50 Shades of Trauma [with Simone Saunders]
Drop In with Dr. J is a DiveThru original podcast. Download the DiveThru App: https://go.onelink.me/5wa8/dropinwithdrj Masters level social worker and therapist Simone Saunders drops in to discuss the many complexities of trauma with Justin. The word trauma is being thrown around a lot more these days, as we collectively experience a panorama. While paninis are objectively stressful, Simone explains that trauma is subjective. It’s how a person experiences a stressful event, and NOT the event itself. The two also talk about the nuances of trigger warnings, how stimulating physical senses can affect how we feel emotions, and the importance of making therapy more accessible. This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Enter code “dropindrj” to get 10% off your first month. Follow Drop In with Dr. J on Instagram. Follow Dr. Justin Puder on Instagram. Follow DiveThru on Instagram. www.divethru.com