Crushing the Stigma [with Kati Morton]
Drop In with Dr. J is a DiveThru original podcast. Download the DiveThru App: Dropping in this week is the legendary Kati Morton! She’s been leading the charge on crushing mental health stigma for over a DECADE and was one of the very first YouTubers to talk openly about mental health. Did we dig up her very first video for this episode? Yes, yes we did. It’s still *chef’s kiss* perfect. In this episode, Kati and Dr. J talk about the state of mental health stigma today and the crucial conversations that are now taking place. They also chat about the mental health stigma that you have for yourself…which can sometimes be debilitating. Tune in to hear their tips for working through it! This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Enter code “dropindrj” to get 10% off your first month. Follow Drop In with Dr. J on Instagram. Follow Dr. Justin Puder on Instagram. Follow DiveThru on Instagram.