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528Hz | Solfeggio | Meditative Mind

68 Min
39 Favorites

Sonic Healer
Sound Therapist
Here are some of the Benefits of 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music: ✓ brings positive transformation ✓ heals golden chakra ✓whole body cell repair ✓promotes healthy endocrine system and ✓lowers the cortisol levels which in turn helps promote cellular regeneration and repairs. This type of sleep music is very effective, as most of the cell-level repairs happen at night. ✓Promotes healing of 3rd chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra which is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy and positivity boost. ✓ Helps in more Self Confidence and Self Esteem. Follow me on Aura for all the latest updates. Thank you for listening.