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#95 - Integrity and Leadership with The Kings Of Hearts: Andy Nguyen and Yenukwa Kombian

83 Min

Ben Goresky
Andy Nguyen and Yenukwa Kombian are the co-founders of Kings of Hearts, an organization committed to cultivating heart-based leaders. With 8 years of experience, they specialize in men’s leadership training and facilitate transformative men’s groups and retreats. Their work is rooted in the leadership values of awareness, embodiment, and integrity, empowering men to lead with authenticity, emotional intelligence, and a deeper connection to themselves and others. On this episode, we cover: Men’s Isolation: a huge issue men are facing today. A peek into what we do in our men’s groups and why it is so impactful. The three pillars of men’s leadership training. How Andy and Yenukwa found themselves doing “men’s work”. How Andy emerged from being a participant into a leader. Men’s groups: The power of being seen with all one’s flaws and shadows, and being supported The challenges of offering authentic feedback to other men The “Miracle Zone” of personal growth. Osho’s dynamic meditation, the controversy around him, and useful practices he taught Embodying the Conscious King Archetype How to lead without making it about you The importance of accountability in leadership. Emotional self-awareness and the importance of community. The Work: Men’s group in prison, and how we are not all that different from those men. Men’s big emotions: Need a container. The importance of men’s groups that go inward. What Andy and Yenukwa recommend for men who are just starting out in this kind of work. Links from this episode: @kingsofhearts on Instagram Kings of Hearts Podcast KOH Retreat Nov 1-3 2024See for privacy information.