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96 | Benefits of Journaling, Tips and Tricks for Establishing a Journaling Practice, and How to Journal Consistently

23 Min
3 Favorites

Les Alfred
What if I told you there was a tool that can help boost your sense of overall well-being, improve your mood, improve your memory, heightened creativity, and help you manage stress?In this episode, I'm talking about journaling. Journaling is important because it helps you capture a moment in time, gives you the opportunity to reflect on what’s happening in your life in real-time as well as reflects on the past. Journaling can help you heal from past trauma, be an emotion regulator, and help you call in what you want your future to look like.A 2015 study conducted by Penn State found that positive effects journaling is associated with decreased mental distress and increased well-being. That study also associated journaling with less depressive and anxiety symptoms after one month of consistent practice and improved resilience after two months of consistent practice. And the benefits of journaling, don't stop at the mental and emotional level. There can be physical benefits to a form of journaling as well.So grab your notebook and a pen and get ready to free the mind of your thoughts, positive and negative. In this episode, I discuss: How to get the most out of your journaling practice The mind, body + emotional benefits of journaling Common roadblocks women have when thinking about journaling Tips + tricks to improving or establishing a journaling practice Head to to download your free prompts.Sponsors:Seed | Show your microbiome some love with Seed’s Daily Synbiotic. Go to and use the code “BALANCED” for 20% off your first month.Fitbit | Fitbit Sense paired with Fitbit Premium supports total-body wellness and stress management. Get 6 months of Fitbit Premium for free with the purchase of a Fitbit Sense. Visit for more information. If you like this episode, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Keep in touch with Les on Instagram @balancedles, follow the show @balancedblackgirlpodcast.PS: If you really want to take your self-care to the next level, snag our free glow-up guide. This free guide has everything you need to implement a self-care practice that works. You’ll get daily journal worksheets, inspiring quotes, affirmations, and a bonus workout. Get the guide HERE.Our Sponsors:* Check out Babbel: this podcast at — Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at