9. Michelle and I chat about bringing the joy of travel to #quarantinelife
Tune in for: Michelle’s travel story (abroad for 189 days in 2019!) Michelle and I swap travel stories (duh) Getting creative inspiration from food The power of food to take you back to your favorite travel spots The story of mine and Ben’s overnight 11-hour bus ride Finding the same calm, lightness and ease of travel Finding the courage to ask for help The power of shifting your context and perspective when you’re thinking, “I can’t do this…” Connect with GUEST: Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kissmyaesthetic (Kiss My Aesthetic) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kissmyloops (Kiss My Loops) Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MKWCreativeCo (MKW Creative) http://mkwcreative.co (Instagram) Become an Intention-Getter: Sign up for the https://www.subscribepage.com/monday_mindset_boost (Monday Mindset Shifter) and monthly digest! Check out thehttps://jessicathiefelsauthor.com/intentional-living-blog/ ( Intentional Living Blog) Join thehttps://jessicathiefelsauthor.com/intentional-living-blog/mindset-reset-challenge/ ( 31-Day Mindset Reset Challenge) Follow Jessica and Mindset Reset Radio: https://www.instagram.com/jessicathiefels/ (Instagram) https://twitter.com/JThiefels (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0q_UOAj_GEmq7uAtiEHiQ (YouTube)