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#79 - The Dark Side Of Men's Work - with Chris Fletcher

91 Min
2 Favorites

Ben Goresky
Chris Austin Fletcher is a family counsellor and men’s leader with specialized training in conflict resolution, conscious communication, breathwork and somatic trauma release. He has 35 years of experience working with men and families, where he has seen the light and the dark side of the personal growth arenas. He joins me on this episode to discuss his experience uncovering the exploitation and abuses of power in the healing communities around him. We talk about how men’s personal growth can go sideways, and how to get men back into alignment. In this episode we dive into: The 9 shadow elements of men’s work. The light and dark side of healing. Exploring suspicions about men’s work. Men being the voice for women in situations of abuse. Embodying masculinity without being a hero. The dark backlash from #MeToo and women’s empowerment. Responding with shame vs. empathy. Bringing wounds to men’s work. How to find depth beyond the loud internet voices. Conversations about Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, and Donald Trump. How the dark masculine feeds on the energy of extremes, fears, and world chaos. How to discern authentic vs. inauthentic men’s work on social media. Staying connected to the heart chakra. Shame and terror on the internet. The problem with quick fixes. ​​How to look out for good mentors, teachers, and communities. Balancing the archetypes in men’s work. The 9 Rings of Alignment: A self-regulation practice. The importance of developing rich relationships. The importance of setting intentions. Cultivating a self-care practice. Links from this Episode: Chris’ Website w/ free download Whole Family Healing Facebook Halfmoon Haven Website Freedom from Addiction Circle Conscious Relationship Council See for privacy information.