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#26 Find Your Unique Gift & Fulfill Your Dreams - with Jordan Gray

96 Min
2 Favorites

Ben Goresky
Its time to talk about purpose and fulfillment on the Evolving Man podcast. Jordan Gray- a sex and relationship coach who has written 10 books - joins me for an in-depth talk about how to find your unique gift and fullfill your dreams. We all face these big questoins in our lives: "What am I here to do?""How can I do that thing I'm passionate about?""When should I make the move? "When you're asking these questions, Jordan is the man with the fuel to dump on your fire. He helps his clients find their passion, find their 'why', and remove the barriers holding them back. He has written 500+ articles on relationships, sex, emotional intelligence, and masculinity, and he drops a whole dump truck of enthusiastic passion on this episode.  We all want to live a life where we're creating every day and serving a cause that fulfills us. So many of us get stuck in the start-up phase of a new venture, facing obstacles like analysis paralysis, self-doubt, unrealistic expectations, and loss of energy. These things get in the way of achieving our goals, and they often keep us stuck in a “safe” position. We're left wondering how to get over the initial minefield of roadblocks that get in the way of our progress, stuck in a life of mediocrity. If you want to dig deeper in to your purpose, find more passion in your life, and life a life of greatness, this one is for you. We'll outline the do's and don'ts of creating something that you’re passionate about. If you need a pep talk to get you started on that thing you've been delaying forever, listen to this episode on repeat.   On this episode we cover: Creating a life where your work is your passion. It is possible for YOU. The trap of looking for the ultimate 'trick or hack' to get successful ASAP The Do's and Don'ts of starting a business centred around your passion "Abundance mindset" VS "scarcity mindset" The Lone Wolf - trading humility and relationship for ego, fast success, and isolation. Collaboration - the key ingredient in exponentially increasing the success of your endeavours. The paradox of success - the goal you thought you wanted was actually just a milestone on your path The antidote to lacklustre goal achievement - choosing larger more "unachievable" goals  Start-up energy expenditure and how to deal with it The power of isolated lazer-focus  The dangers of spreading yourself too thin Finding right things to focus on - aligning with your values Making space in your life for new results Inner work - overcoming the belief that you do not deserve success The two major ways that we sabotage our own progress - overinflation (narcissism) and underinflation (self-deprecation). Collusion - a way that we hold each other down and keep each other blind because we're afraid to be honest. The value of authentic relationships in finding the Truth in your life The danger of piggy-backing and copying the success of others Competing with yourself - Rather than competing and comparing to others - how other competitors and comparison will take you off target.  Faith (the non-religious kind) - the antidote to the fear that holds you back.  Finding a passion that aligns with your values, and pursuing it in a sustainable way. This episode is packed full of useful quotes, inspirational tidbits, and loaded with wisdom for those who want to step further in to bringing their unique gifts to the world. Please share this with your friends and family who need it. We all need some motivation, inspiration, and a gentle push in the direction of our ultimate creation. You can find Jordan Gray at - Jordan Gray ConsultingSee for privacy information.