a moving, beautiful and gentle meditation for learning and witnessing much about your authentic self. Dorothy
15 min
420+ Favorites
A Morning Meditation of Gratitude
A Morning Meditation of Gratitude
'Each morning before you do anything else, hold gratitude.' Gratitude is the path to happiness, inner peace and joy. In gratitude we feel blessed, we are reminded of the many blessings of life that are ours to witness, to enjoy, - to live as. This is one of my favourite meditations, in part because it is such a wonderful experience to begin each day. Music Credit: Eternell, "landing in being" Namaste xo - dorothy
4 min | 
13 min
690+ Favorites
Calming Anxiety
Calming Anxiety
A Mindfulness Meditation to calm body and mind using breath, your connection with your heart center, and a word that depicts for you what will be most soothing. Use this meditation to feel calm wherever you are, beautiful ones! Namaste!
3 min
160+ Favorites
Relief From Anxiety
Relief From Anxiety
Experience a simple and effective way to regulate your breath that instantly slows your breathing rate, blood pressure, and heart rate - allowing you relief from anxiety. Witness your breath in this deliberate way and regain control, releasing anxiety. This will help so much if you suffer from anxiety! Namaste! Dorothy
5 min | 
7 min
810+ Favorites
The Most Beautiful Sleep Lullaby
The Most Beautiful Sleep Lullaby
Words and imagery to feel comfort, ease, and deep relaxation; and to gently lull you into a beautiful sleep. Namaste! Music: Music for Scattered Light ll by Gapfield
11 min
150+ Favorites
"When you find peace within yourself, you find it in all situations in the world." - dorothy ratusny Where do you go to find comfort and peace? Where is this for you? Join me for a beautiful guided prose meditation - a meditation with gentle directives for contemplation and to experience peace and calm from within. "Follow your breath into it... be one with it. Let peace guide you into the next moment." - Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
490+ Favorites
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Two: a Meditation Experience of Breath Counting
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Two: a Meditation Experience of Breath Counting
In Buddhism, Sati (from Pali: सति; from Sanskrit: स्मृति smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness. It is this spiritual or psychological faculty of indriya meaning: physical strength or ability of the senses, that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. Sati is the path and the destination of awareness and of 'remembering'; as in to remember presence and attention. In part two of this three part series, we focus on breath counting. We use mindfulness to bring presence into this moment as we count an equal number of 'in-breaths' and 'out-breaths'; before gently giving rise to a natural progression of longer and slowed out-breaths, to quiet and calm the body and mind further. Mindfulness is a practice of pure observation in the absence of judgment. When you are ready, please join me in part three of Sati (Mindfulness)- 'Words of light and love'. Namaste!! xo
24 min
31 Favorites
Experience Calm Within You
Experience Calm Within You
Cultivate the feeling of calm and alertness in your mind and body by focusing on an inner place of stillness within you. Discover how you can direct your breath and attention into and out from this place of stillness and experience calm within you - ever so beautifully.
4 min | 
7 min
460+ Favorites
The Art Of Stillness
The Art Of Stillness
Experience the art and beauty of stillness in your mind and body. Experience a deeper calm that exists within you. *This is so simple and so soothing :)) This track has been updated in 2022. I hope you enjoy it even more! Namaste Dorothy
4 min | 
9 min
650+ Favorites
Breath Meditation for Feeling in Balance
Breath Meditation for Feeling in Balance
'Balance' is a state of being that we choose. In this Meditation, discover how to mindfully assess what is happening around you as you focus your mind as you choose. Let the space between your inhalation and exhalation be what you are attentive to; to where you find and live in 'balance'. Notice how beautiful and easy it is to bring your attention back into the present moment - and to how you feel - now. Namaste! xo
5 min | 
7 min
1.3k+ Favorites
Return to Your Authentic Self
Return to Your Authentic Self
When you are willing to go inward, you find your 'authentic self'. This is the place of deliberate knowing, of wisdom; of right guidance for living the life that is your perfect dream - your destiny - if you choose it; and what you are most capable of. Please enjoy this gift into embracing all of what you are; your authentic self. Namaste!! xo MUSIC: Hammock, 'Mute Angels'
3 min | 
17 min
110+ Favorites
A Conversation with Your Inner Child
A Conversation with Your Inner Child
In this guided meditation, you experience how to connect with a younger aspect of yourself, to provide what was needed at that time - and likely what you need in this moment. As you are guided in this meditation, notice how your attention and love directed towards your inner child has the remarkable effects of healing the past, and offering what you need in 'this' moment. Music: Powerful Relaxing Delta Sleep & Healing Music Brain Waves For Deep Relaxation Therapy by AFwcxx
4 min | 
24 min
210+ Favorites
Anapanasati Meditation with Music
Anapanasati Meditation with Music
Ānāpānasati, meaning "mindfulness of breathing", is a form of Buddhist meditation originally taught by Gautama Buddha and a core meditation practice in the Theravada tradition. The Ānāpānasati Sutta specifically concerns mindfulness of inhalation and exhalation, as a part of paying attention to one's body in quietude. Enjoy this beautiful and ancient practice. Namaste!
13 min
190+ Favorites
A simple method for allowing your breath to guide you back into a natural state of calm, contentment, and inner peace; 'breathe'... Namaste!! xo
5 min | 
7 min
100+ Favorites
Meditation for Inner Peace (Full Version)
Meditation for Inner Peace (Full Version)
Witness the moments of peace - in the spaces (the pauses) - in between breaths. This is such a simple yet beautiful reminder of how our breathing is intuitive and offers us the comfort of much relaxation and calm - if we allow it. Meant to be experienced and enjoyed.... xo namaste!!
