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Dan Pardi: How To Find The Health You’re Looking For

56 Min

Josh Trent
"Knowing without doing is the same thing as not knowing. What matters is if the knowledge that you have will give you an effective health practice for the long term." - Dan Pardi There is power in knowledge and with the right health and wellness information, we can make the right decisions in accordance with our own needs. This week, entrepreneur, researcher, and developer of Loop Model to Sustain Health Behaviors, Dan Pardi, explains Self Determination Theory and motivation, the human connection, and his latest project, humanOS to help us find the best health information. Find The Health You're Looking For "You have more control over your health than anyone else." - Dan Pardi There are many sources out there that claim that they have the answer to all of your health problems, but they truly don't. These novelty, quick fix methods, products, and services may look appealing, but they aren't sustainable for long-term health results. To find the best help for your health needs, you first have to clarify your own health problems. Rather than trend hopping by focusing on what you just read in the latest health magazine about a new diet, research and find out for yourself what your body needs. It can be so confusing with so much information out there in books, magazines, and the internet. However, sources like humansOS, that Dan and his team are putting together, help us find the best, most credible sources of information. Truth vs. Fiction For Health Research In a recent interview on humanOS radio with Dr. David Katz of Yale, Dan mentioned: “As well-intentioned as someone might be, I frequently find myself getting frustrated, not when somebody’s passionate and wrong about an issue, but when people can be overly confident and dismissive of mainstream medicine’s consensus in favor of their own opinion which can often associate with their own financial reward.” Once you have a proper perspective and mindset, you make good decisions for yourself. It's better late than never to embrace your responsibility to find the best method and motivation for you stay true to yourself and progress your health journey. One challenge we all face today is the fight against the modern lifestyle. We used to be hunters and gathers, but today we're consuming high processed foods and sitting around too much at home. An unhealthy lifestyle doesn't only lead to chronic disease, but can impair our daily performance and relationships as well. All the technology in the world won't help you, but you can use the power of technology to fight back against misinformed studies to do your own research. Begin Your Own Research To ensure that you are finding the best information out there, look closely at who this researcher is and what their study is all about. Who are they associated with? Do they declare their method? Do they offer a too good to be true solution? If this source appears to provide a quick fix, be careful. OR Do they have a realistic perspective? Does their method clearly explain how it will help? Is their research comprehensive? Does their campaign have an overall, large framework. Once you've found a legitimate piece of information on health, how can you incorporate it into your daily life? Try to clarify the problem that you're trying to solve. Find the right ideas that can help you. Understand those ideas deeply. Turn those --- Send in a voice message: