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7 Things that Will Sabotage Couples Counseling

61 Min

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Getting into couples counseling is a fantastic idea... but you have to know how to engage with the process in order to have a good experience. Unfortunately, it's very easy to make one or more of the super common mistakes that can sabotage couples counseling. I hope this episode helps you avoid that outcome, and get the help for your relationship you need and deserve. My guest is Jenna P., a marriage counselor and relationship coach on our team at Growing Self. She’s sharing her perspective on the seven things that can sabotage couples counseling, and how to have an experience in counseling that truly benefits you and your relationship. I hope you’ll join us. Xoxo, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby P.S. — For more advice on improving your relationship, check out our “Relationship Repair” collection of articles and podcasts.