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#33 - Cold Therapy and Breath Work for Transformation - with Cian Dalton

71 Min
2 Favorites

Ben Goresky
Retired boxer and current Wim Hof Method instructor Cian Dalton joins me on the show to discuss the power of cold exposure paired with breath work and mindset training. Cian grew up in Ireland, learning to fight, and after a boxing carreer eventually found his 'inner work' and the personal growth community. Through that he found Wim Hof breath work and became a certified instructor. On this episode we dig in to the details of different breath work types, and how a person can use them for various types of healing, particularly the Wim Hof Method and The Breath Wave method.On this show we discuss: Cian's story and how he found breath work The emotional breakthroughs that can come from breath work, and how they occur. The Wim Hof Method - Cold Exposure, Breath Work, and Mindset Training. Using your breath to down-regulate the immune system in cold water. Breath work for auto-immune disorders, depression, and other physical ailments. How we are conditioning ourselves to be comfortable all the time and need to shake things up to stay healthy and adapted. Finishing with cold after a hot/cold dunk day. Cian's Breath Work trainings that he runs at The Stretch Space. The active breath of Wim Hof Method versus the gentle approach of Breath Wave. The magic of filling the body with breath energy, and relaxing in to it - release. The neurons in your brain that watch your breath pattern, then respond to that. Breath Work for kids. The importance of setting the right setting for any kind of breath work. Cian runs The Stretch Space in Vancouver, Canada, where he combines breath work with stretching and movement. Follow on Instagram - @thestretchspaceCian also does breath workshops and 1-1 breath sessions with his other business The Breath Connection. Follow on Instagram - @breathconnective Follow Cian - @ciandalton.See for privacy information.