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88 | Three Ways to Hold Space for Rest

31 Min

Les Alfred
Why is rest important? How can you incorporate more rest into our day? What does rest look and feel like to you?Rest is something that is often overlooked even when it's planned. Chasing rest can feel like a never-ending cycle which causes you to feel more exhausted. Giving yourself grace and taking a break to rest is something we need to incorporate into our everyday lives.Recently, I took a month off from recording new episodes for this podcast and creating new content altogether. I knew I needed rest but what I didn’t understand was what was I taking a break from? What does rest look like to me? Yes, it was amazing to not be on social media or creating new content but I still didn’t feel relaxed and rested. I thought taking a break was going to fix all my problems. But I realized I was burnt out. I realized I was experiencing decision fatigue. Even though I was taking a “break” from putting out new content, I was still holding space for making decisions instead of communicating my boundaries to other people in my life that support me.Understanding what you're taking a break from will help you feel truly rested and at peace.In this episode, I discuss: What does it mean to rest? 3 mistakes I made when taking a break to rest Ways to incorporate more rest into our daily lives How to be intentional about getting the rest you need Skillshare | Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership.Vega | Head to to check out Vega's full line of plant-based nutrition.If you like this episode, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Keep in touch with Les on Instagram @balancedles, follow the show @balancedblackgirlpodcast.PS: If you really want to take your self-care to the next level, snag our free glow-up guide. This free guide has everything you need to implement a self-care practice that works. You’ll get daily journal worksheets, inspiring quotes, affirmations, and a bonus workout. Get the guide HERE.Our Sponsors:* Check out Babbel: this podcast at — Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at