157: The 5 Steps to Heal Trauma and Clean Up Your Mental Mess | Caroline Leaf, PhD
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s, she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. Dr. Leaf is also the bestselling author of Switch on Your Brain, Think, Learn, Succeed, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and many more. Her latest book, Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Toxic Thinking, is out now. Full show notes: https://maxlugavere.com/podcast/157-dr-leaf