10 min
210+ Favorites
Sleep Softly: a Sleep Meditation
Sleep Softly: a Sleep Meditation
Let yourself be guided into sleep as you soften and quiet your mind, and as you breathe with awareness to your experience. I wish you deep relaxation and a guided path into sleep - softly and gently in this beautiful expression of love fostered unto you. Namaste! xo MUSIC: Kalimba Meditation - Eternell
19 min
620+ Favorites
Return to Love: a Beautiful Prose Meditation to Guide You Home (And into Yourself)
Return to Love: a Beautiful Prose Meditation to Guide You Home (And into Yourself)
In this meditation, you anchor the feelings of peace, inner contentment, and love. Return home to your heart center; to what you are each time that you need to remember, and to feel your true power. Namaste! 💜
26 min
71 Favorites
Meditation To Eat Light And Lose Weight
Meditation To Eat Light And Lose Weight
Practice the deliberate ways in which you can feel grounded by connecting with the earth, and releasing what thoughts, feelings, and cravings you no longer need. Experience a state of inner calm and peace from which you can make 'right' and healthy choices - mindfully. Being deliberate and mindful of your breathing helps you to feel the beautiful effects of being nourished and sustained - without food. It also helps you to be present with how you feel and what you may be using food for ~ when you are not experiencing true hunger. It's helpful if you can use this meditation on occasions when you are not feeling the urge to eat - so that you can explore feeling comfort and relaxation using your breath - deliberately. xo Dorothy
17 min
440+ Favorites
The Experience of Breath
The Experience of Breath
Witness the nature of your breath; trust that your breathing will guide you back to calm. This is how you experience the present moment; mindful of the nature of your breath. Namaste! xo dorothy
4 min | 
7 min
110+ Favorites
Listen to the Wisdom of Your Heart
Listen to the Wisdom of Your Heart
In this meditation, you learn how to go within for answers, for truth as a way of discerning what is right and best for you in any given moment. This is a wonderful heart-opening meditation as well, reminding us of our ability to connect and relate within, and to experience the wisdom of our inner knowing. We begin with an awareness of our sacral chakra since the sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. Opening your sacral chakra allows you to “feel” the world around and in you. As such, it’s an important chakra at the foundation of your feeling of well-being.
13 min
210+ Favorites
Meditation For Inner Peace
Meditation For Inner Peace
Experience inner peace deliberately as you choose a point of focus within your body and as you hold attention and awareness here. As you allow your breath to be directed into this area, feel the sensations of peacefulness throughout your body.
5 min | 
7 min
400+ Favorites
A Gratitude and Intention Meditation
A Gratitude and Intention Meditation
Practice curating gratitude each morning as mindfulness of what you are thankful for and of what you appreciate. Notice how gratitude allows you to feel positive affect and inner contentment easily ~ and a return to the present moment. This is a wonderful way to begin each day - and to curate throughout your day as you are attentive to what you are grateful for. MUSIC: Adam Nickey, 'perfect destiny'
5 min | 
6 min
1.2k+ Favorites
This Is... Happiness (With Music)
This Is... Happiness (With Music)
This meditation is to help remind you of your natural state of: happiness, calm, contentment, and inner peace. Experience how to return to your natural state using mindful (conscious) breathing, and the energy of your heart center to connect with your spiritual (divine) nature. Use this meditation often to return to your natural state of happiness - easily. Namaste! xo Dorothy Music Credit: "Final Wave" from the Album 'Ashaneen' by Piotr Janeczek (such beautiful music!! Thank you Piotr!!)
14 min
100+ Favorites
This Is Happiness
This Is Happiness
This meditation is to help remind you of your natural state of: happiness, calm, contentment, and inner peace. Here I would like to help you experience how to return to your natural state. Mindful (conscious) breathing can be a reminder of what we choose to bring in and what we release, with our breath. In this meditation, experience the release of whatever thoughts, emotions, and other aspects which keep us 'out of' our natural state of happiness. Discover how to use mindfulness of breath to consciously choose what you wish to hold onto - including how you wish to feel. In this meditation, you also experience the energy of your heart centre as a helpful way of connecting with your spiritual (divine) nature. Use this meditation often to return to your natural state of happiness - easily. Namaste! xo dorothy
14 min
65 Favorites
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Two: a Meditation Experience of Breath Counting
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Two: a Meditation Experience of Breath Counting
In Buddhism, Sati (from Pali: सति; from Sanskrit: स्मृति smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness. It is this spiritual or psychological faculty of indriya meaning: physical strength or ability of the senses, that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. Sati is the path and the destination of awareness and of 'remembering'; as in to remember presence and attention. In part two of this three part series, we focus on breath counting. We use mindfulness to bring presence into this moment as we count an equal number of 'in-breaths' and 'out-breaths'; before gently giving rise to a natural progression of longer and slowed out-breaths, to quiet and calm the body and mind further. Mindfulness is a practice of pure observation in the absence of judgment. When you are ready, please join me in part three of Sati (Mindfulness)- 'Words of light and love'. Namaste!! xo
4 min | 
8 min
12 Favorites
A mindful meditation... on how to feel calm using your breath. Namaste!! xo Music Credit: Kepler 452b - Original Mix
4 min | 
10 min
330+ Favorites
I Am: a Meditative Mantra for Sobriety and Freedom
I Am: a Meditative Mantra for Sobriety and Freedom
An 'I AM" affirmative mantra to support your recovery and healing; to provide nourishment and self-love; and the wisdom of strength and resilience. 💜 This is a powerful and beautiful meditative Mantra. I hope you feel it!! with love, dorothy
12 min
51 Favorites
Retrain Your Mind to Believe in Yourself
Retrain Your Mind to Believe in Yourself
We train our mind by what we tell it. What we say to ourselves becomes what we believe. We retrain our mind to believe in our self by holding the feeling first of something that we believe to be true - a positive aspect of our self - so that we can identify what this feeling "feels like". This is the first part of our retraining. We then work with envisioning and feeling successful of whatever we doubt. In this way, we focus on the positive outcome of what we desire instead of the fear or doubt. This meditation is best experienced in its entirety to allow for the full effects of its teachings. Please use this meditation often to anchor your new feelings of confidence and to retrain how you think. Namaste!! with love, dorothy
19 min
510+ Favorites
A Morning Meditation in Nature: the Power of Directing Breath into Your Heart Centre
A Morning Meditation in Nature: the Power of Directing Breath into Your Heart Centre
In this Meditation, you will be guided to merge the powerful energies of your "intention" with breath (life force energy) to co-create the experience that you want and for how you deliberately wish to feel. This is a perfect Meditation to use upon waking to align yourself with your beautiful spiritual nature. Namaste! xo dorothy Find me here:
12 min
510+ Favorites
The Present Moment
The Present Moment
There are so many benefits of meditation including the use of our breath to return to the present moment. One of the most powerful actions we can take is to live in the preshent moment; to gain awareness, to quiet our mind, and to shift our perspective. In this meditation you will also discover how to experience your 'breath cycle' as a new (and rather magical way) of holding attention in the present; in the space and calm of 'now'. This is a simple meditation and it works so very well!! I really love it!! Namaste!! xo dorothy
5 min | 
7 min
160+ Favorites
Awaken Your Authentic Power
Awaken Your Authentic Power
“Direct your thoughts in this beautiful guided meditation. Choose how you will feel. Awaken your authentic power.” “Listen as you open your eyes ~ to the awe of a new day and what magic awaits you.” Gratitude is the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to one’s self. It is a state of thankfulness and appreciation. Be sure to catch up with our 'live' sessions here inside Aura. Join me weekly for meditation, life coaching wisdom, and a sacred space to learn and be supported. Find the details here:
22 min
410+ Favorites
Breath Focus: A Morning Meditation in Nature
Breath Focus: A Morning Meditation in Nature
5 min
75 Favorites
Healing My Inner Child
Healing My Inner Child
A powerful guided meditation to provide and assist with self-healing of your inner child - your 'younger self. Discover how to ask questions of your inner child in meditation and to sense and 'hear' your answers. This is one important way of being able to connect with the younger version of yourself, and to provide the needs of your inner child - 'now'. As you care for the needs of your inner child - and particular needs that are similar to those that may not have been properly cared for at an earlier time - you experience healing, love, and validation. This is a beautiful and healing process for revealing how we can heal our past. With much love, xo Dorothy
8 min
420+ Favorites
Breathwalk In Nature
Breathwalk In Nature
Breathwalk is the science of combining specific patterns of breathing synchronized with your walking steps and enhanced with the art of directed, meditative attention. In this technique, you link your breath to the rhythm of your steps. This conscious linkage engages the mind, especially if you use a mantra to help connect your breath and steps. This practice (exercise) is both relaxing and energizing at the same time. Resource: Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, author of BreathWalk (book)
6 min
79 Favorites
In the Space Between Your Breath
In the Space Between Your Breath
In this Meditation for Mindfulness, discover the magical "space" between your inhalation and exhalation breath as a place to dwell in stillness, in calm, and - in bringing your awareness and attention into the present moment. One of my favorite meditations to experience! xo Dorothy
3 min | 
7 min
42 Favorites
Seeing Is Believing: Meditate & Manifest
Seeing Is Believing: Meditate & Manifest
In this meditation, you are guided through a beautiful method for co-creating; for seeing your future in your mind - in great detail; and for using your future reality as a canvas for manifesting this in the physical world. You may wish to use this meditation often to help you hone your ability to build the details of your future ideal - first in your mind. xo Dorothy
11 min
150+ Favorites
Lead with Your Heart: a 'Spoken Word' Meditation
Lead with Your Heart: a 'Spoken Word' Meditation
When you first wake, if you allow your attention to be on the thoughts of your mind then you immediately move yourself out of the experience of the present moment. You can become distracted by these thoughts and the feelings that arise from them. Join me in this beautiful 'spoken word' meditation for experiencing the beautiful nature of the present moment - and in allowing yourself to feel the energy of your heart centre. Focus your attention here as you breathe. Allow yourself to simply be. Let this be a sacred ritual of your daily morning practice :)) Namaste! xo dorothy
11 min
130+ Favorites
A Meditation of Hope
A Meditation of Hope
"Hope is the path of your heart open to love." - Dorothy Ratusny This meditation of hope reminds you of your perfect inner sanctuary because hope is what guides you through your darkest moments, confusion, uncertainty, and chaos. Hope leads you to the light and to the deepest yearnings your heart calls out for. Join me in this prose meditation of contemplation and to instill hope and love. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
140+ Favorites
The Power of Now
The Power of Now
Experience focusing your attention in the present moment; to be able to witness the beauty unfolding in each moment - deliberately. The Power of NOW is to be witness to the present. Your willingness to live much of your life in the present moment affects the choices you make for your future. When you place your focus into the present - in NOW - you witness so much. In the NOW you may be observant of how you feel; you may observe with awareness and without judgment; and as you go about your day, you may practice living from this place of NOW - and coming back to NOW often. All of your power lies in the present moment; for you to choose using your free will.
5 min | 
6 min
320+ Favorites
Meditate with Me (Full Length Version - 11min)
Meditate with Me (Full Length Version - 11min)
SOME HELPFUL NOTES ABOUT WHAT MAKES MEDITATION SO BENEFICIAL... Any type of deep, slow diaphragmatic breathing — during which you visualize filling up the lower part of your lungs just above your belly button like a balloon, and then exhaling slowly — is going to stimulate your vagus nerve, activate your parasympathetic nervous system, and improve your heart rate variability (HRV). The brain interprets your diaphragmatic breathing as a sign to calm the body, and does so - quite instantly. Some people make time every day to practice diaphragmatic breathing as part of a yoga or mindfulness meditation routine. Others take a deep and conscious breath when they catch themselves feeling anxious or "panicky," as a simple and immediate strategy for when they want to gain perspective, or wish to relieve some frustration. All of these applications of diaphragmatic breathing are very helpful. Join me in this full length meditation, 'Meditate with Me' to experience a helpful meditation that you'll want to keep as a part of your regular practice. Namaste!! Music Credit: Jeff Pearce 2013 (sample)
12 min
100+ Favorites
Calming Anxiety (14 Min)
Calming Anxiety (14 Min)
A Mindfulness Meditation to calm body and mind using breath, your connection with your heart center, and a word that depicts for you what will be most soothing. Use this meditation to feel calm wherever you are, beautiful ones! Namaste!
15 min
100+ Favorites
A Meditation for Awakening
A Meditation for Awakening
Perhaps the easiest way to be awake and aware in your life is to be attentive to your breath; to be in the present moment; to witness and experience what "is". Please join me for a mindfulness meditation holding attention onto your breath - in 'now', to be attentive, aware, and awake. Using a simple technique, discover how to bring your attention into the present moment whenever you notice you are not present - to easily return to 'now' -to live aware and awake.
5 min | 
6 min
160+ Favorites
Meditation for Pain Relief and Healing
Meditation for Pain Relief and Healing
In this meditation, experience how to alleviate pain and promote healing, comfort, and relief. We use breath, directing it into the area of our body that needs to feel relief or be healed. Important is to allow for deeper breaths than what you typically experience, and feel the oxygenated air circulate your body. From here we become mindful of what we are bringing into our body to support its healing and relief using our intuitive voice (our inner wisdom). Please use this meditation often to provide relief from all pain symptoms and overall healing. xo Dorothy
14 min
200+ Favorites
Release Doubt: A Spoken Word Meditation
Release Doubt: A Spoken Word Meditation
Whenever there is an occasion for worry or self-doubt we can feel immobilized, afraid of our steps forward - that they may be wrong or undeserving. Experience this meditation to help you align your heart with truth; to release and shed worry and self-doubt, and to be present and focused on the deliberate actions that wield confidence, kindness, and your highest potential for good. Thank you so much for listening everyone! Namaste Dorothy
11 min
370+ Favorites
Return to Sleep - Fall Asleep Easily
Return to Sleep - Fall Asleep Easily
Let this meditation help you to return to a beautiful, relaxing deep sleep - perfect when you wake in the middle of the night - and to help you easily and beautifully...fall asleep. One of my favorites. Dorothy
14 min
230+ Favorites
Into Calm
Into Calm
'Calmness may be best felt as your out breath.' Witness the calm as you focus on the natural rhythm of your breath, softening, soothing - in your body. Use this meditation any time you need to feel calm in mind and body. Namaste!! Music Credit: slam duck kepler 452b (original mix)
4 min | 
7 min
200+ Favorites
Just 'Be' - a Guided Meditation
Just 'Be' - a Guided Meditation
"Witness the stillness that exists - in the brief moments between each expanded 'in-breath' and each glorious letting go of 'out-breath'. Be the stillness that exists after each exhalation and before you take a new 'in-breath'. Let the motion of breath flow as you are present to it." - Namaste! with gratitude and love, - dorothy MUSIC: Solarsoul 'Event horizon original'
4 min | 
8 min
19 Favorites
Meditation for Inner Peace
Meditation for Inner Peace
Witness the moments of peace - in the spaces (the pauses) - in between breaths. This is such a simple yet beautiful reminder of how our breathing is intuitive and offers us the comfort of much relaxation and calm - if we allow it. Meant to be experienced and enjoyed.... xo namaste!!
4 min | 
7 min
130+ Favorites
Return to Restful Sleep
Return to Restful Sleep
For returning to sleep naturally. This soothing meditation offers 3+ minutes of silence before the 'Aura outro' to ensure you have time to drift gently back into sleep. Please let this help you return to slumber if you have woken during your sleep state. Namaste! xo
10 min
230+ Favorites
Into Calm
Into Calm
'Calmness may be best felt as your out breath.' Witness the calm as you focus on the natural rhythm of your breath, softening, soothing - in your body. Use this meditation any time you need to feel calm in mind and body. Namaste!! xo Music Credit: slam duck kepler 452b (original mix)
10 min
120+ Favorites
Mindful Breath - in This Moment
Mindful Breath - in This Moment
A most simple guided meditation if you wish to breathe with mindful awareness. Here I share with you a secret (or two) for how you may use your breath to guide you into mindfulness – with ease. MUSIC: Eternell ‘Still Light’
4 min | 
9 min
25 Favorites
Return to Happiness (Without Music)
Return to Happiness (Without Music)
We can return to experiencing our natural state of happiness first by being mindful of when we have moved out of this inherent state. In this meditation, discover the simplest way to return to your natural state of happiness easily. As you allow your inner wisdom to guide you - you learn how to let go of what feeling(s) you no longer wish to hold and to choose instead how you wish to feel. Feel happiness - NOW - easily :)) Namaste! xo Dorothy
16 min
140+ Favorites
In meditation, we can acknowledge our need for forgiving ourselves, for acknowledging our 'humanness', and for releasing thoughts we hold that continue to cause our suffering. Let me guide you through a simple yet powerful means of 'self-forgiveness in this beautiful meditation. Let forgiveness be the way in which you honor yourself with love, compassion, patience, and kindness. In this meditation using visualization, experience the freedom that comes with love directed inward, of the generosity of spirit - in forgiveness. xo Dorothy
4 min | 
6 min
90 Favorites
The Energy Of Love: A Guided Meditation
The Energy Of Love: A Guided Meditation
Learn how to cultivate and experience the energy of love in your heart center using visualization and breath awareness.
4 min
460+ Favorites
Return to Happiness
Return to Happiness
We can return to experiencing our natural state of happiness first by being mindful of when we have moved out of this inherent state. In this meditation, discover the simplest way to return to your natural state of happiness easily. As you allow your inner wisdom to guide you - you learn how to let go of what feeling(s) you no longer wish to hold, and to choose instead how you wish to feel. Feel happiness - NOW - easily :)) Namaste! xo dorothy
4 min | 
16 min
430+ Favorites
Hope for Us All: Talk + Meditation
Hope for Us All: Talk + Meditation
As much change as we are all experiencing right now, and during this time of a global pandemic, this meditation reminds us that hope needs to be present for the deliberate teachings of our heart; stirring within us, and rising up; and that we must be the deliberate messages of hope that we honor for our new lives; and for our lives always. Strive to live with hope each day of your life; to feel hope for what is wanted, and for what you are willing to do to make your life better. Namaste! love Dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
110+ Favorites
Just 'Be' - a Guided Meditation
Just 'Be' - a Guided Meditation
"Witness the stillness that exists - in the brief moments between each expanded 'in-breath and each glorious letting go of 'out-breath. Be the stillness that exists after each exhalation and before you take a new 'in-breath. Let the motion of breath flow as you are present to it." - Namaste! With gratitude and love, Dorothy MUSIC: Solarsoul 'event horizon original'
13 min
66 Favorites
Fill Your Mind and Heart with Beauty and Love
Fill Your Mind and Heart with Beauty and Love
In this meditation you use deliberate words and phrases of love spoken inward and aloud to remind you of your beauty, your greatness, and your capacity to give and receive love. These are some of the many ways that you can experience the beauty of life - now - in this moment. Let this meditation become one of your favourites! Best if used often and wonderful to begin your day with! xo dorothy
10 min
130+ Favorites
Happiness Is My Natural State
Happiness Is My Natural State
Happiness, contentment, calm, and inner peace are your 'natural states of being'. You simply need to return to these blissful states and the present moment whenever you notice you have moved away from them. This meditation is a simple and beautiful experience of how we can simply 'be' happiness as our natural authentic state - easily. This one is so powerful for witnessing yourself (by choice) - as happy. Feel free to use this daily and whenever you need to move yourself into our natural state of contentment and happiness! Namaste! xo dorothy
10 min
92 Favorites
Hope Is Here: a Guided Prose Meditation
Hope Is Here: a Guided Prose Meditation
Hope is here. It is here in all things. It is of your infinite wonder as love. Hope rises up. Hope rises up. It is in each one of us. This prose meditation is uplifting and spiritual. It reminds you that hope is always a part of you; that you can draw on it when needed to fill you with its beautiful wisdom and grace. At this time (during a global pandemic), and when you need to feel certain of hope; of how it guides you towards what you desire; for change, for growth, for all things; let this simple meditation instill new hope; renewed hope for all that you aspire to and desire most. - With all of my love, Dorothy
26 min
63 Favorites
Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Healing
Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Healing
This practice of Yoga Nidra guides you into a state of deep relaxation, allowing the body and mind to heal and repair. Practice this whilst doing your best to remain awake and attentive; following my guidance as you bring presence into each moment; as you hold awareness as we move through the parts of the body and as you choose a sankalpa or intention, inspired by your deepest wisdom. Yoga Nidra is a little-known ancient meditation technique explained as transformational sleep. It evokes within you brainwave states similar to those in sleep, where the biology of your body is able to disengage from thoughts.
49 min
400+ Favorites
Heart-Centered Breathing for Inner Peace [12 Min]
Heart-Centered Breathing for Inner Peace [12 Min]
Experience the simplicity of connecting with your heart center using your breath. Beyond a physical organ of your body, your heart is an incredible force field that contains the same type of neurons that are found in the brain. Research tells us that heart is an incredible source of inspired knowing and wisdom; all that is needed is to become quiet, to place attention here, to experience your divine connection. "Peaceful, soothing; a gentle reminder that you are never alone." Namaste! xo - dorothy
12 min
17 Favorites
"When you find peace within yourself, you find it in all situations in the world." - dorothy ratusny Where do you go to find comfort and peace? Where is this for you? Join me for a beautiful guided prose meditation - a meditation with gentle directives for contemplation and to experience peace and calm from within. "Follow your breath into it... be one with it. Let peace guide you into the next moment." - Namaste! xo
20 min
220+ Favorites
Breath Counting Meditation
Breath Counting Meditation
A beautifully guided meditation using the counting of your breath for complete relaxation, mindfulness, and calm. *This is a wonderful meditation to quickly experience calm in your body and mind - eliminating racing thoughts and uncomfortable emotions - and to fall asleep - with greater ease. Use breath counting to aid your performance in sport - regulating your breathing rate and blood pressure, and in slowing your heart rate. Namaste!! xo dorothy MUSIC: 'Endless Journey' (Album Version) by Grey Sky Therapy - so beautiful!!
4 min | 
12 min
110+ Favorites
Deliberate Breathing for Acute Anxiety Relief
Deliberate Breathing for Acute Anxiety Relief
If we are experiencing acute anxiety, it is very difficult to calm our self, and to feel in control. In this meditation, as you practice being attentive to your breath, you realize how your breathing becomes the mechanism for experiencing calm and inner peace. With some gentle practice, this is how you come to know how to calm yourself in any moment. By focusing on your breath, you allow your breathing to slow naturally - and to carry you into calmness and inner peace. Such a simple meditation and one that I hope you will come back to often whenever you feel anxious. Namaste!!!! with love, dorothy
4 min | 
7 min
230+ Favorites
Hope: a Guided Meditation
Hope: a Guided Meditation
"Hope is the path of your heart open to love." - Dorothy Ratusny This meditation of hope reminds you of your perfect inner sanctuary; because hope is what guides you through your darkest moments, through confusion, uncertainty, and chaos. Hope leads you to the light; to the deepest yearnings your heart calls out for. Join me in this prose meditation of contemplation and to instill hope and love. Namaste! xo
16 min
76 Favorites
'Find the Beauty, in Others, in Yourself'... a spoken word meditation
'Find the Beauty, in Others, in Yourself'... a spoken word meditation
4 min | 
7 min
640+ Favorites
The Experience Of Joy Meditation
The Experience Of Joy Meditation
Realize that Joy IS possible in the present moment. Joy is possible as you choose it; as you allow it to be present in 'this moment.' In this guided meditation, you are reminded of how you may cultivate joy as your natural state of being. "You exist in a state of happiness, ease, wellbeing here and of the present moment; and in the absence of thoughts that bring you out of this state - out of the experience of joy that is home." Namaste! Dorothy
19 min
90 Favorites
'Breath Break'
'Breath Break'
A mindfulness meditation with a focus on the importance of taking deliberate 'breaks' in which to focus intently on your breathing for a time. As you do so, you find your center, you move away from what thoughts or worries you may have been immersed in, and you bring your attention into the present moment. Experience the clarity, the wisdom, and the focus - that comes with being present. Namaste! xo dorothy
4 min
64 Favorites
Mindful Kindness
Mindful Kindness
"In the smallest acts of kindness we give and receive love." In this simple reminder of 'mindful kindness' we give our attention to the present moment, to our breath, and to what we become aware of - in the 'here and now'. We are reminded of the power of deliberate kindness directed unto our self and to others - and how we can deliberately curate kindness. I hope that this meditation is uplifting for you and a great reminder of what is possible with intention and kindness. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
9 min
12 Favorites
Choosing How I Feel: A Guided Meditation
Choosing How I Feel: A Guided Meditation
Learn and experience how to change your current state of being into one of your choosing - and to maintain this new state with ease! We begin by first noticing how we presently feel and our felt sensations without "needing" to change them. We are mindful - attentive to what we notice - without judgment. Then, in full acceptance of how we feel - we discover the process for changing our state of being first by deciding - using the present tense - to state your desired way of feeling & being. We manifest this new state by feeling how we want to feel now and expressing our desires using the present tense and as we connect with the energy of our heart center. Use this meditation often to help you feel the way you truly want.
10 min
530+ Favorites
Blissful Rest
Blissful Rest
A meditation for restful, blissful sleep. In this meditation you allow your body to relax with your breath. As you are mindful of your breath, you may choose an area of your body in which to experience deep relaxation guiding your inhalation and exhalation into this part of your body. A perfect and simple meditation for enjoying restful sleep - naturally. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
280+ Favorites
Meditate with Me
Meditate with Me
A wonderful 'first' guided meditation if you are new to the practice or a gentle reminder of the simplicity of meditation and how you may experience it easily in your life. SOME HELPFUL NOTES ABOUT WHAT MAKES MEDITATION SO BENEFICIAL... Any type of deep, slow diaphragmatic breathing — during which you visualize filling up the lower part of your lungs just above your belly button like a balloon, and then exhaling slowly — is going to stimulate your vagus nerve, activate your parasympathetic nervous system, and improve your heart rate variability (HRV). The brain interprets your diaphragmatic breathing as a sign to calm the body, and does so - quite instantly. Some people make time every day to practice diaphragmatic breathing as part of a yoga or mindfulness meditation routine. Others take a deep and conscious breath when they catch themselves feeling anxious or "panicky," as a simple and immediate strategy for when they want to gain perspective, or wish to relieve some frustration. All of these applications of diaphragmatic breathing are very helpful. Join me in this sampling of 'Meditate with Me' to experience a helpful meditation that you'll want to keep as a part of your regular practice. Namaste!! Music Credit: Jeff Pearce 2013 (sample)
4 min | 
7 min
83 Favorites
Meditation To Witness The Present Moment
Meditation To Witness The Present Moment
Experience the beauty of your breath in the present moment. Learn how to bring your awareness back to your breath each time your attention moves away from 'this' moment. This is a perfect meditation in which to practice 'present moment awareness and to be witness to what you notice without judgment. Namaste everyone! Dorothy
5 min | 
7 min
71 Favorites
Breath as Energy, as Beauty
Breath as Energy, as Beauty
22 min
130+ Favorites
Self-Forgiveness: Healing and Self-Love
Self-Forgiveness: Healing and Self-Love
Your journey into self-forgiveness begins here: Listen to this prose meditation when you can be alone and able to reflect on your life; on what you need to forgive and on the feelings of peace that rise up, that fill your heart; that allows you to feel relief, to have comfort, to remember that you are an incredible being. "Your forgiveness becomes permission to choose the actions that will illuminate your inherent goodness." - dorothy ratusny Self-forgiveness often occurs as layers lifting from our being. You may need to forgive yourself for something now, and then recognize that there is more that you want to forgive. Please use this meditation again as a part of your journey into self-care, self-healing and self-love. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
35 Favorites
This Is ...L O V E
This Is ...L O V E
When we practice holding love in our being, we do so in part because of the incredible effects that we feel - (e.g. the energy, the beauty, the expansiveness - the joy). In this meditation, experience the energy of divine (unconditional) sacred love felt most powerfully within you - and between you and another. Curate this beautiful experience - and allow yourself to feel it and simultaneously direct it towards another whenever you choose.
4 min | 
6 min
120+ Favorites
How To Feel Happy - A Guided Meditation
How To Feel Happy - A Guided Meditation
**One of the most powerful states to exist in is happiness.** In happiness, you can hold witness of yourself, others, and the world with loving kindness ~ your heart open and receptive, ideas and creativity in flow... In this meditation, discover your sacred path into your natural state of 'authentic' happiness. Experience an easeful shift from how you feel currently ~ into the emotions of happiness and any other emotion of your choice. This is a helpful practice if you have ever struggled with emotions that were unwanted. Sending you lots of happy vibes as you listen! Namaste!
31 min
330+ Favorites
Just 'Breath'
Just 'Breath'
This is definitely one of my favourite meditations, in part because it is reminds us of how simple it is to witness our breath; in bringing attention and awareness inward onto our breath - and to witness its soothing effects throughout our being. /// Music: Ben Woods, 'Time' Thank you for joining me in Meditation! Namaste!! xo dorothy
3 min | 
11 min
72 Favorites
The Miracle of Inspiration
The Miracle of Inspiration
Inspiration is what you feel through your senses; through taking in the beauty of life that you are willing to notice; and by allowing your heart open in delight, in wonder, in the deliberate choosing of your soul to be stirred; to cultivate presence, and to flow with the deliberate joy that you are witness to. Please enjoy this talk and meditation and have a look for the others in this very special series. Namaste!
3 min | 
7 min
64 Favorites
Blissful Rest
Blissful Rest
A meditation for restful, blissful sleep. In this meditation you allow your body to relax with your breath. As you are mindful of your breath, you may choose an area of your body in which to experience deep relaxation guiding your inhalation and exhalation into this part of your body. A perfect and simple meditation for enjoying restful sleep - naturally. Namaste! xo
16 min
400+ Favorites
The Miracle Of Love
The Miracle Of Love
Let this Prose Meditation open your heart. Listen to it to begin each day; to evoke a state of love from within; and to witness what it feels like to be of your light. You may also wish to repeat the prose mantra aloud to engage the energy of your heart. I love you! Namaste!
20 min
26 Favorites
Mindful Presence
Mindful Presence
The Practice: In this experiential mindfulness meditation, you develop your ability to hold presence; to the simple noticing of life unfolding, moment by moment. The Simplicity: Perfect for when you recognize a need to hold presence in 'now'; and to witness the beauty of life all around you. When you close your eyes, the important thing is to take everything in with your senses. I hope that you find this meditation to be simple and easy to replicate at any time on your own. 💜
12 min
140+ Favorites
Kindness is Love...a spoken word meditation
Kindness is Love...a spoken word meditation
4 min | 
7 min
490+ Favorites
Body Love Now-Meditation & Visualization
Body Love Now-Meditation & Visualization
This is an extraordinary way to improve your body image as you hold gratitude and love; and as you awaken the power of manifesting and metamorphosis, and great healing. To truly love your body as it is, begins the journey into wholeness. This meditation on how to love and appreciate your body comes at a time when we all may seek greater presence in the witnessing of our perfect nature as we are; through eyes of eternal gratitude rather than judgment and criticism. Even as you may seek to improve upon aspects of yourself, the secret is to appreciate and witness the perfection of your body as it is now.
23 min
46 Favorites
Mindfulness of Breath in Nature
Mindfulness of Breath in Nature
A simple mindfulness experience with sounds of nature to help you practice the focus of your mind onto your breath, and to witness your ability to be present in 'this' moment. After experiencing this meditation, consider going outdoors where you can practice the art of being present with your breath and also aware of the sounds you hear in your environment; noting that we can be aware of sounds, and yet we can continue to hold our focus where we choose. You may also wish to practice going back and forth between holding attention onto your breath, and then in nature. This helps you to gain greater control over your mind and where you have chosen to place your attention. namaste! love, dorothy
3 min | 
7 min
71 Favorites
Heart Breathing
Heart Breathing
A beautiful and soothing meditation, awakening your connection within - to your heart center - and your Heart Chakra - using the breath as the mechanism for your awareness. Perfect for relaxing into sleep, for feeling connected to your higher self - and for feeling a sense of calm and inner peace. Namaste!! Dorothy Music Credit: Grey Sky Therapy with Healing Binaural Waves and Sounds of Rain
4 min | 
7 min
170+ Favorites
Mindful Presence
Mindful Presence
The Practice: In this experiential mindfulness meditation, you develop your ability to hold presence; to the simple noticing of life unfolding, moment by moment. The Simplicity: Perfect for when you recognize a need to hold presence in 'now'; and to witness the beauty of life all around you. When you close your eyes, the important thing is to take everything in with your senses. I hope that you find this meditation to be simple and easy to replicate at any time on your own. 💜
4 min | 
8 min
110+ Favorites
Return to Your Breath-The Present Moment
Return to Your Breath-The Present Moment
This is a helpful way to become skilled at returning your awareness to the present moment; and to living far more of your life aware and awake. In this guided meditation, you practice being mindful - attentive to the present moment as you witness the presence of your breath, as you focus your attention deliberately here; and as you return to your breathing each time you move out of the present moment. Namaste! MUSIC: Susperiaelectrica, 'a day dream'
4 min | 
8 min
460+ Favorites
Self-Forgiveness: Healing and Self-Love
Self-Forgiveness: Healing and Self-Love
Your journey into self-forgiveness begins here: Listen to this prose meditation when you can be alone and able to reflect on your life; on what you need to forgive and on the feelings of peace that rise up, that fill your heart; that allows you to feel relief, to have comfort, to remember that you are an incredible being. "Your forgiveness becomes permission to choose the actions that will illuminate your inherent goodness." - dorothy ratusny Self-forgiveness often occurs as layers lifting from our being. You may need to forgive yourself for something now, and then recognize that there is more that you want to forgive. Please use this meditation again as a part of your journey into self-care, self-healing, and self-love. Namaste! xo
24 min
93 Favorites
A Meditation on 'P R a Y E R'
A Meditation on 'P R a Y E R'
Prayer is a form of direct communication with the divine - it is the beautiful way in which we access sacred wisdom, truth, and it is how we experience the most profound source of spiritual love. Prayer helps remind us of our oneness with all of life; that we all are truly a reflection of the love that resides within us. Prayer helps open us to this sacred connection with the divine and the knowing that we are this incredible oneness and beauty of love unfolding - of love in service of others - of simply being love. Please join me in this sacred meditation on prayer. all my love, Dorothy Music Credit: Stellardrone, 'Galaxies'
4 min | 
9 min
84 Favorites
I Am: a Meditative Mantra for Sobriety and Freedom
I Am: a Meditative Mantra for Sobriety and Freedom
An 'I AM" affirmative mantra to support your recovery and healing; to provide nourishment and self-love; and the wisdom of strength and resilience. 💜 This is a powerful and beautiful meditative Mantra. I hope you feel it!! with love, dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
48 Favorites
The Miracle Of Love
The Miracle Of Love
Let this Prose Meditation open your heart. Listen to it to begin each day ~ to evoke a state of love from within and to witness what it feels like to be of your light. You may also wish to repeat the prose mantra aloud together with me to engage the energy of your heart. I love you! Namaste!
3 min | 
8 min
25 Favorites
'Simply Be'
'Simply Be'
Discover how to effortlessly return to the 'now', to simply be - using your breath as your focus - and as a way of returning to the present moment. Simple - and very effective. Use this meditation often as a helpful way of releasing unwanted thoughts and to 'be' present-mindful-attentive. namaste! xo Dorothy
4 min | 
7 min
100+ Favorites
Hope Is Here: a Guided Prose Meditation
Hope Is Here: a Guided Prose Meditation
Hope is here. It is here in all things. It is of your infinite wonder as love. Hope rises up. Hope rises up. It is in each one of us. This prose meditation is uplifting and spiritual. It reminds you that hope is always a part of you; that you can draw on it when needed to fill you with its beautiful wisdom and grace. At this time (during a global pandemic), and when you need to feel certain of hope; of how it guides you towards what you desire; for change, for growth, for all things; let this simple meditation instill new hope; renewed hope for all that you aspire to and desire most. - With all of my love, dorothy
3 min | 
8 min
21 Favorites
The Miracle of Inspiration
The Miracle of Inspiration
Inspiration is what you feel through your senses; through taking in the beauty of life that you are willing to notice; and by allowing your heart open in delight, in wonder, in the deliberate choosing of your soul to be stirred; to cultivate presence, and to flow with the deliberate joy that you are witness to. Please enjoy this talk and meditation and have a look for the others in this very special series. Namaste!
31 min
19 Favorites
3 Minutes Of Mindfulness
3 Minutes Of Mindfulness
In this exploratory practice, notice what it means to be mindful. Mindfulness defined is: as 'being aware, reflective, being of presence, observant, attentive to what 'is', and curious with compassion.' It is focused attention, non-doing, actively tuning into each moment to be awake and aware. Your mindfulness practice teaches you how to become self-aware, proactive, 'in control', and learn about yourself. Together, let's experience an openness to the practice of mindfulness. Namaste!
7 min
30 Favorites
Fill Your Life with Love
Fill Your Life with Love
We can find ways to fill our life with MORE love and to receive and feel more love easily. In this meditation, we use imagery to feel the energy of our heart as love and to feel this energy throughout our body. This is one of my personal favorites and a beautiful experience to enjoy. Namaste! Dorothy
5 min | 
7 min
78 Favorites
In The Forest: A Meditative Journey Using Your Senses to Relax, to Dream, and Imagine
In The Forest: A Meditative Journey Using Your Senses to Relax, to Dream, and Imagine
Be guided into deep relaxation with this meditative journey of enchantment. Listen to the sounds of the forest, as you are encouraged to contemplate and imagine, the beautiful wonder of forest life. This mindfulness meditation encourages restorative balance, awareness, and discovery; inspiring your sacred connection with the earth. Best used with earbuds. Namaste! xo
4 min | 
8 min
28 Favorites
The Presence of Breath
The Presence of Breath
Witness your breath as you practice being present 'in this moment'. Join me in this directive meditation for observing your breath. As you focus your mind, you experience awareness of what you feel in your body (as you direct your breath into the areas of your chest and belly). Whatever you notice, rather than seeing these as distractions, include them in your awareness without judging them. This is a wonderful meditation to experience the awareness of breath as you witness the present moment, and as you return to calm. Namaste! xo Dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
15 Favorites
Return to Your Breath, to the Present Moment
Return to Your Breath, to the Present Moment
Return to a place of stillness and focus by returning to your breath, by breathing with awareness and mindful contemplation. Awareness of breath allows you to be in the present.
4 min | 
8 min
46 Favorites
Return to Love: a Beautiful Prose Meditation to Guide You Home (And into Yourself)
Return to Love: a Beautiful Prose Meditation to Guide You Home (And into Yourself)
In this meditation, you anchor the feelings of peace, inner contentment, and love. Return home to your heart center; to what you are each time that you need to remember, and to feel your true power. Namaste!
4 min | 
8 min
13 Favorites
Hope for Us All: Talk + Meditation
Hope for Us All: Talk + Meditation
As much change as we are all experiencing right now, and during this time of a global pandemic; this meditation reminds us that hope needs to be present for the deliberate teachings of our heart; stirring within us, and rising up; and that we must be the deliberate messages of hope that we honor for our new lives; and for our lives always. Strive to live with hope each day of your life; to feel hope for what is wanted, and for what you are willing to do to make your life better. Namaste! love Dorothy
16 min
24 Favorites
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Three: Words of Light and Love
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part Three: Words of Light and Love
In Buddhism, Sati (from Pali: सति; from Sanskrit: स्मृति smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness. It is this spiritual or psychological faculty of indriya meaning: physical strength or ability of the senses, that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. Sati is the path and the destination of awareness and of 'remembering'; as in to remember presence and attention. In this final Part Three of 'Sati' - Mindfulness meditation, we begin with softening into our breath; to notice, and to hold observation. Mindfulness is a practice of pure observation in the absence of judgment. From here, consider what words of light and love you may say to yourself with every in-breath and out-breath. Continue to be watchful of all that you notice; to bring mindful attention to the words spoken inside your mind or perhaps aloud and to hold presence of this experience. This is your state of pure awareness. This is your path now to this moment and the next. So well done! 💜 Much love! Namaste!
14 min
20 Favorites
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part One: a Meditation Experience of Breath
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part One: a Meditation Experience of Breath
The word Sati (from Pali: सति; from Sanskrit: स्मृति = smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness. It is the spiritual or psychological faculty of "indriya" meaning: physical strength or ability of the senses, that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. Sati = is the path and the destination of awareness and of 'remembering'; as in to remember presence and attention. In this mindfulness of breath meditation, you initiate and practice this simple and yet important teaching; as the experience of pure presence and awareness. In part one of this three part series, we focus on breath; and on witnessing breath as it flows into and out from your being. Enjoy this beautiful practice! Namaste!! xo
4 min | 
8 min
9 Favorites
In the Forest: A Meditative Journey Using Your Senses to Relax, to Dream, and Imagine
In the Forest: A Meditative Journey Using Your Senses to Relax, to Dream, and Imagine
A magical journey of enchantment into the forest; this prose meditation allows the listener to follow using their imagination; whilst listening to the beautiful sounds of the forest. Best used with earbuds. Uplifting, soothing, tranquil and peaceful! A great calming meditation for those who would like a break from their busy day! Namaste! xo
15 min
85 Favorites
My Breath 'A Contemplative Spoken Word' Meditation
My Breath 'A Contemplative Spoken Word' Meditation
A contemplative 'spoken word' meditation on the significance of breath... meant to soothe and offer inspiration and insight. All that you need is to take it be present to the words you hear as you are attentive and mindful of your breath. xo Namaste! MUSIC: Altus Music 'let every breath pass by'
4 min | 
8 min
12 Favorites
Mindful Breath
Mindful Breath
In mindfulness of breath, you attend to the moments when you have been distracted; and you simply notice. You then return to awareness - and to being present. A wonderful meditation to remind you of the importance of breath to focus the mind; and to be mindful in the present moment. Namaste!! xo
4 min | 
7 min
25 Favorites
A 12 Minute Meditation for Self Soothing
A 12 Minute Meditation for Self Soothing
When we learn to self-soothe using healthy means, we feel peaceful, calm, and connected to our inner nature. Use this gentle breath meditation as a helpful way of soothing yourself and providing self-love and nourishment. Namaste xo /// MUSIC: Endless Journey by Gray
12 min
40 Favorites
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part One: a Meditation Experience of Breath
'Sati' (Mindfulness) Part One: a Meditation Experience of Breath
The word Sati (from Pali: सति; from Sanskrit: स्मृति = smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness. It is the spiritual or psychological faculty of "indriya" meaning: physical strength or ability of the senses, that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. Sati = is the path and the destination of awareness and of 'remembering'; as in to remember presence and attention. In this mindfulness of breath meditation, you initiate and practice this simple and yet important teaching; as the experience of pure presence and awareness. In part one of this three part series, we focus on breath; and on witnessing breath as it flows into and out from your being. Enjoy this beautiful practice! Namaste!! xo
14 min
21 Favorites
Heart-Centered Breathing for Inner Peace
Heart-Centered Breathing for Inner Peace
Experience the simplicity of connecting with your heart center using your breath. Beyond a physical organ of your body, your heart is an incredible force field that contains the same type of neurons that are found in the brain. Research tells us that heart is an incredible source of inspired knowing and wisdom; all that is needed is to become quiet, to place attention here, to experience your divine connection. "Peaceful, soothing; a gentle reminder that you are never alone." Namaste! xo - dorothy
4 min | 
8 min
14 Favorites
The Truth In Your Heart
The Truth In Your Heart
Experience with me, the truth in your heart, and the means by which you can discern between the thoughts of your mind and the true wisdom of what you know in your heart center. Practice how to receive your inner wisdom - "your truth" so that you can make all of the 'right' and 'best' decisions for your life. This is such a powerful meditation for inducing the knowledge of our intuitive knowing - our highest self. Namaste everyone! Dorothy
12 min
210+ Favorites
5 Minute Mindfulness of Breath
5 Minute Mindfulness of Breath
This is an unstructured and 'open' practice for you to be attentive to breathe as you experience 5 minutes of mindfulness. This is a great meditation to experience and observe what you are attentive to during mindfulness, and as you may wish to begin meditation practice without guidance. The meditation closes with my voice and a reminder of how the practice of mindfulness helps us to use our conscious choice to experience the richness of each moment, and to know our self intimately and with confidence.
8 min
9 Favorites
Sacred Breathing
Sacred Breathing
In sacred breathing, we examine and experience our breath as more than simply the air we breathe. We experience the breath as life force energy; as sacred oneness with all living things. In this meditation, experience what it means to breathe acknowledging the wisdom of divine sacred breath. xo Dorothy
15 min
30 Favorites
How to Live with Mindfulness ...Daily
How to Live with Mindfulness ...Daily
Mindfulness is a practice we live to experience life in far more beautiful ways. Please join me here for a Meditation that allows you to practice mindfulness daily; ever so perfectly. Namaste! xo dorothy
4 min | 
7 min
570+ Favorites
Transforming Anxiety into Calm
Transforming Anxiety into Calm
This is a beautiful four-part Meditation. Allow yourself to experience each stage, feeling the sensations, feeling the release of tension and worry, and for allowing your body to relax, your mind to soften, and for experiencing the deliberate transformation from anxiety into calm. Namaste everyone! xo dorothy
14 min
190+ Favorites
The Practice of Happiness
The Practice of Happiness
Discover how to experience your authentic state of happiness as you hold attention in the present moment. Then...apply this practice to the rest of your waking moment!! Namaste! xo dorothy
13 min
150+ Favorites
Meditation Made Easy
Meditation Made Easy
This is a wonderful Meditation to help give you confidence in your ability to meditate "correctly"! Discover a new approach to a meditation practice that will take the emphasis off of getting it 'perfect' and instead of experiencing the ease and beauty of what it truly is.
5 min | 
7 min
390+ Favorites
Freedom Comes from Love - Meditation
Freedom Comes from Love - Meditation
You are not without the freedom of choice to choose with love. When you can choose with love felt wholly throughout your being; you are choosing freedom. In this very special guided meditation, experience and cultivate the feeling of love felt from within as you make 'right' choices for your life. If ever you have felt as though you have had limited or 'no' choice; please discover this meditation as an enlightened way of expressing the freedom of your free will choice to have all that you truly want. Know that freedom comes from love. Join me here for this 'favorite' meditation. Thank you! Dorothy
12 min
36 Favorites
3 Min Practice: Present Moment Awareness
3 Min Practice: Present Moment Awareness
Enjoy this beautiful mindfulness meditation to return to the present; to access your deliberate connection to your breath; and to the expression of life that you live in each moment. Sat Nam! Namaste!
4 min | 
6 min
400+ Favorites