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Brett Hoebel: Finding Strength In Your Struggle

57 Min

Josh Trent
On this week’s podcast, celebrity trainer of NBC's The Biggest Loser season 11, Brett Hoebel, discusses how we all can discover our unique healthy life, why our struggle can be our greatest gift, and how we can get clear on the choices that will truly make a difference. On this show, Brett shares his own story about when he experienced his own “Fitting Point” moment as a teenager. This would be a key moment in his life that led him to find his new, inner strength to overcome his struggles with poor nutrition. Without knowing it then, this new lifestyle change and a passion for fitness would lead him to have a career that he loves as one of best known trainers in the health and fitness community. In a world where we follow busy schedules that can include a family, a career, and other commitments, it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to fit in a good workout. Living a healthy lifestyle can be even more difficult if we’re battling inner demons that keep us from being the best that we can be both inside and outside the gym. How To Find Fitness From Within The reality is that if you force yourself to exercise or eat healthy foods without the right passion for it, you will always see changing your lifestyle as something negative. With this attitude, you will view these changes as something that you have to have happen and not what you truly get to let happen. At some point, you will see a lifestyle change as something positive when you finally find a personal connection to fitness. This connection gets to be be something that moves you forward on an emotional level. It can become very tiresome and boring to do the same exercises week after week. To change it up, Brett recommends finding something that truly energizes you and makes you excited to live a fitter life- in or outside the gym walls. Brett, for example, really enjoys taking the time to do Salsa dancing classes before getting into his workout. Takeaway: Do whatever works for you to make you happy and feel motivated! Discovering Your Fitting Point As easy as it may sound, finding your passion to live a healthy lifestyle is not always so simple. Life comes with so many different obstacles and curve balls that can stop us or put us off track from exercising, eating nutritious foods, and enjoying living healthy. Even Brett went through many struggles as an overweight teenager. He was involved in many sports growing up, but would overeat unhealthy foods with gluten and sugar that were against the diet he was supposed to be following. In denial of his emotional eating disorder and at rock-bottom, he had a sudden revelation and found his “Fitting Point.” The Fitting Point is when a person has found a moment in their life when they find inner strength and realize a change needs to be made for them to become healthy. This change may be trying to schedule a time to workout out more or, like Brett, stop eating unhealthy, processed foods and eat more natural foods. Identifying Your Life Passion