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Be Honest with Yourself - 'Ask Dorothy'

4 Min
Healthy Mind
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Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
The anxiety of my 17-yr old client was over the top. The stress of always needing to do her best; and to compete with her peers in school and in sport, took its toll on her body. She was diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer. Ignoring the cues of your body is one form of not being honest with yourself. We all do this, including telling ourselves what we want to believe in hopes that it will be true. Your honesty frees you to live self-aware and awake. How is honesty an important part of your authentic happiness? Join me in the episode of 'Therapy Best Practices'. Have a Therapy Question for Me? Send me a note here on AURA or send me an email: I would love to answer your questions here!