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181: People Pleasing, Inner Child Healing & Self Worth w/ Jasmine Lipska

51 Min
2 Favorites

Aileen Xu
Have you ever been told you’re “too much”? Jasmine Lipska is back to talk about healing your inner child, breaking free from external validation, and recovering from being a lifelong people-pleaser. Jasmine is now an intimacy and relationship coach guiding women to come back to their most authentic selves. She used to be a YouTuber, and we explore how quitting YouTube was part of her self worth transformation to stop being a “good girl”. TIMESTAMPS: 0:55 — Jasmine’s journey, from eating disorder recovery to becoming an intimacy coach 8:43 — Tips for healing your sense of self worth and internal validation 9:49 — Inner child healing: Re-learning how to enjoy life and truly accept yourself 15:18 — Manifesting your ideal partner (Jasmine met and married her husband in one year!) 20:51 — How to stop being a people-pleaser & make decisions for yourself 24:52 — Dissecting your triggers & fear of judgment from others 35:32 — How ‘healed’ should you be before going into a relationship? 43:33 — Jasmine’s top tips on manifesting everything you want in life FIND JASMINE ONLINE: Website Instagram: @jasminelipska MENTIONED: The Jasmine Lipska Podcast Jasmine’s previous interview Jasmine’s ebook: Manifest Like Bliss Bloom Hardcover Notebooks & tbh Deck | SUBSCRIBE TO THE LAVENDAIRE LIFESTYLE PODCAST Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube LAVENDAIRE YouTube Instagram