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144 | Scoliosis: Why Does it Develop and What Can You Do About It?

24 Min

Dr. Jen & Tom Fabroni
Have you been diagnosed with Scoliosis? Do you fear your diagnosis? Believe that you can't move a certain way due to your Scoliosis? DocJen & Dr.Dom are here to tell you that your image does not necessarily determine your pain or describe your function. As DocJen describes her journey with her diagnosis story, she shares her experience with attributing her pains and limitations to her scoliosis and how her diagnosis wasn't necessarily the source of her pain. DocJen & Dr. Dom speak into imaging and degrees of Scoliosis and how movement can change your symptoms and allow you to truly feel something different. They describe the types of scoliosis, the effects of surgery, and explain the naturally-existing asymmetries within our bodies. Finally, they provide their top tips for addressing your Scoliosis, leaving you with a heartful takeaway that you won't want to miss! As DocJen & Dr. Dom are on the move, exploring America, they turn to PalleoValley to satiate them with their nutritious 100% grass-fed beef jerky and protein bars. Free yourself from that sugar crash and feel safe knowing you have a snack you can trust, all with natural ingredients you know and understand, in your household. Get 15% OFF your next purchase with PalleoVallley at checkout, using 'OPTIMAL' (affiliate link). What You Will Learn In This PT Pearl: 2:57 - What is Scoliosis and what does it mean? 5:32 - Don’t let your doctor’s diagnosis define you 7:30 - Imaging, degrees, and what they determine? 9:10 - The power of movement with scoliosis 11:25 - Types of scoliosis 13:00 - Effects of surgery: personal and clinical 15:52 - Inside to our asymmetrical anatomy 18:15 - How to address symptoms of pain that may not be due to Scoliosis 20:52 - How the Optimal Body - Mobility & Strength that may be beneficial for Scoliosis 22:11 - Scoliosis Take-away To Watch the PT Pearl on YouTube, click here: For research and full show notes, visit the full website at: Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Optimal Body Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show! --- Send in a voice message: