011 Relationships That No Longer Serve You & How To Move Forward
Tina Stinson
Life & Health Coach
Hello Beautiful, I decided to tackle this topic mostly because not only have I been experiencing this more lately, but also just about everyone I know. Over the past few years, a lot of us have changed. Some of us have really been focused on how to really be an authentic version of ourselves and to honor that 100 % of the time. I've seen this with myself, my clients, and my friends. I believe the climate of the world around us really has awakened us, made us hop off the hamster wheel of life, and pause for a moment. I mean, we were kinda forced to. Which I believe was a good thing! The question that has come up is, what the heck am I doing? Why am I doing it? How does this serve me? This is nuts! A Lot of us have discovered that we are doing things that are not true to us at our deepest level, not aligned with our values at all. A lot of us spend almost all of our time, our most valuable asset, doing things that don’t light us up inside or represent our core values at all! When we paused, we were basically kinda knocked out of this hypnotic state of doing, doing, doing, mostly for someone else. Not for us, or for what is important to us. So collectively we decided. I’m going to change that. I’m going to start spending my time on things that are important to me and my values. When we did this it was somewhat disruptive to the relationships in your life. Whether romantic, friends, or family. In this podcast today we will chat about how to move forward and live with less stress and more peace and joy. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for joining me today. Don’t forget to subscribe, like, & share with someone who could use some self-care. Be sure to add some deep-level self-care into your life every single day! To get on the waitlist for the Aligned & Worthy Core Value Statement Workshop/Masterclass, head over here- https://www.tinastinson.com/core-values-workshop-waitlist To set up a call to learn about a private mentorship with Tina- https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=15565807&appointmentType=23613542 Visit me here- https://www.tinastinson.com Grab the free Deep-Level Self-Care Masterclass- https://www.tinastinson.com/pl/2147605962 Grab the Free Self-Love Meditation Series- https://www.tinastinson.com/meditation-series-opt-in-page Purchase Plant-Based Cooking Made Easy Meal Planning- https://www.tinastinson.com/the-plant-based-pantry To join me in the Aligned & Worthy Bootcamp - https://www.tinastinson.com/aligned-worthy-ps Lots of love and care, See you next week, Xo, T