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95 | Embracing Your Single Season [Solo Episode]

51 Min
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Les Alfred
Have you ever had a season or period of time that feels like an extended lonely season, which has likely been exacerbated by the pandemic? Do you jump from relationship to relationship to find your worth?Today’s episode is one that has been on my heart for a really long time. I’m diving into my extended single season. I’ve been single for 4 years now and it wasn’t by accident. Believe me, I’ve had my fair share of good and bad relationships. Relationships where I think I’ve found my person. Relationships that I knew weren’t right for me but I went into them anyway trying to find a connection, a sense of purpose. In the past four years, I have had moments where I loved it and where I hated it. I’ve had moments where I resented it and moments where I resented myself and others. And I’ve had moments of incredible peace and gratitude for where I am and where I’m at.The really interesting thing about this place of just being that I’m currently in, is I’ve felt really big shifts all around me. For the first time ever I feel like I’m slowly but surely being seen. I’m attracting new experiences and people that are truly in alignment with my standards and what I’ve envisioned for myself. In this episode, I discuss: The season of solitude Letting go of childhood beliefs about relationships that are no longer serving you Reflecting on past relationships and your behaviors in those relationships Knowing when to shift and become truly aligned with yourself Why wanting connection with others is not a sign of weakness Sponsors:Athletic Greens | Get your daily nutritional needs met with a single scoop of Athletic Greens. Visit for a year’s supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packets.Fitbit | Fitbit Sense paired with Fitbit Premium supports total-body wellness and stress management. Get 6 months of Fitbit Premium for free with the purchase of a Fitbit Sense. Visit for more information. If you like this episode, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Keep in touch with Les on Instagram @balancedles, follow the show @balancedblackgirlpodcast.PS: If you really want to take your self-care to the next level, snag our free glow-up guide. This free guide has everything you need to implement a self-care practice that works. You’ll get daily journal worksheets, inspiring quotes, affirmations, and a bonus workout. Get the guide HERE.Our Sponsors:* Check out Babbel: this podcast at — Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at